Restaurants Paying $2.13 Per Hour Isn't A Living Wage

But Restaurants aren’t paying that $200 a day, diners are

Workers are telling restaurants to get lost
Then those workers can eat out of dumpsters.

You don't work, you don't eat or have a place to live.

Life sucks. Participate or die. I don't care.
Not to be rude, but do you really consider 20% to be a good tip?
Based on what most people tip if you listen to wait staff bitch, yes

Enough customers/tables per hour and 20% adds up quick at a decent establishment.
Average steak dinner at 60 bucks times 3 or 4 tables per hour at 20% and you have a decent payday for ZERO educational effort.
Want more? Move on to better opportunities. Much like flipping burgers, waiting on tables is supposed to be a means to an end not a career.
Then those workers can eat out of dumpsters.

You don't work, you don't eat or have a place to live.

Life sucks. Participate or die. I don't care.
What I see is restaurants closing left and right
Only being open for eight hours a day, five days a week

Workers are going elsewhere
Based on what most people tip if you listen to wait staff bitch, yes

Enough customers/tables per hour and 20% adds up quick at a decent establishment.
Average steak dinner at 60 bucks times 3 or 4 tables per hour at 20% and you have a decent payday for ZERO educational effort.
Want more? Move on to better opportunities. Much like flipping burgers, waiting on tables is supposed to be a means to an end not a career.
Yep. 36 to 48 dollars per hour is good wages for anyone.
What I see is restaurants closing left and right
Only being open for eight hours a day, five days a week

Workers are going elsewhere
Let them. That is why we need a government that cuts off the teet and stops handing out money like its sugar.
If only they were all making that I would not either.
They all CAN make that. It just requires effort on their part.

I have two cousins who put themselves through the University of Iowa working the truck stop at Amana.

It does help to have some nice legs, but regardless, hustle is all that is required.

that and a smile.
Patrons can help their favorite wait staff by tipping them in cash. Since last year many restaurants are taking 4% of the tips you put on your debit or credit card to pay for your meal.

I think I am a good tipper... always 20% or I just won't go out to dinner. I really appreciate good service, good food and a friendly face. Hat tip to all the servers out there.
They may be taking off that 4% simply because that's what the business is paying the bank/credit card company for the letting the customer use the card.
Yep. 36 to 48 dollars per hour is good wages for anyone.

If everyone is spending 60 bucks or more and tipping 20% and you are flipping 4 tables an hour.

That is a shit ton of ifs the wait staff has basically no control over.
We need to stop taxing gratuities for wait-staff.
It will give them all an instant raise in pay by 25%. Give them minimum wage credit towards their Social Security and medicaid tax but otherwise nada...

And it will give the restaurant a boost to pay other staff members.

From the days when wait staff paid $5 shift and got fed and uniforms...and there was a line waiting for the day they would either quit or get fired. 40K/yr tax free is the same as 65K/yr taxed...and better than a lot of people.
Or, is it?

I'm so damn sick and tired of leftists complaining about restaurant's tip wages and the poor things haven't gotten a raise to that base in years and how that is peanuts to live on. I was a manager at Pizza Hut eons ago and most of the full time waitresses made more money than I did.

Not sure if that is still the case, but at one point women were paying the owner to work at some bars in places like Florida during the season because the tips were so good. They were basically renting their station.
If everyone is spending 60 bucks or more and tipping 20% and you are flipping 4 tables an hour.

That is a shit ton of ifs the wait staff has basically no control over.
So? No one has control over everything.

Again. There are no guarantees in life, nor should there be.

If you can't make it on tips, it's time to move on to something else.

A majority of waitstaff DO MAKE it on tips. They do very well for themselves in fact.

I'm not going to play the 'what if' game.

Hustle and work. Be pleasant and courteous and in today's environment of toxic Millenials, you'll clean house.

Now, this conversation has exhausted itself. Have a pleasant evening.
Tips are income
Income is taxable
Honestly RW'er?

Back in my late teens and early twenties, I was a gourmet prep. cook at a upper class resort destination. When I found out how much the servers were making? I left for a road trip, and came back and got a server position.

I never expected any of my hourly, all it did was cover my taxes because I made so much.

In one night, I remember a banquet for exclusive guests we served at, called the "millionaire's ball," the gratuity was included. That night in tips, for four hours of work, I made over a grand.

For a twenty-one year old, for four hours of work, that is pretty good. Of course, that is resort work, and it averaged more than in the regular city. But that experience enabled me to serve in four and five star restaurants once I returned to "civilization."

While my contemporaries were working hard to pull in a couple hundred a week, I could do that in a night, if it was a good night.

The only thing I expected, was that wages paid by the restaurant cover the taxes.

I'm not sure, given the increase in price on the dishes served in restaurants today, that this would be the case. SO? Maybe you are right, maybe it needs to be bumped, fifty cents?

But? I don't think the government should do that. Given the labor shortage. . . and the skill it takes to be a good server. . . after six months or a year, the case could easily be made that their wages need to cover their taxes, any smart employer wouldn't let a good server go.
If all food service facilities had to pay their serving staff $15.00 per hour, the public would refrain from going to their facilities due to the risen cost of the food to account for the staff pay increase.

I would have to quit my job and go to work as a waiter because they would make more than I do presently.

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