Response to Oregon Militia Standoff Reveals Stark Double Standards

What I don't get amounts to two things:

What business is it of these guys about the Hammond family when the Hammond family told them to buzz off?

If the Hammonds already served their time for their previous conviction, how can a judge "decide" they didn't serve long enough and want them to do FOUR MORE YEARS?
I read an article that said people are calling those nutters Yallqaeda and that they are committing Yeehawd. Funny stuff.

So why are you regressives refusing to acknowledge the constitutional issues these folks are bring up? Have you ever bothered to read Article 1, Section 8, clause 17 which describes the lands and for what purposes the congress may exercise its legislative authority over? The concerns these citizens are bring up are legitimate and ones I have been talking to my congresscritters about for years.
The issue here is that they have invaded Federal lands carrying weapons. They have threatened local law officers with the same. What should be done is that the Refuge be surrounded with National Guard and appropriate law officials, no one in or out until the crazies surrender. Cameras should be set up, and any that point a weapon at the National Guard or law officers should face assault with a deadly charges. All weapons should be confiscated and destroyed, and their vehicles confiscated and sold to cover costs.

So you have no problem with the feds having land that they have no constitutional right to have?

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17


To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of Particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;--

This clause defines the rightful use of land by the federal government, where do they get the authority within this definition to have wildlife refuges or national parks or any other lands not necessary to the function of the government itself?

No constitutional right ? Oregon was all Fed land before it even became a state !

I love all the Supreme Court justices in this forum who tell us all what's REALLY constitutional.

Like those dopey claims have never been litigated before .
Even though the Hammonds don't want them there, they are now switching tactics and coming up with other reasons for their protest.

Like I said, Bundy is just looking for the same 15 min of fame his pops had.
Occupy Wall Street does it, the OP is ok with that, union terrorists do it in Wisconsin, the OP is ok with that, the black panthers do it at a POLLING BOOTH, and that's ok too.

There is a glaring double standard here and it isn't the stupid point that the OP is trying to make.

OWS does what?

Is this where you attempt to call an armed takeover the same thing as an unarmed protest?

Aw yiss! The same thing fairy strikes again

It's the same thing. They are protesting. I know, it doesn't fit what you want it to be but your desire doesn't change the facts. Unlike the unions and the BLM and the OWS, no one is destroying anything.

Being armed to the teeth is not a peaceful protest .

Neither is damaging property. The Bundy gang aren't firing their weapons or damaging property. They are more peaceful than the OWS idiots were.

What bullshit . It's only "peaceful" cause the Feds arent moving in . Why do they even bother having guns then ?
What I don't get amounts to two things:

What business is it of these guys about the Hammond family when the Hammond family told them to buzz off?

If the Hammonds already served their time for their previous conviction, how can a judge "decide" they didn't serve long enough and want them to do FOUR MORE YEARS?
Exactly. The original judge gave them less than the minimum sentence. Then a prosecutor (who has since quit be cause she is batshit crazy, was stalking someone and took out a hit on him) who was, incidentally, an Obama appointee, recommended the sentence be appealed and lengthened to the mandatory minimum sentence.

And the Hammond haven't told them to leave. They commiserate with them but being godly and law abiding ppl, they went ahead and reported for their insane sentence.
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The federal building is empty and in a wilderness area. It's not exactly the Wisconsin state house liberals took over and trashed.
Someone called Chicago pd because some guy (14 year old boy) was waiving around a gun (toy) and cops pull up and blow him away.

I want the cops to go to that federal land (not private property) and blow those fuckers to hell
sooner or later these BLM heros who insist on playing soldier/hero are going to get their way and a Blackhawk will scrape a bridge or building with 20,000 rounds of .50's and the military hero bullshit will come to a screeching halt.

Wow, so you are one of the nutters that gets their rocks off seeing their fellow Americans massacred by the government... like Clinton did in Waco.

