Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

Democrats pay taxes......Trump doesnt

And you know that how????????

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Trump admitted it

I don't recall that; at least nothing he mean seriously.

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He admitted it in a debate and bragged that not paying taxes makes him smart
well his tax attorneys are smart
And that's just fine with you, right, dupe?
Good. Would be about time the poor and middle class got a break.

Specifically, how would that help?

The minimum wage worker is qualified to mop floors. His/her hourly pay goes to $20.00 per hour. So from there, everyone's pay is increased a like rate. Accomplished...NOTHING. The three gallons of gas you could buy for $7.50 will now cost the floor mopper $20.00 and so on and so on. What has that $20.00 per hour accomplished Francois? ZIP, ZERO, NADA!
It produces a healthy middle class and working class that can supply the demand for a healthy economy DUHHHHHHHHH....
If everyone made a lot more everything would cost a lot more. DUUUUHHHHHH
About 20% of the raises. You believe all the talking points the greedy idiot rich brainwash you with, eh, dupe?
Good. Would be about time the poor and middle class got a break.

Specifically, how would that help?

The minimum wage worker is qualified to mop floors. His/her hourly pay goes to $20.00 per hour. So from there, everyone's pay is increased a like rate. Accomplished...NOTHING. The three gallons of gas you could buy for $7.50 will now cost the floor mopper $20.00 and so on and so on. What has that $20.00 per hour accomplished Francois? ZIP, ZERO, NADA!
It produces a healthy middle class and working class that can supply the demand for a healthy economy DUHHHHHHHHH....
If everyone made a lot more everything would cost a lot more. DUUUUHHHHHH
About 20% of the raises. You believe all the talking points the greedy idiot rich brainwash you with, eh, dupe.
No, dupe. I've owned a business for 32 years so I know what I'm talking about. You don't.
Good. Would be about time the poor and middle class got a break.

Specifically, how would that help?

The minimum wage worker is qualified to mop floors. His/her hourly pay goes to $20.00 per hour. So from there, everyone's pay is increased a like rate. Accomplished...NOTHING. The three gallons of gas you could buy for $7.50 will now cost the floor mopper $20.00 and so on and so on. What has that $20.00 per hour accomplished Francois? ZIP, ZERO, NADA!
It produces a healthy middle class and working class that can supply the demand for a healthy economy DUHHHHHHHHH....
If everyone made a lot more everything would cost a lot more. DUUUUHHHHHH
About 20% of the raises. You believe all the talking points the greedy idiot rich brainwash you with, eh, dupe.
No, dupe. I've owned a business for 32 years so I know what I'm talking about. You don't.
So how much of your costs are labor? Overall, it's about 20% in most businesses on average...Try thinking for a second past the end of your brainwashed Your owning a business doesn't make you an expert at politics anymore than being an accountant makes you a well rounded college grad.
Who says they're going to make any more? If they are collecting government handouts, they will work less hours and earn the same amount of money to keep them government goodies coming in.
these idiots also don't know the difference between qualifying for government handouts and actually needing government handouts

Libs tend to put the palms of their hands against their ears and sing aloud when they hear the truth.

Some of our customers use temporary help to check out the workers first and to have the flexibility during variable sales activities in their company. Many have told me when they get busy and ask the temps if the can work more hours, many refuse. Why? Because it cuts into their food stamp allowance. They must keep their income at a certain level to keep getting SNAP's cards.

Of course the company would never hire workers like that from the temp agency, so not only are these people financially holding themselves back because of government, they are also giving up an opportunity to gain full-time employment and get out of temporary services.

It's the same with these minimum wage workers. Give them a raise, and they will cut back from working 25 hours a week to 15 hours a week. What's accomplished by that?

No offense, but that's absolute greedy white Republican BULLSHITE! Most Workers take all the hours they can get. Y'all really do live in some bizarre greedy fantasy bubble. You seem to hate poor folks. It's pretty evil.
have you ever employed anyone?

Have you ever made a dozen phone calls to try to get someone in to cover a sick call and have no one say yes?

