Republicans would rather default on US debts than raise taxes on billionaires

Wheres the welfare recipients and those who never paid a tax in their life or paid into social securities shared sacrifice? I would say it's better to cut the benefits of those who never paid for them rather then those who have. Where is your outrage at the lazy?
So would you be for getting rid of the Bush tax cuts, which doubled the number of people paying no income tax to 47%?
Or are you a good little CON$ervative drone who wants to make the Bush tax cuts permanent so you can permanently whine about 47% of the people paying no income tax???

They will whine about the 47% and how that is not FAIR. They will take back the tax cut for the working poor and keep it for billionaires

Is it a crystal ball or a magic eight ball you use?
"Average" Joe's don't make $350,000 a year.

So let's punish them for being above average.

Taxes aren't a punishment.

Being taxed at a higher rate for no other reason than you make more money than someone else is what then?

It's not a benefit is it?

And don't give me that load of shit about rich people getting more from the government when the middle and lower classes use far more government services than as a function of income.
Taxes aren't a punishment.

Then why doesn't everybody pay them in equal proportion?

Good question...why are companies that make a profit, paying less in taxes than the ACTUAL average Joe AND getting government subsidies?

Companies don't get taxed because the people who own them get taxed. Every cent a business earns as net profit gets taxed sooner or later.

I'm all for ending all subsidies
So let's punish them for being above average.

Taxes aren't a punishment.

Being taxed at a higher rate for no other reason than you make more money than someone else is what then?

It's not a benefit is it?

And don't give me that load of shit about rich people getting more from the government when the middle and lower classes use far more government services than as a function of income.

I about choked when I read what they said. Just like Bidens, paying taxes is patriotic.
my gawd.
My memories of Depression 1.0 are what you might call "fond". But those of what it brought about are pigs of a different odor. My father lost his job and my mother waitressed part time so we were pretty well off as things went at the time. Grew up without store-bought toys, television or movies but with a crotchety old console radio somebody had dropped off with us when they went West looking for work. That radio led me to believe that it was normal to have an imagination; close your eyes and see Bobby Benson and The B-bar-B Riders adventuring all over Texas. Superman leaping tall buildings at a single bound gave visions of a fella in a blue union suit zipping over a falling down silo. Tallest we had.

There are a lot of things I guess we just lived without but we didn't notice. We made do with what we had until we'd use it up - never threw away a bottle or can that had even a smidgeon in the bottom. We turned into a generation that knew the value of work and of money. The kind of Nigerian Banker Lottery Scam that suckers in so many rubes today would never have got a dime out of us. Of course biggest we had was a nickle but it wouldn't get that, either. If you wanted a gamble you wouldn't take a flyer on Wall Street. You'd put a penny in a gum ball machine and hope you got the speckled ball that you could turn in for a free Coke (a small free Coke). Or, if you saved that one and got another you might convince the soda jerk to give you a 7-cent size ice cream cone. One scoop.

Now they tell me that if our President doesn't get his way and put the debt limit somewhere North of The Sky, then we'll have another depression.

How would that NOT be a good thing?
Taxes aren't a punishment.

Being taxed at a higher rate for no other reason than you make more money than someone else is what then?

It's not a benefit is it?

And don't give me that load of shit about rich people getting more from the government when the middle and lower classes use far more government services than as a function of income.

I about choked when I read what they said. Just like Bidens, paying taxes is patriotic.
my gawd.

Miss Stephanie, I like that picture you use. But it does raise questions. Is that headpiece AC or DC? And, if it's DC, where does he carry the batteries? Couldn't you have fixed him up with a solar panel?
Now they tell me that if our President doesn't get his way and put the debt limit somewhere North of The Sky, then we'll have another depression.

How would that NOT be a good thing?

Even considering not raising the limit is madness.
Being taxed at a higher rate for no other reason than you make more money than someone else is what then?

It's not a benefit is it?

And don't give me that load of shit about rich people getting more from the government when the middle and lower classes use far more government services than as a function of income.

I about choked when I read what they said. Just like Bidens, paying taxes is patriotic.
my gawd.

