Response to Oregon Militia Standoff Reveals Stark Double Standards

That good ole "liberal media"

If you depend on the corporate media for your news, you may not have heard that 150 gun-toting militia are claiming U.S. government property for themselves. Social media users observing the media’s response to the armed takeover of a federal building by right-wing militia over the weekend are pointing out obvious double standards in how the media is treating white, right-wing militia members compared to black protesters.

Men with REAL weapons are being negotiated with, while #TamirRice, a young boy with a fake gun was shot right away...? #OregonUnderAttack


Hey @ABC I fixed that typo for you #OregonStandoff #OregonUnderAttack

How @AP covers the armed takeover of a federal building by white militia members

Glenda TheGoodBitch @jstcallmesweet
So what qualifies you as a "militia"? Cause last time I checked 150 men with semi automatic weapons in my hood is a gang #OregonUnderAttack

D.B.Anderson @DBAnderson1
I demand to see 24 hour/7 day coverage of #OregonUnderAttack on @CNN. Wolf Blitzer needs to use the word "thugs" & "terrorists" repeatedly

In all fairness don't you think that the government was playing bully to all of the ranchers? It sounds a little corrupt to me.

WTF Is Happening in the Oregon Militia Standoff, Explained

Q: What do the militants want?
A: In a phone in interview with The Oregonian, another Bundy son, Ryan, laid out the militants' demands: that the Hammonds be released and that the surrounding federal lands be ceded to local control. "The best possible outcome is that the ranchers that have been kicked out of the area... will come back and reclaim their land, and the wildlife refuge will be shut down forever and the federal government will relinquish such control," Ryan Bundy said. He added, "What we're doing is not rebellious. What we're doing is in accordance with the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land."

Read more: WTF Is Happening in the Oregon Militia Standoff, Explained

I see.So these guys want the WILDLIFE REFUGE shut down forever. Why? So they can kill off more animals and up the endangered species list?

Fuck them.
Long standing wrongs don't make it right, you want national parks and all the other bullshit, amend the Constitution, that's what article 5 is for. Your little ad hom rant just says, yes I'm wrong, but I don't care. Typical regressive, no respect for what is supposed to be the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND.

Now with that said, do you care to actually answer the questions or do you prefer to continue to act like a child?
Or is a statist, a traitor, a liar and a puke. He approves of tyranny in all its forms because he's too big a loser to afford the lifestyle he wants unless the state forces other people to provide it for him.
How many of these terrorist yeehawdists did you service at the truck stop?

You have no room to talk coward, you ran away when I asked you the same question as old rocks. You want to give it a shot now or are you going to run away again?
Any merit their point may have had was ceded when they threatened law enforcement with deadly force and captured a federal building. You terrorist sympathizing coward.

Exactly who are they terrorizing? They are citizens, on public land, petitioning their government for a redress of grievances. From what I've seen so far they are simply exercising their 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, no matter how you pantywaists are trying to spin it. I guess you regressives only support civil disobedience for causes you support, that's, so you.

But it is nice of you to admit they have merit to their point.
Capturing federal property with arms and daring law enforcement to go at them is domestic terrorism. You cowardly, terrorist nutjob.
I wonder if anyone else thought about this scary thought.............................

Currently, those people in Oregon are in the news, and currently they are gathered together in a pretty tight bunch.

They also don't have any complex security in the area, just a bunch of rednecks who think they are patriots with a lot of guns.

And, even though they have a lot of guns around, they don't have ways of detecting any bombs that might come through.

What if someone drove a big van full of explosive into the center of that place and blew it up in a suicide bombing? It would make a lot of news all over the world for whoever decided to do it, and it would also give the US a big black eye.

In this day and age, I'd be a bit cautious about forming big groups, be they something like this or OWS, because protests like that generally don't get much in the way of protection.

