Repubs Winning In N Carolina

Who will win the two NC House seats today?

  • Both the 3rd and 9th go to the GOP

    Votes: 19 90.5%
  • The dems get one seat and the GOP one seat

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • The dems take both seats meaning Trump may be in trouble if the dems are more motivated

    Votes: 1 4.8%

  • Total voters

......So the media is now trying to downplay the significance here. But what’s obvious about this election — one of the many things obvious about it — is you cannot ignore Donald Trump’s appeal, Donald Trump’s amazing ability to energize Republican voters. Let’s look at this the other way. Let’s look at Donald Trump the way the media portrays him every day. And how is that? “Well, everybody’s tired of Trump now. They just wish Trump would go away.

“Everybody regrets voting for Trump. Trump is an embarrassment. Trump’s an ogre. Trump tweets too much. Trump is just… Ew! Just no manners. He’s foul-mouthed. The guy is unsuited. He’s unqualified. Everybody realizes we made a mistake. We gotta impeach the guy! He cheated with the Russians. We gotta get him out of there.” That’s how the Drive-By Media portrays public opinion about Donald Trump every day. So what happens?

Well, we got this special election North Carolina 9 where the Democrat has been running for this seat for 27 months! A Republican has been running for this seat for a few. The Democrats are throwing eight-million bucks in there. The militant gay population donors of the Democrat Party, they are in there. They don’t like Bishop. They want him gone. The media’s telling everybody the election’s over before it happens. “It’s a referendum on Trump!

“Trump is so hated, so reviled, so despised, voters in North Carolina are gonna tell the nation what the nation thinks of Trump.” That’s what the media says. So Trump goes in there. Now, tell me something: If Trump is so hated and despised — if people are so embarrassed that they voted for him, if they regret that they did, if they wish that he would stop tweeting, if they wish Trump had better manners, if they wish Trump would just stop embarrassing them — then how is he able to go in and turn a district that he lost by 14 points into a loss by only one in a certain segment?

How is he able to go in there so hated and so reviled? How is Donald Trump able to end up making the difference? Because he did. He went in and did a rally the night before, focused on the election. So how can what the media says about Trump be true? Trump should have bombed out. Trump should have failed miserably. (impression) “Why, he’s hated. He’s despised! People are embarrassed. People have buyer’s remorse! People regret vote for Trump. He’s so bad. He tweets too much.”

And yet Trump went in there and is the difference maker. So are the Republicans gonna believe what they saw or are they going to continue to react to the media? Because Trump proved again last night that he is a force. He proved he’s not on the ropes. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. Trump’s not on the ropes. He’s the one delivering knockout punches on the economy, the ChiComs, his battle with leftists in the media.

Right now, Donald Trump’s the best friend Republicans have had since Reagan. Will they realize it? Let’s go to the audio sound bites and I’ll show you what I’m talking about. Here is Norah O’Donnell. She’s the new infobabe anchorette at the CBS Evening News. She’s talking here with national correspondent Dean Reynolds. These are the people who see themselves as the heirs of Walter “Klondike,” and here is a portion of her report about the special election in North Carolina — that, again, the Republican won

What the Media Won’t Tell You About Trump’s Big North Carolina Win

......So the media is now trying to downplay the significance here. But what’s obvious about this election — one of the many things obvious about it — is you cannot ignore Donald Trump’s appeal, Donald Trump’s amazing ability to energize Republican voters. Let’s look at this the other way. Let’s look at Donald Trump the way the media portrays him every day. And how is that? “Well, everybody’s tired of Trump now. They just wish Trump would go away.

“Everybody regrets voting for Trump. Trump is an embarrassment. Trump’s an ogre. Trump tweets too much. Trump is just… Ew! Just no manners. He’s foul-mouthed. The guy is unsuited. He’s unqualified. Everybody realizes we made a mistake. We gotta impeach the guy! He cheated with the Russians. We gotta get him out of there.” That’s how the Drive-By Media portrays public opinion about Donald Trump every day. So what happens?

Well, we got this special election North Carolina 9 where the Democrat has been running for this seat for 27 months! A Republican has been running for this seat for a few. The Democrats are throwing eight-million bucks in there. The militant gay population donors of the Democrat Party, they are in there. They don’t like Bishop. They want him gone. The media’s telling everybody the election’s over before it happens. “It’s a referendum on Trump!

“Trump is so hated, so reviled, so despised, voters in North Carolina are gonna tell the nation what the nation thinks of Trump.” That’s what the media says. So Trump goes in there. Now, tell me something: If Trump is so hated and despised — if people are so embarrassed that they voted for him, if they regret that they did, if they wish that he would stop tweeting, if they wish Trump had better manners, if they wish Trump would just stop embarrassing them — then how is he able to go in and turn a district that he lost by 14 points into a loss by only one in a certain segment?

How is he able to go in there so hated and so reviled? How is Donald Trump able to end up making the difference? Because he did. He went in and did a rally the night before, focused on the election. So how can what the media says about Trump be true? Trump should have bombed out. Trump should have failed miserably. (impression) “Why, he’s hated. He’s despised! People are embarrassed. People have buyer’s remorse! People regret vote for Trump. He’s so bad. He tweets too much.”

And yet Trump went in there and is the difference maker. So are the Republicans gonna believe what they saw or are they going to continue to react to the media? Because Trump proved again last night that he is a force. He proved he’s not on the ropes. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. Trump’s not on the ropes. He’s the one delivering knockout punches on the economy, the ChiComs, his battle with leftists in the media.

Right now, Donald Trump’s the best friend Republicans have had since Reagan. Will they realize it? Let’s go to the audio sound bites and I’ll show you what I’m talking about. Here is Norah O’Donnell. She’s the new infobabe anchorette at the CBS Evening News. She’s talking here with national correspondent Dean Reynolds. These are the people who see themselves as the heirs of Walter “Klondike,” and here is a portion of her report about the special election in North Carolina — that, again, the Republican won

What the Media Won’t Tell You About Trump’s Big North Carolina Win

Wow, the Repubs won a seat they have held since 1963! it is the end of the world for the poor Dems!

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