Repubs realize they guarantee midterms will be referendum on trump and his big lie.

After so many of the right's steadfast and consistent leaders have been primaried in favor of those whose support for trump is stronger, those primary winners have no choice but to continue campaigning in praise of trump. In many cases, their support of trump is the only thing that allowed them to win their primaries. Can you see somebody like Hershal Walker, whose childish remarks have included his claim that we have enough trees, and some silliness about swapping air between the US and China, coming up with a coherant reason to vote republican, other than for the only reason he won his primary? Of course, there is Liz Cheney, who won her last election with 75% of the vote, and had a long history of being a leading conservative voice for her constiuants, but she was kicked out for not kissing trump's ass often enough. The right desperately wants to make the coming election about all the silly claims about Biden's age, but the die is cast. It will be about trump, and his bizarre lies, and it's too late to change that.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The referendum will be on the terrible job the Democrats are doing. Massive inflation, high cost of fuel, recession, reduced family income, millions of Illegals, weakened military and disastrous environmental wacko and woke polices.

The Democrats could lose as many as 80 seats in the House. If you are a Democrat and not in a district that is D+15 you are probably in big trouble.

The American people know about the corruption of Hunter Biden and "the Big Guy" getting his 10% cut and that will be a major factor in kicking the filthy Democrats out of power.

The American people also know that the Democrats stole the 2020 election and they aren't going to let the butt pirates get away with it again.
After so many of the right's steadfast and consistent leaders have been primaried in favor of those whose support for trump is stronger, those primary winners have no choice but to continue campaigning in praise of trump. In many cases, their support of trump is the only thing that allowed them to win their primaries. Can you see somebody like Hershal Walker, whose childish remarks have included his claim that we have enough trees, and some silliness about swapping air between the US and China, coming up with a coherant reason to vote republican, other than for the only reason he won his primary? Of course, there is Liz Cheney, who won her last election with 75% of the vote, and had a long history of being a leading conservative voice for her constiuants, but she was kicked out for not kissing trump's ass often enough. The right desperately wants to make the coming election about all the silly claims about Biden's age, but the die is cast. It will be about trump, and his bizarre lies, and it's too late to change that.
Maybe, but I think people will vote for those candidates for the same reason dems will vote for theirs, to keep the other side from winning.

As far as cheney, you have to hand it to her, she stood for her beliefs, though I think her reasoning may have more to do with hatred of trump because of things he said about her family, that it does for what she claims he did on J6.

Anyway, her issue is she broke a cardinal rule. People wouldn't have a problem if she had just spoke out against Trump and voiced her beliefs on what happened, but she went further than that. She joined the other side in an attempt to ruin Trump, and in the process fracturing her own party, and putting the republican party as a whole, in jeopardy of losing in 2022 and 2024. Perhaps that is why she got voted out. She did something that you would never see the democrats do, she tried to cause chaos in her own party.

Also, there is the question of, is she really a Republican? Or does she still hold republican views? I often question those who say that because of a person or because of shift in their party, that they are going to join the other side. So, you mean to tell me because of some issues in your own party, you are going to give all if it up to go join, and vote with a party you have spent years fighting against? Years of disagreeing with their values, fighting against their principles and beliefs?

Rather than fight to fix your own party, and uphold your values in your own party, you are going to join the opposing side, to help push their agenda, that you spent many years saying you were against?

Or is it more likely that she isn't, or never really was a republican, and thus RINO.

I'm of the belief that if an elected official changes parties, it should trigger an automatic primary anyway. If someone votes for a person to represent their party in congress, and then they switch parties, they are no longer what the voters voted for, and should be forced into a special election.
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You are confused Moon Bat.

The referendum will be on the terrible job the Democrats are doing. Massive inflation, high cost of fuel, recession, reduced family income, millions of Illegals, weakened military and disastrous environmental wacko and woke polices.