I mean, people on this very board are scared of some kind of attack from extremists, they tell us every day how scared we should be.
Or is a statist, a traitor, a liar and a puke. He approves of tyranny in all its forms because he's too big a loser to afford the lifestyle he wants unless the state forces other people to provide it for him.
How many of these terrorist yeehawdists did you service at the truck stop?

You have no room to talk coward, you ran away when I asked you the same question as old rocks. You want to give it a shot now or are you going to run away again?
Any merit their point may have had was ceded when they threatened law enforcement with deadly force and captured a federal building. You terrorist sympathizing coward.

Exactly who are they terrorizing? They are citizens, on public land, petitioning their government for a redress of grievances. From what I've seen so far they are simply exercising their 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, no matter how you pantywaists are trying to spin it. I guess you regressives only support civil disobedience for causes you support, that's, so you.

But it is nice of you to admit they have merit to their point.
Capturing federal property with arms and daring law enforcement to go at them is domestic terrorism. You cowardly, terrorist nutjob.

Keep it up, your entertainment value is priceless. You hypocritical regressives should go on the road.
How many of these terrorist yeehawdists did you service at the truck stop?

You have no room to talk coward, you ran away when I asked you the same question as old rocks. You want to give it a shot now or are you going to run away again?
Any merit their point may have had was ceded when they threatened law enforcement with deadly force and captured a federal building. You terrorist sympathizing coward.

Exactly who are they terrorizing? They are citizens, on public land, petitioning their government for a redress of grievances. From what I've seen so far they are simply exercising their 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, no matter how you pantywaists are trying to spin it. I guess you regressives only support civil disobedience for causes you support, that's, so you.

But it is nice of you to admit they have merit to their point.
Capturing federal property with arms and daring law enforcement to go at them is domestic terrorism. You cowardly, terrorist nutjob.

Keep it up, your entertainment value is priceless. You hypocritical regressives should go on the road.
Thanks for the concession terrorist.
You have no room to talk coward, you ran away when I asked you the same question as old rocks. You want to give it a shot now or are you going to run away again?
Any merit their point may have had was ceded when they threatened law enforcement with deadly force and captured a federal building. You terrorist sympathizing coward.

Exactly who are they terrorizing? They are citizens, on public land, petitioning their government for a redress of grievances. From what I've seen so far they are simply exercising their 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, no matter how you pantywaists are trying to spin it. I guess you regressives only support civil disobedience for causes you support, that's, so you.

But it is nice of you to admit they have merit to their point.
Capturing federal property with arms and daring law enforcement to go at them is domestic terrorism. You cowardly, terrorist nutjob.

Keep it up, your entertainment value is priceless. You hypocritical regressives should go on the road.
Thanks for the concession terrorist.

What, I'm not the one that refused to answer a simple question and ran like a little girl.
Any merit their point may have had was ceded when they threatened law enforcement with deadly force and captured a federal building. You terrorist sympathizing coward.

Exactly who are they terrorizing? They are citizens, on public land, petitioning their government for a redress of grievances. From what I've seen so far they are simply exercising their 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, no matter how you pantywaists are trying to spin it. I guess you regressives only support civil disobedience for causes you support, that's, so you.

But it is nice of you to admit they have merit to their point.
Capturing federal property with arms and daring law enforcement to go at them is domestic terrorism. You cowardly, terrorist nutjob.

Keep it up, your entertainment value is priceless. You hypocritical regressives should go on the road.
Thanks for the concession terrorist.

What, I'm not the one that refused to answer a simple question and ran like a little girl.
Your question had zero relevance to the topic of the thread terrorist.
Any merit their point may have had was ceded when they threatened law enforcement with deadly force and captured a federal building. You terrorist sympathizing coward.

Exactly who are they terrorizing? They are citizens, on public land, petitioning their government for a redress of grievances. From what I've seen so far they are simply exercising their 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, no matter how you pantywaists are trying to spin it. I guess you regressives only support civil disobedience for causes you support, that's, so you.

