Restaurant Owner Wants The Right To Refuse Service

And this is a restaurant for straight whites

Does he give white people a questionnaire when they come in to be sure they are of the correct ethnicity, religion, political viewpoint, sexual orientation, etc? Does he care about left handedness? Nearsightedness? Blood type? Eye color? Hair color? Height? Weight?
Does the Miss black America pageant?

Don't see anything in their application that says you have to be black to enter, so knock yourself out and apply.

This guy is really exclusive. Most restaurants simply want hungry paying customers. Do you think he would make an exception for Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Mary Cheney, or the 999 guy? Would they have to enter through the back door?
In a true free society this man would be able to exercise his freedom of association, but we have not lived in such a place for a century.

And that doesn't say whether this man's opinions are right or wrong by my standards or anyone else's standards, the point is, they are his standards and to think government would disallow said is beyond reproach, it's patently un-American.

Doesn't anyone see the obvious slippery slope here? It wouldn't be a free society at all if we allowed business owners to discriminate. It would be a society full of restrictions wherever you go. Business owners would be able to prohibit whoever they felt like. You'd walk down the street and a cafe would prohibit people of color, another shop would prohibit Asians, another would prohibit the elderly, another prohibit handicapped people, another children, another whites, etc. And on and on it would go. Who would want to live in a place like that? Freedom would be the last concept one would recognize in such an environment.
So open your own restaurant, and don't tell other what to do with theirs
Thats because the house is painted white
My house is painted green and my neighbors refer to it as the green house.

I'm not green
Don't see anything in their application that says you have to be black to enter
Maybe you missed the name of the pageant

I just skimmed through it. Maybe you can find the part where it says you have to be black or part black.

Miss Black America Application

So what's the name of his restaurant? I can just picture the sign: Joe Bob's House of Good Eats - Eat here or I'll kill you. *No *******, spics, fags, Jews, or Irish allowed.
what if this man ran a church
cant you preach even if your religious beliefs only include straight white folks?
if so, maybe he's in the wrong business
if he ran a fellowship hall for fellow believers
he could serve food privately just to them
probably make more money running a church anyway!

p.s. as for his current business set up, since the laws are what they are
until they change, he has freedom of speech to explain his beliefs andh
ask people to respect them, even though the law requires him to serve
all people without discrimination. so if people respect free speech, freedom of religion,
right to assembly peacefully and securely, they might honor his wishes to only serve certain people.
if he is doing this to be ugly and/or make a statement against certain groups, he can only expect the same level of response likewise to make a statement against him.
but if it is truly his beliefs and he is honest about them, why not respect the man's wishes?
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Maybe you missed the name of the pageant

I just skimmed through it. Maybe you can find the part where it says you have to be black or part black.

Miss Black America Application
Really :rofl:

ha ha wouldn't that be a trip
if i applied to enter as an asian american
but argued all people are descendants from africa and have some black heritage

(of course i'd have to sue first
for age discrimination since i'm 47....)

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