The Democrats could lose as many as 80 seats in the House. If you are a Democrat and not in a district that is D+15 you are probably in big trouble.

The American people know about the corruption of Hunter Biden and "the Big Guy" getting his 10% cut and that will be a major factor in kicking the filthy Democrats out of power.

The American people also know that the Democrats stole the 2020 election and they aren't going to let the butt pirates get away with it again.
Still hoping to get a little traction out of that Hunter Biden thing I see. I don't blame you. It's all you got, so you gotta at least try. The Hunter thing fell through for you almost as bad as your silly "walk away" scam did.
Still hoping to get a little traction out of that Hunter Biden thing I see. I don't blame you. It's all you got, so you gotta at least try. The Hunter thing fell through for you almost as bad as your silly "walk away" scam did.

If you believe that Hunter Biden is "all we've got"--you're either in a full on delusional state or you're lying.
Maybe, but I think people will vote for those candidates for the same reason dems will vote for theirs, to keep the other side from winning.

As far as cheney, you have to hand it to her, she stood for her beliefs, though I think her reasoning may have more to do with hatred of trump because of things he said about her family, that it does for what she claims he did on J6.

Anyway, her issue is she broke a cardinal rule. People wouldn't have a problem if she had just spoke out against Trump and voiced her beliefs on what happened, but she went further than that. She joined the other side in an attempt to ruin Trump, and in the process fracturing her own party, and putting the republican party as a whole, in jeopardy of losing in 2022 and 2024. Perhaps that is why she got voted out. She did something that you would never see the democrats do, she tried to cause chaos in her own party.

Also, there is the question of, is she really a Republican? Or does she still hold republican views? I often question those who say that because of a person or because of shift in their party, that they are going to join the other side. So, you mean to tell me because of some issues in your own party, you are going to give all if it up to go join, and vote with a party you have spent years fighting against? Years of disagreeing with their values, fighting against their principles and beliefs?

Rather than fight to fix your own party, and uphold your values in your own party, you are going to join the opposing side, to help push their agenda, that you spent many years saying you were against?

Or is it more likely that she isn't, or never really was a republican, and thus RINO.
Cheny doesn't have to worry about giving up what she has spent so long fighting for. The MAGAs already got rid of all that integrity, and fighting for what they honestly think is best for the country in favor of supporting trump. Her party doesn't exist any more. You are right about one thing though. It is currently a matter of "us vs them" Democrats didn't realize that when trump was elected, and misjudged how many crazies there were. We were complacent, and let the crazies win. There was no complacency when Biden got 81 millon votes, and there will be no complacency in the upcoming election. We know trump is on the MAGA/GOP ticket even if his name isn't printed there.
Maybe, but I think people will vote for those candidates for the same reason dems will vote for theirs, to keep the other side from winning.

As far as cheney, you have to hand it to her, she stood for her beliefs, though I think her reasoning may have more to do with hatred of trump because of things he said about her family, that it does for what she claims he did on J6.
Probably so, but not just for what Trump said about her family. Her family was part of the Clinton/Bush/Cheney/Obama pretense that the two parties were in opposition, when at best they were all part of the same corruption using social issues that neither side really cared about as a means of keeping the American voter distracted from twenty years of American foreign misadventurism, and globalism.

