Responsible Gun Owner Shoots His Family, Burns Down Home

Ever hear of the Port Arthur massacre?
Ever hear of the Monash University shooting?

Right on, alan1! What about this, Noomi?

The Port Arthur massacre remains one of the deadliest shootings worldwide committed by a single person and remains the deadliest in the English-speaking region.
From Wikipedia

And after that the Howard government pretty much banned guns, buying them all back. We haven't had a mass shooting since.

When was the last mass shooting in America? Oh yeah, the other day.
What about the Monash University shooting that I also mentioned? It occurred after the Port Arthur massacre.

And what about the subsequent post where I listed the mass killings by using fire? Whether it was a gun of fire, those people are still just as dead.
The next thing Australia needs to do is outlaw matches.

Childers Palace Fire - In June 2000, drifter and con-artist Robert Long started a fire at the Childers Palace backpackers hostel that killed 15 people.

Churchill Fire - 10 confirmed deaths due to a deliberately lit fire. The fire was lit on 7th of February 2009.

Quakers Hill Nursing Home Fire - 10 confirmed and as many as 21 people may have died as a result of a deliberately lit fire in a Quakers Hill nursing home. The fire was lit early on 18th of November 2011.

Yes, because Aussie's go on fire lighting sprees every other day.
Apples and oranges, and you know it.
Comparing murders is equivalent because the people murdered are just as dead regardless of the method.
We don't have any mass shootings over here. We are responsible people, remember?

On average, eight people a year die in mass shootings in this country. Eight out of three-hundred million.

I'll take those odds.
You cannot walk around with guns over here. As a result, we have no mass shootings. Not like this tragic story. I am not surprised, though. This will happen more and more.

We can walk around with guns over here and neither I nor anyone I have ever known has been a victim of a mass shooting. As a matter of fact I was just at the Ford dealership yesterday and a guy standing in front of me was open carrying a pistol on his side. It didn't bother me in the least.
I am sure he was a law abiding citizen, right folks?
But he sure deserved the right to own that firearm which killed his own family, eh?
Funny thing about free countries -- you do not lose your rights until the state demonstrates they should be taken away.
Sorry -you- don't want to live in a free country; fortunately, rational, thinking people disgagree with you.
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You cannot walk around with guns over here. As a result, we have no mass shootings. Not like this tragic story. I am not surprised, though. This will happen more and more.

port author university shooting
i'm so sick of people using deranged psychos as examples of responsible gun one argues this guy acted responsible.

so disingenuous...
i'm so sick of people using deranged psychos as examples of responsible gun one argues this guy acted responsible.

so disingenuous...

Noomi does.
She is wrong in a stupendously ignorant way.
I am sure he was a law abiding citizen, right folks?

Police say a family found dead in a burned Florida home were shot and killed by their father, who set the house alight before killing himself.

Hillsborough County Sheriff's Col Donna Lusczynski said investigators were looking to determine a motive.

The victims had rented the $1.5m (£884,468) home from former tennis star James Blake for about two years.

BBC News - 'Father killed' family in burned Florida home

He shot his wife and his two precious kids in the head before dousing the home in petrol, and setting the home alight.

Like any typical coward, he died in the blaze, too gutless to face the consequences of his actions.

But he sure deserved the right to own that firearm which killed his own family, eh?

jesus told him to practice his 2nd amendment rights
I am sure he was a law abiding citizen, right folks?

Police say a family found dead in a burned Florida home were shot and killed by their father, who set the house alight before killing himself.

Hillsborough County Sheriff's Col Donna Lusczynski said investigators were looking to determine a motive.

The victims had rented the $1.5m (£884,468) home from former tennis star James Blake for about two years.

BBC News - 'Father killed' family in burned Florida home

He shot his wife and his two precious kids in the head before dousing the home in petrol, and setting the home alight.

Like any typical coward, he died in the blaze, too gutless to face the consequences of his actions.

But he sure deserved the right to own that firearm which killed his own family, eh?

jesus told him to practice his 2nd amendment rights
You pegged out the clueless meter.
You aren't interested in saving lives Noomi, you are just interested in pushing your political agenda. Far more people die from car accidents every year, yet I never see people trying to ban cars. Why? Because that would be inconvenient. Preventing deaths is only important to people like you when its convenient in your own life, otherwise you cant be bothered with it.

