Response to Oregon Militia Standoff Reveals Stark Double Standards

I read an article that said people are calling those nutters Yallqaeda and that they are committing Yeehawd. Funny stuff.

So why are you regressives refusing to acknowledge the constitutional issues these folks are bring up? Have you ever bothered to read Article 1, Section 8, clause 17 which describes the lands and for what purposes the congress may exercise its legislative authority over? The concerns these citizens are bring up are legitimate and ones I have been talking to my congresscritters about for years.
The issue here is that they have invaded Federal lands carrying weapons. They have threatened local law officers with the same. What should be done is that the Refuge be surrounded with National Guard and appropriate law officials, no one in or out until the crazies surrender. Cameras should be set up, and any that point a weapon at the National Guard or law officers should face assault with a deadly charges. All weapons should be confiscated and destroyed, and their vehicles confiscated and sold to cover costs.

So you have no problem with the feds having land that they have no constitutional right to have?

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17


To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of Particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;--

This clause defines the rightful use of land by the federal government, where do they get the authority within this definition to have wildlife refuges or national parks or any other lands not necessary to the function of the government itself?

No constitutional right ? Oregon was all Fed land before it even became a state !

I love all the Supreme Court justices in this forum who tell us all what's REALLY constitutional.

Like those dopey claims have never been litigated before .

Once they became a State all lands within their borders was State land.
So why are you regressives refusing to acknowledge the constitutional issues these folks are bring up? Have you ever bothered to read Article 1, Section 8, clause 17 which describes the lands and for what purposes the congress may exercise its legislative authority over? The concerns these citizens are bring up are legitimate and ones I have been talking to my congresscritters about for years.
The issue here is that they have invaded Federal lands carrying weapons. They have threatened local law officers with the same. What should be done is that the Refuge be surrounded with National Guard and appropriate law officials, no one in or out until the crazies surrender. Cameras should be set up, and any that point a weapon at the National Guard or law officers should face assault with a deadly charges. All weapons should be confiscated and destroyed, and their vehicles confiscated and sold to cover costs.

So you have no problem with the feds having land that they have no constitutional right to have?

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17


To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of Particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;--

This clause defines the rightful use of land by the federal government, where do they get the authority within this definition to have wildlife refuges or national parks or any other lands not necessary to the function of the government itself?
Ah, shut it up, you mindless asshole. That Refuge has been there since Teddy Roosevelt and is loved by all that have ever visited it. Stupid bastards like you would sell off our National Parks for idiot Disneyland imitations. You, and the other nihilistic bastards have no say. The sane Americans will continue to enjoy the special places that are preserved for our descendents.
The sane Americans are enjoying it now. Why don't you head over there, statist, and blab your stupidity in the streets of burns?
I have been on the streets of Burns many times. And the surrounding country, from the Silvies Valley to Long Draw. Burns is one of my favorite places, and I really like the people there. Now as for what they think of this, the Sheriff of Harney County, and the head of the City Council of Burns were just on television stating that the militia need to get out of their county now.
Yeah Roseburg politicians did that too. Then they put armed guards in their school. It means nothing.
The people of Burns have no use for fags like you. They're polite because they were raised right. But make no mistake, they are cold killers when the situation warrants.
Let's see, someone can ignore the law of the land and the Supreme Court and refuse to do their job and issue a marriage license to citizens based on their religion.

Now it appears anyone that has a difference with the law or the local, state, or federal government can arm themselves and threaten to shoot government agents.

Conservatives you are a people without a country. You reject everything America is.

Why don't you leave and go be happy. This place isn't perfect, never was, but we do have laws.

So it's ok in your book for the feds to ignore the supreme law of the land?
What I don't get amounts to two things:

What business is it of these guys about the Hammond family when the Hammond family told them to buzz off?

If the Hammonds already served their time for their previous conviction, how can a judge "decide" they didn't serve long enough and want them to do FOUR MORE YEARS?
There was a law passed because of some eco-terrorists making setting fires that you cannot control a terrorist act. The law was poorly written. So the judge at the original trial said this was obviously not a terrorist activity, just criminally stupid, so gave them a lessor sentence. The Terrorist law mandated a five year minimum.

Stupid law, and a stupid ass that would bother to enforce it in this case.
Capturing federal property with arms and daring law enforcement to go at them is domestic terrorism. You cowardly, terrorist nutjob.

Keep it up, your entertainment value is priceless. You hypocritical regressives should go on the road.
Thanks for the concession terrorist.