Most folks i've ever known, work as many hours available to them. They're far from being 'Lazy Welfare' folks. Y'all are demonizing people who are just struggling to get by. Hopefully one day you'll see the error of your ways.

Depends on the worker, the motivation and the management. I believe most businesses owners and workers are good. If you play on a team and both sides buy into the team, you will do fine.
There's a reason some would prefer that more limited conversation. For most Americans, payroll and state and local taxes make up the majority of their tax bill. The federal income tax, by contrast, is our most progressive tax -- it's the tax we've designed to place the heaviest burden on the rich while bypassing the poor. And we've done that, again, because the working class is already paying a fairly high tax bill through payroll and state and local taxes.

But most people don't know very much about the tax code.

Boy, you could say that again.

Those payroll taxes you speak of are more like savings accounts. Unless you pass away before retirement, you will get your Social Security money back, you will get your FICA back because FICA is just a fancy word for Social Security. You will get you medicare deductions back. And if you live to the average lifespan, you will get much more back than you put in.

Your city and state taxes provide you with services YOU use every day.

Outside of entitlements, Congress spends income tax money for everything else, and nearly half of the people in this country don't pay that tax.
these idiots also don't know the difference between qualifying for government handouts and actually needing government handouts

Libs tend to put the palms of their hands against their ears and sing aloud when they hear the truth.

Some of our customers use temporary help to check out the workers first and to have the flexibility during variable sales activities in their company. Many have told me when they get busy and ask the temps if the can work more hours, many refuse. Why? Because it cuts into their food stamp allowance. They must keep their income at a certain level to keep getting SNAP's cards.

Of course the company would never hire workers like that from the temp agency, so not only are these people financially holding themselves back because of government, they are also giving up an opportunity to gain full-time employment and get out of temporary services.

It's the same with these minimum wage workers. Give them a raise, and they will cut back from working 25 hours a week to 15 hours a week. What's accomplished by that?

No offense, but that's absolute greedy white Republican BULLSHITE! Most Workers take all the hours they can get. Y'all really do live in some bizarre greedy fantasy bubble. You seem to hate poor folks. It's pretty evil.
have you ever employed anyone?

Have you ever made a dozen phone calls to try to get someone in to cover a sick call and have no one say yes?

Most folks i've ever known, work as many hours available to them. They're far from being 'Lazy Welfare' folks. Y'all are demonizing people who are just struggling to get by. Hopefully one day you'll see the error of your ways.
so you've never employed anyone and had everyone you call to ask to come in say no

thanks for admitting that

and where did I call anyone lazy?

You always have those that say no, it is the way it is.
Who says they're going to make any more? If they are collecting government handouts, they will work less hours and earn the same amount of money to keep them government goodies coming in.
these idiots also don't know the difference between qualifying for government handouts and actually needing government handouts

Libs tend to put the palms of their hands against their ears and sing aloud when they hear the truth.

Some of our customers use temporary help to check out the workers first and to have the flexibility during variable sales activities in their company. Many have told me when they get busy and ask the temps if the can work more hours, many refuse. Why? Because it cuts into their food stamp allowance. They must keep their income at a certain level to keep getting SNAP's cards.

Of course the company would never hire workers like that from the temp agency, so not only are these people financially holding themselves back because of government, they are also giving up an opportunity to gain full-time employment and get out of temporary services.

It's the same with these minimum wage workers. Give them a raise, and they will cut back from working 25 hours a week to 15 hours a week. What's accomplished by that?

No offense, but that's absolute greedy white Republican BULLSHITE! Most Workers take all the hours they can get. Y'all really do live in some bizarre greedy fantasy bubble. You seem to hate poor folks. It's pretty evil.

You must live in your mothers basement. Get out in the real world and see what's going on instead of reading lib blogs.

A few years ago one of my tenants became increasingly late with rent. I asked them to come to my apartment to discuss the problem. It was a couple with two kids, a large dog, and three cats.

