Repubs realize they guarantee midterms will be referendum on trump and his big lie.

Speaking of incessant whining, do you ever do anything but? I mean, sure, you toss in mindless stereotypes and other shortcuts to actual thinking. But do you ever just make an honest argument based on verifiable facts without the spin of your ignorant emotionalism.

Gfy. You’re a waste of electrons.
So you still have no relevant point to make here?
I don't care about your silly personal attacks here son.
I don't let pleebs like you affect my personal weather.
So for GOD'S sake...
So you still have no relevant point to make here?
And ruin your record of pure emptiness?
I don't care about your silly personal attacks here son.
As I don’t care about yours, lass. Get it yet? Probably not.
I don't let pleebs like you affect my personal weather.
Your weather. Is there a nasty old cloud handing over you wee little pinhead, goober?
So for GOD'S sake...
It wouldn’t matter. You wouldn’t understand anything anyway. Also, practice what you preach. You say something. Of merit. An argument. The facts (with links) supporting your argument. Maybe a hint about how and why those facts lead to your suggested conclusion.

Look, turd, I know this is all above your head. Seriously.


The thread topic is supposedly about the Republicans realizing that the midterms are a “referendum” on Trump. That’s obviously retarded.

Brandon is the President. He is the issue. The midterms are going to be a referendum on his dementia. He has been nothing but a massive fuck up. He is actively and affirmatively hurting our nation. Dumbocraps across the land must pay. Cut his legislative legs out from under him.
Nobody gives a rat’s ass about the 1/6 Congressional clown show. The midterms will have little to nothing to do with that crap.
So you don't think the 1/6 investigation is about elections and voting? Fake EC voters, and attacking congress to prevent certification of the vote is certainly related to elections and voting. Are you really that stupid?
So you don't think the 1/6 investigation is about elections and voting? Fake EC voters, and attacking congress to prevent certification of the vote is certainly related to elections and voting. Are you really that stupid?
I don’t believe the 1/6 Congressional clown show is even an investigation. I’m surprised anyone would.

A proposed alternative slate doesn’t mean “fake.” And it hardly matters anyway.. Nobody accepted any alternative slates.
The alleged “attack” on Congress was a few things. It was largely just a protest wherein a smaller subset engaged in some criminal acts. But it wasn’t an insurrection. And it wasn’t designed to overthrow the US government. You do know, I hope, that not one person who entered the Capitol that day — in protest of what they considered an electoral theft — was armed.

You make no argument. You just continue to splutter. You are that stupid.
I don’t believe the 1/6 Congressional clown show is even an investigation. I’m surprised anyone would.

A proposed alternative slate doesn’t mean “fake.” And it hardly matters anyway.. Nobody accepted any alternative slates.
The alleged “attack” on Congress was a few things. It was largely just a protest wherein a smaller subset engaged in some criminal acts. But it wasn’t an insurrection. And it wasn’t designed to overthrow the US government. You do know, I hope, that not one person who entered the Capitol that day — in protest of what they considered an electoral theft — was armed.

You make no argument. You just continue to splutter. You are that stupid.
Nice try. Falsely claiming to be EC voters is illegal, and leaders of the attack have already plead guilty to sedition, and are cooperating with the investigation. 1/6 was about nothing but elections and voting (the #3 issue in the coming election). Your silly excuses were dumb the first time they were spouted. They are just boring now.
Methodology please.
I was asked for a poll that listed the investigation in the top 10 concerns. The investigation is certainly about elections and voting. If you have questions about methods, or question the validity of the poll, I suggest you check with Monmouth University.
Nice try. Falsely claiming to be EC voters is illegal,
Cite the law that says an alternative slate is illegal.
and leaders of the attack have already plead guilty to sedition,
Some of the alleged leaders of the utterly unarmed group did plead guilty to seditious conspiracy. So what? General Flynn had also pled guilty to a crime before he recanted it. Lots of people plead guilty every court day to crimes. Most are probably guilty. But not all some plead guilty for reasons having nothing to do with “guilt.” Even a dolt like you should grasp that much.
and are cooperating with the investigation.
Sure. Testimony bought and paid for. Doesn’t make it true or believable.
1/6 was about nothing but elections and voting (the #3 issue in the coming election).
Nonsense. The 1/6 investigation had effectively nothing to do with the 2020 election.
Your silly excuses were dumb the first time they were spouted. They are just boring now.
Your cheap-ass efforts at rejoinders remain as vapid and stupid and worthless as they’ve been all along. And your snarky surly affect and posts are always boring. 👍
After so many of the right's steadfast and consistent leaders have been primaried in favor of those whose support for trump is stronger, those primary winners have no choice but to continue campaigning in praise of trump. In many cases, their support of trump is the only thing that allowed them to win their primaries. Can you see somebody like Hershal Walker, whose childish remarks have included his claim that we have enough trees, and some silliness about swapping air between the US and China, coming up with a coherant reason to vote republican, other than for the only reason he won his primary? Of course, there is Liz Cheney, who won her last election with 75% of the vote, and had a long history of being a leading conservative voice for her constiuants, but she was kicked out for not kissing trump's ass often enough. The right desperately wants to make the coming election about all the silly claims about Biden's age, but the die is cast. It will be about trump, and his bizarre lies, and it's too late to change that.
You really are scared. The desperation is getting stronger and your need to demonize grows.
I was asked for a poll that listed the investigation in the top 10 concerns. The investigation is certainly about elections and voting. If you have questions about methods, or question the validity of the poll, I suggest you check with Monmouth University.
I have no questions about polls that always demonstrate what the narrative says. They can't be trusted.
Oh, I thought Jan 6 was an INSURRECTION.

Your story is changing again, Simp.
It was an attempted insurrection with the purpose of overthrowing an election. Are you really too dumb to understand that?
The 1/6 investigation is about elections and voting. The #3 issue in this poll
LOL! "Elections and voting" is about VOTER FRAUD, NOT J6.

That would be "insurrection" or "domestic terrorism", duh.
LOL! "Elections and voting" is about VOTER FRAUD, NOT J6.

That would be "insurrection" or "domestic terrorism", duh.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion. You're wrong, but you can believe what you want to believe.
It was an attempted insurrection with the purpose of overthrowing an election. Are you really too dumb to understand that?
Yeah, show me a poll where they asked to rank Jan 6th, Dumbass. Concerns about an election is most likely the concern millions had over the irregularities in 2020, not what happened on Jan 6 because there was no election about to be overturned.

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