Repubs go back to not reading "certain" bills

They worked out a back room budget, rammed it through Congress, and the ink from printing was barely dry when Obama put his pen to paper. Having watched hours and hours and hours of the budget debate in subcommittee about year ago I applaud this budget getting signed. I believe it is pretty much the best budget this country could have gotten.

except for this part, from the link:
This was an ugly and gargantuan spending bill, cutting vital programs while sending goodies to well-connected industries.
They worked out a back room budget, rammed it through Congress, and the ink from printing was barely dry when Obama put his pen to paper. Having watched hours and hours and hours of the budget debate in subcommittee about year ago I applaud this budget getting signed. I believe it is pretty much the best budget this country could have gotten.

except for this part, from the link:
This was an ugly and gargantuan spending bill, cutting vital programs while sending goodies to well-connected industries.

Listening to draconian cuts the Republicans wanted relatively speaking they got nothing. After all one of the two names on the bill was 'Ryan'. This budget might presented as a win for either side but Ryan got ran over with a truck on this one. Strategically speaking neither side benefits from a 'victory' on the budget however. Just as you cited a loss is much more powerful.
Why bother reading or acting upon any proposed legislation when Your New Messiah will simply implement what He chooses by executive order?

oh looky. A rw lie. I'm shocked, I tell you. Just shocked.

Obama: Fewest Executive Orders in Over 100 Years -- Daily Intelligencer

They worked out a back room budget, rammed it through Congress, and the ink from printing was barely dry when Obama put his pen to paper. Having watched hours and hours and hours of the budget debate in subcommittee about year ago I applaud this budget getting signed. I believe it is pretty much the best budget this country could have gotten.

except for this part, from the link:
This was an ugly and gargantuan spending bill, cutting vital programs while sending goodies to well-connected industries.

Listening to draconian cuts the Republicans wanted relatively speaking they got nothing. After all one of the two names on the bill was 'Ryan'. This budget might presented as a win for either side but Ryan got ran over with a truck on this one. Strategically speaking neither side benefits from a 'victory' on the budget however. Just as you cited a loss is much more powerful.

Ryan?? That traitor can always get a job ... elsewhere.

They worked out a back room budget, rammed it through Congress, and the ink from printing was barely dry when Obama put his pen to paper. Having watched hours and hours and hours of the budget debate in subcommittee about year ago I applaud this budget getting signed. I believe it is pretty much the best budget this country could have gotten.

except for this part, from the link:
This was an ugly and gargantuan spending bill, cutting vital programs while sending goodies to well-connected industries.

Listening to draconian cuts the Republicans wanted relatively speaking they got nothing. After all one of the two names on the bill was 'Ryan'. This budget might presented as a win for either side but Ryan got ran over with a truck on this one. Strategically speaking neither side benefits from a 'victory' on the budget however. Just as you cited a loss is much more powerful.

you are correct. I almost forgot that it did away w/ the sequester as well.
They worked out a back room budget, rammed it through Congress, and the ink from printing was barely dry when Obama put his pen to paper. Having watched hours and hours and hours of the budget debate in subcommittee about year ago I applaud this budget getting signed. I believe it is pretty much the best budget this country could have gotten.

Which may or may not be true, but what does it say about the phoney promises of those who campaigned against this type of thing? The reformist Republicans?
:up: their own :eusa_whistle:

Dana Milbank: D.C. returns to business as usual - The Washington Post
A very different Republican Party rushed a massive spending bill through the House on Wednesday, just 44 hours after it was posted. The bill was 1,582 pages and accompanying explanatory statements added 1,278 more, which means lawmakers had less than a minute to read each page, even if they didn’t sleep.


Who wants to discuss far left hypocrisy, certainly not the far left.

Then again the far left continued to ram certain bills through congress like the stimulus, that not many read, then there is Oabamcare that had to be passed so we could find out what is in it.

“Every week we don’t pass a Stimulus package, 500 million Americans lose their jobs.”

“Unemployment benefits are creating jobs faster than practically any other program”

“We have to pass the (health care) bill so you can find out what is in it”.

Yep the hypocrisy of the far left Obama drones is well known worldwide.
:up: their own :eusa_whistle:

Dana Milbank: D.C. returns to business as usual - The Washington Post
A very different Republican Party rushed a massive spending bill through the House on Wednesday, just 44 hours after it was posted. The bill was 1,582 pages and accompanying explanatory statements added 1,278 more, which means lawmakers had less than a minute to read each page, even if they didn’t sleep.


Who wants to discuss far left hypocrisy, certainly not the far left.

Then again the far left continued to ram certain bills through congress like the stimulus, that not many read, then there is Oabamcare that had to be passed so we could find out what is in it.

“Every week we don’t pass a Stimulus package, 500 million Americans lose their jobs.”

“Unemployment benefits are creating jobs faster than practically any other program”

“We have to pass the (health care) bill so you can find out what is in it”.

Yep the hypocrisy of the far left Obama drones is well known worldwide.

Everything Democrats are trying to do is in answer to failed GOP economic, domestic and foreign policies. You know that right?
Boehner: Judge Congress by how many laws it repeals, not passes - NBC Politics

And how many laws have the Republicans "repealed"?????




More far left propaganda, but then again Harry Reid has allowed the least amount of bills to be voted on in history.

In one sentence, you call the truth far left propaganda and then kind of admit it's the truth. Harry is in the Senate. John isn't. Try to figure out why.

some other rw'er was making the same mistake as Kosh the other week :D Getting the House & Senate mixed-up :p Low-information rw'ers :(

As to my OP, Repubs were against it before they are for it. :thup:
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:up: their own :eusa_whistle:

Dana Milbank: D.C. returns to business as usual - The Washington Post
A very different Republican Party rushed a massive spending bill through the House on Wednesday, just 44 hours after it was posted. The bill was 1,582 pages and accompanying explanatory statements added 1,278 more, which means lawmakers had less than a minute to read each page, even if they didn’t sleep.


You.... You are going to give Republicans chit for not reading bills they pass? Is this for real? Did you start a single thread on it when Democrats did it with some of the most destructive, expensive and divisive bills? ... like Obamacare for example.

And you can honestly sit there and claim your party (that in no arrogant way includes you) is the intellectual and educated party?

Fuck both the Dems and the Reps, they both have destroyed this nation with blatant corruption when it comes to passing bills they don't know fuck about. How do you think the nation got 17 trillion in debt, because Republicans ran on higher debts and deficits or Democrats ran on higher debts and deficit?

Odd, isn't it?
Boehner: Judge Congress by how many laws it repeals, not passes - NBC Politics

And how many laws have the Republicans "repealed"?????




More far left propaganda, but then again Harry Reid has allowed the least amount of bills to be voted on in history.

Man, if Rtard had the ability to read all the quotes that Obama/Biden and other popular Dems said that they later contradicted, and then hold them accountable he would feel real stupid right about now... But Rtard is hyper partisan and lacks integrity.
There is no point in reading or passing anything anymore. The Imposter-in-Chief will only authorize enforcement of any of his own edicts and bugger any law that might come along.

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