Just remember, you could be next.
Or if trump is elected Muslim Americans could be next.
So, if this is allowed to happen (making them go back and spend MORE time), that means anyone that served their time can be hauled back to jail cuz it was not long enough? That's bullshit.

Meanwhile, Bundy needs to get his ass back to minding his own damn business. Wtf is LE doing? Negotiating? More bullshit. Arrest their sorry asses and use tanks to do it if it comes to that.
So, if this is allowed to happen (making them go back and spend MORE time), that means anyone that served their time can be hauled back to jail cuz it was not long enough? That's bullshit.

Meanwhile, Bundy needs to get his ass back to minding his own damn business. Wtf is LE doing? Negotiating? More bullshit. Arrest their sorry asses and use tanks to do it if it comes to that.
Their protest is legit.
So, if this is allowed to happen (making them go back and spend MORE time), that means anyone that served their time can be hauled back to jail cuz it was not long enough? That's bullshit.

Meanwhile, Bundy needs to get his ass back to minding his own damn business. Wtf is LE doing? Negotiating? More bullshit. Arrest their sorry asses and use tanks to do it if it comes to that.
Their protest is legit.
Just because you agree with this fringe elements position doesn't make them legit. If this were blacks in the hood they'd be met with force.
The protest might be legit, but grabbing federal property and not releasing it when demanded to should be considered armed robbery. They are armed. They robbed the property and are holding it hostage.
What I don't get amounts to two things:

What business is it of these guys about the Hammond family when the Hammond family told them to buzz off?

If the Hammonds already served their time for their previous conviction, how can a judge "decide" they didn't serve long enough and want them to do FOUR MORE YEARS?
Exactly. The original judge gave them less than the minimum sentence. Then a prosecutor (who has since quit be cause she is batshit crazy, was stalking someone and took out a hit on him) who was, incidentally, an Obama appointee, recommended the sentence be appealed and lengthened to the mandatory minimum sentence.

And the Hammond haven't told them to leave. They commiserate with them but being godly and law abiding ppl, they went ahead and reported for their insane sentence.

Wrong. The Hammonds want nothing to do with Bundy or his protest.

While Bundy claimed to be acting in behalf of the Hammonds, the soon-to-be-jailed ranchers distanced themselves from the protesters, and their lawyer told police that "neither Ammon Bundy nor anyone within his group/organization speak for the Hammond family."

The Hammonds surrendered Monday at the federal prison in San Pedro, California.

Harney County Sheriff David Ward directly addressed those at the refuge during a news conference Monday, telling them: "It's time for you to leave our community, go home to your families and leave this community peacefully."
While Bundy claimed to be acting in behalf of the Hammonds, the soon-to-be-jailed ranchers distanced themselves from the protesters, and their lawyer told police that "neither Ammon Bundy nor anyone within his group/organization speak for the Hammond family."

The Hammonds surrendered Monday at the federal prison in San Pedro, California.

Harney County Sheriff David Ward directly addressed those at the refuge during a news conference Monday, telling them: "It's time for you to leave our community, go home to your families and leave this community peacefully.

Protesters Vow to Hold Oregon Refuge Until Feds Give In

Neither the Hammonds, nor local law enforcement (or even the locals, some of them have put up signs saying "militia go home") want Bundy and his followers there.

Try to keep up Kaiser Twit.
So, if this is allowed to happen (making them go back and spend MORE time), that means anyone that served their time can be hauled back to jail cuz it was not long enough? That's bullshit.

Meanwhile, Bundy needs to get his ass back to minding his own damn business. Wtf is LE doing? Negotiating? More bullshit. Arrest their sorry asses and use tanks to do it if it comes to that.
Their protest is legit.
Just because you agree with this fringe elements position doesn't make them legit. If this were blacks in the hood they'd be met with force.
Blacks in the hood destroy private property, burglarize and attack innocent people. I know you don't understand the diff, being a felon, but it's not the same.
The protest might be legit, but grabbing federal property and not releasing it when demanded to should be considered armed robbery. They are armed. They robbed the property and are holding it hostage.

