Restaurant Bans Trump Voters

Honolulu’s Café 8 ½ gets rave reviews on Yelp for its “Radiatore Verde” and “Italian stir fry,” among other popular dishes at the eclectic mom-and-pop restaurant – but the response to its new 'policy' barring pro-Trump patrons has been decidedly more mixed.

A bright yellow, handmade sign posted on the restaurant's front glass door declares: “If you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis.”

A photo of the sign was shared with One also is proudly posted on the café’s Facebook page, and was “liked” by some 40 people.

“…The next time you're in Honolulu, eat lunch here, not only are they on the right side of things, the food is delicious and reasonable,” one Facebook user wrote next to the photo.

Others aren’t so charmed.

Honolulu resident and Donald Trump voter Susan Roberts told she found the sign in “extreme poor taste.”

“It's childish and very unprofessional,” she said in an email. “… The restaurant owner doesn't have to worry ... I will not be stepping foot in that establishment.”

Willes Lee, former chairman of the Hawaii Republican Party and now president of National Federation of Republican Assemblies, told the sign is discriminatory, and harkens back to “racist and hate-filled” days before statehood.

“Remember when Filipinos couldn't go in certain places, or Japanese wouldn't be allowed [in] many homes? And, it didn't matter who they voted for,” said Lee, who is of Japanese descent.

“People should be able to get food without hearing a political message,” one apparent former customer wrote on Yelp. “I will never go back.”

According to the Honolulu Star-Advertiser, the café was founded by Robert Warner, a former hair stylist for Vidal Sassoon in San Francisco and former restaurateur in Seattle, along with his wife Jali.

Reached for comment Tuesday, Jali downplayed the sign's supposed ban. She told the restaurant is not actually asking customers whether they voted for President-elect Trump, and said even if they see a customer with a Trump shirt, “we don’t put anything different [in] your food.”

“Robert just wants to express how much he doesn’t like Trump,” Jali said. “If people take it personally or it hurts them, we cannot help. That’s why we say they have [a] choice if they want to come or not come. We don’t force them.”

She said three people called to complain about the sign when it first went up, “that’s it.”

“We don’t want to create trouble,” Jali said. “There is enough trouble in the world.”

While Jali is soft-spoken, Warner, some customers note, is known to channel the “soup Nazi” persona of New York City and “Seinfeld” fame -- “throwing pots and pans,” “telling off customers,” and “hanging not-so-friendly reminders on butcher paper for his customers to read.”

But another Yelp reviewer took issue with the attitude and the sign, writing: “It was funny on Seinfeld, but this place can rot away. Stay away. Hawaii ain't like this. There's a lot of better places on the island than to have deal with extra crap like this.”
Please be intellectually honest enough to use quotation marks when you C&P someone else's work product. Thank You.
On some other forums you would be banned if you don't attribute.

The average idiot ---- had they actually read the article --- would understand it is a fox news article.

But then, clearly, you're not an AVERAGE idiot, are you?
They do. PA laws ensure it. You wanna have a service need to play by the rules. That's your end of the bargain.
So you're against a "level playing field" and believe some people are more equal than others? That's all I'm advocating and you seem to disagree with me. Am I reading you correctly?
Obviously they don't care about the slump that they could fall into by banning such people. What makes them think that people of their own camp would be enough to keep them out of the poor house?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. How would they know who voted for who any way? And how do they feel about those who didn't vote at all period?
Honolulu’s Café 8 ½ gets rave reviews on Yelp for its “Radiatore Verde” and “Italian stir fry,” among other popular dishes at the eclectic mom-and-pop restaurant – but the response to its new 'policy' barring pro-Trump patrons has been decidedly more mixed.

A bright yellow, handmade sign posted on the restaurant's front glass door declares: “If you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis.”

A photo of the sign was shared with One also is proudly posted on the café’s Facebook page, and was “liked” by some 40 people.

“…The next time you're in Honolulu, eat lunch here, not only are they on the right side of things, the food is delicious and reasonable,” one Facebook user wrote next to the photo.

Others aren’t so charmed.

Honolulu resident and Donald Trump voter Susan Roberts told she found the sign in “extreme poor taste.”

“It's childish and very unprofessional,” she said in an email. “… The restaurant owner doesn't have to worry ... I will not be stepping foot in that establishment.”

Willes Lee, former chairman of the Hawaii Republican Party and now president of National Federation of Republican Assemblies, told the sign is discriminatory, and harkens back to “racist and hate-filled” days before statehood.

“Remember when Filipinos couldn't go in certain places, or Japanese wouldn't be allowed [in] many homes? And, it didn't matter who they voted for,” said Lee, who is of Japanese descent.

