Responsible Gun Owner Shoots His Family, Burns Down Home

I am sure he was a law abiding citizen, right folks?

Police say a family found dead in a burned Florida home were shot and killed by their father, who set the house alight before killing himself.

Hillsborough County Sheriff's Col Donna Lusczynski said investigators were looking to determine a motive.

The victims had rented the $1.5m (£884,468) home from former tennis star James Blake for about two years.

BBC News - 'Father killed' family in burned Florida home

He shot his wife and his two precious kids in the head before dousing the home in petrol, and setting the home alight.

Like any typical coward, he died in the blaze, too gutless to face the consequences of his actions.

But he sure deserved the right to own that firearm which killed his own family, eh?

Nothing about this story indicates the individual in question was a "responsible gun owner." In fact, I'd say the story indicates just the opposite.

You fail. Again.
You cannot walk around with guns over here. As a result, we have no mass shootings. Not like this tragic story. I am not surprised, though. This will happen more and more.

My extended family (grandpas, uncles, cousins, brothers, etc.) have owned guns for many, many generations and nobody in my family has shot another member of the family. I've own a firearm since I was 12 and have never even pointed it at a family member (or anyone else for that matter).

Quit being asinine.

These days, drugs (including and perhaps especially prescription drugs) and alcohol are far more to blame for violence and irresponsibility that guns are.

There are mass shootings every other day in America, and you still insist there isn't a problem?
I am sure he was a law abiding citizen, right folks?

Police say a family found dead in a burned Florida home were shot and killed by their father, who set the house alight before killing himself.

Hillsborough County Sheriff's Col Donna Lusczynski said investigators were looking to determine a motive.

The victims had rented the $1.5m (£884,468) home from former tennis star James Blake for about two years.

BBC News - 'Father killed' family in burned Florida home

He shot his wife and his two precious kids in the head before dousing the home in petrol, and setting the home alight.

Like any typical coward, he died in the blaze, too gutless to face the consequences of his actions.

But he sure deserved the right to own that firearm which killed his own family, eh?

There are 10's of millions of responsible firearms owners, yet you take one that is not and base your whole argument on it. And lie about it as well.
You cannot walk around with guns over here. As a result, we have no mass shootings. Not like this tragic story. I am not surprised, though. This will happen more and more.

My extended family (grandpas, uncles, cousins, brothers, etc.) have owned guns for many, many generations and nobody in my family has shot another member of the family. I've own a firearm since I was 12 and have never even pointed it at a family member (or anyone else for that matter).

Quit being asinine.

These days, drugs (including and perhaps especially prescription drugs) and alcohol are far more to blame for violence and irresponsibility that guns are.

There are mass shootings every other day in America, and you still insist there isn't a problem?
Another lie, there are not mass shootings every other day, in fact there have been no more than in past years, the average is pretty small and is insignificant when compared to other murders and shootings. And the total of murders with firearms is so small a percent as to be meaningless when compared to how many firearms are in private hands.
The very title of this thread is dishonest. No 'responsible' person kills his family and burns down his house. The guy is a nutjob. What is this? An attempt to say that there is no such thing as a 'responsible' gun owner? My dad suffers from PTSD and clinical depression, he own a glock and a civilian issue M16. Haven't seen him act in such a way. Pretty responsible gun owner if you ask me.
You cannot walk around with guns over here. As a result, we have no mass shootings. Not like this tragic story. I am not surprised, though. This will happen more and more.

Not for nothing but nobody cares about Australia.

Nor should they.

It's a low crime high wage country.

People are very happy there.

My trip really opened my eyes.
You have a funny definition of responsible.

What if I said responsible mother drowns her 5 kids in a bathtub?

Andrea Yates, the Texas woman who drowned her 5 children -- The Crime Library ? The Call ? Crime Library

Would you stick to your definition of responsible?

And everyone is not a criminal until they are a criminal.

Guns don't make a person a criminal and you can't as much as you would like to control everyone to the point of eliminating criminal acts.

Noomi would tell you that people in Australia are not allowed to walk around carrying bathtubs.
You have a funny definition of responsible.

What if I said responsible mother drowns her 5 kids in a bathtub?

Andrea Yates, the Texas woman who drowned her 5 children -- The Crime Library ? The Call ? Crime Library

Would you stick to your definition of responsible?

And everyone is not a criminal until they are a criminal.

Guns don't make a person a criminal and you can't as much as you would like to control everyone to the point of eliminating criminal acts.

Noomi would tell you that people in Australia are not allowed to walk around carrying bathtubs.

Well to be honest?

I went to Dalyesford, Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart.

And no one was carrying around a bathtub.
You don't know if someone who murders his family is a law abiding citizen?

And you wonder why you aren't persuasive with anyone.
The very title of this thread is dishonest. No 'responsible' person kills his family and burns down his house. The guy is a nutjob. What is this? An attempt to say that there is no such thing as a 'responsible' gun owner? My dad suffers from PTSD and clinical depression, he own a glock and a civilian issue M16. Haven't seen him act in such a way. Pretty responsible gun owner if you ask me.

And what if that person with depression swallows their gun?

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