Research: The intellectual differences between liberals and conservatives

The the OP is then followed by one of the more intelligent posters on this board (said tounge in cheek).

A picture of that states Republicans are stupid people.

And I am thinking how, in 2008, the democrats took over the world. People on the left were saying that it would be at least a decade before the GOP was going to have any power.

Somehow, it 2010, the democrats not only lost the house but almost lost the senate. That was unthinkable. But it happened.

And I have to wonder, how, if the GOP is so stupid, the democrats feel ?
Like all studies they do not reflect the real truth. Being conservative or liberal has nothing to do with intelligence.

I'm not so sure. If you pass intelligence tests with high scores but believe in "magical creation" or see "Noah's Flood" as a historical event or believe science is a faith and climate change a conspiracy, are you really that intelligent? Or just good at fooling a test?

I have to admit, I keep coming back to this thread because there is nothing more entertaining than right wingers discussing "intellectualism".

Well, you are a Pseudo-Intellectual so I can see how watching smart people discuss things would float your boat. Hopefully some will rub off on you.

I'm not a "Pseudo-Intellectual" nor an "Intellectual", I'm just a regular guy.

But I know dumb-ass when I see it.
Isn't it wonderful how I point out the inherent flaws in your argument that only 6% of scientists are Republicans by actually looking at the survey you cited, pointing out the flaws in it, and then proving that an organization that accepts people who believe in ghosts is not a group of scientists, and you respond by arguing that Republicans believe things that most of them do not believe? I already showed you numbers that prove that Democrats are more likely to believe Jesus will return by 2050 than Republicans, yet you continue to insist that only Republicans believe it.

Then you have the nerve to argue that they are the ones that believe if they say something often enough it is true.

This isn't the first time you've been so dishonest. You make a statement you falsely attribute to me and then argue against what is a ridiculous position that you completely made up. You have no shame. Seriously, you are damaged goods. The worst part is you know it and don't care.

I've always said the Democratic Party is a coalition party made up of many diverse groups of people. People that aren't welcome in the Republican Party, which, of course, is 90% white.

Certainly, atheists aren't welcome in the Republican Party and neither are Muslims, people who obviously have extreme mystical and occult views, just like right wing Christians.

The Republican Party is 90% white, mostly a kind of weird Fundagelical extreme American Christian religion (nothing like those in other countries, except maybe Uganda) whose average age is near sixty. They are the party that pushes magical creation. The "anti-science" party. The party that says "science is a faith" and "climate change a conspiracy". That's just the way it is.

The Democratic Party is made up of diverse groups of people including blacks, Hispanics, Hindus and Muslims - all of whom have a strong sense of faith. As well as atheists and others who have no mystical leanings at all. I've always said this. You can't prove otherwise and you know it.

Throwing out a statement you made up but preface with, "You said" is not only a lie, it's bearing false witness. If you have mystical and occult beliefs, I believe the punishment for what you do is to burn in Hell forever. You should apologize and ask your God for forgiveness. I don't think your religion makes a distinction whether or not I believe in mysticism. A lie is a lie and you lied. Your immortal soul is in jeopardy, but you still have time to "repent".

Well? I'm waiting.

Deanie, in the dictionary definition of "untruthful" is your picture. You are the textbook definition of a lying scumbag.

False accusation from you. Bearing false witness from Windbutt.

I smell "flames". Remember, a mortal sin is for "all eternity".
I was reading an interesting article that looked at the differences in brain structure between samples of people who identified themselves as liberal and people who identified as conserative. The study indicates that conservatives have larger amygdalas while liberals have larger anterior cingulate cortexes.

The amygdala is involved with memory and processing emotional reactions. This suggest that conservatives are more efficient at processing threats.

The anterior cingulate cortex is involved with several autonomic functions, such as regulating blood pressure and heart rate, as well as rational cognitive functions like reward anticipation, decision-making, empathy and emotion. This means that liberals may be more efficient at managing conflicting information

Current Biology - Political Orientations Are Correlated with Brain Structure in Young Adults

This study says that liberals, on average, have higher IQ's than conservatives:

Why Liberals and Atheists Are More Intelligent

I can't wait for all of the rants about the supposed "liberal indoctrination" in higher education as a response to this thread. :lol:

Unfortunately, as is evidenced by dumbshits like you and DaGoose, these findings are contradicted.
Where'd you hear that......

