Repubs have gotten a pass for way too long...

Bill Clintion had 8 years, you telling me he never changed Reagans policies?

Obama has 8 years. You telling me he never changed Reagan's policies?

Man. Seems your guys really fucked the shit out of you, and you loved them for it.

Also, these statues were standing for many decades, and yet, nobody ever tried to remove them during the 8 years of DumBama or Clinton............... Hmmmm.
Bill Clintion had 8 years, you telling me he never changed Reagans policies?

Obama has 8 years. You telling me he never changed Reagan's policies?

Man. Seems your guys really fucked the shit out of you, and you loved them for it.

Also, these statues were standing for many decades, and yet, nobody ever tried to remove them during the 8 years of DumBama or Clinton............... Hmmmm.

Or even during the turbulent 60s
It's the racist/anti-poor/pander to the rich GOP that refuses cheap college and training for the nonrich, and actively discriminates against them every day.

Name anybody in the GOP that refused college to people. Or did you mean refuse to send people to college for free and send somebody else the bill or increase our already ridiculous debt?
Al the GOP has EVER done is make loans more expensive and block training programs that Dems want, dupe. And change laws so their pals can start scam online colleges and screw returning GIs. Great job. They cut taxes on the rich and doubled public U costs just under W. Change the gd channel. Do you listen to Rush all day? You remind me of my best friend who's BECOME Rush Limbaugh the last 30 years...

Strange. I didn't think you had any intelligent friends.

As for loans, who took over school loans in his administration? I'll give you a hint: large ears.

Anybody can get a job and work for a few years to save up for college. Anybody can apply for college loans (particularly the poor) and repay those loans after they graduate and secure a job. Most people can enlist in our military and take advantage of their education benefits.

The problem with the poor is not college, the problem is our public schools that failed them so they can't make it in college free or not.
So cut taxes on the rich and fed aid to states! Good job! lol. Yes, Obama cut the price of loans as much as possible. Obstructed. Let's make EVERYTHING as hard as possible and see how that works!
Bill Clintion had 8 years, you telling me he never changed Reagans policies?

Obama has 8 years. You telling me he never changed Reagan's policies?

Man. Seems your guys really fucked the shit out of you, and you loved them for it.

Also, these statues were standing for many decades, and yet, nobody ever tried to remove them during the 8 years of DumBama or Clinton............... Hmmmm.

Or even during the turbulent 60s
This is much worse than the 60s.
They've been playing their "southern strategy" for way too long. Always disavowing racism and bigotry and then turning a blind eye to the bigots in their party.

When will the Republican Party unequivocally state that racist, Klansmen, neo-Nazis, neo-Confederates, anti-Semites and the like are not welcome in their party?

When in the hell will they kick them out?

They'll call out Nazis because that is the safest group to call out that exists. They will do everything they can to avoid talking about the everyday racists that still exist in the South because that IS their base. Without that they win no states.
Without black and brown supremacists you lose California.
Democrats and liberals/progressives do not defend neo-Confederates, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, white supremacists and the like and there has never been a political strategy in the Democratic Party to attract them. They are not welcome.

Republicans however do.

By the way, claiming that people with whom you disagree politically to be "brown fascists" is intellectually dishonest. But dishonesty is a way of life for ReTrumplicans now!

I'm looking, but can't find any dumbcrat trying to get all those things named after Robert Byrd destroyed.

Get to work Son, your looking stupid
Because it's true. You guys demonize good things. Blm, occupy wallstreet, planned Parenthood.

Blm formed because the cops have open season on blacks and white America doesn't seem to care
It's the racist/anti-poor/pander to the rich GOP that refuses cheap college and training for the nonrich, and actively discriminates against them every day.

Name anybody in the GOP that refused college to people. Or did you mean refuse to send people to college for free and send somebody else the bill or increase our already ridiculous debt?
Al the GOP has EVER done is make loans more expensive and block training programs that Dems want, dupe. And change laws so their pals can start scam online colleges and screw returning GIs. Great job. They cut taxes on the rich and doubled public U costs just under W. Change the gd channel. Do you listen to Rush all day? You remind me of my best friend who's BECOME Rush Limbaugh the last 30 years...

Strange. I didn't think you had any intelligent friends.

As for loans, who took over school loans in his administration? I'll give you a hint: large ears.

Anybody can get a job and work for a few years to save up for college. Anybody can apply for college loans (particularly the poor) and repay those loans after they graduate and secure a job. Most people can enlist in our military and take advantage of their education benefits.

The problem with the poor is not college, the problem is our public schools that failed them so they can't make it in college free or not.
So cut taxes on the rich and fed aid to states! Good job! lol. Yes, Obama cut the price of loans as much as possible. Obstructed. Let's make EVERYTHING as hard as possible and see how that works!

He did? Then how did we end up with more loan defaults than ever before? Good job DumBama.
Because it's true. You guys demonize good things. Blm, occupy wallstreet, planned Parenthood.