But it is nice of you to admit they have merit to their point.
Capturing federal property with arms and daring law enforcement to go at them is domestic terrorism. You cowardly, terrorist nutjob.

Keep it up, your entertainment value is priceless. You hypocritical regressives should go on the road.
Thanks for the concession terrorist.

What, I'm not the one that refused to answer a simple question and ran like a little girl.
You sound like a member of Y'allQuada alright.
That good ole "liberal media"

If you depend on the corporate media for your news, you may not have heard that 150 gun-toting militia are claiming U.S. government property for themselves. Social media users observing the media’s response to the armed takeover of a federal building by right-wing militia over the weekend are pointing out obvious double standards in how the media is treating white, right-wing militia members compared to black protesters.

Men with REAL weapons are being negotiated with, while #TamirRice, a young boy with a fake gun was shot right away...? #OregonUnderAttack


Hey @ABC I fixed that typo for you #OregonStandoff #OregonUnderAttack

How @AP covers the armed takeover of a federal building by white militia members

Glenda TheGoodBitch @jstcallmesweet
So what qualifies you as a "militia"? Cause last time I checked 150 men with semi automatic weapons in my hood is a gang #OregonUnderAttack

D.B.Anderson @DBAnderson1
I demand to see 24 hour/7 day coverage of #OregonUnderAttack on @CNN. Wolf Blitzer needs to use the word "thugs" & "terrorists" repeatedly

In all fairness don't you think that the government was playing bully to all of the ranchers? It sounds a little corrupt to me.

WTF Is Happening in the Oregon Militia Standoff, Explained

Q: What do the militants want?
A: In a phone in interview with The Oregonian, another Bundy son, Ryan, laid out the militants' demands: that the Hammonds be released and that the surrounding federal lands be ceded to local control. "The best possible outcome is that the ranchers that have been kicked out of the area... will come back and reclaim their land, and the wildlife refuge will be shut down forever and the federal government will relinquish such control," Ryan Bundy said. He added, "What we're doing is not rebellious. What we're doing is in accordance with the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land."

Read more: WTF Is Happening in the Oregon Militia Standoff, Explained

I see.So these guys want the WILDLIFE REFUGE shut down forever. Why? So they can kill off more animals and up the endangered species list?

Fuck them.
You need to read up on the issue. Btw, there are more animals on privately held lands than on the reserve because the feds are morons when it comes to la d management.
I wonder if anyone else thought about this scary thought.............................

Currently, those people in Oregon are in the news, and currently they are gathered together in a pretty tight bunch.

They also don't have any complex security in the area, just a bunch of rednecks who think they are patriots with a lot of guns.

And, even though they have a lot of guns around, they don't have ways of detecting any bombs that might come through.

What if someone drove a big van full of explosive into the center of that place and blew it up in a suicide bombing? It would make a lot of news all over the world for whoever decided to do it, and it would also give the US a big black eye.

In this day and age, I'd be a bit cautious about forming big groups, be they something like this or OWS, because protests like that generally don't get much in the way of protection.

I mean, people on this very board are scared of some kind of attack from extremists, they tell us every day how scared we should be. you claim that ppl shouldn't protest lest they become a target of Muslim extremists. How lame of you lol. And how infantile.
That good ole "liberal media"

If you depend on the corporate media for your news, you may not have heard that 150 gun-toting militia are claiming U.S. government property for themselves. Social media users observing the media’s response to the armed takeover of a federal building by right-wing militia over the weekend are pointing out obvious double standards in how the media is treating white, right-wing militia members compared to black protesters.