Fucking hypocrites.
Far more people die from car accidents every year, yet I never see people trying to ban cars.

That’s a failed and inane ‘argument,’ a false comparison fallacy.

There is a serious problem, but it’s not with the availability of guns, it’s the lack of availability of mental health treatment, and Americans’ refusal to acknowledge the violent nature of our society.
I am sure he was a law abiding citizen, right folks?

Police say a family found dead in a burned Florida home were shot and killed by their father, who set the house alight before killing himself.

Hillsborough County Sheriff's Col Donna Lusczynski said investigators were looking to determine a motive.

The victims had rented the $1.5m (£884,468) home from former tennis star James Blake for about two years.
BBC News - 'Father killed' family in burned Florida home

He shot his wife and his two precious kids in the head before dousing the home in petrol, and setting the home alight.

Like any typical coward, he died in the blaze, too gutless to face the consequences of his actions.

But he sure deserved the right to own that firearm which killed his own family, eh?

LOL. A responsible gun owner wouldn't shoot his family. Hahahaha :lol:
You cannot walk around with guns over here. As a result, we have no mass shootings. Not like this tragic story. I am not surprised, though. This will happen more and more.

My extended family (grandpas, uncles, cousins, brothers, etc.) have owned guns for many, many generations and nobody in my family has shot another member of the family. I've own a firearm since I was 12 and have never even pointed it at a family member (or anyone else for that matter).

Quit being asinine.

These days, drugs (including and perhaps especially prescription drugs) and alcohol are far more to blame for violence and irresponsibility that guns are.
Far more people die from car accidents every year, yet I never see people trying to ban cars.

That’s a failed and inane ‘argument,’ a false comparison fallacy.

There is a serious problem, but it’s not with the availability of guns, it’s the lack of availability of mental health treatment, and Americans’ refusal to acknowledge the violent nature of our society.

Worse than mental health issues are doctors who falsely diagnose mental health issues then prescribe dangerous drugs that actually create TRUE mental health issues.

31 School shooters/school related violence committed by those under the influence of psychiatric drugs

School Shooters & Stabbings Committed by those on Psychiatric Drugs | CCHR International

The most dangerous antidepressant side effect is increased reporting of suicidal thoughts and actions by patients taking SSRIs. It is this effect that caused the FDA to issue its black box warning in 2004. Now, every package insert for SSRIs includes the black box warning, notifying physicians, pharmacists and patients that SSRI use has been implicated in increased suicidal ideation, increased hostility, and agitation in both children and adults. This warning is based on statistical evidence gathered from detailed analysis of published clinical trials.

List of dangerous antidepressants that cause sudden death is rapidly expanding -
Far more people die from car accidents every year, yet I never see people trying to ban cars.

That’s a failed and inane ‘argument,’ a false comparison fallacy.

There is a serious problem, but it’s not with the availability of guns, it’s the lack of availability of mental health treatment, and Americans’ refusal to acknowledge the violent nature of our society.

I think the actual problem is that mental health treatment is still in the dark ages in terms of understanding what causes the problems. Don't get me wrong, mental health is a serious problem, but we are barely scratching the surface of how the brain actually works, and may never be able to explain the mind because it may be impossible for us to fully understand ourselves. There are so many factors that contribute to who a person is and why they do what they do that we may never be able to reliably predict who will snap, or why. Presently, we are faced with a choice of randomly denying people due process on the basis of a wild guess, or admitting that we can't do anything to prevent people from making bad choices.

Some people are so afraid of admitting that we can't fix everything that they prefer locking people up on a whim. I am so afraid of a government that can lock people up on a whim that I would rather be killed by a random nut with a gun.

Freedom scares people, hey need to grow up.
Far more people die from car accidents every year, yet I never see people trying to ban cars.

That’s a failed and inane ‘argument,’ a false comparison fallacy.

There is a serious problem, but it’s not with the availability of guns, it’s the lack of availability of mental health treatment, and Americans’ refusal to acknowledge the violent nature of our society.
Good God! The reason people arm themselves is because the DO acknowledge the violent nature of our society. Your camp is the Pollyanna variety. Just act cool and you're good to go. Yeah, right.

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