I was reading an interesting article that looked at the differences in brain structure between samples of people who identified themselves as liberal and people who identified as conserative. The study indicates that conservatives have larger amygdalas while liberals have larger anterior cingulate cortexes.

The amygdala is involved with memory and processing emotional reactions. This suggest that conservatives are more efficient at processing threats.

The anterior cingulate cortex is involved with several autonomic functions, such as regulating blood pressure and heart rate, as well as rational cognitive functions like reward anticipation, decision-making, empathy and emotion. This means that liberals may be more efficient at managing conflicting information

Current Biology - Political Orientations Are Correlated with Brain Structure in Young Adults

This study says that liberals, on average, have higher IQ's than conservatives:

Why Liberals and Atheists Are More Intelligent

I can't wait for all of the rants about the supposed "liberal indoctrination" in higher education as a response to this thread. :lol:

Unfortunately, as is evidenced by dumbshits like you and DaGoose, these findings are contradicted.
Where'd you hear that......

Whoa, dial down the eye vomit a notch. This looks like a bad Myspace profile.
This isn't the first time you've been so dishonest. You make a statement you falsely attribute to me and then argue against what is a ridiculous position that you completely made up. You have no shame. Seriously, you are damaged goods. The worst part is you know it and don't care.

I've always said the Democratic Party is a coalition party made up of many diverse groups of people. People that aren't welcome in the Republican Party, which, of course, is 90% white.

Certainly, atheists aren't welcome in the Republican Party and neither are Muslims, people who obviously have extreme mystical and occult views, just like right wing Christians.

The Republican Party is 90% white, mostly a kind of weird Fundagelical extreme American Christian religion (nothing like those in other countries, except maybe Uganda) whose average age is near sixty. They are the party that pushes magical creation. The "anti-science" party. The party that says "science is a faith" and "climate change a conspiracy". That's just the way it is.

The Democratic Party is made up of diverse groups of people including blacks, Hispanics, Hindus and Muslims - all of whom have a strong sense of faith. As well as atheists and others who have no mystical leanings at all. I've always said this. You can't prove otherwise and you know it.

Throwing out a statement you made up but preface with, "You said" is not only a lie, it's bearing false witness. If you have mystical and occult beliefs, I believe the punishment for what you do is to burn in Hell forever. You should apologize and ask your God for forgiveness. I don't think your religion makes a distinction whether or not I believe in mysticism. A lie is a lie and you lied. Your immortal soul is in jeopardy, but you still have time to "repent".

Well? I'm waiting.

Deanie, in the dictionary definition of "untruthful" is your picture. You are the textbook definition of a lying scumbag.

False accusation from you. Bearing false witness from Windbutt.

I smell "flames". Remember, a mortal sin is for "all eternity".

I hate to break it to you chum but I'm an agnostic. Don't believe in God or any other deity. However, I fully support those who do. That's what made this country great.
You, on the other hand make a mockery of all that made this country what it is. You benefit from the sacrafice of those you mock. And that makes you a troll.
This isn't the first time you've been so dishonest. You make a statement you falsely attribute to me and then argue against what is a ridiculous position that you completely made up. You have no shame. Seriously, you are damaged goods. The worst part is you know it and don't care.

Just because I make statements that contradict your beliefs does not mean I am dishonest, it just means your beliefs are wrong.

I've always said the Democratic Party is a coalition party made up of many diverse groups of people. People that aren't welcome in the Republican Party, which, of course, is 90% white.

You have always said a lot of things, none of which are true. Everyone is welcome in the Republican party, even blacks, (Alan West, Herman Cain) Hispanics, (Marco Rubio, Joe Araaio) and gays (The Log Cabin Republicans who just forced Obama to finally get rid of DADT).

Certainly, atheists aren't welcome in the Republican Party and neither are Muslims, people who obviously have extreme mystical and occult views, just like right wing Christians.

You should tell all these people that they are not Republicans, they might join your coalition.

What is the Secular Right? · Secular Right

Skeptical Conservatives

Muslim Republicans Muslim Conservatives GOP Islam Moslem

The Republican Party is 90% white, mostly a kind of weird Fundagelical extreme American Christian religion (nothing like those in other countries, except maybe Uganda) whose average age is near sixty. They are the party that pushes magical creation. The "anti-science" party. The party that says "science is a faith" and "climate change a conspiracy". That's just the way it is.

Fundagelic, that is a neat word. Tell me the truth, who did you steal it from?

