Restaurant Owner Wants The Right To Refuse Service

When can there be a Miss White America Pageant?

The Miss America pageant for a long time was the Miss White America pageant. Learn your history.

But now it's not AND there is a Miss Black America Pageant is there not?

If there cannot be a white only pageant there cannot be a black only pageant.

or do you disagree?

There probably could be a Miss White America contest, but it would not be tolerated by the press. It still would leave one to wonder where Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders would fit.
The Miss America pageant for a long time was the Miss White America pageant. Learn your history.

But now it's not AND there is a Miss Black America Pageant is there not?

If there cannot be a white only pageant there cannot be a black only pageant.

or do you disagree?

There probably could be a Miss White America contest, but it would not be tolerated by the press. It still would leave one to wonder where Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders would fit.

Miss Asian America Pageant

Miss América Latina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When can there be a Miss White America Pageant?

The Miss America pageant for a long time was the Miss White America pageant. Learn your history.

But now it's not AND there is a Miss Black America Pageant is there not?

If there cannot be a white only pageant there cannot be a black only pageant.

or do you disagree?

In 1968 Miss Black America pageant was started to allow black women to participate in a beauty contest, because the Miss America did not permit black applicants. The Miss America pageant didn't have to call itself Miss White America, because it was a known fact that only white women could apply. Miss Black America probably hung around after black women were allowed to be part of Miss America because it was a long time before a black woman ever won the title. The chances of a black woman winning Miss America are probably very small, why they still have Miss Black America.
The Miss America pageant for a long time was the Miss White America pageant. Learn your history.

But now it's not AND there is a Miss Black America Pageant is there not?

If there cannot be a white only pageant there cannot be a black only pageant.

or do you disagree?

In 1968 Miss Black America pageant was started to allow black women to participate in a beauty contest, because the Miss America did not permit black applicants. The Miss America pageant didn't have to call itself Miss White America, because it was a known fact that only white women could apply. Miss Black America probably hung around after black women were allowed to be part of Miss America because it was a long time before a black woman ever won the title. The chances of a black woman winning Miss America are probably very small, why they still have Miss Black America.

Since 1984, 7 black women have held the title. It isn't such an unusual thing any longer.
The Miss America pageant for a long time was the Miss White America pageant. Learn your history.

But now it's not AND there is a Miss Black America Pageant is there not?

If there cannot be a white only pageant there cannot be a black only pageant.

or do you disagree?

In 1968 Miss Black America pageant was started to allow black women to participate in a beauty contest, because the Miss America did not permit black applicants. The Miss America pageant didn't have to call itself Miss White America, because it was a known fact that only white women could apply. Miss Black America probably hung around after black women were allowed to be part of Miss America because it was a long time before a black woman ever won the title. The chances of a black woman winning Miss America are probably very small, why they still have Miss Black America.

Awww, that's so sweet. You cut and pasted their website's lame-ass rationale and used it to replace any real thought on your own.

While you're busting ass to tell us about the "necessity" of a black beauty pageant, perhaps you could just tell us all this: how long ago was 1968? What year is it now?
In a true free society this man would be able to exercise his freedom of association, but we have not lived in such a place for a century.

And that doesn't say whether this man's opinions are right or wrong by my standards or anyone else's standards, the point is, they are his standards and to think government would disallow said is beyond reproach, it's patently un-American.

You are the one who is un-American, pennywise.

This was decided in the 1950s and 1960s for good, and it won't change.

It only applies to 'public' accommodations.
It's not a matter of blacks, hispanics or the disabled wanting to patronize his business, they probably don't, if they know he is a racist, homophobic jerk.

The thing is, his business is on a street paved with tax-payer money, the lights that light the street surrounding his business are also public, paid by tax-payers, his goods are delivered by trucks that run on tax-payer paid paved streets, so, you can't take advantage of the benefits of this country made possible by the taxes paid by the sweat of blacks, whites, hispanics, and gays, and then disregard the laws of the country.

