Responsible Gun Owner Shoots His Family, Burns Down Home

We don't have any mass shootings over here. We are responsible people, remember?

How do you explain the violence inflicted on Australian women? Australian men seem to be first class cowards - beating and raping women are not the traits of courageous men.

I can provide you with links but this problem is so big in Australia that everyone knows about it.
You have a funny definition of responsible.

What if I said responsible mother drowns her 5 kids in a bathtub?

Andrea Yates, the Texas woman who drowned her 5 children -- The Crime Library ? The Call ? Crime Library

Would you stick to your definition of responsible?

And everyone is not a criminal until they are a criminal.

Guns don't make a person a criminal and you can't as much as you would like to control everyone to the point of eliminating criminal acts.

There is a special place in hell for Andrea.
Really tragic what is happening in Australia:

"Despite our greater gender equality, we rank third after the war-torn Congo and the southern African nations of Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe for rates of sexual assault against women."

Australia?s sexual assault shame: One in six women a victim, putting Australia way above world average |

Violence against women in Australia is an age-old problem with no signs of getting better:

“It is estimated that more than half of Australian women have experienced some form of physical or sexual violence in their lifetimes."

Even those numbers may be low because some Australians accept that violence against women is part of the culture. Because of this:

"The same research highlights that there is significant under-reporting of violence against women, with an estimated 67 per cent of women not contacting police after recent incidents of physical assault by a male."

Victorians must speak out to tackle culture of violence against women and children

Australians are not worth emulating.
I am sure he was a law abiding citizen, right folks?

Police say a family found dead in a burned Florida home were shot and killed by their father, who set the house alight before killing himself.

Hillsborough County Sheriff's Col Donna Lusczynski said investigators were looking to determine a motive.

The victims had rented the $1.5m (£884,468) home from former tennis star James Blake for about two years.

BBC News - 'Father killed' family in burned Florida home

He shot his wife and his two precious kids in the head before dousing the home in petrol, and setting the home alight.

Like any typical coward, he died in the blaze, too gutless to face the consequences of his actions.

But he sure deserved the right to own that firearm which killed his own family, eh?

Funny how the radical left pounces on tragedies to make a Political point. Disgusting.

They're like ghouls....I don't call that a responsible person...using others tragedy to make some stupid point
We don't have any mass shootings over here. We are responsible people, remember?

Americans are responsible as well.

Millions of Americans carry firearms daily – open and concealed carry – absent any tragic events, including me.

This is not an indictment of American ‘gun culture,’ as indeed no such ‘culture’ exists; this is an indictment of America’s failure to afford its citizens comprehensive mental healthcare, and the means by which to get those suffering from mental illness the treatment they need before their illness results in tragedy.

And this goes to an even more fundamental aspect of American society, making it unique in the West, where violence is perceived as a legitimate means of conflict resolution.

To connect this tragedy with that of the availability of firearms in the United States is consequently a fallacy, an oversimplification of a complex issue not subject to simple solutions.

By your own admissions we don't do near enough for the mentally impaired people of our country. And they have full access to any weapon available, just like not mentally impaired people, but you don't think there is a connection to mental illness and tragic gun deaths?
Those are just accidents that are bound to happen. But not connected to our gun culture and the wide availability of guns.

You all seem to think it is just as easy to slit someones throat as it is to pull the trigger on a gun. It ain't. Especially when it comes time to slit your own throat.

Don't you gun nutters just wish these crazy people would start killing their loved ones with knives, cars, strangulation, any means other than guns.

Cause when they keep using guns, it makes your all's bull shit argument that it wasn't the guns fault a whole lot harder to believe.

Maybe the NRA could start an advertising campaign. If you are gonna kill a bunch of people or your family, please don't use a gun. We keep telling people that it isn't guns doing the killing. So stop killing your families with guns. Use a knife instead.

What a great message from the NRA.
You cannot walk around with guns over here. As a result, we have no mass shootings. Not like this tragic story. I am not surprised, though. This will happen more and more.

Not for nothing but nobody cares about Australia.

