Response to Oregon Militia Standoff Reveals Stark Double Standards

sooner or later these BLM heros who insist on playing soldier/hero are going to get their way and a Blackhawk will scrape a bridge or building with 20,000 rounds of .50's and the military hero bullshit will come to a screeching halt.

Wow, so you are one of the nutters that gets their rocks off seeing their fellow Americans massacred by the government... like Clinton did in Waco.

Just remember, you could be next.

Liberals never think it will be them....until it is them.

yep, I am quite sure that some of the San Bernardino victims were liberals who thought that only peaceful muslims lived in the USA. I'm very sorry for them and their families, but there will be more of these unless the country wakes up and calls the threat what it is and takes action to eliminate (like the rest of the civilized countries in the world are doing)
So other countries are going after armed US militias?
That good ole "liberal media"

If you depend on the corporate media for your news, you may not have heard that 150 gun-toting militia are claiming U.S. government property for themselves. Social media users observing the media’s response to the armed takeover of a federal building by right-wing militia over the weekend are pointing out obvious double standards in how the media is treating white, right-wing militia members compared to black protesters.

Men with REAL weapons are being negotiated with, while #TamirRice, a young boy with a fake gun was shot right away...? #OregonUnderAttack


Hey @ABC I fixed that typo for you #OregonStandoff #OregonUnderAttack

How @AP covers the armed takeover of a federal building by white militia members

Glenda TheGoodBitch @jstcallmesweet
So what qualifies you as a "militia"? Cause last time I checked 150 men with semi automatic weapons in my hood is a gang #OregonUnderAttack

D.B.Anderson @DBAnderson1
I demand to see 24 hour/7 day coverage of #OregonUnderAttack on @CNN. Wolf Blitzer needs to use the word "thugs" & "terrorists" repeatedly

In all fairness don't you think that the government was playing bully to all of the ranchers? It sounds a little corrupt to me.

WTF Is Happening in the Oregon Militia Standoff, Explained

Q: What do the militants want?
A: In a phone in interview with The Oregonian, another Bundy son, Ryan, laid out the militants' demands: that the Hammonds be released and that the surrounding federal lands be ceded to local control. "The best possible outcome is that the ranchers that have been kicked out of the area... will come back and reclaim their land, and the wildlife refuge will be shut down forever and the federal government will relinquish such control," Ryan Bundy said. He added, "What we're doing is not rebellious. What we're doing is in accordance with the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land."

Read more: WTF Is Happening in the Oregon Militia Standoff, Explained

"These men came to Harney County claiming to be part of militia groups supporting local ranchers, when in reality these men had alternative motives to attempt to over throw the county and federal government in hopes to spark a movement across the United States," the Harney County Sheriff's Office said in a statement Sunday. "We ask that people stay away from the refuge for their safety."
FBI Seeks 'Peaceful' End to Armed Standoff at Federal Building
The initial protest in Burns was in support of a father and son, Dwight Hammond, 73, and his son Steven, 46, who were about to by jailed for setting fires that spread to government lands.

However the Hammonds' lawyer appeared to rebuff this support, telling police that "neither Ammon Bundy nor anyone within his group/organization speak for the Hammond family."

Earlier, his brother, Ryan Bundy, told the AP that the goal of the occupation was to turn over federal land to local authorities so it could be used "for ranching, logging, mining and recreation" and free of federal oversight.
I read an article that said people are calling those nutters Yallqaeda and that they are committing Yeehawd. Funny stuff.

So why are you regressives refusing to acknowledge the constitutional issues these folks are bring up? Have you ever bothered to read Article 1, Section 8, clause 17 which describes the lands and for what purposes the congress may exercise its legislative authority over? The concerns these citizens are bring up are legitimate and ones I have been talking to my congresscritters about for years.
Rwer's tell blacks to obey the law and treat LEO's with respect and nothing will happen..
Then turn around and tell white folks it's okay to take up arms against your own federal government...
Black folks burn down citizens property. BIG difference. At this point, anyways..
Holler at me when BLM rallies against the government and not a goddamn mall :thup:

Even when they dont burn or commit any crimes the label thug and criminal is still used. Lets not play coy here
won't be me sport. I won't dress up in camo and point a scoped rifle at Feds so a bunch of crazy asshat RW's can pat me on the back.

No, but you'll dress up in a tutu and tierra and strut down Santa Monica blvd. so that a bunch of crazy asshat leftists can pat you on the butt.

I'm just saying...
The federal building is empty and in a wilderness area. It's not exactly the Wisconsin state house liberals took over and trashed.

So? Spin that wheel of excuses again. Maybe this time you'll cite the Temp
These people aren't threatening anyone's safety are they?

I'll bet not one person points a gun at any one and that it'll be the government agents that shoot first if it comes to that
I read an article that said people are calling those nutters Yallqaeda and that they are committing Yeehawd. Funny stuff.

So why are you regressives refusing to acknowledge the constitutional issues these folks are bring up? Have you ever bothered to read Article 1, Section 8, clause 17 which describes the lands and for what purposes the congress may exercise its legislative authority over? The concerns these citizens are bring up are legitimate and ones I have been talking to my congresscritters about for years.