He worked 40 hours a week but she stayed home "supposedly" home schooling the kids. He had no option to work overtime at his company, so I suggested that on the weekends, he watch the kids and she could get a part-time job at Walmart or McDonald's to make ends meet.

She didn't even entertain my solution. Why? Because she was getting $225.00 a month in food stamps, and any income would work against that stipend.

So I had no choice but to evict them, and later sued him for back rent which of course he didn't pay. I had to get his wages garnished for over a year.

Now they have an eviction on their record which any landlord can dig up on the computer. They lost their home and had to scramble to find a new place to live. All for what? Food stamps.

So don't tell me what goes on. I work in industry every day and get to talk to a lot of people.

Very rare. But y'all greedy Republican folks act like that represents the majority of American Workers. You're just demonizing to justify treating your fellow Americans like shite. It makes you feel better about it.

But i assure you, most working folks i've ever known, work as many hours made available to them. So stop living in your greedy fantasy bubble. These folks are good Americans just trying to get by.

I did't say a majority of American workers, I said low income workers. Big difference. 97% of our workforce do not make minimum wage, so there is no reason for them to refuse work because they are not using any social programs.
To say nothing of the fact the over half the workforce makes $20/hr or less. All of them are going to demand raises too when they go from comfortably twice the MW to just a dollar or two above it.

And the last thing America needs is a well paid workforce.

The last thing America needs are employers leaving the country because of labor costs or investing in even more automation.
The surcharge BS is just that, raise the price of the food, this surcharging people to death is a pretty deceitful way to make a dime. It's a way to get more money out of a customer.
To pay for higher pay of employees. GOOD.

I am glad they get higher wages, I'm not against workers getting more pay, just put it in the cost of the food prices, why the surcharge? Raise your damn prices 3%-4%, don't be a chicken shit and play games with your customers.
What difference does it make? lol

Huge difference, it is good to know the price up front. You give a person a price and then add all sorts of taxes and surcharges and the person winds up paying an extra 15-20%. Tell me about your $50 cell phone plan, when you pay $65 a month for it.
The OP says it's 3-4%. No big

It's not the amount, it's a beginning, surcharges and tips are common in my business, we charge a rate that includes all expenses, surcharges, tips and taxes. It makes it easy on the customer and gains us respect and business.

The customer wants a bottom line price, they don't need to know that you have to surcharge because of employees.
these idiots also don't know the difference between qualifying for government handouts and actually needing government handouts

Libs tend to put the palms of their hands against their ears and sing aloud when they hear the truth.

Some of our customers use temporary help to check out the workers first and to have the flexibility during variable sales activities in their company. Many have told me when they get busy and ask the temps if the can work more hours, many refuse. Why? Because it cuts into their food stamp allowance. They must keep their income at a certain level to keep getting SNAP's cards.

Of course the company would never hire workers like that from the temp agency, so not only are these people financially holding themselves back because of government, they are also giving up an opportunity to gain full-time employment and get out of temporary services.

It's the same with these minimum wage workers. Give them a raise, and they will cut back from working 25 hours a week to 15 hours a week. What's accomplished by that?

No offense, but that's absolute greedy white Republican BULLSHITE! Most Workers take all the hours they can get. Y'all really do live in some bizarre greedy fantasy bubble. You seem to hate poor folks. It's pretty evil.

You must live in your mothers basement. Get out in the real world and see what's going on instead of reading lib blogs.

A few years ago one of my tenants became increasingly late with rent. I asked them to come to my apartment to discuss the problem. It was a couple with two kids, a large dog, and three cats.

He worked 40 hours a week but she stayed home "supposedly" home schooling the kids. He had no option to work overtime at his company, so I suggested that on the weekends, he watch the kids and she could get a part-time job at Walmart or McDonald's to make ends meet.

She didn't even entertain my solution. Why? Because she was getting $225.00 a month in food stamps, and any income would work against that stipend.

So I had no choice but to evict them, and later sued him for back rent which of course he didn't pay. I had to get his wages garnished for over a year.

Now they have an eviction on their record which any landlord can dig up on the computer. They lost their home and had to scramble to find a new place to live. All for what? Food stamps.