You mean America doesn't care. America is so wrapped up in itself your citizens are too dumb to find Australia on a map.

Maybe you should take as much interest in your own country as you do ours.

IOW mind your own fucking business.
We don't have any mass shootings over here. We are responsible people, remember?

Wrong all over the place :eusa_hand:

No one would define this as responsible, or even sane.

Mass shooting is not what this crime was, by definition.

Murder rate slides but guns still rule - The Sydney Morning Herald

You cannot walk around with guns over here. As a result, we have no mass shootings. Not like this tragic story. I am not surprised, though. This will happen more and more.



Australian Gun Ban Resulted In Higher Crime Rates

Reason or Force: Australian Gun Ban Facts & Statistics -

The statistics for the years following the ban are now in:
-Accidental gun deaths are 300% higher than the pre-1997 ban rate
-The assault rate has increased 800% since 1991, and increased 200% since the 1997 gun ban.
-Robbery and armed robbery have increase 20% from the pre-97 ban rate.
-From immediately after the ban was instituted in 1997 through 2002, the robbery and armed robbery rate was up 200% over the pre-ban rates.
-In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 171 percent
We don't have any mass shootings over here. We are responsible people, remember?

Wrong all over the place :eusa_hand:

No one would define this as responsible, or even sane.

Mass shooting is not what this crime was, by definition.

Murder rate slides but guns still rule - The Sydney Morning Herald

You cannot walk around with guns over here. As a result, we have no mass shootings. Not like this tragic story. I am not surprised, though. This will happen more and more.



Australian Gun Ban Resulted In Higher Crime Rates

Reason or Force: Australian Gun Ban Facts & Statistics -

The statistics for the years following the ban are now in:
-Accidental gun deaths are 300% higher than the pre-1997 ban rate
-The assault rate has increased 800% since 1991, and increased 200% since the 1997 gun ban.
-Robbery and armed robbery have increase 20% from the pre-97 ban rate.
-From immediately after the ban was instituted in 1997 through 2002, the robbery and armed robbery rate was up 200% over the pre-ban rates.
-In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 171 percent

Nice cherry-picking of data.

Okay, let's look at the real numbers.

Number of gun homicides in the US- 11,101
Number of gun homicides in Austrailia - 25.

In the 30 years or so they track, the highest number in Oz was 123 in 1988 (Before the gun ban) and the lowest was 15.

Now by comparison, the US low point was 9257 in 1998, and 12352 in 2005.
Calling him a responsible gun owner, is just as dishonest as calling him a non-violent person. He killed his family, he's far from a responsible gun owner. This kind of blatant dishonesty is exactly why I hate liberals so much.
Wrong all over the place :eusa_hand:

No one would define this as responsible, or even sane.

Mass shooting is not what this crime was, by definition.

Murder rate slides but guns still rule - The Sydney Morning Herald

You cannot walk around with guns over here. As a result, we have no mass shootings. Not like this tragic story. I am not surprised, though. This will happen more and more.



Australian Gun Ban Resulted In Higher Crime Rates

Reason or Force: Australian Gun Ban Facts & Statistics -

The statistics for the years following the ban are now in:
-Accidental gun deaths are 300% higher than the pre-1997 ban rate
-The assault rate has increased 800% since 1991, and increased 200% since the 1997 gun ban.
-Robbery and armed robbery have increase 20% from the pre-97 ban rate.
-From immediately after the ban was instituted in 1997 through 2002, the robbery and armed robbery rate was up 200% over the pre-ban rates.
-In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 171 percent

Nice cherry-picking of data.

Okay, let's look at the real numbers.

Number of gun homicides in the US- 11,101
Number of gun homicides in Austrailia - 25.

In the 30 years or so they track, the highest number in Oz was 123 in 1988 (Before the gun ban) and the lowest was 15.

Now by comparison, the US low point was 9257 in 1998, and 12352 in 2005.

And then there are liberals like you who I don't know if you are just ignorant or being dishonest. You look at those numbers and blame guns, instead of looking for reasons why violence in all forms is so prevalent in this country. It's like tackling the problem of drunk driving deaths by restricting everyone's ability to drive a car.