“People should be able to get food without hearing a political message,” one apparent former customer wrote on Yelp. “I will never go back.”

According to the Honolulu Star-Advertiser, the café was founded by Robert Warner, a former hair stylist for Vidal Sassoon in San Francisco and former restaurateur in Seattle, along with his wife Jali.

Reached for comment Tuesday, Jali downplayed the sign's supposed ban. She told the restaurant is not actually asking customers whether they voted for President-elect Trump, and said even if they see a customer with a Trump shirt, “we don’t put anything different [in] your food.”

“Robert just wants to express how much he doesn’t like Trump,” Jali said. “If people take it personally or it hurts them, we cannot help. That’s why we say they have [a] choice if they want to come or not come. We don’t force them.”

She said three people called to complain about the sign when it first went up, “that’s it.”

“We don’t want to create trouble,” Jali said. “There is enough trouble in the world.”

While Jali is soft-spoken, Warner, some customers note, is known to channel the “soup Nazi” persona of New York City and “Seinfeld” fame -- “throwing pots and pans,” “telling off customers,” and “hanging not-so-friendly reminders on butcher paper for his customers to read.”

But another Yelp reviewer took issue with the attitude and the sign, writing: “It was funny on Seinfeld, but this place can rot away. Stay away. Hawaii ain't like this. There's a lot of better places on the island than to have deal with extra crap like this.”
Please be intellectually honest enough to use quotation marks when you C&P someone else's work product. Thank You.
On some other forums you would be banned if you don't attribute.

The average idiot ---- had they actually read the article --- would understand it is a fox news article.

But then, clearly, you're not an AVERAGE idiot, are you?
Wise up asshole!
The 'owners' have stated yes they put the sign in the window.
FoxNews didn't break in when the restaurant was closed and put the sign in the window you moron!
The sign's meaningless.

I'd go in, order, eat, pay my bill, and then loudly announce I voted for Trump.

So what would they have accomplished? Nothing other than showing their lefty stupidity. Which is nothing new for lefties.

In their typical liberal stupidity they would expect you to announce upon entrance that you voted for Clinton, otherwise they would assume that you voted for Trump.

They would spit in your soup, piss on your salad and and use some brown sauce from the bath room on your steak.

You can never underestimate liberal evil.
Two threads on this. Two threads full of people who don't understand what PA laws are and what they are meant to accomplish.

This restaurant may very well experience a drop in business. But, the owners will not be fined nor sued successfully nor arrested.

If you need help understanding what is and what is not a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1965 and other state PA laws, ask yourself this question:

Is the reason that a person is refused service something that relates to something he/she has no control over or his/her religious affiliation?

If not, then it is likely legal to refuse the service. If yes....then ya gotta serve.

So simple.

The ONLY thing a person has no control over is the color of his/her skin.

Religious affiliation is totally under one's control and should not be a pass to gain special status.
The sign's meaningless.

I'd go in, order, eat, pay my bill, and then loudly announce I voted for Trump.

So what would they have accomplished? Nothing other than showing their lefty stupidity. Which is nothing new for lefties.

In their typical liberal stupidity they would expect you to announce upon entrance that you voted for Clinton, otherwise they would assume that you voted for Trump.

They would spit in your soup, piss on your salad and and use some brown sauce from the bath room on your steak.

You can never underestimate liberal evil.
Chefs and line cooks virtually never spit in/on anything they are preparing.
It's 100% the servers who do that and the practice is ENDEMIC in restaurants everywhere in the world.
I caught a server spit on a regular customer's plate. The customer was a good tipper and a very nice person. The server said she did it because she didn't like the fact that the customer could afford to eat at the restaurant so often.
If everyone really knew what they were consuming in restaurants they would NEVER EVER eat at ANY restaurant again.
People are saying Trumpbots are full of hot air, i.e. gas. In other words, they fart a lot. The restaurant owners are probably just trying to keep out the fart producers. .
The sign's meaningless.

I'd go in, order, eat, pay my bill, and then loudly announce I voted for Trump.

So what would they have accomplished? Nothing other than showing their lefty stupidity. Which is nothing new for lefties.

In their typical liberal stupidity they would expect you to announce upon entrance that you voted for Clinton, otherwise they would assume that you voted for Trump.

They would spit in your soup, piss on your salad and and use some brown sauce from the bath room on your steak.

You can never underestimate liberal evil.
Good points. So, my new approach would be as you suggested and announce I voted for Hillary upon entering, but once sated and paid I'd loudly announce I duped them. And likely stiff the waitress.
Two threads on this. Two threads full of people who don't understand what PA laws are and what they are meant to accomplish.

This restaurant may very well experience a drop in business. But, the owners will not be fined nor sued successfully nor arrested.

