Restaurants Paying $2.13 Per Hour Isn't A Living Wage

They may be taking off that 4% simply because that's what the business is paying the bank/credit card company for the letting the customer use the card.
Many establishments accept Visa and Mastercard only. No American Express because they charge more. Costco for example.

I can remember when 15% was considered the standard.
15% is my lower limit. If the service is lousy, I still leave 15%.

Not sure if that is still the case, but at one point women were paying the owner to work at some bars in places like Florida during the season because the tips were so good. They were basically renting their station.
There was a very popular drive-in restaurant in my hometown that charged waiters to work there and required them to buy their own uniforms, complete with logo...from the owner.

Sometimes I will tip 50% to 100%

at Wafflehouse.
My tips are inversely proportional to the cost of the meal. I used to have soup and oyster crackers for lunch on a regular basis. The cost was $3.95 +7% tax = $4.23 total. I'd leave a $10.00 on the counter.
^ Doubling down on the WMP.

And speaking of doubling down, I hesitate to mention that I double my usual 4000% tip to the Walmart cart fetcher if he DOESN'T say "Have a nice day!"

Because mentioning it would be ever so boorish. :cool:

it is so silly that you do not understand the concept of getting what you pay for.

oh well, it takes all kinds I guess
Many establishments accept Visa and Mastercard only. No American Express because they charge more. Costco for example.

15% is my lower limit. If the service is lousy, I still leave 15%.

There was a very popular drive-in restaurant in my hometown that charged waiters to work there and required them to buy their own uniforms, complete with logo...from the owner.

My tips are inversely proportional to the cost of the meal. I used to have soup and oyster crackers for lunch on a regular basis. The cost was $3.95 +7% tax = $4.23 total. I'd leave a $10.00 on the counter.
I'd bring up that I always tip $10 per cracker & $20 per sip of soup, but that would be ever so common.

You got 10% from blacks? Blacks tip like it's going toward their paternity test.
Well. . . it really was more a factor of which restaurant I was working, and where they were coming from.

If I were working a lower middle class restaurant that didn't serve booze.. . . and while I was working up to the finer establishments, yeah. If you are working a Waffle House, an IHOP, or a Denny's, yeah, you are going to run into something like that.

OTH, you work at a hotel restaurant, that requires you to wear a jacket and the ladies have a dress code to come in. . . . things will be a little different. Places that have a bartender at the bar, and serve drinks are a little different.

But, once you get to the top of the profession, the upper class is the upper class, there is no difference. A Barack Obama is going to tip the same as a Ben Carson, and they are both going to tip the same as any white person.
Imma not privileged enough?

So sue me, & don't forget to tip your lawyer! :)

Even those lowlife kinds who fail to tip the guy with the sign on the freeway off-ramp an extra 5000% for not urinating on their Benz...
it is so silly that you do not understand the concept of getting what you pay for.

. . . This conversation entertains me.

Folks that believe they know what is going on behind the scenes are really arrogant. And that they think they can just "get what they pay for?" :rolleyes:


. . . This conversation entertains me.

Folks that believe they know what is going on behind the scenes are really arrogant. And that they think they can just "get what they pay for?" :rolleyes:


I knew someone who worked at *********.

She used to ********* in the *********.

I would have turned her into the health department, but I was laughing too hard.
I knew someone who worked at *********.

She used to ********* in the *********.

I would have turned her into the health department, but I was laughing too hard.
Yeah, I saw that shit a time or two . . . and their customers tipped well too. It isn't enough to tip, you had better be . . . humane. These service people can smell customers putting on airs like Gator does, a mile a way.

. . . some of the psychos that did it, were just pissed off at the upper crust, and they didn't care about politics, they just wanted to see the world burn.

And it is generally funny, but makes you think twice about ever going out to eat.

None of them, in any restaurant, I don't care how many stars it has, ever clean the inside of those ice machines. Nor does the government agency or inspector make them. To this day, I won't have ice in any of my drinks if I do go out anywhere.

All restaurant workers know the mold that is in those machines. :puke3:
Yup. I know girls who waitress that make big bucks in tips every night. Some as much at $100 dollars a night in tips. Thats ladies that work in bars and restaurants.

If your a good waitress then you will never lack for tips.
Burger flipping was never intended to be a career option. Get a freaking education or if you are young and independent enough join the military and get a free education. Funny that the same people who complain about low entry level burger flipping wages are stupid enough to support the president's insane agenda of inviting millions of undocumented workers into the U.S. to take those jobs.

Burger flipping? I'm -talking fine dining.
/hou/hourRestaurants are complaining they can’t get good wait staff

When you are only putting up $2.13 an hour, you have nothing to complain about
Why dont you ask a waiter if they'd rather make $15/hour, or $2.13 and the ablitity to keep their tips.

I think it would be far more cheaper for a restaurant owner to pay $15 hour and then collect all tips to the house. I would venture to say that isn't going to make it well in the long run, as the wait staff has little incenative to do a good job, to make a better tip. People would stop coming.
Or, is it?

I'm so damn sick and tired of leftists complaining about restaurant's tip wages and the poor things haven't gotten a raise to that base in years and how that is peanuts to live on. I was a manager at Pizza Hut eons ago and most of the full time waitresses made more money than I did.

A young guy i know works in the food industry and tends bar , waits tables and acts as a shift manager occasionally.

He makes more per hour bartending and waiting tables than he does when acting as a manager. A lot more.
Burger flipping was never intended to be a career option. Get a freaking education or if you are young and independent enough join the military and get a free education. Funny that the same people who complain about low entry level burger flipping wages are stupid enough to support the president's insane agenda of inviting millions of undocumented workers into the U.S. to take those jobs.
People who work in fast food get paid MW not the service wage.
I think it would be far more cheaper for a restaurant owner to pay $15 hour and then collect all tips to the house. I would venture to say that isn't going to make it well in the long run, as the wait staff has little incenative to do a good job, to make a better tip. People would stop coming.

I do not think the idea is for wait staff to make a higher wage and for people to keep tipping. The idea would be for wages to replace tipping like in much of the world.

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