Restaurant Owner Wants The Right To Refuse Service

It is his restaurant, but if he wants to remain in business, he needs to grow up and stop acting like a racist fuck.

Conservatives and libertarians also need to grow up and realize it's the 21st Century, not the 18th.

And that means what, exactly? "Recognize that this is the 21st century, and we control you now! That whole freedom of conscience and association thing is SOOO two centuries ago"?
They don't? They only accept black contestants, and that's not discrimination? :confused:

Who told you they only accept Black contestants?

Look at their website. Every single page of the sucker makes reference to it being a pageant for "women of color". Now, my skin actually appears - in a strict, bouncing-and-absorbing-of-light-rays sort of way - to be a light peachy-tan sort of color, but I'm pretty sure that's not the color they mean. I suspect there's something about their entrance policies in their FAQ, but I have no intention of downloading the stupid thing to my computer for the purpose of investigating it. Meanwhile, please give me the names of every non-black contestant they've ever had.

I have looked at their website and thats how I know your statement is based on stupidity. Why do you want me to give you the names of every non-black contestant? What does that have to do with the fact that you can as a non-black person compete?
what if this man ran a church
cant you preach even if your religious beliefs only include straight white folks?
if so, maybe he's in the wrong business
if he ran a fellowship hall for fellow believers
he could serve food privately just to them
probably make more money running a church anyway!

p.s. as for his current business set up, since the laws are what they are
until they change, he has freedom of speech to explain his beliefs andh
ask people to respect them, even though the law requires him to serve
all people without discrimination. so if people respect free speech, freedom of religion,
right to assembly peacefully and securely, they might honor his wishes to only serve certain people.
if he is doing this to be ugly and/or make a statement against certain groups, he can only expect the same level of response likewise to make a statement against him.
but if it is truly his beliefs and he is honest about them, why not respect the man's wishes?

How is it that leftists think one "makes money running a church"? I can't decide if this is a matter of ignorance about business economics, or ignorance about churches, or both.

Where would we get the idea that Religion is big business? ... Jim & Tammy Bakker, Benny Hinn, Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, Jimmy Swaggart, Pat Robertson and countless other hucksters became multimillionaires selling salvation. You don't think you can make money running a church? Tell it to the Pope.
You took and ate food then refused to pay for it...that's theft. You think cops are afraid of you boy? LMAO...not hardly...unless you are like most thugs and got a gun pointed at them...

You must be stupid if you think a cop is going to waste time arresting me for tasting some food. :lol:

Go ahead and try and eat food and then leave without paying..I dare you.
Who told you they only accept Black contestants?

Look at their website. Every single page of the sucker makes reference to it being a pageant for "women of color". Now, my skin actually appears - in a strict, bouncing-and-absorbing-of-light-rays sort of way - to be a light peachy-tan sort of color, but I'm pretty sure that's not the color they mean. I suspect there's something about their entrance policies in their FAQ, but I have no intention of downloading the stupid thing to my computer for the purpose of investigating it. Meanwhile, please give me the names of every non-black contestant they've ever had.

I have looked at their website and thats how I know your statement is based on stupidity. Why do you want me to give you the names of every non-black contestant? What does that have to do with the fact that you can as a non-black person compete?

Maybe because it would prove your assertion, rather than just leaving it out there as a half-assed assumption you're making.

But hey, if you want to wander through life gormlessly, that's your business. I'm not getting paid to be your wake-up call, so I don't much care.
what if this man ran a church
cant you preach even if your religious beliefs only include straight white folks?
if so, maybe he's in the wrong business
if he ran a fellowship hall for fellow believers
he could serve food privately just to them
probably make more money running a church anyway!

p.s. as for his current business set up, since the laws are what they are
until they change, he has freedom of speech to explain his beliefs andh
ask people to respect them, even though the law requires him to serve
all people without discrimination. so if people respect free speech, freedom of religion,
right to assembly peacefully and securely, they might honor his wishes to only serve certain people.
if he is doing this to be ugly and/or make a statement against certain groups, he can only expect the same level of response likewise to make a statement against him.
but if it is truly his beliefs and he is honest about them, why not respect the man's wishes?

How is it that leftists think one "makes money running a church"? I can't decide if this is a matter of ignorance about business economics, or ignorance about churches, or both.

Where would we get the idea that Religion is big business? ... Jim & Tammy Bakker, Benny Hinn, Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, Jimmy Swaggart, Pat Robertson and countless other hucksters became multimillionaires selling salvation. You don't think you can make money running a church? Tell it to the Pope.

So it IS ignorance of both. Got it. "They're famous, they MUST be raking in huge amounts of profit, and I can't tell the difference between profit and revenue!"

How is it that leftists think one "makes money running a church"? I can't decide if this is a matter of ignorance about business economics, or ignorance about churches, or both.

Where would we get the idea that Religion is big business? ... Jim & Tammy Bakker, Benny Hinn, Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, Jimmy Swaggart, Pat Robertson and countless other hucksters became multimillionaires selling salvation. You don't think you can make money running a church? Tell it to the Pope.

So it IS ignorance of both. Got it. "They're famous, they MUST be raking in huge amounts of profit, and I can't tell the difference between profit and revenue!"


