Responsible Gun Owner Shoots His Family, Burns Down Home

I am sure he was a law abiding citizen, right folks?

Police say a family found dead in a burned Florida home were shot and killed by their father, who set the house alight before killing himself.

Hillsborough County Sheriff's Col Donna Lusczynski said investigators were looking to determine a motive.

The victims had rented the $1.5m (£884,468) home from former tennis star James Blake for about two years.

BBC News - 'Father killed' family in burned Florida home

He shot his wife and his two precious kids in the head before dousing the home in petrol, and setting the home alight.

Like any typical coward, he died in the blaze, too gutless to face the consequences of his actions.

But he sure deserved the right to own that firearm which killed his own family, eh?

Noomi, this was not a "responsible gun owner." This was a very disturbed individual. If he hadn't had a gun he would have found another way to kill them, probably with a butcher knife from the kitchen.

It's not about the method. The gun didn't kill his family...HE did.
We don't have any mass shootings over here. We are responsible people, remember?

Ever hear of the Port Arthur massacre?
Ever hear of the Monash University shooting?

Right on, alan1! What about this, Noomi?

The Port Arthur massacre remains one of the deadliest shootings worldwide committed by a single person and remains the deadliest in the English-speaking region.
From Wikipedia
What about this fine Australian lass? Katherine Knight killed her partner, John Price, and cooked him. She didn't need a gun, she just used a butcher knife.

Price's autopsy revealed that he had been stabbed at least 37 times, in both the front and back of his body with many of the wounds extending into vital organs. Several hours after Price had died, Knight skinned him and hung the skin from a meat hook on the architrave of a door to the lounge room.

She then decapitated him and cooked parts of his body, serving up the meat with baked potato, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, yellow squash and gravy in two settings at the dinner table, along with notes beside each plate, each having the name of one of Price's children on it; she was preparing to serve his body parts to his children.

A third meal was thrown on the back lawn for unknown reasons and it is speculated Knight had attempted to eat it but could not and this has been put forward in support of her claim that she has no memory of the crime. Price's head was found in a pot with vegetables.

Jeez, Noomi, your countrymen are brutal!! Sounds like she was a pretty good cook, though.

Want me to find some more examples?
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You cannot walk around with guns over here. As a result, we have no mass shootings. Not like this tragic story. I am not surprised, though. This will happen more and more.

Not for nothing but nobody cares about Australia.

You mean America doesn't care. America is so wrapped up in itself your citizens are too dumb to find Australia on a map.
What about this fine Australian lass? Katherine Knight killed her partner, John Price, and cooked him. She didn't need a gun, she just used a butcher knife.

Price's autopsy revealed that he had been stabbed at least 37 times, in both the front and back of his body with many of the wounds extending into vital organs. Several hours after Price had died, Knight skinned him and hung the skin from a meat hook on the architrave of a door to the lounge room.

She then decapitated him and cooked parts of his body, serving up the meat with baked potato, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, yellow squash and gravy in two settings at the dinner table, along with notes beside each plate, each having the name of one of Price's children on it; she was preparing to serve his body parts to his children.

A third meal was thrown on the back lawn for unknown reasons and it is speculated Knight had attempted to eat it but could not and this has been put forward in support of her claim that she has no memory of the crime. Price's head was found in a pot with vegetables.
Katherine Knight | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers

Jeez, Noomi, your countrymen are brutal!! Sounds like she was a pretty good cook, though.

Want me to find some more examples?

She didn't go on a mass stabbing spree, did she?

And she is one or most notorious killers.
We don't have any mass shootings over here. We are responsible people, remember?

Ever hear of the Port Arthur massacre?
Ever hear of the Monash University shooting?

Right on, alan1! What about this, Noomi?

The Port Arthur massacre remains one of the deadliest shootings worldwide committed by a single person and remains the deadliest in the English-speaking region.
From Wikipedia

And after that the Howard government pretty much banned guns, buying them all back. We haven't had a mass shooting since.

When was the last mass shooting in America? Oh yeah, the other day.
I am sure he was a law abiding citizen, right folks?

Police say a family found dead in a burned Florida home were shot and killed by their father, who set the house alight before killing himself.

Hillsborough County Sheriff's Col Donna Lusczynski said investigators were looking to determine a motive.

The victims had rented the $1.5m (£884,468) home from former tennis star James Blake for about two years.
BBC News - 'Father killed' family in burned Florida home

He shot his wife and his two precious kids in the head before dousing the home in petrol, and setting the home alight.

Like any typical coward, he died in the blaze, too gutless to face the consequences of his actions.

But he sure deserved the right to own that firearm which killed his own family, eh?

