Restaurant Owner Wants The Right To Refuse Service

I'm not as familar with business laws as I am criminal, but I'd think you can do this by making your business a private club. Like making wait-staff look a certain way by redefining their job titles to models and the like. So instead of having a restaurant, have a private club where admittance is ultimately up to you. Might be wrong, not my area of interest stupid people. :)

Not true. If your business is open to the public, you have to abide by 'public policy.' No discrimination. If he wants to do this, he need to just start his own private club.

You do realize that no one's arguing what the law IS. We're discussing what it SHOULD be, and why. It's pointless to come to a discussion and basically say, "This should be legal because it's legal!"

The law is the way it should be because it is right.
Not true. If your business is open to the public, you have to abide by 'public policy.' No discrimination. If he wants to do this, he need to just start his own private club.

You do realize that no one's arguing what the law IS. We're discussing what it SHOULD be, and why. It's pointless to come to a discussion and basically say, "This should be legal because it's legal!"

The law is the way it should be because it is right.

Yes and no.

In this case I think our laws against discrimination are correct; however, that does not mean that all of our laws are right. Not by any stretch of the imagination!
Too bad I live several states away or I would go eat supper there. :)

Not a bad idea. Keep all those polluted minds in one place instead of spreading the disease.
Pisses you off that social engineering ain't working don't it? :D
What a dumbass. I hope they fine and boycott his ass out of business. The only reason his unwanted clientele should go in there is too pretend to order and then say they changed their minds, order something different, spit out the first bite, then get up and leave. I'd be damned if I gave my money to someone that didn't want me in their restaurant.

And then he would have you arrested for theft. :)
Oh and Esmeralda called me a WAYYYCCCCIISSSSTTTT LMAO...thanks for the neg rep trash.
Too bad I live several states away or I would go eat supper there. :)

Not a bad idea. Keep all those polluted minds in one place instead of spreading the disease.
Pisses you off that social engineering ain't working don't it? :D
What a dumbass. I hope they fine and boycott his ass out of business. The only reason his unwanted clientele should go in there is too pretend to order and then say they changed their minds, order something different, spit out the first bite, then get up and leave. I'd be damned if I gave my money to someone that didn't want me in their restaurant.

And then he would have you arrested for theft. :)

And then you woke up. No cop would arrest me for disliking the food dumbass. Especially when I put him/her on the phone with my attorney.
You took and ate food then refused to pay for it...that's theft. You think cops are afraid of you boy? LMAO...not hardly...unless you are like most thugs and got a gun pointed at them...
Does he give white people a questionnaire when they come in to be sure they are of the correct ethnicity, religion, political viewpoint, sexual orientation, etc? Does he care about left handedness? Nearsightedness? Blood type? Eye color? Hair color? Height? Weight?
Does the Miss black America pageant?

Yes they do present you with a questionnaire. They also dont discriminate.

They don't? They only accept black contestants, and that's not discrimination? :confused:
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what if this man ran a church
cant you preach even if your religious beliefs only include straight white folks?
if so, maybe he's in the wrong business
if he ran a fellowship hall for fellow believers
he could serve food privately just to them
probably make more money running a church anyway!

p.s. as for his current business set up, since the laws are what they are
until they change, he has freedom of speech to explain his beliefs andh
ask people to respect them, even though the law requires him to serve
all people without discrimination. so if people respect free speech, freedom of religion,
right to assembly peacefully and securely, they might honor his wishes to only serve certain people.
if he is doing this to be ugly and/or make a statement against certain groups, he can only expect the same level of response likewise to make a statement against him.
but if it is truly his beliefs and he is honest about them, why not respect the man's wishes?

How is it that leftists think one "makes money running a church"? I can't decide if this is a matter of ignorance about business economics, or ignorance about churches, or both.
This thread proves that the American right is deeply racist, and still furious about the positive changes that happened during the 1960s, especailly with civil right.

When you open a restaurant, you can't refuse people because they're black. Get over it.

I know you bumpkin conservatives miss the days when you could use the law to physically separate yourselves from blacks, because your irrationally afraid of them, but that's too bad. You're racism was not "freedom". Get over it.

I have not been this embarrassed for conservatives on this board since all those hilarious conservative predictions of mass rioting after Zimmerman's trial just plain fizzled and flopped.
You took and ate food then refused to pay for it...that's theft. You think cops are afraid of you boy? LMAO...not hardly...unless you are like most thugs and got a gun pointed at them...

You must be stupid if you think a cop is going to waste time arresting me for tasting some food. :lol:

They actually do arrest people for dine-and-dash.

Then I should have no problem since a forkful is not a dine and dash.
Yes they do present you with a questionnaire. They also dont discriminate.

They don't? They only accept black contestants, and that's not discrimination? :confused:

Who told you they only accept Black contestants?

Look at their website. Every single page of the sucker makes reference to it being a pageant for "women of color". Now, my skin actually appears - in a strict, bouncing-and-absorbing-of-light-rays sort of way - to be a light peachy-tan sort of color, but I'm pretty sure that's not the color they mean. I suspect there's something about their entrance policies in their FAQ, but I have no intention of downloading the stupid thing to my computer for the purpose of investigating it. Meanwhile, please give me the names of every non-black contestant they've ever had.

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