Response to Oregon Militia Standoff Reveals Stark Double Standards

Rwer's tell blacks to obey the law and treat LEO's with respect and nothing will happen..
Then turn around and tell white folks it's okay to take up arms against your own federal government...
Libs just tell black thugs to shoot police and loot and burn down their communities. Then they pay them million dollar settlements.
I can say, at least they are taking out their frustrations with the right people. You know, instead of burning innocent peoples lives down like in Baltimore..
Mowing down wild life and torching the place? Ok? Got it!
The federal building is empty and in a wilderness area. It's not exactly the Wisconsin state house liberals took over and trashed.

So? Spin that wheel of excuses again. Maybe this time you'll cite the Temp
These people aren't threatening anyone's safety are they?

I'll bet not one person points a gun at any one and that it'll be the government agents that shoot first if it comes to that
Yes...that's what you are hoping for.
The federal building is empty and in a wilderness area. It's not exactly the Wisconsin state house liberals took over and trashed.

So? Spin that wheel of excuses again. Maybe this time you'll cite the Temp
These people aren't threatening anyone's safety are they?

I'll bet not one person points a gun at any one and that it'll be the government agents that shoot first if it comes to that
Yes...that's what you are hoping for.

No I'm not hoping for anything I'm just using history as a guide here

IMO this is nothing to get all hopped up about
So the blacks being killed and shot by armed police are just a thing that happens.
Double standard!!

sooner or later these BLM heros who insist on playing soldier/hero are going to get their way and a Blackhawk will scrape a bridge or building with 20,000 rounds of .50's and the military hero bullshit will come to a screeching halt.

Wow, so you are one of the nutters that gets their rocks off seeing their fellow Americans massacred by the government... like Clinton did in Waco.

Just remember, you could be next.
yep, I am quite sure that some of the San Bernardino victims were liberals who thought that only peaceful muslims lived in the USA. I'm very sorry for them and their families, but there will be more of these unless the country wakes up and calls the threat what it is and takes action to eliminate (like the rest of the civilized countries in the world are doing)
So other countries are going after armed US militias?

no, they are rooting out radical Islamic terrorists. Which we should also be doing.
Maybe you could break the news to these fellows.....
More US special ops troops sent abroad to tackle threats
WASHINGTON • They are taking on a larger combat role in Afghanistan, where the war is supposed to be over. They are headed to Syria to help fight the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria in its stronghold. And President Barack Obama recently ordered nearly 300 of them to Cameroon to assist African troops in their battle against a militant group that has pledged loyalty to ISIS.
More US special ops troops sent abroad to tackle threats

I was talking about rooting out radical Islamic terrorists in THIS country, The USA. In Europe they are raiding radical mosques and capturing the radicals and their bombs and guns. We should be doing that here, or there will be more San Bernardino type shootings.
The SB shooter got his weapon from a neighbor....

Yes, but both shooters had ties to radical islam and the neighbor had planned to participate in the murders but got cold feet at the last minute. If those 3 had been properly checked and arrested, the victims might be alive today.

i'm pretty sure they should be worrying about the violent militia loons.

they're dangerous.

substitute the word protester or black or muslm for "militia" and there would be quite a different reaction from the right.

Nope, if they are breaking the law they should be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, just like black looters, muslim terrorists, illegal aliens, or anyone else who breaks the law.

i'm pretty sure they should be worrying about the violent militia loons.

they're dangerous.

substitute the word protester or black or muslm for "militia" and there would be quite a different reaction from the right.

Nope, if they are breaking the law they should be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, just like black looters, muslim terrorists, illegal aliens, or anyone else who breaks the law.

I completely agree with this.
sooner or later these BLM heros who insist on playing soldier/hero are going to get their way and a Blackhawk will scrape a bridge or building with 20,000 rounds of .50's and the military hero bullshit will come to a screeching halt.

Wow, so you are one of the nutters that gets their rocks off seeing their fellow Americans massacred by the government... like Clinton did in Waco.

Just remember, you could be next.

Liberals never think it will be them....until it is them.

Liberals are rooting for us to have a government like Mao's China because they think there Speshul and will be worshiped for overthrowing the USA
What do righties say in all the black lives threads ? "Just shut up and do what the cops say ."

Sorry Timmy, different rules for different people. Its the American way

wrong again, dingleberry. equal justice for all, no special treatment, no AA, no set asides, everyone equal, equal application of the law. Hillary held to the same standards as any American who has ever held a security clearance.
What do righties say in all the black lives threads ? "Just shut up and do what the cops say ."

Sorry Timmy, different rules for different people. Its the American way

wrong again, dingleberry. equal justice for all, no special treatment, no AA, no set asides, everyone equal, equal application of the law. Hillary held to the same standards as any American who has ever held a security clearance.

Riiiiight, and thats why they should shut up and do what the cops say right?
Harney county residents have been hounded and shit on by blm pigs for decades. People are sick of it...a people who aren't Fed at the state through are sick of it.
And not one Harney County resident is out in the Refuge. According the Ammon Bundy, they could get no locals to go with them at all. In fact, at one point they wanted to occupy the courthouse, then realized that the locals would pull there scuzzy asses out of there and stomp on them. So after the justified peaceful protest, they went down and occupied a federal building.

These people are crazies that just want bloodshed, and now face criminal trespass charges. They care nothing at all about the residents of Harney County, no more than you do, Kosher. They are outsiders, good for nothing bastards.
I read an article that said people are calling those nutters Yallqaeda and that they are committing Yeehawd. Funny stuff.

So why are you regressives refusing to acknowledge the constitutional issues these folks are bring up? Have you ever bothered to read Article 1, Section 8, clause 17 which describes the lands and for what purposes the congress may exercise its legislative authority over? The concerns these citizens are bring up are legitimate and ones I have been talking to my congresscritters about for years.
The issue here is that they have invaded Federal lands carrying weapons. They have threatened local law officers with the same. What should be done is that the Refuge be surrounded with National Guard and appropriate law officials, no one in or out until the crazies surrender. Cameras should be set up, and any that point a weapon at the National Guard or law officers should face assault with a deadly charges. All weapons should be confiscated and destroyed, and their vehicles confiscated and sold to cover costs.

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