So don't tell me what goes on. I work in industry every day and get to talk to a lot of people.

Very rare. But y'all greedy Republican folks act like that represents the majority of American Workers. You're just demonizing to justify treating your fellow Americans like shite. It makes you feel better about it.

But i assure you, most working folks i've ever known, work as many hours made available to them. So stop living in your greedy fantasy bubble. These folks are good Americans just trying to get by.

I did't say a majority of American workers, I said low income workers. Big difference. 97% of our workforce do not make minimum wage, so there is no reason for them to refuse work because they are not using any social programs.

If so few are receiving Minimum Wage, you shouldn't be concerned about it being raised. Y'all greedy white Republican folks just need to escape your greedy fantasy bubble. Most American Workers aren't the 'Evil Lazy Welfare' Boogeyman you believe they are. They're actually good fellow Americans just trying to get by.
Libs tend to put the palms of their hands against their ears and sing aloud when they hear the truth.

Some of our customers use temporary help to check out the workers first and to have the flexibility during variable sales activities in their company. Many have told me when they get busy and ask the temps if the can work more hours, many refuse. Why? Because it cuts into their food stamp allowance. They must keep their income at a certain level to keep getting SNAP's cards.

Of course the company would never hire workers like that from the temp agency, so not only are these people financially holding themselves back because of government, they are also giving up an opportunity to gain full-time employment and get out of temporary services.

It's the same with these minimum wage workers. Give them a raise, and they will cut back from working 25 hours a week to 15 hours a week. What's accomplished by that?

No offense, but that's absolute greedy white Republican BULLSHITE! Most Workers take all the hours they can get. Y'all really do live in some bizarre greedy fantasy bubble. You seem to hate poor folks. It's pretty evil.

You must live in your mothers basement. Get out in the real world and see what's going on instead of reading lib blogs.

A few years ago one of my tenants became increasingly late with rent. I asked them to come to my apartment to discuss the problem. It was a couple with two kids, a large dog, and three cats.

He worked 40 hours a week but she stayed home "supposedly" home schooling the kids. He had no option to work overtime at his company, so I suggested that on the weekends, he watch the kids and she could get a part-time job at Walmart or McDonald's to make ends meet.

She didn't even entertain my solution. Why? Because she was getting $225.00 a month in food stamps, and any income would work against that stipend.

So I had no choice but to evict them, and later sued him for back rent which of course he didn't pay. I had to get his wages garnished for over a year.

Now they have an eviction on their record which any landlord can dig up on the computer. They lost their home and had to scramble to find a new place to live. All for what? Food stamps.

So don't tell me what goes on. I work in industry every day and get to talk to a lot of people.

Very rare. But y'all greedy Republican folks act like that represents the majority of American Workers. You're just demonizing to justify treating your fellow Americans like shite. It makes you feel better about it.

But i assure you, most working folks i've ever known, work as many hours made available to them. So stop living in your greedy fantasy bubble. These folks are good Americans just trying to get by.

I did't say a majority of American workers, I said low income workers. Big difference. 97% of our workforce do not make minimum wage, so there is no reason for them to refuse work because they are not using any social programs.

If so few are receiving Minimum Wage, you shouldn't be concerned about it being raised. Y'all greedy white Republican folks just need to escape your greedy fantasy bubble. Most American Workers aren't the 'Evil Lazy Welfare' Boogeyman you believe they are. They're actually good fellow Americans just trying to get by.

No, most of them who remain on minimum wage are either drug users who can't pass a drug test for a better job, or they are playing the system like so many do.

Most workers who start off at minimum wage and stay on the job receive increases if they are worth a crap. When I was younger, I worked plenty of minimum wage jobs because that's what minimum wage jobs are for.

When I got a little older and decided I couldn't get the things I wanted or needed working a minimum wage job, I sought better paying jobs; jobs where I leaned things; jobs where I was able to advance myself.
No offense, but that's absolute greedy white Republican BULLSHITE! Most Workers take all the hours they can get. Y'all really do live in some bizarre greedy fantasy bubble. You seem to hate poor folks. It's pretty evil.