Miss Stephanie, I like that picture you use. But it does raise questions. Is that headpiece AC or DC? And, if it's DC, where does he carry the batteries? Couldn't you have fixed him up with a solar panel?

very clever and funny my dear.:wink_2:
Oh yawn, and you don't know my party affiliation so stop PRETENDING you do.
Now carry on patting yourself on the back. You're boring me.

I said nothing of party affiliation I said you were very informed. Welcome to the information age where you ignore information. What an awesome citizen you are!

oh really?
Behold the Informed Curious Republican

And I take in what information interest me and I find might be useful. Bill Sammon isn't one of them. So now I'm off again cause you bore me.. see ya

Well I'm telling you Bill Sammon hands out talking points to all Fox News Anchors. That the same thing you were outraged about when you said the DNC does it without proof. So dont say you never heard it before. I assume youre outraged at Sammon now huh?

No...of course not. Made up stories in your head make you madder than facts oh informed one
I said nothing of party affiliation I said you were very informed. Welcome to the information age where you ignore information. What an awesome citizen you are!

oh really?
Behold the Informed Curious Republican

And I take in what information interest me and I find might be useful. Bill Sammon isn't one of them. So now I'm off again cause you bore me.. see ya

Well I'm telling you Bill Sammon hands out talking points to all Fox News Anchors. That the same thing you were outraged about when you said the DNC does it without proof. So dont say you never heard it before. I assume youre outraged at Sammon now huh?

No...of course not. Made up stories in your head make you madder than facts oh informed one

So let's punish them for being above average.

Taxes aren't a punishment.

Being taxed at a higher rate for no other reason than you make more money than someone else is what then?

It's not a benefit is it?

And don't give me that load of shit about rich people getting more from the government when the middle and lower classes use far more government services than as a function of income.

The rich receive far more benefit from our tax revenue than any welfare queen. We can start with the entire military presence abroad being used to protect the investments of the super wealthy
Hasn't it been 12 years now? How many jobs did the Bush tax cuts create? Oh yeah...none.

I would think you know better than that.
Unemployment was at very acceptable and stable numbers for years following the Bush Cuts.


1) an increase in the work force
2) decrease of needed head count due to increase in technology...i.e. research departments eliminated by search engines; mailrooms minimized by email; graphiocs departments minimized due to advanced copiers; receptionists minimized by voice mail; customer service minimized by touch tone response
3) the tens thousands of people who hit the job market due to the dot com bubble burst
What planet are you on???
Clinton handed Bush a stable 3.9% UE rate for the whole year of 2000 and Bush handed Obama a 7.6% UE rate that was skyrocketing at the time. Bush doubled the stable Clinton UE and passed a UE that would have doubled again if Obama had not slammed on the brakes.

Let me state that I am not an Obama supporter.

But the persons who caused the disruption were Chairman Ben Bernanke and his predecessor Alan Greenspan.

Further evidence that an economy like the US should not be centrally planned or controlled.

Ben Bernanke Was Incredibly, Uncannily Wrong
Ben Bernanke Was Incredibly, Uncannily Wrong - Daniel James Sanchez - Mises Daily
Taxes aren't a punishment.

Being taxed at a higher rate for no other reason than you make more money than someone else is what then?

It's not a benefit is it?

And don't give me that load of shit about rich people getting more from the government when the middle and lower classes use far more government services than as a function of income.

The rich receive far more benefit from our tax revenue than any welfare queen. We can start with the entire military presence abroad being used to protect the investments of the super wealthy

So the entire military presence of the USA is being used to protect the super wealthy?

I'll agree that we should not have a military presence anywhere in the world except on our own borders but to say that our bases in Germany and S.Korea etc are there to protect the super wealthy is a bit much.
Being taxed at a higher rate for no other reason than you make more money than someone else is what then?

It's not a benefit is it?

And don't give me that load of shit about rich people getting more from the government when the middle and lower classes use far more government services than as a function of income.