Please stop the "you didn't build that" bullshit.
I wonder if Rand Paul will maintain his opinion if he's the nominee.

[ame=]Rand Paul Says Businesses Should Have Right To Discriminate - YouTube[/ame]
In a true free society this man would be able to exercise his freedom of association, but we have not lived in such a place for a century.

And that doesn't say whether this man's opinions are right or wrong by my standards or anyone else's standards, the point is, they are his standards and to think government would disallow said is beyond reproach, it's patently un-American.

You are the one who is un-American, pennywise.

This was decided in the 1950s and 1960s for good, and it won't change.

It only applies to 'public' accommodations.

Unless his establishment is a private club, his restaurant falls under the public accommodations law. There are people willing to help : :slap:

Oklahoma restaurant that won?t serve ?f*ggots? gets Internet push as ?best gay bar? | The Raw Story


Anti-Gay Restaurant Hilariously Pranked By Gay Rights Supporters

The Miss America pageant for a long time was the Miss White America pageant. Learn your history.

But now it's not AND there is a Miss Black America Pageant is there not?

If there cannot be a white only pageant there cannot be a black only pageant.

or do you disagree?

In 1968 Miss Black America pageant was started to allow black women to participate in a beauty contest, because the Miss America did not permit black applicants. The Miss America pageant didn't have to call itself Miss White America, because it was a known fact that only white women could apply. Miss Black America probably hung around after black women were allowed to be part of Miss America because it was a long time before a black woman ever won the title. The chances of a black woman winning Miss America are probably very small, why they still have Miss Black America.

That was then this is now.

I really don't care what happened then. The laws were changed that is the now.

So tell me why is it allowable for some groups to discriminate and break the law while others are not?
Dummies, you can't refuse service because it is against federal law for quite some time now, unfortunately.

Why unfortunately, that's the way it should be.

It should be that the person who owns a business decides who or who not to do business with.

It's perfectly fine for some groups and businesses to be all black or all women so why not all male or all white male?

Either apply the law equally to all or get rid of it.
Dummies, you can't refuse service because it is against federal law for quite some time now, unfortunately.

Why unfortunately, that's the way it should be.

It should be that the person who owns a business decides who or who not to do business with.

It's perfectly fine for some groups and businesses to be all black or all women so why not all male or all white male?

Either apply the law equally to all or get rid of it.

Are you like, retarded, Comic Book Guy?

Becuase, honestly, I think that you just come on here to be a troll.
Why unfortunately, that's the way it should be.

It should be that the person who owns a business decides who or who not to do business with.

It's perfectly fine for some groups and businesses to be all black or all women so why not all male or all white male?

Either apply the law equally to all or get rid of it.

Are you like, retarded, Comic Book Guy?

Becuase, honestly, I think that you just come on here to be a troll.

So it's not OK for some businesses to hire only blacks or only women?
It should be that the person who owns a business decides who or who not to do business with.

It's perfectly fine for some groups and businesses to be all black or all women so why not all male or all white male?

Either apply the law equally to all or get rid of it.

Are you like, retarded, Comic Book Guy?

Becuase, honestly, I think that you just come on here to be a troll.

So it's not OK for some businesses to hire only blacks or only women?

Which businesses are you talking about, specifically. Or is this something you read on Stormfront?
Are you like, retarded, Comic Book Guy?

Becuase, honestly, I think that you just come on here to be a troll.

So it's not OK for some businesses to hire only blacks or only women?

Which businesses are you talking about, specifically. Or is this something you read on Stormfront?

I don't know what storm front is and if you mention it in a post you can be sure I won't waste my time finding out.
So it's not OK for some businesses to hire only blacks or only women?

Which businesses are you talking about, specifically. Or is this something you read on Stormfront?

I don't know what storm front is and if you mention it in a post you can be sure I won't waste my time finding out.

It's a website where you'd be right at home.

But duly noted that you couldn't name this mythical business that is only hiring blacks.

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