You must live in your mothers basement. Get out in the real world and see what's going on instead of reading lib blogs.

A few years ago one of my tenants became increasingly late with rent. I asked them to come to my apartment to discuss the problem. It was a couple with two kids, a large dog, and three cats.

He worked 40 hours a week but she stayed home "supposedly" home schooling the kids. He had no option to work overtime at his company, so I suggested that on the weekends, he watch the kids and she could get a part-time job at Walmart or McDonald's to make ends meet.

She didn't even entertain my solution. Why? Because she was getting $225.00 a month in food stamps, and any income would work against that stipend.

So I had no choice but to evict them, and later sued him for back rent which of course he didn't pay. I had to get his wages garnished for over a year.

Now they have an eviction on their record which any landlord can dig up on the computer. They lost their home and had to scramble to find a new place to live. All for what? Food stamps.

So don't tell me what goes on. I work in industry every day and get to talk to a lot of people.

Very rare. But y'all greedy Republican folks act like that represents the majority of American Workers. You're just demonizing to justify treating your fellow Americans like shite. It makes you feel better about it.

But i assure you, most working folks i've ever known, work as many hours made available to them. So stop living in your greedy fantasy bubble. These folks are good Americans just trying to get by.

I did't say a majority of American workers, I said low income workers. Big difference. 97% of our workforce do not make minimum wage, so there is no reason for them to refuse work because they are not using any social programs.

If so few are receiving Minimum Wage, you shouldn't be concerned about it being raised. Y'all greedy white Republican folks just need to escape your greedy fantasy bubble. Most American Workers aren't the 'Evil Lazy Welfare' Boogeyman you believe they are. They're actually good fellow Americans just trying to get by.

No, most of them who remain on minimum wage are either drug users who can't pass a drug test for a better job, or they are playing the system like so many do.

Most workers who start off at minimum wage and stay on the job receive increases if they are worth a crap. When I was younger, I worked plenty of minimum wage jobs because that's what minimum wage jobs are for.

When I got a little older and decided I couldn't get the things I wanted or needed working a minimum wage job, I sought better paying jobs; jobs where I leaned things; jobs where I was able to advance myself.

Oh man, just more pathetic demonizing to justify your poor treatment of struggling fellow Americans. I guess it makes y'all greedy white Republicans sleep better at night.

You're fighting some imagined 'Evil Boogeyman.' But in reality, these folks are just hard-working fellow Americans. We're an incredibly rich nation, we can do much better for our People.
Conservatives consider not contributing to society to be a virtue

I got mine......Fuck everyone else

CONTRIBUTING is far, far different than having money extracted from someone at the point of a gun.

These 'Surcharges' are greedy chickenshit revenge on the 'Slaves.' They're intended to create a backlash against struggling Workers. They're designed to turn the People against the Workers.

It's a typical Evil Corporation tactic. So either avoid businesses that engage in that dirty tactic, or pay the surcharge and feel content that American Workers are being paid a living wage. It's your call.
And you know that how????????

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Trump admitted it

I don't recall that; at least nothing he mean seriously.

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He admitted it in a debate and bragged that not paying taxes makes him smart
well his tax attorneys are smart
And that's just fine with you, right, dupe?

You don't like the tax laws, get Congress to change them. It is Congress' fault for writing the tax laws that favor the rich. Started in the 90's and continues to this day.
Trump pays no taxes

If, as you have fantasies about, President Trump gave his entire wealth to the government, the difference in our budget or debt would not even be noticeable.

Now what about all the taxes and jobs emanating from all his investments, hotels, golf courses and other properties?
To say nothing of the fact the over half the workforce makes $20/hr or less. All of them are going to demand raises too when they go from comfortably twice the MW to just a dollar or two above it.

And the last thing America needs is a well paid workforce.

The last thing America needs are employers leaving the country because of labor costs or investing in even more automation.

Prosperity through lower wages!

Way to go pub dupes.

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