The rich receive far more benefit from our tax revenue than any welfare queen. We can start with the entire military presence abroad being used to protect the investments of the super wealthy

So the entire military presence of the USA is being used to protect the super wealthy?

I'll agree that we should not have a military presence anywhere in the world except on our own borders but to say that our bases in Germany and S.Korea etc are there to protect the super wealthy is a bit much.

The military is in Libya for investment purposes., but no one said the bases in Germany and Korea are.
Wheres the welfare recipients and those who never paid a tax in their life or paid into social securities shared sacrifice? I would say it's better to cut the benefits of those who never paid for them rather then those who have. Where is your outrage at the lazy?
So would you be for getting rid of the Bush tax cuts, which doubled the number of people paying no income tax to 47%?
Or are you a good little CON$ervative drone who wants to make the Bush tax cuts permanent so you can permanently whine about 47% of the people paying no income tax???

They will whine about the 47% and how that is not FAIR. They will take back the tax cut for the working poor and keep it for billionaires

Lower taxes for the rich isn't going to benefit the rightwingtards in this forum so why they advocate for the rich harder than the rich do for themselves is retarded.
The rich receive far more benefit from our tax revenue than any welfare queen. We can start with the entire military presence abroad being used to protect the investments of the super wealthy

So the entire military presence of the USA is being used to protect the super wealthy?

I'll agree that we should not have a military presence anywhere in the world except on our own borders but to say that our bases in Germany and S.Korea etc are there to protect the super wealthy is a bit much.

The military is in Libya for investment purposes., but no one said the bases in Germany and Korea are.

If you bothered to read RW's post you'd realize he said our entire military presence abroad is there to protect the super wealthy.

The word entire is defined as having no element or part left out. So you see Right winger did indeed say that all of our military presence is there to protect the super wealthy including that in Germany, S. Korea or any other place for that matter.
Being taxed at a higher rate for no other reason than you make more money than someone else is what then?

It's not a benefit is it?

And don't give me that load of shit about rich people getting more from the government when the middle and lower classes use far more government services than as a function of income.

The rich receive far more benefit from our tax revenue than any welfare queen. We can start with the entire military presence abroad being used to protect the investments of the super wealthy

So the entire military presence of the USA is being used to protect the super wealthy?

I'll agree that we should not have a military presence anywhere in the world except on our own borders but to say that our bases in Germany and S.Korea etc are there to protect the super wealthy is a bit much.

Yes...Joe six-pack does not care what happens in some country on the other side of the world

The super wealthy like stability in the global markets. Makes for more revenue
The rich receive far more benefit from our tax revenue than any welfare queen. We can start with the entire military presence abroad being used to protect the investments of the super wealthy

So the entire military presence of the USA is being used to protect the super wealthy?

I'll agree that we should not have a military presence anywhere in the world except on our own borders but to say that our bases in Germany and S.Korea etc are there to protect the super wealthy is a bit much.

The military is in Libya for investment purposes., but no one said the bases in Germany and Korea are.

Germany can take care of itself. We have a vested interest in the economy of South Korea, they are a lynchpin of the Asian markets ant we don't want to see them toppled

If we had two economies of the strength of North Korea, we would not give a shit about what happens in Korea

War is about money, always has been. We make up glorious stories about why we are fighting, but it is really about money
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They are loyal lapdogs aren't they?


Speaking about "lap dogs" about the "lap dogs" and lemmings like you who should know by now who the mendacious Obummer is and are STILL plummeting offa the cliff for the slimy politico.

There is no way anyone can convince a certified Obamarrhoidal stooge, and a run-of-the-mill idiot that Obummer is what I, and those who are rational, know what a contemptible politico this phenomenom is.

All that I state may be verified from Obummer's own book: "DREAMS FROM MY FATHER", and his actions voluminously documented in the National Media.

Obummer admits that his mother was an established Marxist as well as her father, Obambo's grandfather, who got him his Commie Mentor, described in his book as "FRANK".....who turns out to be Frank Marshall Davis, a notorious Commie Poet in that era and the one that tried to convert the NAACP into a Commie Front but failed.

