Repubs realize they guarantee midterms will be referendum on trump and his big lie.

Dude, or maybe chick, you FAIL!

Trump is NOT on the ballot. You and friends who support what you have done are.

It is more than obvious you want to make this about a man NOT on the ballot, when in reality, it is about those who are; like your friends and benefactors.

If you win, you are BRILLIANT! But, we are not going to let you make a false case-)

This is a very small sliver of the electorate, sad but true. If it was 20% watching these threads, your side would be hosed, lol.

I refuse to say we are going to win, but if we do, it is NOT because we won, it is because your side is a bunch of LOSERS!
You think Hershal Walker's campaign has nothing to do with trump?
Candy colored fentynal will go away soon. certainly after Halloween. It's really not a special problem unto itself. It's just a placeholder to keep the crazies riled up. It's important to keep them excited every minute so they don't lose interest. If they lose nterest, you might not get them back.
If one of my grandkids dies because of candy colored fentanyl, I will be pissed to say the least. In fact I will be pissed if ANY kids die after taking the deadly drug thinking it was just candy.

If you consider that just makes me one of the crazies then I will suggest you lack the compassion most good people have for our youth.
1. Biden shut down the KeystoneXL pipeline, losing about 500,000 bbls a day.
2. Biden shut down ANWR. So all that oil is just sitting there.
3, Biden's war on energy is just starting to bite him on the ass. Not enough electricity for EVs, and crazy gas prices.
4. Helicopter Joe's runaway inflation means that the Fed needs to raise interest rates a lot more, killing the stock market.
5. Voter's 401ks are getting hammered by the dem's loose money policies. Are you better off now than 4-years ago.
6. 75% of voters say the US is on the wrong track.

November will show how smart voters are based on the definition of "insanity". (voting the same way over and over...)
But.....but....BUT.....ORANGE MAN BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Candy colored fentynal will go away soon. certainly after Halloween. It's really not a special problem unto itself. It's just a placeholder to keep the crazies riled up. It's important to keep them excited every minute so they don't lose interest. If they lose nterest, you might not get them back.
How do you know it will go away soon, Dumbass?

Is your Vegetable Messiah gonna do a 180 and actually honor his oath of office and secure our border?
If one of my grandkids dies because of candy colored fentanyl, I will be pissed to say the least. In fact I will be pissed if ANY kids die after taking the deadly drug thinking it was just candy.

If you consider that just makes me one of the crazies then I will suggest you lack the compassion most good people have for our youth.
If I had a grandchild die from colored fentanyl, I would be pissed too, but it's not a halloween candy problem any more than the hystarics caused by stories of razer blades in Apples so many years ago. Silly to be so worried about something with so little to need for worry.
How do you know it will go away soon, Dumbass?

Is your Vegetable Messiah gonna do a 180 and actually honor his oath of office and secure our border?
I'll check back with you after Halloween.
If I had a grandchild die from colored fentanyl, I would be pissed too, but it's not a halloween candy problem any more than the hystarics caused by stories of razer blades in Apples so many years ago. Silly to be so worried about something with so little to need for worry.
You have a minor point. Fentanyl is the problem, and it is unlikely that Biden's illegals profiting from smuggling it into the U.S. give it away as a Halloween treat to kids.

Parents should never give their children or allow children to eat candy collected from strangers after dark. It's absurd. 364 days of the year, we tell our children never to talk to strangers and are especial wary about our little girls being around strangers (non-Democrats are anyway). Then one day a year, we let them dress in often suggestive costumes and send them knocking on doors.
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Are you really that stupid? You think it's a dumb thing to say people have died from fentanyl? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Of course people have died from fentanyl. The idea that colored fentanyl is being used to trick people into becoming addicted is just nuts.
No dumb ass. You were led to. 81 million is the real number.

No, it's not.

13 million of those votes are entirely unaccountable, and don't add up using even the simplest math.

There's going to be an investigation. A big one. Wide, far reaching. We're going to turn over every rock and find every commie leftard hiding under it
No, it's not.

13 million of those votes are entirely unaccountable, and don't add up using even the simplest math.

There's going to be an investigation. A big one. Wide, far reaching. We're going to turn over every rock and find every commie leftard hiding under it
You're gonna rant and rave and pitch a silly tantrum like always.
You know that's a really dumb thing to say, don't you?

Yeah, I guess I learned it from other dumb people. Boy don't I feel stupid!

WASHINGTON – The Drug Enforcement Administration is advising the public of an alarming emerging trend of colorful fentanyl available across the United States. In August 2022, DEA and our law enforcement partners seized brightly-colored fentanyl and fentanyl pills in 18 states. Dubbed “rainbow fentanyl” in the media, this trend appears to be a new method used by drug cartels to sell highly addictive and potentially deadly fentanyl made to look like candy to children and young people.

"Martin was adorable. Fun, funny, charming," Judie Heitzman said.

Heitzman of Dallas never shied away from a tough conversation with her son about drugs. But she never knew to talk to him about fentanyl until he died from it at age 23.

"He had no idea that he was going to die that night. Had he known about fentanyl, I know my son, he would have been more careful," she said.

According to the DEA, the rainbow colors could lead children to mistake them for candy and make them more appealing to young people. It takes much less for someone, including children, to overdose or die. Even a tiny amount, around two milligrams, of fentanyl can kill.

The Moon Bats think the issue of abortion will carry the day for them but they are sadly mistaken. The hateful Feminazis are all bent out of shape because of Roe V Wade being overturned but those bitches were never going to vote for Republicans anyhow.

Inflation, recession, Illegals, reduced family income, high cost of energy, crashing stock market, etc will spell doom for the party in charge of the House, Senate and White House.
The Moon Bats think the issue of abortion will carry the day for them but they are sadly mistaken. The hateful Feminazis are all bent out of shape because of Roe V Wade being overturned but those bitches were never going to vote Republican anyhow.

Abortion doesn't affect a large group of people, and younger people are less likely to vote in the first place. On the other hand older people, especially those that were counting on their IRA for retirement this year and next (like my sister) are likely to be very pissed. Older people are more likely to vote than younger people.
Abortion doesn't affect a large group of people, and younger people are less likely to vote in the first place. On the other hand older people, especially those that were counting on their IRA for retirement this year and next (like my sister) are likely to be very pissed. Older people are more likely to vote than younger people.
I am constantly amazed at the lack of knowledge of younger people nowadays. For instance I recently talked to a mid 20s girl who had a MA who had never heard of the Alamo.
After so many of the right's steadfast and consistent leaders have been primaried in favor of those whose support for trump is stronger, those primary winners have no choice but to continue campaigning in praise of trump. In many cases, their support of trump is the only thing that allowed them to win their primaries. Can you see somebody like Hershal Walker, whose childish remarks have included his claim that we have enough trees, and some silliness about swapping air between the US and China, coming up with a coherant reason to vote republican, other than for the only reason he won his primary? Of course, there is Liz Cheney, who won her last election with 75% of the vote, and had a long history of being a leading conservative voice for her constiuants, but she was kicked out for not kissing trump's ass often enough. The right desperately wants to make the coming election about all the silly claims about Biden's age, but the die is cast. It will be about trump, and his bizarre lies, and it's too late to change that.

Liberal Dictionary:
the right's steadfast and consistent leaders - RINOs.

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