So these guys are really poor schlubs a paycheck away from homelessness then? The Bakkers were worth ~ 125 million before the scandals. Benny Hinn - 42 million. Billy Graham - 25 million. Joel Osteen - 40 million. These guys are pikers compared to the Catholic church whose holdings are incalculable. Yet you would have us believe that Churches aren't making money? You must be like those gullible folks that sent money to Oral Roberts who claimed the Lord would take him home if he didn't raise enough money. These prosperity pimps are rolling in dough, and it's all tax free.
He can do this by turning his business into a private supper club that only allows in folks with an invitation who are members.

Why should he have to do that? The First Amendment says you have the right to associate with whomever you want. That means you also have the right not to associate with whomever you want. It doesn't make exceptions for businesses.
This thread proves that the American right is deeply racist, and still furious about the positive changes that happened during the 1960s, especailly with civil right.

When you open a restaurant, you can't refuse people because they're black. Get over it.

The first amendment says you can. You seem to be saying that you don't care what the Constitution says. Of course, when have libturds ever cared about that?

I know you bumpkin conservatives miss the days when you could use the law to physically separate yourselves from blacks, because your irrationally afraid of them, but that's too bad. You're racism was not "freedom". Get over it.

You obviously know your arguments don't hold water. That's why you resort to personal abused rather than logic. Freedom does mean you can be a bigot if you want to be. One reason freedom is so unpopular with libturds is that it gives people the right to do what libturds don't like,
Who told you they only accept Black contestants?

Look at their website. Every single page of the sucker makes reference to it being a pageant for "women of color". Now, my skin actually appears - in a strict, bouncing-and-absorbing-of-light-rays sort of way - to be a light peachy-tan sort of color, but I'm pretty sure that's not the color they mean. I suspect there's something about their entrance policies in their FAQ, but I have no intention of downloading the stupid thing to my computer for the purpose of investigating it. Meanwhile, please give me the names of every non-black contestant they've ever had.

I have looked at their website and thats how I know your statement is based on stupidity. Why do you want me to give you the names of every non-black contestant? What does that have to do with the fact that you can as a non-black person compete?

Yes. Please provide the name of one white contestant.
I know white only apartments would be very successful

it would depend on where. in the places affected by the striking down of jim crow laws, no doubt they'd be successful.

which is why the supreme court told them all to stick it in the first place.

What ruling is that? The Constitution does not prohibit private individuals from discriminating. It only prevents government from discriminating. Jim Crow laws were government enforced discrimination. Striking them down did not prevent an apartment building owner from discriminating against blacks if he chose to.
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Look at their website. Every single page of the sucker makes reference to it being a pageant for "women of color". Now, my skin actually appears - in a strict, bouncing-and-absorbing-of-light-rays sort of way - to be a light peachy-tan sort of color, but I'm pretty sure that's not the color they mean. I suspect there's something about their entrance policies in their FAQ, but I have no intention of downloading the stupid thing to my computer for the purpose of investigating it. Meanwhile, please give me the names of every non-black contestant they've ever had.

I have looked at their website and thats how I know your statement is based on stupidity. Why do you want me to give you the names of every non-black contestant? What does that have to do with the fact that you can as a non-black person compete?

Maybe because it would prove your assertion, rather than just leaving it out there as a half-assed assumption you're making.

But hey, if you want to wander through life gormlessly, that's your business. I'm not getting paid to be your wake-up call, so I don't much care.

I'm not making an assertion you are. Why dont you do me one better and point out where your assertion is a fact. i'm curious as to where it says non-Black contestants are not allowed. My guess is you want to cling stubbornly to your mis information. I cannot force you to think clearly.
Look at their website. Every single page of the sucker makes reference to it being a pageant for "women of color". Now, my skin actually appears - in a strict, bouncing-and-absorbing-of-light-rays sort of way - to be a light peachy-tan sort of color, but I'm pretty sure that's not the color they mean. I suspect there's something about their entrance policies in their FAQ, but I have no intention of downloading the stupid thing to my computer for the purpose of investigating it. Meanwhile, please give me the names of every non-black contestant they've ever had.

I have looked at their website and thats how I know your statement is based on stupidity. Why do you want me to give you the names of every non-black contestant? What does that have to do with the fact that you can as a non-black person compete?

Yes. Please provide the name of one white contestant.

Right after you provide where it says non-blacks are barred.
When can a white woman be in the Miss black America pageant?

When can there be a Miss White America Pageant?

The Miss America pageant for a long time was the Miss White America pageant. Learn your history.

But now it's not AND there is a Miss Black America Pageant is there not?

If there cannot be a white only pageant there cannot be a black only pageant.

or do you disagree?
When can there be a Miss White America Pageant?

The Miss America pageant for a long time was the Miss White America pageant. Learn your history.

But now it's not AND there is a Miss Black America Pageant is there not?

If there cannot be a white only pageant there cannot be a black only pageant.

or do you disagree?

Who said there cannot be? White people can have a contest labeled the White Miss America pageant all they want to as long as they dont discriminate just like the Black Miss America pageant cant discriminate. Its funny white people have a problem with this when they are the ones that started the discrimination. Now that they cannot discriminate they want to take the ball and go home. Whats up with that?
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