Obummer's father (from his own book) was an established Marxist, and a falling down drunk that absconded to Kenya to his other wives, and who got killed in a car accident whilst soaked up in alchohol....his usual state of being.

Shortly before Obami Salaami's Presidential Campaign, this Marxist Ideologue, Obami, paid a visit to his cousin, Marxist & Muslim RAILA ODINGA known throughout Africa as the "African Stalin". Odinga was also reported by our Foreign Service officers as being a Rapist & MUrderer having slaughtered over 100,000 Kenyan men, women, and children whilst being the head of the Commie/Muslim Orange Democratic Party. Obami Salaami is photo-oped with this MONSTER....arm in arm, smiling at one of Odinga's rallies. And, again, photo-oped with this same PSYCHO at the family gathering (all Muslim/Commies) in his famous African Garb.....yes, with Raila Odinga....again, arm in arm, smiling.

If that is not enough, this fraud, has the most leftist Senatorial Record in Senatorial History being left of even the Democratic Moral Icon.....The Chappaquidick Murderer....Fatso Ted Kennedy....may he rot in Hell.

Naturally Obami Salaami can't declare himself a Marxist because the average American would probably urinate on this monumental fraud......but with that background and his socialist actions there is no doubt that Obummer is a MARXIST.

Also, let's not forget that Obummer was the shining star as an employee in the Criminal Enterprise ACORN where he was a "Community Organizer".....synonymous with what is more commonly called a RABBLE ROUSER.

Obambo's "somewhat disreputable" background gets worse: Obami had, literally, a meteoric rise in the Most Notoriously Corrupt Political Machine in our Nation: The Chicago Political Machine ruled with an iron fist by the Commie/Mafia Thugs without whose OK not a single appointment for even a dog-catcher could be made. Obummer's political endeavor was aided greatly by his ACORN colleague, and buddy, the Commie Thug Bill Ayers, who is/was an Unrepentant Homicidal Maniacal Commie Terrorist from whose home Obummer launched his Senatorial Career.

Racist ??? Of course he is a racist. In his own book, mentioned above, he states that his mommy hated her own race, and inculcated him with her preference for people of colour. Plus, his unmistakable knee-jerk racial reaction re the Racist Prof against the arresting cop, plus his numerous actions and defenses supporting the Most STUPID Attorney General in the History of America, Erik Holder who defended the Black Panthers wielding clubs at the polling place. And, of course to top everything.....being a parishioner of the Black Racist Whackjob Wright's Cathedral of Hate for over TWENTY YEARS !!! Also..... being declared a Messiah by the Most Notorious Black Racist and Anti-Semite in the History of America, the Psycho Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam at one of the crowded Muslim Rallies during the Presidential Campaigns.

All this is among other declarations in his book about favouring Islam and defending that fucked up "religion" to the last. Thus, one gets a very clear understanding of Obummer's predilection for the Muslims.......his hatred of Israel, and constant appeasement and the new desire to initiate talks with the Muslim Botherhood. The Obambo Administration has CAIR, an IslamoFascist Front, created by two Hamas leaders, give lectures to our Govt employees and Military as the "Moderate Voice of Islam". Having his Home Security Stooge Janet Incompetano hire top level CAIR apparatchiks into top level jobs with the Home Security. Plus the info on Imam Rauf in my signature statement. That should convince even the most stupid of Obummer's position w/r/t the fucking Muslims.

Illegal Immigrants....not that Obummer gives a shit about the Mexicans and Latinos. But he is selling America out, and Latinizing America into a Third World Country with his proposed "Dream Act" of granting amnesty to the wetbacks, and supporting the Mexican Drug Cartels at the expense of the citizens of the Southern Border States, especially Arizona.

All the above is obviously evident to anyone rational living in America except, of course, the dimwits and Obamarrhoidal idiots that are abundant in Hopey Changey America.

A more recent overall evaluation of the Monumental Fraud Obummer, masquerading as the President of the United States, is perceptively stated by the noted political analyst Larry Elder.

The following is the link to his article:
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