Repubs realize they guarantee midterms will be referendum on trump and his big lie.

Anyone who's raised kids recognizes the feeble excuse making and fit throwing of a stubborn child who can't accept a loss.
So, anyone who questions the results of any election is automatically a fit throwing stubborn child?

Anyone who's watch the flaccid bumbling of the Democrats for thirty years realizes there's no fucking way that they could pull of the kind of coordinated, widespread conspiracy that Trumpsters fantasize about.

You are mistaken.

ONE PERSON on a mission could do it.

ONE person could coordinate the whole thing.
Good deal. The best way to do that would be to stop typing idiotic responses to my posts. Kthxbye.
Nobody has ever given an explanation for the unprecedented, sudden, comeback victory coupled with the unprecedented number of new voters from 4 years prior.

Who is not using his brain?

Who is blindly believing everything CNN tells him?
No, it hasn't.

Not at all.

Not even an iota

Not even a smidgeon

Not even a flea on a gnat's butt

You call the bleating from the MSM an address?

I call it a pile of steaming bullshit.

Nothing is settled, fucktard.

That's the whole damn point.
Keep repeating it. If you tap your heels together three times, and believe hard enough, the election will be overturned. Or maybe the country will devolve into a third world shithole of ignorant culture warriors spitting on each other.

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