Repubs realize they guarantee midterms will be referendum on trump and his big lie.

I think Democrats encourage division. Do you think it might be causing division to label parents "terrorists"?
Another lie. Parents who make terroristic threats at school board meetings are terrorists.
Yes. That's what is so disgusting about MAGAs. They believe everything he says.

Let's see. We have an FBI that lied to a FISA court to get information on a Democrat opponent. The FBI got a warrant to search homes for the Presidents daughters diary which petty theft is a local issue--not a federal one. The same FBI refused to take any action on a Presidents law breaking son until recently just before a midterms election. They even stopped FaceBook from allowing posts of his son calling it Russian disinformation so that Biden could win. But we should consider our government trustworthy?
People have died from that shit or don't you pay attention to the news? The idea of candy fentantyl is to get more people hooked without them knowing they're taking it.
The idea is to kill children. It is given to young children whose juvenile physical condition will not tolerate any amount of powerful narcotic. If they refuse the candy, colored fentanyl can be pressed into what looks like sidewalk chalk where it can be absorbed through the skin or the dust breathed.
The idea is to kill children. It is given to young children whose juvenile physical condition will not tolerate any amount of powerful narcotic. If they refuse the candy, colored fentanyl can be pressed into what looks like sidewalk chalk where it can be absorbed through the skin or the dust breathed.
You are sick.
Abortion doesn't affect a large group of people, and younger people are less likely to vote in the first place. On the other hand older people, especially those that were counting on their IRA for retirement this year and next (like my sister) are likely to be very pissed. Older people are more likely to vote than younger people.
The abortion hysteria is fading as women are realizing that abortion isn't banned after all.
The abortion hysteria is fading as women are realizing that abortion isn't banned after all.

Correct, the ban affects very few people. In most cases the states didn't change their abortion requirements after Roe. The Democrats Fd up trying to push the abortion issue like they have with the 1/6th issue which most don't care about nearly two years later.
If I had a grandchild die from colored fentanyl, I would be pissed too, but it's not a halloween candy problem any more than the hystarics caused by stories of razer blades in Apples so many years ago. Silly to be so worried about something with so little to need for worry.
So why are the law enforcement agencies warning us about the possibility? Note the link that follows is from our wonderful liberal media not Fox News.


Examples of brightly-colored fentanyl cubes resembling sidewalk chalk that is being seized by the DEA.
MAGA - the revenge party. Just like every tinpot dictator.
Fuck you. You're one to talk, smelling up Melania's panties.

Yeah, no shit. Call it whatever you want, revenge or whatever other crazy word pops into your head. I don't care what you call it

I told you, Stalinism will NOT BE ALLOWED in this country. It will be PUT DOWN, by hook, by crook, or any other way that becomes available

We will not ALLOW the un-American bullshit you assholes have been bringing to the table. It will be investigated and exposed and made public and placed squarely in YOUR lap because YOU are the ones doing it.

Don't feed me your victim bullshit when you're out there rioting and burning up federal buildings and throwing Molotovs at the cops.

Your idiotic political temper tantrums are going to stop, or YOU will be sequestered and removed from society, so the rest of us can go about our semi normal lives

Get this through your thick leftist head: we are DONE with your bullshit. You will not be leading this country any more (not that you ever did).
Another lie. Parents who make terroristic threats at school board meetings are terrorists.
Next person who sits down on my freeway is going to get run over.

Are you going to be the fool who wants to test that?

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