Repubs realize they guarantee midterms will be referendum on trump and his big lie.

No, I don't. I've always been adamantly against it. And you better not start in with the accusations again. You've been warned.
Go threaten some naive college kids, punk. You vote Democrat. Therefore, you support their sick agenda. Fuck you.
Go threaten some naive college kids, punk. You vote Democrat. Therefore, you support their sick agenda. Fuck you.
And you're a lying piece of shit. I've never voted for a Democrat in my life. I bet you have though, haven't you? How many times? Was it for Clinton?
So you do support the sick democrat agenda of indoctrination in public schools.


Commie is as commie does.

They'll accuse you of believing in some nutty conspiracy while they concoct their own, but when shit gets real they'll stand with themselves.

Hypocrites and cowards. And dangerously stupid.

Watch now - "I don't see the connection between parents and elections".


Stupid libtards. :p
It tells me that you say you're a libertarian. Your other posts tell me you're a conspiracy nut who believes Trumpster lies.
'Trumpster lies'

That pretty much says it all, right there.

If you believe that, then you're a deluded Kool aid swilling leftard lemming. End of story
'Trumpster lies'

That pretty much says it all, right there.

If you believe that, then you're a deluded Kool aid swilling leftard lemming. End of story
mkay. I'm a "leftard" and you're a "libertarian". :)
mkay. I'm a "leftard" and you're a "libertarian". :)

Yeah. You're like mac1958, you claim to be something else but everything you say and do is leftard.

Dude - if you think I'm a Republican you have a screw loose. I don't do torture and I don't like moralism.

The difference between us right now is I can look at this objectively and you can't.

I say there's a security issue and you come back with some bullshit about belief in an orange god. Which is complete bullshit from start to finish. You know it, and I know it, and everyone else does too


So why do you repeat the obvious bullshit, if you're not a leftard?
Dude - if you think I'm a Republican you have a screw loose. I don't do torture and I don't like moralism
And if you think I'm a "leftard" you don't pay any attention to my posts. But what we're talking about here is the Trumpster delusion that the election was "stolen". It's a con, an insidious con that is undermining our nation, and you're propagating it.
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And if you think I'm a "leftard" you don't pay any attention to my posts. But what we're talking about here is the Trumpster delusion that the election was "stolen". It's con, and you're propagating it.

I didn't say a word about theft. That's your word, not mine.

And, if you want to talk about this any further, you will dissociate the issue of election security from the person of Donald Trump.

Because that is a LEFTARD LIE, and if you have even a single brain cell you should understand that intuitively without me having to explain it.

Nah pal, I ain't falling for the leftard lemming bullshit. This has nothing to do with Donald Trump. NOTHING. To the extent that you believe it does, the lefties have succeeded in brainwashing you and you've voluntarily swallowed their Kool aid
After so many of the right's steadfast and consistent leaders have been primaried in favor of those whose support for trump is stronger, those primary winners have no choice but to continue campaigning in praise of trump. In many cases, their support of trump is the only thing that allowed them to win their primaries. Can you see somebody like Hershal Walker, whose childish remarks have included his claim that we have enough trees, and some silliness about swapping air between the US and China, coming up with a coherant reason to vote republican, other than for the only reason he won his primary? Of course, there is Liz Cheney, who won her last election with 75% of the vote, and had a long history of being a leading conservative voice for her constiuants, but she was kicked out for not kissing trump's ass often enough. The right desperately wants to make the coming election about all the silly claims about Biden's age, but the die is cast. It will be about trump, and his bizarre lies, and it's too late to change that.
Look how well it is working.
And, if you want to talk about this any further, you will dissociate the issue of election security from the person of Donald Trump.
The "discussion of election security" isn't real. It's excuse making by people who can't accept that Trump lost. Yes, our election process is antiquated and yes, it's a mess. It's in dire need of an upgrade. We need to improve it.

But that has nothing to do with the "big lie". Trumpsters aren't upset about election security. They're upset because Trump lost. And that's the only thing they want to change.
The "discussion of election security" isn't real. It's excuse making by people who can't accept that Trump lost. Yes, our election process is antiquated and yes, it's a mess. It's in dire need of an upgrade. We need to improve it.

But that has nothing to do with the "big lie". Trumpsters aren't upset about election security. They're upset because Trump lost. And that's the only thing they want to change.
Our elections have 0 integrity. That was proven in 2020.
And if you think I'm a "leftard" you don't pay any attention to my posts. But what we're talking about here is the Trumpster delusion that the election was "stolen". It's a con, an insidious con that is undermining our nation, and you're propagating it.
Did the Russians help Trump win in 2016?
Look how well it is working.

As a red team leader, one of our well know principles is this:

If you want to divert attention from a fire, light a bigger fire somewhere else.

Trump, is the bigger fire.

Election security, is the little fire.

Leftards want to make it about Trump, and the "stolen" election.

But it's not. It's not about Trump, and it's not about one election.

Biden wasn't kidding when he said he had a voter fraud organization.

In Los Angeles, we just caught the leftard Election Commission red handed, there are already lawsuits up the ying yang, peoples' heads are going to roll and it may very well cost Karen Bass the mayoral election

And this goes on in EVERY MAJOR POPULATION CENTER in the country.

Every single one. I can't think of an exception
The "discussion of election security" isn't real. It's excuse making by people who can't accept that Trump lost. Yes, our election process is antiquated and yes, it's a mess. It's in dire need of an upgrade. We need to improve it.

But that has nothing to do with the "big lie". Trumpsters aren't upset about election security. They're upset because Trump lost. And that's the only thing they want to change.
I remember the first time I saw him say "the only way I lose is if the election was rigged" on the campaign trail. I had an ominous feeling then, but little did I know what would come later.

He claimed the election was rigged when Cruz beat him in a primary. He claimed the fucking EMMYS were rigged. But the rubes just swallow it, because they refuse to believe that the rest of the country doesn't adore him like they do.

A true, literal cult of personality.
Did the Russians help Trump win in 2016?
Of course not. It was the same shit, different party. The fear machine makes it impossible for partisans to accept defeat, so they don't. Democrats wasted four years in denial. Now Trumpsters are doing the same thing.
I remember the first time I saw him say "the only way I lose is if the election was rigged" on the campaign trail. I had an ominous feeling then, but little did I know what would come later.

He claimed the election was rigged when Cruz beat him in a primary. He claimed the fucking EMMYS were rigged. But the rubes just swallow it, because they refuse to believe that the rest of the country doesn't adore him like they do.

A true, literal cult of personality.
Truly your daily repeated bullshit projecting a cult status on to Republicans that just is not there. Can you say something different?
The "discussion of election security" isn't real. It's excuse making by people who can't accept that Trump lost. Yes, our election process is antiquated and yes, it's a mess. It's in dire need of an upgrade. We need to improve it.

But that has nothing to do with the "big lie". Trumpsters aren't upset about election security. They're upset because Trump lost. And that's the only thing they want to change.

This ^^^ is totally retarded, what you just said.

I'll tell you what - the Dems have an organized election fraud operation, and we're going to take it apart.

WE are. (Not the Republicans). For reasons of our own.

Four years, and that whole operation is going to be history. Count on it. Bank on it.
I remember the first time I saw him say "the only way I lose is if the election was rigged" on the campaign trail. I had an ominous feeling then, but little did I know what would come later.

He claimed the election was rigged when Cruz beat him in a primary. He claimed the fucking EMMYS were rigged. But the rubes just swallow it, because they refuse to believe that the rest of the country doesn't adore him like they do.

A true, literal cult of personality.
Did you ever consider.....

Is it even remotely possible....

He was....



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