Restaurant Owner Wants The Right To Refuse Service

In a true free society this man would be able to exercise his freedom of association, but we have not lived in such a place for a century.

And that doesn't say whether this man's opinions are right or wrong by my standards or anyone else's standards, the point is, they are his standards and to think government would disallow said is beyond reproach, it's patently un-American.

You are the one who is un-American, pennywise.

This was decided in the 1950s and 1960s for good, and it won't change.

What comrade decided to take away the freedom of running one's business in the way of their choosing?

It really is sad that most of the posters here are too young to have been part of life in the South in the 1050's, where a black person could not even enter a white restaurant or even use a white rest room. And these posters are the Americans of the future.

I'm glad that I won't live long enough to see history repeated. It was bad enough living through segregation and lynching in the South, and having been alive when Hitler was burning Jews.
You are the one who is un-American, pennywise.

This was decided in the 1950s and 1960s for good, and it won't change.

What comrade decided to take away the freedom of running one's business in the way of their choosing?

It really is sad that most of the posters here are too young to have been part of life in the South in the 1050's, where a black person could not even enter a white restaurant or even use a white rest room. And these posters are the Americans of the future.

I'm glad that I won't live long enough to see history repeated. It was bad enough living through segregation and lynching in the South, and having been alive when Hitler was burning Jews.

Just so.
A white only restaurant would probably be successful, why else are there laws against it?
He has the right to refuse whomever he wants.
And anyone has the right to boycott such an establishment.

Actually, here in the USA,he does not have that right. America has thankfully outlawed discrimination and while I would prefer we had a completely free society, I understand that in some areas of society, it would not work.

It is a shame this person still has enough customers to keep him in business.
In a true free society this man would be able to exercise his freedom of association, but we have not lived in such a place for a century.

And that doesn't say whether this man's opinions are right or wrong by my standards or anyone else's standards, the point is, they are his standards and to think government would disallow said is beyond reproach, it's patently un-American.

the freedom of racists ends at the nose of the people against whom they want to discriminate.

in their personal associations, they have every right to do what they want.

in their professional life, they can keep their disgusting bigotry to themselves because their freedom doesn't trump others.

see how freedom works? it doesn't mean you stamp your feet and tantrum to do whatever you want. THAT is what is un-American.
You are the one who is un-American, pennywise.

This was decided in the 1950s and 1960s for good, and it won't change.

What comrade decided to take away the freedom of running one's business in the way of their choosing?

It really is sad that most of the posters here are too young to have been part of life in the South in the 1050's, where a black person could not even enter a white restaurant or even use a white rest room. And these posters are the Americans of the future.

I'm glad that I won't live long enough to see history repeated. It was bad enough living through segregation and lynching in the South, and having been alive when Hitler was burning Jews.

Good post... But "1050's". :).

Did they have restaurants back then?
Is that right? You must be so proud of your willingness to lie.

Not as proud as you are of your constant half ass posting.

Hi Gasbag! How's the sports bar doing? Had more than two people in there at a time yet?

You seem to approve of the bullshit " you didn't build that " outrage. You and every other lame-assed lying nutter here.

You didn't have to give us another demonstration of your half ass posting.
He has the right to refuse whomever he wants.
And anyone has the right to boycott such an establishment.
I don't mean to be nitpicker, but when you really think about it, those who are being refused service are stripped of their right to boycott the place because they are not going to be served there anyways. :( :( :(

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Boycotting something is choosing to not have anything to do with something that you are allowed to have anything to do with, right?

Example: a drug store in Nacogdoches, TX depended on both black and white patronage. Only whites could eat their ice cream cones or whatever at the counter.

So the black population boycotted the store and went twenty miles to get what they needed at a Lufkin drug store.

The white drug store gave up after six months of decreasing income and made everybody eat their ice cream outside and closed the counter.

In other words, businesses engaged in serving the public cannot make exceptions against minorities.
Thank you for letting me know. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

I know white only apartments would be very successful
I deal with this crap by making my life myself. ;)

In a true free society this man would be able to exercise his freedom of association, but we have not lived in such a place for a century.

Too bad, America wasn't able to naturally evolve in a free-market economy, you know, winners and losers, and now it has come to this:

[ame=]Obama: If You've Got a Business, You Didn't Build That ... - YouTube[/ame]
I wonder how this business owner would feel if he was driving in the desert, was almost about to run out of gas, pulled up to a gas station owned by a black man, and was told no gasoline is sold to white people.
Not much chance of THAT happening.
The owner said the following in the video: " If you work, you pay your taxes, you own a business, you are more than welcome here. If you are on welfare, stay at home and spend my money there."
It is in any case unlikely that people on welfare would be looking to come into his establishment to spend what little cash they had on steak dinners. ;-)
The owner said the following in the video: " If you work, you pay your taxes, you own a business, you are more than welcome here. If you are on welfare, stay at home and spend my money there."
It is in any case unlikely that people on welfare would be looking to come into his establishment to spend what little cash they had on steak dinners. ;-)
No, but if they served ribs.....

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