Repubs realize they guarantee midterms will be referendum on trump and his big lie.

Did you ever consider.....

Is it even remotely possible....

He was....


All he has to do is prove it in a court of law and I’m in.

After seeing over 60 tries tossed out of court, including by Trump-appointed judges, and after seeing many Republican officials say it was NOT rigged, I’m still waiting.
I wasn't posting to you.

If you don't like my posts, too bad.
You are posting to members of this forum. I am one of them. I am also sick of your lies. It is not just your posts I dislike. Have you figured that out yet?
All he has to do is prove it in a court of law and I’m in.

After seeing over 60 tries tossed out of court, including by Trump-appointed judges, and after seeing many Republican officials say it was NOT rigged, I’m still waiting.
Courts weaponized by any means possible. Including bribery, intimidation, or job loss. Fixed, rigged, and stolen elections have consequences. Your consequences include continued lying as daily more proof emerges that 2020 was not an election at all. Your lie has failed and you refuse to admit it. That is on you, hack.
I suspect you're right. There will be no proof. Just more whacky conspiracy theories.
Nah. No one wants to talk about it. The problem will just quietly go away, that's all.

To be replaced by some other similar problem at some later date, I'm sure. But it'll be a while
After seeing over 60 tries tossed out of court, including by Trump-appointed judges, and after seeing many Republican officials say it was NOT rigged, I’m still waiting.
What are you waiting for?
They don't need proof. If someone in their world says it, it's da troof.

Such is life in a cult.
That is projection. The MSM treats what the government says as fact. Cult members believe the MSM and hacks like you. The devotion to proven liars, not liar, are cult like and you know it hack.
That is projection. The MSM treats what the government says as fact. Cult members believe the MSM and hacks like you. The devotion to proven liars, not liar, are cult like and you know it hack.
Where's the beef? Prove it.
Cheny doesn't have to worry about giving up what she has spent so long fighting for. The MAGAs already got rid of all that integrity, and fighting for what they honestly think is best for the country in favor of supporting trump. Her party doesn't exist any more. You are right about one thing though. It is currently a matter of "us vs them" Democrats didn't realize that when trump was elected, and misjudged how many crazies there were. We were complacent, and let the crazies win. There was no complacency when Biden got 81 millon votes, and there will be no complacency in the upcoming election. We know trump is on the MAGA/GOP ticket even if his name isn't printed there.
The MAGAs already got rid of all that integrity, and fighting for what they honestly think is best for the country in favor of supporting trump

Nah, the repubs are still about small gov, states rights, low taxes, and the constitution. Most of the accusations that repubs face are merely things the dems concocted in their own minds in order to push out into the media in order to attack anyone on the right, and label them as "trumpers"

It is currently a matter of "us vs them

It's been "us vs them" for a long time. That's nothing new.

We know trump is on the MAGA/GOP ticket even if his name isn't printed there.

Exactly as I posted above, you all came up with thus "everyone is a trumper" as a way to try and demonize and attack those on the right. Not everyone who voted for trump is a "trumper", they are just trying to keep dems out of office.
Nah, ya retard. I’m just laughing at you.

You must be used to people laughing at you by now.
Couldn't care one wit one way or the other.
At least when you MAGAt Trumptards are laughing about something we don't have to listen to your incessant, whiny bullshit about "political persecution" and the rest of your inane, misinformed prattling.

Now, with that out of the way do you have some relevant and timely comment to make on this thread or are you just lonely and in need of coddling?
Couldn't care one wit one way or the other.
At least when you MAGAt Trumptards are laughing about something we don't have to listen to your incessant, whiny bullshit about "political persecution" and the rest of your inane, misinformed prattling.

Now, with that out of the way do you have some relevant and timely comment to make on this thread or are you just lonely and in need of coddling?
Speaking of incessant whining, do you ever do anything but? I mean, sure, you toss in mindless stereotypes and other shortcuts to actual thinking. But do you ever just make an honest argument based on verifiable facts without the spin of your ignorant emotionalism.

Gfy. You’re a waste of electrons.

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