Men with REAL weapons are being negotiated with, while #TamirRice, a young boy with a fake gun was shot right away...? #OregonUnderAttack


Hey @ABC I fixed that typo for you #OregonStandoff #OregonUnderAttack

How @AP covers the armed takeover of a federal building by white militia members

Glenda TheGoodBitch @jstcallmesweet
So what qualifies you as a "militia"? Cause last time I checked 150 men with semi automatic weapons in my hood is a gang #OregonUnderAttack

D.B.Anderson @DBAnderson1
I demand to see 24 hour/7 day coverage of #OregonUnderAttack on @CNN. Wolf Blitzer needs to use the word "thugs" & "terrorists" repeatedly

In all fairness don't you think that the government was playing bully to all of the ranchers? It sounds a little corrupt to me.

WTF Is Happening in the Oregon Militia Standoff, Explained

Q: What do the militants want?
A: In a phone in interview with The Oregonian, another Bundy son, Ryan, laid out the militants' demands: that the Hammonds be released and that the surrounding federal lands be ceded to local control. "The best possible outcome is that the ranchers that have been kicked out of the area... will come back and reclaim their land, and the wildlife refuge will be shut down forever and the federal government will relinquish such control," Ryan Bundy said. He added, "What we're doing is not rebellious. What we're doing is in accordance with the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land."

Read more: WTF Is Happening in the Oregon Militia Standoff, Explained

I see.So these guys want the WILDLIFE REFUGE shut down forever. Why? So they can kill off more animals and up the endangered species list?

Fuck them.
They were convicted of starting the fires for the purpose of hiding their illegal poaching activities. So yes, they want to kill off more animals.
My initial reaction to the group in Oregon is pretty similar to what my view was of the Occupy movement. But then neither group captured much of my interest and so admittedly it is simply a generalization I'm comfortable with at the moment.
You know, in the last standoff that Bundy had, it showed several members sighting in on federal officers.

I wonder if this time, they might actually manage to shoot someone? Sorry, but their protest isn't for the 2 ranchers, but rather there just so Bundy's son can get his 15 min of fame. Matter of fact, the 2 ranchers in question, as well as all the locals don't want them there, so they should leave and quit grandstanding.

Besides, how much do you REALLY think Bundy and his supporters actually know about the Constitution?
That good ole "liberal media"

If you depend on the corporate media for your news, you may not have heard that 150 gun-toting militia are claiming U.S. government property for themselves. Social media users observing the media’s response to the armed takeover of a federal building by right-wing militia over the weekend are pointing out obvious double standards in how the media is treating white, right-wing militia members compared to black protesters.

Men with REAL weapons are being negotiated with, while #TamirRice, a young boy with a fake gun was shot right away...? #OregonUnderAttack


Hey @ABC I fixed that typo for you #OregonStandoff #OregonUnderAttack

How @AP covers the armed takeover of a federal building by white militia members

Glenda TheGoodBitch @jstcallmesweet
So what qualifies you as a "militia"? Cause last time I checked 150 men with semi automatic weapons in my hood is a gang #OregonUnderAttack

D.B.Anderson @DBAnderson1
I demand to see 24 hour/7 day coverage of #OregonUnderAttack on @CNN. Wolf Blitzer needs to use the word "thugs" & "terrorists" repeatedly

In all fairness don't you think that the government was playing bully to all of the ranchers? It sounds a little corrupt to me.

WTF Is Happening in the Oregon Militia Standoff, Explained

Q: What do the militants want?
A: In a phone in interview with The Oregonian, another Bundy son, Ryan, laid out the militants' demands: that the Hammonds be released and that the surrounding federal lands be ceded to local control. "The best possible outcome is that the ranchers that have been kicked out of the area... will come back and reclaim their land, and the wildlife refuge will be shut down forever and the federal government will relinquish such control," Ryan Bundy said. He added, "What we're doing is not rebellious. What we're doing is in accordance with the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land."

Read more: WTF Is Happening in the Oregon Militia Standoff, Explained

I see.So these guys want the WILDLIFE REFUGE shut down forever. Why? So they can kill off more animals and up the endangered species list?

Fuck them.
You need to read up on the issue. Btw, there are more animals on privately held lands than on the reserve because the feds are morons when it comes to la d management.
Says who? You?
You know, in the last standoff that Bundy had, it showed several members sighting in on federal officers.