You really have missed the point, no one deserves their rights, they just have them. Seriously, what the fuck have you done to deserve the right to free will, speech, or even life itself?
Hillsborough County Sheriff's Col Donna Lusczynski said investigators were looking to determine a motive.

Spokespersons for the Sheriff’s Department have also referred to the handgun as being ‘registered’ to the owner.

Since when are firearms ‘registered’ in Florida?
If guns did not exist, people would only be taken out in other ways that they can be taken out.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. May the family be with the Lord now although that fire I believe was just the beginning for that man.
I am sure he was a law abiding citizen, right folks?

Police say a family found dead in a burned Florida home were shot and killed by their father, who set the house alight before killing himself.

Hillsborough County Sheriff's Col Donna Lusczynski said investigators were looking to determine a motive.

The victims had rented the $1.5m (£884,468) home from former tennis star James Blake for about two years.

BBC News - 'Father killed' family in burned Florida home

He shot his wife and his two precious kids in the head before dousing the home in petrol, and setting the home alight.

Like any typical coward, he died in the blaze, too gutless to face the consequences of his actions.

But he sure deserved the right to own that firearm which killed his own family, eh?

Funny how the radical left pounces on tragedies to make a Political point. Disgusting.
We don't have any mass shootings over here. We are responsible people, remember?

Americans are responsible as well.

Millions of Americans carry firearms daily – open and concealed carry – absent any tragic events, including me.

This is not an indictment of American ‘gun culture,’ as indeed no such ‘culture’ exists; this is an indictment of America’s failure to afford its citizens comprehensive mental healthcare, and the means by which to get those suffering from mental illness the treatment they need before their illness results in tragedy.

And this goes to an even more fundamental aspect of American society, making it unique in the West, where violence is perceived as a legitimate means of conflict resolution.

To connect this tragedy with that of the availability of firearms in the United States is consequently a fallacy, an oversimplification of a complex issue not subject to simple solutions.
We don't have any mass shootings over here. We are responsible people, remember?

Americans are responsible as well.

Millions of Americans carry firearms daily – open and concealed carry – absent any tragic events, including me.

This is not an indictment of American ‘gun culture,’ as indeed no such ‘culture’ exists; this is an indictment of America’s failure to afford its citizens comprehensive mental healthcare, and the means by which to get those suffering from mental illness the treatment they need before their illness results in tragedy.

And this goes to an even more fundamental aspect of American society, making it unique in the West, where violence is perceived as a legitimate means of conflict resolution.

To connect this tragedy with that of the availability of firearms in the United States is consequently a fallacy, an oversimplification of a complex issue not subject to simple solutions.

The shooter in every modern mass shooting was a left wing democrat or a nut case that democrat activism protected.
The next thing Australia needs to do is outlaw matches.

Childers Palace Fire - In June 2000, drifter and con-artist Robert Long started a fire at the Childers Palace backpackers hostel that killed 15 people.

Churchill Fire - 10 confirmed deaths due to a deliberately lit fire. The fire was lit on 7th of February 2009.

Quakers Hill Nursing Home Fire - 10 confirmed and as many as 21 people may have died as a result of a deliberately lit fire in a Quakers Hill nursing home. The fire was lit early on 18th of November 2011.

Yes, because Aussie's go on fire lighting sprees every other day.
Apples and oranges, and you know it.
I am sure he was a law abiding citizen, right folks?

Police say a family found dead in a burned Florida home were shot and killed by their father, who set the house alight before killing himself.

Hillsborough County Sheriff's Col Donna Lusczynski said investigators were looking to determine a motive.

The victims had rented the $1.5m (£884,468) home from former tennis star James Blake for about two years.

BBC News - 'Father killed' family in burned Florida home

He shot his wife and his two precious kids in the head before dousing the home in petrol, and setting the home alight.

Like any typical coward, he died in the blaze, too gutless to face the consequences of his actions.

But he sure deserved the right to own that firearm which killed his own family, eh?

Yep. Because anyone can snap at any time. But not all do.
I am sure he was a law abiding citizen, right folks?

Police say a family found dead in a burned Florida home were shot and killed by their father, who set the house alight before killing himself.

Hillsborough County Sheriff's Col Donna Lusczynski said investigators were looking to determine a motive.

The victims had rented the $1.5m (£884,468) home from former tennis star James Blake for about two years.

BBC News - 'Father killed' family in burned Florida home

He shot his wife and his two precious kids in the head before dousing the home in petrol, and setting the home alight.

Like any typical coward, he died in the blaze, too gutless to face the consequences of his actions.

But he sure deserved the right to own that firearm which killed his own family, eh?

You have it wrong.
Had his wife and kids been gun owners, they could have shot him before he shot them.
Better arm the dog as well, just in case.

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