How can their protest be legit when the reason for it in the first place (the jailing of the Hammonds), don't want them there? Hammond has made sure to make it crystal clear that they don't approve of what Bundy and his ilk are doing.

Neither do the locals.
What I don't get amounts to two things:

What business is it of these guys about the Hammond family when the Hammond family told them to buzz off?

If the Hammonds already served their time for their previous conviction, how can a judge "decide" they didn't serve long enough and want them to do FOUR MORE YEARS?
Exactly. The original judge gave them less than the minimum sentence. Then a prosecutor (who has since quit be cause she is batshit crazy, was stalking someone and took out a hit on him) who was, incidentally, an Obama appointee, recommended the sentence be appealed and lengthened to the mandatory minimum sentence.

And the Hammond haven't told them to leave. They commiserate with them but being godly and law abiding ppl, they went ahead and reported for their insane sentence.

Wrong. The Hammonds want nothing to do with Bundy or his protest.

While Bundy claimed to be acting in behalf of the Hammonds, the soon-to-be-jailed ranchers distanced themselves from the protesters, and their lawyer told police that "neither Ammon Bundy nor anyone within his group/organization speak for the Hammond family."

The Hammonds surrendered Monday at the federal prison in San Pedro, California.

Harney County Sheriff David Ward directly addressed those at the refuge during a news conference Monday, telling them: "It's time for you to leave our community, go home to your families and leave this community peacefully."
While Bundy claimed to be acting in behalf of the Hammonds, the soon-to-be-jailed ranchers distanced themselves from the protesters, and their lawyer told police that "neither Ammon Bundy nor anyone within his group/organization speak for the Hammond family."

The Hammonds surrendered Monday at the federal prison in San Pedro, California.

Harney County Sheriff David Ward directly addressed those at the refuge during a news conference Monday, telling them: "It's time for you to leave our community, go home to your families and leave this community peacefully.

Protesters Vow to Hold Oregon Refuge Until Feds Give In

Neither the Hammonds, nor local law enforcement (or even the locals, some of them have put up signs saying "militia go home") want Bundy and his followers there.

Try to keep up Kaiser Twit.
They never claimed to speak for them. As I said, the Hammond never told them to go home. Thank you for proving me correct.
The protest might be legit, but grabbing federal property and not releasing it when demanded to should be considered armed robbery. They are armed. They robbed the property and are holding it hostage.

How can their protest be legit when the reason for it in the first place (the jailing of the Hammonds), don't want them there? Hammond has made sure to make it crystal clear that they don't approve of what Bundy and his ilk are doing.

Neither do the locals.

No, they havent. Everybody said the same shit after the Roseburg shooting...The locals definitely support it. But they aren't going to publicly announce it, they aren't stupid.
So, if this is allowed to happen (making them go back and spend MORE time), that means anyone that served their time can be hauled back to jail cuz it was not long enough? That's bullshit.

Meanwhile, Bundy needs to get his ass back to minding his own damn business. Wtf is LE doing? Negotiating? More bullshit. Arrest their sorry asses and use tanks to do it if it comes to that.
Their protest is legit.
Just because you agree with this fringe elements position doesn't make them legit. If this were blacks in the hood they'd be met with force.
Blacks in the hood destroy private property, burglarize and attack innocent people. I know you don't understand the diff, being a felon, but it's not the same.
I'm saying blacks wouldn't get away with what those white nuts are doing.

Your opinion of blacks and how they would act is duly noted.
The protest might be legit, but grabbing federal property and not releasing it when demanded to should be considered armed robbery. They are armed. They robbed the property and are holding it hostage.

How can their protest be legit when the reason for it in the first place (the jailing of the Hammonds), don't want them there? Hammond has made sure to make it crystal clear that they don't approve of what Bundy and his ilk are doing.

Neither do the locals.

No, they havent. Everybody said the same shit after the Roseburg shooting...The locals definitely support it. But they aren't going to publicly announce it, they aren't stupid.
Conservative pussies

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