I wonder if this time, they might actually manage to shoot someone? Sorry, but their protest isn't for the 2 ranchers, but rather there just so Bundy's son can get his 15 min of fame. Matter of fact, the 2 ranchers in question, as well as all the locals don't want them there, so they should leave and quit grandstanding.

Besides, how much do you REALLY think Bundy and his supporters actually know about the Constitution?
They also revealed a plan to use women as shields during an interview because it would attract sympathy for them if the public saw law enforcement gunning down women.
I don't like the way this is shaping up, because you have a community of radicals that only speaks with other radicals, and eventually, closed off groups like that have a tendency to act out in unseemly ways.

I'm worried that someone might get shot by accident, and it would start another Waco.
I don't like the way this is shaping up, because you have a community of radicals that only speaks with other radicals, and eventually, closed off groups like that have a tendency to act out in unseemly ways.

I'm worried that someone might get shot by accident, and it would start another Waco.
Law enforcement would be justified, just like Waco.
That good ole "liberal media"

If you depend on the corporate media for your news, you may not have heard that 150 gun-toting militia are claiming U.S. government property for themselves. Social media users observing the media’s response to the armed takeover of a federal building by right-wing militia over the weekend are pointing out obvious double standards in how the media is treating white, right-wing militia members compared to black protesters.

Men with REAL weapons are being negotiated with, while #TamirRice, a young boy with a fake gun was shot right away...? #OregonUnderAttack


Hey @ABC I fixed that typo for you #OregonStandoff #OregonUnderAttack

How @AP covers the armed takeover of a federal building by white militia members

Glenda TheGoodBitch @jstcallmesweet
So what qualifies you as a "militia"? Cause last time I checked 150 men with semi automatic weapons in my hood is a gang #OregonUnderAttack

D.B.Anderson @DBAnderson1
I demand to see 24 hour/7 day coverage of #OregonUnderAttack on @CNN. Wolf Blitzer needs to use the word "thugs" & "terrorists" repeatedly

In all fairness don't you think that the government was playing bully to all of the ranchers? It sounds a little corrupt to me.

WTF Is Happening in the Oregon Militia Standoff, Explained

Q: What do the militants want?
A: In a phone in interview with The Oregonian, another Bundy son, Ryan, laid out the militants' demands: that the Hammonds be released and that the surrounding federal lands be ceded to local control. "The best possible outcome is that the ranchers that have been kicked out of the area... will come back and reclaim their land, and the wildlife refuge will be shut down forever and the federal government will relinquish such control," Ryan Bundy said. He added, "What we're doing is not rebellious. What we're doing is in accordance with the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land."

Read more: WTF Is Happening in the Oregon Militia Standoff, Explained

I see.So these guys want the WILDLIFE REFUGE shut down forever. Why? So they can kill off more animals and up the endangered species list?

Fuck them.
They were convicted of starting the fires for the purpose of hiding their illegal poaching activities. So yes, they want to kill off more animals.
No poaching conviction, that's just a theory. The testimony that convicted them was that of a feeble minded teenager, btw.
Occupy Wall Street does it, the OP is ok with that, union terrorists do it in Wisconsin, the OP is ok with that, the black panthers do it at a POLLING BOOTH, and that's ok too.

There is a glaring double standard here and it isn't the stupid point that the OP is trying to make.

OWS does what?

Is this where you attempt to call an armed takeover the same thing as an unarmed protest?

Aw yiss! The same thing fairy strikes again

It's the same thing. They are protesting. I know, it doesn't fit what you want it to be but your desire doesn't change the facts. Unlike the unions and the BLM and the OWS, no one is destroying anything.

Being armed to the teeth is not a peaceful protest .

Neither is damaging property. The Bundy gang aren't firing their weapons or damaging property. They are more peaceful than the OWS idiots were.

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