The Democratic Party is made up of diverse groups of people including blacks, Hispanics, Hindus and Muslims - all of whom have a strong sense of faith. As well as atheists and others who have no mystical leanings at all. I've always said this. You can't prove otherwise and you know it.

Throwing out a statement you made up but preface with, "You said" is not only a lie, it's bearing false witness. If you have mystical and occult beliefs, I believe the punishment for what you do is to burn in Hell forever. You should apologize and ask your God for forgiveness. I don't think your religion makes a distinction whether or not I believe in mysticism. A lie is a lie and you lied. Your immortal soul is in jeopardy, but you still have time to "repent".

Well? I'm waiting.

Waiting for what? Your denial of the truth?

The poll was conducted through telephone calls using land lines. The vast majority of those using land lines are much older and less educated. I use Skype. I don't even own a phone.

What your links did point out was the incredible diversity within the Democrat Party that simply doesn't exist within the Republican party. Of course, to a party that is 90% white, "diversity" is a "bad" thing.
With a slight twist, this kind of crap is the same as the 'science' you find people from stormfront trying to pass off as real.
I don't see how the first study is similar. That study is based upon brain scans and the Bell Curve is based upon IQ numbers. The second study simply compared IQ scores between liberals and conservatives.
Like all studies they do not reflect the real truth. Being conservative or liberal has nothing to do with intelligence.

I'm not so sure. If you pass intelligence tests with high scores but believe in "magical creation" or see "Noah's Flood" as a historical event or believe science is a faith and climate change a conspiracy, are you really that intelligent? Or just good at fooling a test?

I have to admit, I keep coming back to this thread because there is nothing more entertaining than right wingers discussing "intellectualism".

Are you trying to say Leonardo Da Vinci was stupid? C.S. Lewis? J.R.R Tolkien? Galileo Galile? Rather than believe all those people were less intelligent than they proved themselves to be I prefer to believe you are full of shit.

By the way, the guy that is called the smartest man in America, with an IQ of somewhere around 200, believes in God. Does that prove you are an idiot, or will you simply deny his existence?
I'm not so sure. If you pass intelligence tests with high scores but believe in "magical creation" or see "Noah's Flood" as a historical event or believe science is a faith and climate change a conspiracy, are you really that intelligent? Or just good at fooling a test?

I have to admit, I keep coming back to this thread because there is nothing more entertaining than right wingers discussing "intellectualism".

Well, you are a Pseudo-Intellectual so I can see how watching smart people discuss things would float your boat. Hopefully some will rub off on you.

I'm not a "Pseudo-Intellectual" nor an "Intellectual", I'm just a regular guy.

But I know dumb-ass when I see it.

You should, you see dumb ass whenever you look in a mirror.
Like all studies they do not reflect the real truth. Being conservative or liberal has nothing to do with intelligence.

I'm not so sure. If you pass intelligence tests with high scores but believe in "magical creation" or see "Noah's Flood" as a historical event or believe science is a faith and climate change a conspiracy, are you really that intelligent? Or just good at fooling a test?

I have to admit, I keep coming back to this thread because there is nothing more entertaining than right wingers discussing "intellectualism".

Are you trying to say Leonardo Da Vinci was stupid? C.S. Lewis? J.R.R Tolkien? Galileo Galile? Rather than believe all those people were less intelligent than they proved themselves to be I prefer to believe you are full of shit.

By the way, the guy that is called the smartest man in America, with an IQ of somewhere around 200, believes in God. Does that prove you are an idiot, or will you simply deny his existence?

If you mean this guy?

Chris Langan:

People who wanted to have children would apply to make sure they have no diseases. Why do we have to do it through genetic engineering? Well, we have to let only the fit breed…. Freedom is not necessarily a right. It is a privilege that you have to earn. A lot of people abuse their freedom and that is something that people have to be trained not to do.


But who? Who does this training?

Chris Langan:

Well, I’d be perfectly willing to do it myself. Just put me in charge.”

He sounds like he's smart like Hitler. Yea Godwins law and all that aside sometimes a comparison is actually valid for fucks sake.


Really, I've read this guys work and it is pathetic, he may be fairly intelligent but he knows next to nothing about reality.

Quick edit, Einstein was 163.

When asked, Stephen Hawkings had this to say;

Hawking was asked about his IQ in a 2004 newspaper interview, and replied, "I have no idea. People who boast about their I.Q. are losers." Yet when asked "Are you saying you are not a genius?", Hawking replied "I hope I'm near the upper end of the range."[56]

Lesson of the day: Having a high IQ does not make you smart in the traditional sense. It just means you're better at taking tests.
Last edited:
With a slight twist, this kind of crap is the same as the 'science' you find people from stormfront trying to pass off as real.