If you need help understanding what is and what is not a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1965 and other state PA laws, ask yourself this question:

Is the reason that a person is refused service something that relates to something he/she has no control over or his/her religious affiliation?

If not, then it is likely legal to refuse the service. If yes....then ya gotta serve.

So simple.

The ONLY thing a person has no control over is the color of his/her skin.

Religious affiliation is totally under one's control and should not be a pass to gain special status.

Well....I agree with you on the religion issue. However, we have laws that say otherwise. We can't always get what we want.

Now...I will assume that you believe that one's sexual orientation is a choice and should also be excluded from PA protections. I've no remedy for your ignorance on that score.
The sign's meaningless.

I'd go in, order, eat, pay my bill, and then loudly announce I voted for Trump.

So what would they have accomplished? Nothing other than showing their lefty stupidity. Which is nothing new for lefties.

In their typical liberal stupidity they would expect you to announce upon entrance that you voted for Clinton, otherwise they would assume that you voted for Trump.

They would spit in your soup, piss on your salad and and use some brown sauce from the bath room on your steak.

You can never underestimate liberal evil.
Chefs and line cooks virtually never spit in/on anything they are preparing.
It's 100% the servers who do that and the practice is ENDEMIC in restaurants everywhere in the world.
I caught a server spit on a regular customer's plate. The customer was a good tipper and a very nice person. The server said she did it because she didn't like the fact that the customer could afford to eat at the restaurant so often.
If everyone really knew what they were consuming in restaurants they would NEVER EVER eat at ANY restaurant again.

Yes. And if people knew what was sleeping with them in their sheets at night, they might never sleep again. Right?
What's actually stupid is that anyone made a big deal out of this. What do I care if a business owner in Hawaii expresses his political opinion in a creative way? It doesn't mean anything and they don't ask anyone if they voted for Trump. The over reaction to this is what is stupid.
The sign's meaningless.

I'd go in, order, eat, pay my bill, and then loudly announce I voted for Trump.

So what would they have accomplished? Nothing other than showing their lefty stupidity. Which is nothing new for lefties.

In their typical liberal stupidity they would expect you to announce upon entrance that you voted for Clinton, otherwise they would assume that you voted for Trump.

They would spit in your soup, piss on your salad and and use some brown sauce from the bath room on your steak.

You can never underestimate liberal evil.
Good points. So, my new approach would be as you suggested and announce I voted for Hillary upon entering, but once sated and paid I'd loudly announce I duped them. And likely stiff the waitress.
The 'hairdresser's' restaurant has been put on COD by its suppliers.
All you LIBs better get in line to eat there.
It will be closed in a couple of months.
"Hello this is the hairdresser returning your call. Yes I did put a sign in the window telling more than half my potential customers if they voted for Trump not to eat at my restaurant. So now you've put me on COD???
You can shove your fresh lobsters up your ass! You obviously voted for Trump!".
Honolulu’s Café 8 ½ gets rave reviews on Yelp for its “Radiatore Verde” and “Italian stir fry,” among other popular dishes at the eclectic mom-and-pop restaurant – but the response to its new 'policy' barring pro-Trump patrons has been decidedly more mixed.

A bright yellow, handmade sign posted on the restaurant's front glass door declares: “If you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis.”

A photo of the sign was shared with One also is proudly posted on the café’s Facebook page, and was “liked” by some 40 people.

“…The next time you're in Honolulu, eat lunch here, not only are they on the right side of things, the food is delicious and reasonable,” one Facebook user wrote next to the photo.

Others aren’t so charmed.

Honolulu resident and Donald Trump voter Susan Roberts told she found the sign in “extreme poor taste.”

“It's childish and very unprofessional,” she said in an email. “… The restaurant owner doesn't have to worry ... I will not be stepping foot in that establishment.”

Willes Lee, former chairman of the Hawaii Republican Party and now president of National Federation of Republican Assemblies, told the sign is discriminatory, and harkens back to “racist and hate-filled” days before statehood.

“Remember when Filipinos couldn't go in certain places, or Japanese wouldn't be allowed [in] many homes? And, it didn't matter who they voted for,” said Lee, who is of Japanese descent.

“People should be able to get food without hearing a political message,” one apparent former customer wrote on Yelp. “I will never go back.”

According to the Honolulu Star-Advertiser, the café was founded by Robert Warner, a former hair stylist for Vidal Sassoon in San Francisco and former restaurateur in Seattle, along with his wife Jali.

Reached for comment Tuesday, Jali downplayed the sign's supposed ban. She told the restaurant is not actually asking customers whether they voted for President-elect Trump, and said even if they see a customer with a Trump shirt, “we don’t put anything different [in] your food.”