Take it to court Tex, aint that the solution?
sooner or later these BLM heros who insist on playing soldier/hero are going to get their way and a Blackhawk will scrape a bridge or building with 20,000 rounds of .50's and the military hero bullshit will come to a screeching halt.

Funny, I never heard you say that about OWS or black lives don't matter folks.
The federal building is empty and in a wilderness area. It's not exactly the Wisconsin state house liberals took over and trashed.

So? Spin that wheel of excuses again. Maybe this time you'll cite the Temp
These people aren't threatening anyone's safety are they?

I'll bet not one person points a gun at any one and that it'll be the government agents that shoot first if it comes to that

No they arent threatening anyone only the people who dare get in front of their guns...but their white so, I'm sure there is a rational explanation on why pointing a gun and going "I dare you" is just a notification and not a threat threat
The federal building is empty and in a wilderness area. It's not exactly the Wisconsin state house liberals took over and trashed.

So? Spin that wheel of excuses again. Maybe this time you'll cite the Temp
These people aren't threatening anyone's safety are they?

I'll bet not one person points a gun at any one and that it'll be the government agents that shoot first if it comes to that

I'd wait them out.......let them get hungry

Then charge them with criminal tresspass
That good ole "liberal media"

If you depend on the corporate media for your news, you may not have heard that 150 gun-toting militia are claiming U.S. government property for themselves.y

Well listening to 'corporate media' this morning, it was on every radio program I listened to.

Including interviews with Bundy.

Right now sounds like everyone is just letting the militia nuts sit out there in the middle of nowhere enjoying their conflict.
The federal building is empty and in a wilderness area. It's not exactly the Wisconsin state house liberals took over and trashed.

So? Spin that wheel of excuses again. Maybe this time you'll cite the Temp
These people aren't threatening anyone's safety are they?

I'll bet not one person points a gun at any one and that it'll be the government agents that shoot first if it comes to that

I'd wait them out.......let them get hungry

Then charge them with criminal tresspass
Yeah it worked in Waco

Oh wait

It worked at Ruby Ridge

Oh wait
Occupy Wall Street does it, the OP is ok with that, union terrorists do it in Wisconsin, the OP is ok with that, the black panthers do it at a POLLING BOOTH, and that's ok too.

There is a glaring double standard here and it isn't the stupid point that the OP is trying to make.
The federal building is empty and in a wilderness area. It's not exactly the Wisconsin state house liberals took over and trashed.

So? Spin that wheel of excuses again. Maybe this time you'll cite the Temp
These people aren't threatening anyone's safety are they?

I'll bet not one person points a gun at any one and that it'll be the government agents that shoot first if it comes to that

No they arent threatening anyone only the people who dare get in front of their guns...but their white so, I'm sure there is a rational explanation on why pointing a gun and going "I dare you" is just a notification and not a threat threat

There are people milling around the place in front of the protesters guns and they are still milling around
I read an article that said people are calling those nutters Yallqaeda and that they are committing Yeehawd. Funny stuff.

So why are you regressives refusing to acknowledge the constitutional issues these folks are bring up? Have you ever bothered to read Article 1, Section 8, clause 17 which describes the lands and for what purposes the congress may exercise its legislative authority over? The concerns these citizens are bring up are legitimate and ones I have been talking to my congresscritters about for years.

Take it to court Tex, aint that the solution?

Sure, if the courts actually followed the Constitution, reality shows the courts have done more to destroy the Constitution than any other branch of government.
Blm has not existed for decades.
Unless you are yammering about the bureau of Land management.
Either way you are talking out to your Ass.
You get the sense loony Obamabots are hoping & praying these folks are killed. Anyone else picking up on that? They must be white folks. Cause if they were African Amerians or Illegals, them and their boy Hussein would be hailing them as heros and handing em their White House invites.

Non-Communist White Man = 'BAD.' That's how it is in loony Communist Obamabot world. I hope these people get out alive. But i'm not optimistic. I have a feeling Hussein has already sentenced them to death.
That good ole "liberal media"

If you depend on the corporate media for your news, you may not have heard that 150 gun-toting militia are claiming U.S. government property for themselves. Social media users observing the media’s response to the armed takeover of a federal building by right-wing militia over the weekend are pointing out obvious double standards in how the media is treating white, right-wing militia members compared to black protesters.

Men with REAL weapons are being negotiated with, while #TamirRice, a young boy with a fake gun was shot right away...? #OregonUnderAttack


Hey @ABC I fixed that typo for you #OregonStandoff #OregonUnderAttack

How @AP covers the armed takeover of a federal building by white militia members

Glenda TheGoodBitch @jstcallmesweet
So what qualifies you as a "militia"? Cause last time I checked 150 men with semi automatic weapons in my hood is a gang #OregonUnderAttack

D.B.Anderson @DBAnderson1
I demand to see 24 hour/7 day coverage of #OregonUnderAttack on @CNN. Wolf Blitzer needs to use the word "thugs" & "terrorists" repeatedly

And why should we be worried when a bunch of wannabe militias take over an abandoned building out in the middle of nowhere.

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