Republicans would rather default on US debts than raise taxes on billionaires

It's a good thing that nobody is suggesting that as the way to fix the problem.

Nothing Dims have suggested is any less idiotic. Raising taxes on small business owners is only going to make the recession worse.

Cutting spending and slashing the size of the fucking runaway government is what will solve the problem.

Livin' in a Libertarian Lala Land.....

Only a moron would believe that the way to eliminate the deficit is by increasing borrowing and spending.

Talk about La-la land

I dare you to find a post of mine that says we should increase government spending to eliminate the deficit.
Of course rightwingers are moronic shathead pups, their taxpayer dollars saved the companies of these billionaire "job creators" and these same billionaires are raking in billions in profits yet refuse to created jobs and hire the same taxpayers that bailed their sorry arses out and the Repugs support them. Sick facking people.

Raising taxes to 100% on anyone making over 250K a year will NOT solve the problem you fucking idiot.

Cutting spending and slashing the size of the fucking runaway government is what will solve the problem.

So we can't pay off $14 trillion in debt by just raising taxes?

What are you a rocket scientist? Meanwhille the Bush/Obama tax cuts are adding an additional $2.5 trillion to our debt. With Republicans celebrating cutting $20 mil from NPR and $50 mil from Planned Parenthood, $2.5 trillion comes in handy

Lets make a deal....once the debt is paid off, Billionaires can have their tax breaks back. Maybe then they can actually trickle down some jobs
I dare you to find a post of mine that says we should increase government spending to eliminate the deficit.

Joe Biden, the turd you voted for and defend, said it. Obama opposes making any real cuts to anything.

No one believes drones want to cut anything. Their credibility on that issue is non-existent.
I dare you to find a post of mine that says we should increase government spending to eliminate the deficit.

Joe Biden, the turd you voted for and defend, said it. Obama opposes making any real cuts to anything.

No one believes drones want to cut anything. Their credibility on that issue is non-existent.

What was that? You couldn't find shit?

That's EXACTLY what I thought.

Sit the fuck down.
They are loyal lapdogs aren't they?

Depends on which lap they are sitting in. The GnOP corporate masters are NOT going to let the US default, but the TeaTards don't care.

You almost feel sorry for the Boehner...almost.
So we can't pay off $14 trillion in debt by just raising taxes?

What are you a rocket scientist? Meanwhille the Bush/Obama tax cuts are adding an additional $2.5 trillion to our debt. With Republicans celebrating cutting $20 mil from NPR and $50 mil from Planned Parenthood, $2.5 trillion comes in handy

Even Obama admitted that repealing the Bush tax cuts would mostly affect middle class Americans. Only a fool believes that only billionaires are affected by Democrat tax increases. That's just focus group tested propaganda. The Dims determined that repeating "millionaires and billionaires" over and over again plays well with the Oprah Winfrey set, no matter how idiotic and dishonest it actually is.

Lets make a deal....once the debt is paid off, Billionaires can have their tax breaks back. Maybe then they can actually trickle down some jobs

Here's the deal I'm offering: you can have your tax increases when hell freezes over.
Heard the markets aren't stagnant because of possible taxes, but because the Republicans don't appear to be serious about decreasing the debt. They've painted themselves into a corner and now they're going to OWN anything bad that comes of it. Everyone knows we're not going to get out of this situation by cutting costs alone!!! Who are they trying to fool?
Republicans would rather default on US debts than raise taxes on billionaires

I think it best I calrify the topic of the debate so we can have a real debate about it. It seems the debate was initiated with a "spin" of reality.

I believe what the OP SHOULD have said so as to get an honest debate going is the following:

"republicans believe that increasing taxes on those that we are hoping will create jobs for Americans is a dangerous idea considering the unusually high unemployment rate and would prefer looking into other alternatives in an effort to avoid defaulting on our debts" carry on.
So we can't pay off $14 trillion in debt by just raising taxes?