She fully expected to be the woman who broke the glass ceiling of establishment politics with help from daddy's guy friends, and to become the president to continue the growth of the security state. Trump put an end to those dreams by delivering Republican policy to Republican voters.
Anyway, her issue is she broke a cardinal rule. People wouldn't have a problem if she had just spoke out against Trump and voiced her beliefs on what happened, but she went further than that. She joined the other side in an attempt to ruin Trump, and in the process fracturing her own party, and putting the republican party as a whole, in jeopardy of losing in 2022 and 2024. Perhaps that is why she got voted out.
Of course. No campaign ad writers needed. The spots wrote themselves. Just show Liz sitting with that panel of Democrats as the one token Democrat they allowed to speak so long as she mouthed the words their writers and producers scripted for her.
She did something that you would never see the democrats do, she tried to cause chaos in her own party.
Yes, when the Dems go down in flames a month from now, they won't turn on Nancy and factionalize. She will be quietly put to political sleep to make way for the Squad to gain a little more seniority and be the leadership whenever the Dems manage to get control of congress again.
Also, there is the question of, is she really a Republican? Or does she still hold republican views? I often question those who say that because of a person or because of shift in their party, that they are going to join the other side. So, you mean to tell me because of some issues in your own party, you are going to give all if it up to go join, and vote with a party you have spent years fighting against? Years of disagreeing with their values, fighting against their principles and beliefs?

Now, that Trump finally gave Republican voters a person who actually believed those things, people like Liz really are RINO's because the Party - with Trump as head of the party - supports their ideas. Look for Liz to announce as a Democrat well before 2024. She will probably run for the nomination as presidential candidate.

Rather than fight to fix your own party, and uphold your values in your own party, you are going to join the opposing side, to help push their agenda, that you spent many years saying you were against?

Or is it more likely that she isn't, or never really was a republican, and thus RINO.

I'm of the belief that if an elected official changes parties, it should trigger an automatic primary anyway. If someone votes for a person to represent their party in congress, and then they switch parties, they are no longer what the voters voted for, and should be forced into a special election.
She is the kind that conservative Republics used to incorrectly call "RINO's" She talked the conservative message, but always went along with the Democrats, either compromising or simply throwing every conflict to them. In her heyday, that was the GOP, the establishment politicians were almost all like that. It was the voters who were the RINO's because they fell for the lie that the establishment supported things like ending abortion on demand, securing the border, lowering taxes, and religious freedom.
If you believe that Hunter Biden is "all we've got"--you're either in a full on delusional state or you're lying.
My mistake. I completely forgot that unbeatable political powerhouse you have with Hershal Walker.

Cheny doesn't have to worry about giving up what she has spent so long fighting for. The MAGAs already got rid of all that integrity, and fighting for what they honestly think is best for the country in favor of supporting trump. Her party doesn't exist any more. You are right about one thing though. It is currently a matter of "us vs them" Democrats didn't realize that when trump was elected, and misjudged how many crazies there were. We were complacent, and let the crazies win. There was no complacency when Biden got 81 millon votes, and there will be no complacency in the upcoming election. We know trump is on the MAGA/GOP ticket even if his name isn't printed there.
I just want you Progs to keep killing people. You are vengeance. Pure venom led by Prog women. It will be to the point of Western collapse.
I just want you Progs to keep killing people. You are vengeance. Pure venom led by Prog women. It will be to the point of Western collapse.
You might be partially right. After that Roe v Wade thing, women are pissed and a formidable opponent. I wouldn't want them as pissed at me as they are at the MAGA/GOP/Religious nuts right now.
By all means, have the election. I want to see how bad Walker is beat.

It will be interesting. If I lived there I would vote for him just to keep another commie out of office. But I think this will be surprising because of sports fans. They are diehard. OJ got out of a double murder charge because he was a football hero. The NFL survived all that kneeling crap because fans can't keep away from the game. Football to them is like fentanyl to a junkie. It doesn't matter what they do.
My mistake. I completely forgot that unbeatable political powerhouse you have with Hershal Walker.

Your Cult has these things to run on:


Quite the record ya got there, Simp. Good luck with all that.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Let's see what they say next month.
Doesn’t change the fact that Trump’s a loser and the Republicans as a party are living on borrowed time. They may do OK this time, but it’s not going to be nearly as sweeping as they’ve been expecting.
81M voters say otherwise.
That 81m voters is at least 25m votes too high, proving voter fraud.
The last four presidential elections had about 128m total votes, and then in 2020 there were 155m total votes, at least 25m too many. A stolen election by any other name.


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