Restaurant Owner Wants The Right To Refuse Service


Thank goodness for our First Amendment, at least while we still have it.

If I lived in that area, I would happily refrain from visiting his business, and I would be very grateful that our freedom of speech (at least while we still have it) is so helpful in pointing out the hateful bigots, loud and clear.


And you’re at liberty to voice your opinion concerning the business, including denouncing the racist owner.

As to your nonsensical hyperbole about our freedom of speech ‘while we still have it,’ our First Amendment rights aren’t ‘going’ anywhere, in fact they’re more safe and secure now than at any time in our Nation’s history.

As for the restaurant owner, as long as he remains open to the general public, he’s subject to public accommodations laws pursuant to Commerce Clause jurisprudence. See Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States (1964).

Thank goodness for our First Amendment, at least while we still have it.

If I lived in that area, I would happily refrain from visiting his business, and I would be very grateful that our freedom of speech (at least while we still have it) is so helpful in pointing out the hateful bigots, loud and clear.


Why would anyone go there, anyway? Did you see the pics? It looks like a dive.

Geez, leftists. Just go somewhere else. Problem solved.
I'm not as familar with business laws as I am criminal, but I'd think you can do this by making your business a private club. Like making wait-staff look a certain way by redefining their job titles to models and the like. So instead of having a restaurant, have a private club where admittance is ultimately up to you. Might be wrong, not my area of interest stupid people. :)

Not true. If your business is open to the public, you have to abide by 'public policy.' No discrimination. If he wants to do this, he need to just start his own private club.

You do realize that no one's arguing what the law IS. We're discussing what it SHOULD be, and why. It's pointless to come to a discussion and basically say, "This should be legal because it's legal!"
What a dumbass. I hope they fine and boycott his ass out of business. The only reason his unwanted clientele should go in there is too pretend to order and then say they changed their minds, order something different, spit out the first bite, then get up and leave. I'd be damned if I gave my money to someone that didn't want me in their restaurant.
It's not a matter of blacks, hispanics or the disabled wanting to patronize his business, they probably don't, if they know he is a racist, homophobic jerk.

The thing is, his business is on a street paved with tax-payer money, the lights that light the street surrounding his business are also public, paid by tax-payers, his goods are delivered by trucks that run on tax-payer paid paved streets, so, you can't take advantage of the benefits of this country made possible by the taxes paid by the sweat of blacks, whites, hispanics, and gays, and then disregard the laws of the country.

What an absolute load of horseshit. 'We force you to pay taxes, therefore we get to dictate what you think and believe and how you act on it!"
I wonder how this business owner would feel if he was driving in the desert, was almost about to run out of gas, pulled up to a gas station owned by a black man, and was told no gasoline is sold to white people.

Not sure that's a very solid analogy.
This guy and his restaurant ain't hurting anybody

How come a white woman can't be in the Miss black America pageant?
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I wonder how this business owner would feel if he was driving in the desert, was almost about to run out of gas, pulled up to a gas station owned by a black man, and was told no gasoline is sold to white people.

Fortunately we have public accommodations laws to prevent such an occurrence, a recognition of the fact that all markets are interrelated, no matter the size or location. Because all markets are interrelated, any disruption in one market can cause a disruption in another market, or several markets, including a disruption where business owners refuse to accommodate customers based solely on race, religion, or national origin.

And because the Constitution authorizes Congress to regulate markets, Federal laws are in place to disallow discriminatory practices on the part of business owners, thus maintaining the integrity of all markets.
How come a white woman can't be in the Miss black America pageant?

Because it is the Miss Black America Pageant?
And this is a restaurant for straight whites

Does he give white people a questionnaire when they come in to be sure they are of the correct ethnicity, religion, political viewpoint, sexual orientation, etc? Does he care about left handedness? Nearsightedness? Blood type? Eye color? Hair color? Height? Weight?
Because it is the Miss Black America Pageant?
And this is a restaurant for straight whites

Does he give white people a questionnaire when they come in to be sure they are of the correct ethnicity, religion, political viewpoint, sexual orientation, etc? Does he care about left handedness? Nearsightedness? Blood type? Eye color? Hair color? Height? Weight?
Does the Miss black America pageant?
And this is a restaurant for straight whites

Does he give white people a questionnaire when they come in to be sure they are of the correct ethnicity, religion, political viewpoint, sexual orientation, etc? Does he care about left handedness? Nearsightedness? Blood type? Eye color? Hair color? Height? Weight?
Does the Miss black America pageant?

Yes they do present you with a questionnaire. They also dont discriminate.
In a true free society this man would be able to exercise his freedom of association, but we have not lived in such a place for a century.

And that doesn't say whether this man's opinions are right or wrong by my standards or anyone else's standards, the point is, they are his standards and to think government would disallow said is beyond reproach, it's patently un-American.

Doesn't anyone see the obvious slippery slope here? It wouldn't be a free society at all if we allowed business owners to discriminate. It would be a society full of restrictions wherever you go. Business owners would be able to prohibit whoever they felt like. You'd walk down the street and a cafe would prohibit people of color, another shop would prohibit Asians, another would prohibit the elderly, another prohibit handicapped people, another children, another whites, etc. And on and on it would go. Who would want to live in a place like that? Freedom would be the last concept one would recognize in such an environment.

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