Happy Now!!!!

Meanwhile, in Realville >>>

more guns = less crime

Supported by extensive university research....not gay opinions.:D

Many people believe that owning guns only increases the amount of crime. However, a recent study published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally. In other words, the more guns the less crime. The study showed that nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate that is three times that of the nine European nations with the highest gun ownership rate

Here is the full Harvard University paper, April 213!!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
I am sure he was a law abiding citizen, right folks?

Police say a family found dead in a burned Florida home were shot and killed by their father, who set the house alight before killing himself.

Hillsborough County Sheriff's Col Donna Lusczynski said investigators were looking to determine a motive.

The victims had rented the $1.5m (£884,468) home from former tennis star James Blake for about two years.

BBC News - 'Father killed' family in burned Florida home

He shot his wife and his two precious kids in the head before dousing the home in petrol, and setting the home alight.

Like any typical coward, he died in the blaze, too gutless to face the consequences of his actions.

But he sure deserved the right to own that firearm which killed his own family, eh?

So if he would have stab, or hit them in the head with a bat until they died you would be fine with this murder since it didn't evolve a gun.. OK
Being a gun owner had no relationship to the crime. One may as well have said "responsible water drinker shoots family burns down house". If he had gotten high on pot and done the same thing, would you say "responsible pot user kills family"?
Wrong all over the place :eusa_hand:

No one would define this as responsible, or even sane.

Mass shooting is not what this crime was, by definition.

Murder rate slides but guns still rule - The Sydney Morning Herald

You cannot walk around with guns over here. As a result, we have no mass shootings. Not like this tragic story. I am not surprised, though. This will happen more and more.



Australian Gun Ban Resulted In Higher Crime Rates

Reason or Force: Australian Gun Ban Facts & Statistics -

The statistics for the years following the ban are now in:
-Accidental gun deaths are 300% higher than the pre-1997 ban rate
-The assault rate has increased 800% since 1991, and increased 200% since the 1997 gun ban.
-Robbery and armed robbery have increase 20% from the pre-97 ban rate.
-From immediately after the ban was instituted in 1997 through 2002, the robbery and armed robbery rate was up 200% over the pre-ban rates.
-In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 171 percent

Nice cherry-picking of data.

Okay, let's look at the real numbers.

Number of gun homicides in the US- 11,101
Number of gun homicides in Austrailia - 25.

In the 30 years or so they track, the highest number in Oz was 123 in 1988 (Before the gun ban) and the lowest was 15.

Now by comparison, the US low point was 9257 in 1998, and 12352 in 2005.

As if Australia has anything to do with us.

I don;t care about Australia

If you like their government control feel free to move.
Wrong all over the place :eusa_hand:

No one would define this as responsible, or even sane.

Mass shooting is not what this crime was, by definition.

Murder rate slides but guns still rule - The Sydney Morning Herald

You cannot walk around with guns over here. As a result, we have no mass shootings. Not like this tragic story. I am not surprised, though. This will happen more and more.



Australian Gun Ban Resulted In Higher Crime Rates

Reason or Force: Australian Gun Ban Facts & Statistics -

The statistics for the years following the ban are now in:
-Accidental gun deaths are 300% higher than the pre-1997 ban rate
-The assault rate has increased 800% since 1991, and increased 200% since the 1997 gun ban.
-Robbery and armed robbery have increase 20% from the pre-97 ban rate.
-From immediately after the ban was instituted in 1997 through 2002, the robbery and armed robbery rate was up 200% over the pre-ban rates.
-In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 171 percent

Nice cherry-picking of data.

Okay, let's look at the real numbers.

Number of gun homicides in the US- 11,101
Number of gun homicides in Austrailia - 25.

In the 30 years or so they track, the highest number in Oz was 123 in 1988 (Before the gun ban) and the lowest was 15.

Now by comparison, the US low point was 9257 in 1998, and 12352 in 2005.

I moved on from guns to crime, most of us have in fact.

But like the op you only care about crime by guns.


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