Restaurants have an alternative to withholding service to Sarah Sanders

So...since Sarah supposedly "lies"...does this mean you will no longer conduct business with the cable company when they "lie" that there are no hidden fees? Banks? Credit Cards? Pharmacies pushing their drugs that will "cure" yer ailment? Diet plans?
I know what you said and you're wrong. Mentally deranged people resort to violence .

One of the easiest ways to spot a Moderate is: they don’t believe in anything enough to kill or die for it. That’s hw you know they really don’t believe in anything.
Sander's press briefing are fraudulent.

That wasn't intelligible. Could you please try again?
Does the definition below help?
  1. obtained, done by, or involving deception, especially criminal deception.
    "the fraudulent copying of American software"
    • unjustifiably claiming or being credited with particular accomplishments or qualities.
      "he unmasked fraudulent psychics"
      synonyms: dishonest, cheating, swindling, corrupt, criminal, illegal, unlawful, illicit; More

No, that doesn't help. Next time you should try assembling complete, coherent sentences.
Restaurants have an alternative to withholding service to Sarah Sanders. I would suggest giving Sarah some of her own medicine. Lie to her.
If she ordered steak, serve her chicken and look in the eye and say it is steak.
The same thing she does in her press briefings, blatantly say things that are not so

Yes, they have an alternative: stay out of politics and just SERVE THE DAMN FOOD. Just what do these assholes think she has done? Has she lied to THEM? Have they been personally HARMED? Why is it so personal? How has she done anything anymore different from any other press secretary. Why is this so PERSONAL to you vengeful, malevolent, Leftist fuckheads? WHEN will you jagoff needle-dick buttholes start acting like halfway mature adults? Sarah is the press secretary. She will ALWAYS spin things in Trump's favor, just as YOU spin everything against him. Trump won. You don't control anymore. Your side gets another chance in a couple of years. Grow the fuck up.
Trump supporters have a distinctive writing style. They tend to have a small vocabulary. They use a lot slang referring to body parts and rely heavily on the f-bombs.
Another juvenile post from the hate filled left. We never saw a press secretary disrespected like this in the history of the Republic. The hypocrite left can't let go of the hatred even after a year and a half while they enjoy the perks of a thriving economy. Sadly the insanity seems to be spreading.
We never had a press secretary that lied every time she spoke. Liars get no respect. Also please note that you may now refuse service on basis of religousa grounds. You would be giving a parade if it happened to a gay. Your stupid shit bites both ways dumb fuck!

And anyway the Supreme Court decided they don't have to serve them if it goes against their conscience.
Sarah should thank the owner for preventing her (and every other conservative in the country) from spending her money in an establishment owned by a hate filled liberal. I would hate to find out I just gave 50 bucks to a damn liberal. Thanks for the heads up, libtard.

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