Repubs realize they guarantee midterms will be referendum on trump and his big lie.

Some of those 81 Million were real, living people

The BIG lie is that there was ever a Big Lie.

There was no lie. The election was absolutely fucking fraudulent. No question about it.

I don't know whether it was enough to make a difference in the outcome or not. And, I don't much care. That part is water under the bridge, and it's mostly irrelevant anyway.

"How much" is not the issue. "Who" isn't the issue either. What matters is "that" it happened, and "how" it happened.
The BIG lie is that there was ever a Big Lie.

There was no lie. The election was absolutely fucking fraudulent. No question about it.
Then get off your lazy stupid asses and prove it
"How much" is nothe issue. "Who" isn't the issue either. What matters is "that" it happened, and "how" it happened.
Prove it. Or stop repeating a chickenshit lie.
"How much" is not the issue. "Who" isn't the issue either. What matters is "that" it happened, and "how" it happened.
What matters is that mindless partisan drones believe it. Your leaders will use you to undermine the process and turn our next election into a riot. You are a tool. And an idiot.
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What matters is that mindless partisan drones believe it. Your leaders will use you to undermine the process and turn our next election into a riot. You are a tool. And an idiot.
You completely FAIL to understand, which means you don't have a snowball's chance in hell of ever resolving.

This approach you're taking right here, is fucking IDIOTIC. And I do mean that in the most non-partisan of ways.

This, ^^^, what you're saying right here, is so entirely fucking stupid it makes me wonder if you ever went to school

You have ZERO understanding of human nature. Zero. Your attitude as expressed here is going to earn you nothing but trouble. Now and in the future
Fuck you. You're one to talk, smelling up Melania's panties.

Yeah, no shit. Call it whatever you want, revenge or whatever other crazy word pops into your head. I don't care what you call it

I told you, Stalinism will NOT BE ALLOWED in this country. It will be PUT DOWN, by hook, by crook, or any other way that becomes available

We will not ALLOW the un-American bullshit you assholes have been bringing to the table. It will be investigated and exposed and made public and placed squarely in YOUR lap because YOU are the ones doing it.

Don't feed me your victim bullshit when you're out there rioting and burning up federal buildings and throwing Molotovs at the cops.

Your idiotic political temper tantrums are going to stop, or YOU will be sequestered and removed from society, so the rest of us can go about our semi normal lives

Get this through your thick leftist head: we are DONE with your bullshit. You will not be leading this country any more (not that you ever did).
Spoken like a true Daniel Ortega wannabe.
Next person who sits down on my freeway is going to get run over.

Are you going to be the fool who wants to test that?
Not a problem. You would have to put on some pants and leave the basement for that to happen, and we all know that's not going to happen.
Gee, that's terrible. Perhaps the commie trash in the school system should back off and do their job of education instead of this queer transgender CRT shit.
So you condone terroristic threats. Don't be surprised when you get a knock at your door.
You have ZERO understanding of human nature. Zero. Your attitude as expressed here is going to earn you nothing but trouble. Now and in the future
It is puzzling, I admit. It's just unnerving to see how easy it is to con people. Especially when they're being used to destroy your home.
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Nah - if you've jumped that shark, fuck it.
It's not my job to prove a nationwide election was stolen. I personally do not have the resources or time...and even if I did, there's no way it will change anything.

BUT, I can still use my brain and reach conclusions based on what I see.

I BELIEVE the percentages are statistically impossible without massive cheating. No presidential election has had that big of an increase in voters, EVER.

I don't give a fuck what is or is not PROVEN.

You can't prove taking vitamin C supplements has any health benefits, but and I BOTH know that it does.
It's not my job to prove a nationwide election was stolen. I personally do not have the resources or time...and even if I did, there's no way it will change anything.

BUT, I can still use my brain and reach conclusions based on what I see.


Fair enough. I'd thought more of you. Sad to see.

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