Blm formed because the cops have open season on blacks and white America doesn't seem to care

BLM formed because of people ignorant to our laws In this country. BLM who called for the murder of police officers is not a good thing. Occupy Wall Street where people hung out raping women, destroying public and private property, selling and using illegal narcotics and leaving areas in shambles was not a good thing. Planned Parenthood who provides murders of tens of thousands of babies is not a good thing.

So what is your definition of a good thing?
They've been playing their "southern strategy" for way too long. Always disavowing racism and bigotry and then turning a blind eye to the bigots in their party.

When will the Republican Party unequivocally state that racist, Klansmen, neo-Nazis, neo-Confederates, anti-Semites and the like are not welcome in their party?

When in the hell will they kick them out?
People would take you more seriously if the Democrats had not been exposed by their own leaked e-mails as being racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites...
It's the racist/anti-poor/pander to the rich GOP that refuses cheap college and training for the nonrich, and actively discriminates against them every day.

Name anybody in the GOP that refused college to people. Or did you mean refuse to send people to college for free and send somebody else the bill or increase our already ridiculous debt?
Al the GOP has EVER done is make loans more expensive and block training programs that Dems want, dupe. And change laws so their pals can start scam online colleges and screw returning GIs. Great job. They cut taxes on the rich and doubled public U costs just under W. Change the gd channel. Do you listen to Rush all day? You remind me of my best friend who's BECOME Rush Limbaugh the last 30 years...

Strange. I didn't think you had any intelligent friends.

As for loans, who took over school loans in his administration? I'll give you a hint: large ears.

Anybody can get a job and work for a few years to save up for college. Anybody can apply for college loans (particularly the poor) and repay those loans after they graduate and secure a job. Most people can enlist in our military and take advantage of their education benefits.

The problem with the poor is not college, the problem is our public schools that failed them so they can't make it in college free or not.
So cut taxes on the rich and fed aid to states! Good job! lol. Yes, Obama cut the price of loans as much as possible. Obstructed. Let's make EVERYTHING as hard as possible and see how that works!

He did? Then how did we end up with more loan defaults than ever before? Good job DumBama.
Little GOP depression? LOL! So many GOP scam online U's?
Because it's true. You guys demonize good things. Blm, occupy wallstreet, planned Parenthood.

Blm formed because the cops have open season on blacks and white America doesn't seem to care

BLM formed because of people ignorant to our laws In this country. BLM who called for the murder of police officers is not a good thing. Occupy Wall Street where people hung out raping women, destroying public and private property, selling and using illegal narcotics and leaving areas in shambles was not a good thing. Planned Parenthood who provides murders of tens of thousands of babies is not a good thing.

So what is your definition of a good thing?
They were or are all good things. We're overpopulated and people who want kids are shitty parents so imagine these people raising kids they didn't want.

Wallstreet fucked us remember? Rape? Fake news.

Murdering police? Out of context?
They've been playing their "southern strategy" for way too long. Always disavowing racism and bigotry and then turning a blind eye to the bigots in their party.

When will the Republican Party unequivocally state that racist, Klansmen, neo-Nazis, neo-Confederates, anti-Semites and the like are not welcome in their party?

When in the hell will they kick them out?
People would take you more seriously if the Democrats had not been exposed by their own leaked e-mails as being racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites...
We don't need to see your emails to know you're those things.

You don't like leaks but like Russia hackers??!
They've been playing their "southern strategy" for way too long. Always disavowing racism and bigotry and then turning a blind eye to the bigots in their party.

When will the Republican Party unequivocally state that racist, Klansmen, neo-Nazis, neo-Confederates, anti-Semites and the like are not welcome in their party?

When in the hell will they kick them out?
People would take you more seriously if the Democrats had not been exposed by their own leaked e-mails as being racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites...
What a load of spun out of reality crap that Hacked by the Russians you mean?
Bill Clintion had 8 years, you telling me he never changed Reagans policies?

Obama has 8 years. You telling me he never changed Reagan's policies?

Man. Seems your guys really fucked the shit out of you, and you loved them for it.

Also, these statues were standing for many decades, and yet, nobody ever tried to remove them during the 8 years of DumBama or Clinton............... Hmmmm.

Or even during the turbulent 60s
This is much worse than the 60s.
VIETNAM?? That's when Reagan started the ruin of our free/cheap public U system. Great job, a-holes and ignorant dupes. That and your propaganda machine and we get this mess...
No it wasn't

Keep up- according to the latest report it was an inside job, data downloaded on a USB, no 'Russian Hacker'. Even the liberal media has already abandoned the lie...

Where the hell do you get your news, InfoWars? LOL!
No, that's where MSNBC and snowflakes get THEIR news, as MSNBC proved by trying to use the neo-nazi web site as a 'legitimate' news source... :p

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