What, I'm not the one that refused to answer a simple question and ran like a little girl.
Your question had zero relevance to the topic of the thread terrorist.

Right, except that is the very clause they cited claiming a government overreach, a point where they are correct. But no, no relevance at all, damn you're ignorant.
You support armed insurrections capturing federal property and endangering the lives of law enforcement. You are a terrorist.
RW's want a revolution, but they aren't willing to pay the price it takes to get one and WIN one.

Typical RW's. All mouth no guts.
ya tell that to the Weavers dog that got shot, or the weaver son that was shot in the back by an adult fbi agent. Or tell it to Weavers wife that got her brains blown out while holding a baby.
Do you know how close this ranch is to the Weaver compound
What the fuck are you talking about? You don't like what happened to the Weavers, take it up with Bush the Elder.
The starkest double standard at play here is that white cowpunchers appear to be the only group in America that are allowed to openly practice armed sedition in public without facing a swift and immediate strike by law enforcement.

More than anything, this particular story reveals exactly how white privilege works, yet leave it to these yahoos, armed to the teeth in a government building, whining that they're victims. What a laugh.
Let's see, someone can ignore the law of the land and the Supreme Court and refuse to do their job and issue a marriage license to citizens based on their religion.

Now it appears anyone that has a difference with the law or the local, state, or federal government can arm themselves and threaten to shoot government agents.

Conservatives you are a people without a country. You reject everything America is.

Why don't you leave and go be happy. This place isn't perfect, never was, but we do have laws.

So it's ok in your book for the feds to ignore the supreme law of the land?

Which case was that? Right Wing Kook vs the United States?'s okay to take up arms against your own federal government...

big deal..., it's in the Constitution!!
The protest might be legit, but grabbing federal property and not releasing it when demanded to should be considered armed robbery. They are armed. They robbed the property and are holding it hostage.
That's what the Fed's did. The people are taking it back.
My, what a lying little bitch you are.
You're the lying little bitch, and everybody knows it...
Keep it up, your entertainment value is priceless. You hypocritical regressives should go on the road.
Thanks for the concession terrorist.

What, I'm not the one that refused to answer a simple question and ran like a little girl.
Your question had zero relevance to the topic of the thread terrorist.

Right, except that is the very clause they cited claiming a government overreach, a point where they are correct. But no, no relevance at all, damn you're ignorant.
You support armed insurrections capturing federal property and endangering the lives of law enforcement. You are a terrorist.

I support the Constitution, those lands are public lands and those folks there have just as much claim to it as you. The feds have no constitutional clam to it at all, which I've already proved. But hey, if it makes you feel like a big man feel free to call me what ever you want, it won't make your dick or balls any bigger though, sorry.
Let's see, someone can ignore the law of the land and the Supreme Court and refuse to do their job and issue a marriage license to citizens based on their religion.

Now it appears anyone that has a difference with the law or the local, state, or federal government can arm themselves and threaten to shoot government agents.

Conservatives you are a people without a country. You reject everything America is.

Why don't you leave and go be happy. This place isn't perfect, never was, but we do have laws.

So it's ok in your book for the feds to ignore the supreme law of the land?

Which case was that? Right Wing Kook vs the United States?

Read Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17, I've already posted it, constitutionally congress has no authority over that land.
That good ole "liberal media"

If you depend on the corporate media for your news, you may not have heard that 150 gun-toting militia are claiming U.S. government property for themselves. Social media users observing the media’s response to the armed takeover of a federal building by right-wing militia over the weekend are pointing out obvious double standards in how the media is treating white, right-wing militia members compared to black protesters.

Men with REAL weapons are being negotiated with, while #TamirRice, a young boy with a fake gun was shot right away...? #OregonUnderAttack


Hey @ABC I fixed that typo for you #OregonStandoff #OregonUnderAttack

How @AP covers the armed takeover of a federal building by white militia members

Glenda TheGoodBitch @jstcallmesweet
So what qualifies you as a "militia"? Cause last time I checked 150 men with semi automatic weapons in my hood is a gang #OregonUnderAttack

D.B.Anderson @DBAnderson1
I demand to see 24 hour/7 day coverage of #OregonUnderAttack on @CNN. Wolf Blitzer needs to use the word "thugs" & "terrorists" repeatedly
140 tons of garbage was removed from a Los Angeles park after the Ocupoopers were finally removed.
Mother Gia weeps every time the left hold a protest.

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