So now the thread is anti-black or anti-Semitic? Hmmmmm. I don't recall seeing anything about race or religion. Maybe I need to go back and read it all again.

"I'm not afraid of anything. (whispering)-Except a lighted match." :D
I was reading an interesting article that looked at the differences in brain structure between samples of people who identified themselves as liberal and people who identified as conserative. The study indicates that conservatives have larger amygdalas while liberals have larger anterior cingulate cortexes.

The amygdala is involved with memory and processing emotional reactions. This suggest that conservatives are more efficient at processing threats.

The anterior cingulate cortex is involved with several autonomic functions, such as regulating blood pressure and heart rate, as well as rational cognitive functions like reward anticipation, decision-making, empathy and emotion. This means that liberals may be more efficient at managing conflicting information

Current Biology - Political Orientations Are Correlated with Brain Structure in Young Adults

This study says that liberals, on average, have higher IQ's than conservatives:

Why Liberals and Atheists Are More Intelligent

I can't wait for all of the rants about the supposed "liberal indoctrination" in higher education as a response to this thread. :lol:

So some liberals determined that liberals are smarter than conservatives? Who would have ever suspected a surprising result like that?
With a slight twist, this kind of crap is the same as the 'science' you find people from stormfront trying to pass off as real.

So now the thread is anti-black or anti-Semitic? Hmmmmm. I don't recall seeing anything about race or religion. Maybe I need to go back and read it all again.

Same mentality. Cook up, swallow, and cling desperately to bullshit 'science' that has been transparently fabricated to promote a prejudice of some sort.
I doubt that raw intelligence really has all that much to do with political POVs.

Your experiences in life probably play a much larger role in how one views the world, of which political POVs is but a small part.

The suggestion that all liberals or conservatives are dumber than their opposition is the stuff of trolls, not thinking people.

Naturally in this environment that sort of nonsense plays rather well, of course.
I'm not so sure. If you pass intelligence tests with high scores but believe in "magical creation" or see "Noah's Flood" as a historical event or believe science is a faith and climate change a conspiracy, are you really that intelligent? Or just good at fooling a test?

I have to admit, I keep coming back to this thread because there is nothing more entertaining than right wingers discussing "intellectualism".

Well, you are a Pseudo-Intellectual so I can see how watching smart people discuss things would float your boat. Hopefully some will rub off on you.

I'm not a "Pseudo-Intellectual" nor an "Intellectual", I'm just a regular guy.

But I know dumb-ass when I see it.

Ah, yes...the wonders of a high fiber diet.

Of course you know dumb-ass when you see it, Deanie...when you pal around with Truthmatters and Sallow as much as you could you not?:cool:
All liberals love Obama and Obamacare.
All liberals that love Obamacare.
All liberals though can not do simple arithmetic.

Source: The Current Population Survey (CPS) by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Current Population Survey (CPS) Main Page
Counted as "uninsured"...
10 million are not citizens
18 million earn $50,000 or more and don't want insurance!
9 million are already covered by Medicaid..
37 million of 46 million counted as "uninsured" ARE:
either not citizens, --- don't want insurance --- or are already covered!

That leaves less then 10 million!

How complicated is that? 37 million of supposedly "uninsured" WERE
1) NOT eligible 10 million
2) Didn't want insurance could afford it 18 million
3) Already covered by Medicaid! 9 million...

How clear is that 37 million from 46 million means less then 10 million that are eligible, are not covered and WANT insurance... NOT 46 million!

Simple add and subtraction but ALL LIBERALS have problems!!!
I doubt that raw intelligence really has all that much to do with political POVs.

Your experiences in life probably play a much larger role in how one views the world, of which political POVs is but a small part.

The suggestion that all liberals or conservatives are dumber than their opposition is the stuff of trolls, not thinking people.

Naturally in this environment that sort of nonsense plays rather well, of course.

The way I see it, Ed...the next election "should" come down to which of the two candidates people think has the best plan going forward to fix the economy and lower the deficit. Everything else is a side issue.

It's the old adage about man doesn't worry about OTHER issues when his belly is empty or he's freezing to death. People on the verge of living out of their car don't really care about abortion, gun rights or lobbyists...they want a job that puts food in their stomach and a roof over their heads. For a lot of Americans it's gotten to that point.

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