What are you a rocket scientist? Meanwhille the Bush/Obama tax cuts are adding an additional $2.5 trillion to our debt. With Republicans celebrating cutting $20 mil from NPR and $50 mil from Planned Parenthood, $2.5 trillion comes in handy

Even Obama admitted that repealing the Bush tax cuts would mostly affect middle class Americans. Only a fool believes that only billionaires are affected by Democrat tax increases. That's just focus group tested propaganda. The Dims determined that repeating "millionaires and billionaires" over and over again plays well with the Oprah Winfrey set, no matter how idiotic and dishonest it actually is.

Lets make a deal....once the debt is paid off, Billionaires can have their tax breaks back. Maybe then they can actually trickle down some jobs

Here's the deal I'm offering: you can have your tax increases when hell freezes over.

We have given the wealthiest Americans a tax break for ten years. It hasn't worked. The economy tanked and no jobs were created. It was a noble experiment gone bad...all it did was add to our debt while the super wealthy got wealthier
So we can't pay off $14 trillion in debt by just raising taxes?

What are you a rocket scientist? Meanwhille the Bush/Obama tax cuts are adding an additional $2.5 trillion to our debt. With Republicans celebrating cutting $20 mil from NPR and $50 mil from Planned Parenthood, $2.5 trillion comes in handy

Even Obama admitted that repealing the Bush tax cuts would mostly affect middle class Americans. Only a fool believes that only billionaires are affected by Democrat tax increases. That's just focus group tested propaganda. The Dims determined that repeating "millionaires and billionaires" over and over again plays well with the Oprah Winfrey set, no matter how idiotic and dishonest it actually is.

Lets make a deal....once the debt is paid off, Billionaires can have their tax breaks back. Maybe then they can actually trickle down some jobs

Here's the deal I'm offering: you can have your tax increases when hell freezes over.

We have given the wealthiest Americans a tax break for ten years. It hasn't worked. The economy tanked and no jobs were created. It was a noble experiment gone bad...all it did was add to our debt while the super wealthy got wealthier

Then you can start with all the millionaire Democrats in Congress. You tell them they are TOO wealthy.
Heard the markets aren't stagnant because of possible taxes, but because the Republicans don't appear to be serious about decreasing the debt. They've painted themselves into a corner and now they're going to OWN anything bad that comes of it. Everyone knows we're not going to get out of this situation by cutting costs alone!!! Who are they trying to fool?

They are trying to fool no one.

Whether you agree or not, the GOP beleives that raising taxes on those that create the jobs will stymie job growth at a time when we deperately need job growth.

So they are pushing alternative ideas.

Sure...raising taxes is a no brainer to minimize the debt......

But to do it when unemployment is at 9.2%?

THAT is the real debate....not the spin that the GOP isnt interested in minimizing the debt.

That is pure BS and gets us no where.
So we can't pay off $14 trillion in debt by just raising taxes?

What are you a rocket scientist? Meanwhille the Bush/Obama tax cuts are adding an additional $2.5 trillion to our debt. With Republicans celebrating cutting $20 mil from NPR and $50 mil from Planned Parenthood, $2.5 trillion comes in handy

Even Obama admitted that repealing the Bush tax cuts would mostly affect middle class Americans. Only a fool believes that only billionaires are affected by Democrat tax increases. That's just focus group tested propaganda. The Dims determined that repeating "millionaires and billionaires" over and over again plays well with the Oprah Winfrey set, no matter how idiotic and dishonest it actually is.

Lets make a deal....once the debt is paid off, Billionaires can have their tax breaks back. Maybe then they can actually trickle down some jobs

Here's the deal I'm offering: you can have your tax increases when hell freezes over.

We have given the wealthiest Americans a tax break for ten years. It hasn't worked. The economy tanked and no jobs were created. It was a noble experiment gone bad...all it did was add to our debt while the super wealthy got wealthier
More conservative "voodoo economics" debunked :lol: It's welfare for the rich.

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