“Robert just wants to express how much he doesn’t like Trump,” Jali said. “If people take it personally or it hurts them, we cannot help. That’s why we say they have [a] choice if they want to come or not come. We don’t force them.”

She said three people called to complain about the sign when it first went up, “that’s it.”

“We don’t want to create trouble,” Jali said. “There is enough trouble in the world.”

While Jali is soft-spoken, Warner, some customers note, is known to channel the “soup Nazi” persona of New York City and “Seinfeld” fame -- “throwing pots and pans,” “telling off customers,” and “hanging not-so-friendly reminders on butcher paper for his customers to read.”

But another Yelp reviewer took issue with the attitude and the sign, writing: “It was funny on Seinfeld, but this place can rot away. Stay away. Hawaii ain't like this. There's a lot of better places on the island than to have deal with extra crap like this.”
Please be intellectually honest enough to use quotation marks when you C&P someone else's work product. Thank You.
On some other forums you would be banned if you don't attribute.

The average idiot ---- had they actually read the article --- would understand it is a fox news article.

But then, clearly, you're not an AVERAGE idiot, are you?
Wise up asshole!
The 'owners' have stated yes they put the sign in the window.
FoxNews didn't break in when the restaurant was closed and put the sign in the window you moron!

Wow! You make no damn sense whatsoever .... drugs, maybe?
What's actually stupid is that anyone made a big deal out of this. What do I care if a business owner in Hawaii expresses his political opinion in a creative way? It doesn't mean anything and they don't ask anyone if they voted for Trump. The over reaction to this is what is stupid.

Why do you care that a baker in Corvallis, OR expresses his opinion in a creative way?
People are saying Trumpbots are full of hot air, i.e. gas. In other words, they fart a lot. The restaurant owners are probably just trying to keep out the fart producers. .

Ohhhhh so it's a global warming thing. ~chortles~
Honolulu’s Café 8 ½ gets rave reviews on Yelp for its “Radiatore Verde” and “Italian stir fry,” among other popular dishes at the eclectic mom-and-pop restaurant – but the response to its new 'policy' barring pro-Trump patrons has been decidedly more mixed.

A bright yellow, handmade sign posted on the restaurant's front glass door declares: “If you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis.”

A photo of the sign was shared with One also is proudly posted on the café’s Facebook page, and was “liked” by some 40 people.

“…The next time you're in Honolulu, eat lunch here, not only are they on the right side of things, the food is delicious and reasonable,” one Facebook user wrote next to the photo.

Others aren’t so charmed.

Honolulu resident and Donald Trump voter Susan Roberts told she found the sign in “extreme poor taste.”

“It's childish and very unprofessional,” she said in an email. “… The restaurant owner doesn't have to worry ... I will not be stepping foot in that establishment.”

Willes Lee, former chairman of the Hawaii Republican Party and now president of National Federation of Republican Assemblies, told the sign is discriminatory, and harkens back to “racist and hate-filled” days before statehood.

“Remember when Filipinos couldn't go in certain places, or Japanese wouldn't be allowed [in] many homes? And, it didn't matter who they voted for,” said Lee, who is of Japanese descent.

“People should be able to get food without hearing a political message,” one apparent former customer wrote on Yelp. “I will never go back.”

According to the Honolulu Star-Advertiser, the café was founded by Robert Warner, a former hair stylist for Vidal Sassoon in San Francisco and former restaurateur in Seattle, along with his wife Jali.

Reached for comment Tuesday, Jali downplayed the sign's supposed ban. She told the restaurant is not actually asking customers whether they voted for President-elect Trump, and said even if they see a customer with a Trump shirt, “we don’t put anything different [in] your food.”

“Robert just wants to express how much he doesn’t like Trump,” Jali said. “If people take it personally or it hurts them, we cannot help. That’s why we say they have [a] choice if they want to come or not come. We don’t force them.”

She said three people called to complain about the sign when it first went up, “that’s it.”

“We don’t want to create trouble,” Jali said. “There is enough trouble in the world.”

While Jali is soft-spoken, Warner, some customers note, is known to channel the “soup Nazi” persona of New York City and “Seinfeld” fame -- “throwing pots and pans,” “telling off customers,” and “hanging not-so-friendly reminders on butcher paper for his customers to read.”

But another Yelp reviewer took issue with the attitude and the sign, writing: “It was funny on Seinfeld, but this place can rot away. Stay away. Hawaii ain't like this. There's a lot of better places on the island than to have deal with extra crap like this.”

If they don't want anyone who voted for Trump in their restaurant then those folks will go spend their money elsewhere.
I'm alright with them posting the sign and I'd go elsewhere no problem - its their loss.

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