Restless Leg Syndrome


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Anyone else have this pain the ass problem? Or should I say irritation leg jumping around when yer tryin' to sleep?

I sit in my rocking chair until I fall asleep from exhaustion. Figure if it wants to move, then it can rock me. So..I rock. And rock. And rock.

Any suggestions of over the counter stuff that might make it stop flapping? It only happens when I got to bed. Not all the time..but sometimes. That's when I wind up rocking myself to sleep.
Mr Kat has it. Sleeps right through it, unless he gets a cramp. I am the one that doesn't sleep through the jerking and shaking. LOL

I have a friends that takes meds for it. I wouldn't want to do that.
They gave me something called Ropinirole or something like that...but I googled it and didn't like what I read. So I tossed it. Hence, the rocking chair. I wish I could sleep thru it. Its a very unpleasant feeling.
That is what I have been told. Sorry Gracie.
It has something to do with the nerves. Some will take medicines, but of course, just do exercise and stay healthy by eating right.
RLS can also be caused by withdrawal from some drugs.
RLS can also be caused by withdrawal from some drugs.
I don't take anything except high blood pressure pills, thyroid pills, and one norco per night. That's it. Been taking this regiment for 8 years. I don't put ANYTHING in my face until I google it first. So far, all is well except the RLS crap. I haven't upped my meds or declined from them in those years, so...not sure what started it. Unless stress is a factor.
From what I read....its a brain cell misfiring. I'm an old fart, so maybe some are running off, lol, and my legs are trying to catch them.
I see all these drug advertisements on tv...last one was a few minutes ago. I counted the side effects they stated for that drug. TWENTY EIGHT possible fix ONE problem. Like, as if! I'd rather deal with the ONE problem than get 28 more!!!
I have suffered from RLS most of my life. It drives me crazy.

I have found limiting caffeine later in the day helps. A doctor once gave me ambien and wellbutrin for it. Said take both at night. I am a cheap buzz on meds. Knocked my ass out.

Neurotin helped some. The best thing, in my experience? Weed. It calmed the jumping and nervy crap and I slept great. No medicine hangover the next day. But losing my job due to a drug test doesn't appeal to me.
I'm not sure what it is... but, I get "twitchy" legs sometimes, like they jerk for no apparent reason. Not a cramp or a pain though. It doesn't happen often.... so I figure it has something to do with my diet or stress levels...
I'm not sure what it is... but, I get "twitchy" legs sometimes, like they jerk for no apparent reason. Not a cramp or a pain though. It doesn't happen often.... so I figure it has something to do with my diet or stress levels...

Caffeine and sugar can both cause it.
RLS can also be caused by withdrawal from some drugs.
I don't take anything except high blood pressure pills, thyroid pills, and one norco per night. That's it. Been taking this regiment for 8 years. I don't put ANYTHING in my face until I google it first. So far, all is well except the RLS crap. I haven't upped my meds or declined from them in those years, so...not sure what started it. Unless stress is a factor.
Narcotics are a classic cause. Before it was called "restless leg syndrome" it was simply known as "the kicks" because narcotic addicts typically kick when they are going through withdrawal. Have you ever heard the term "kick the habit"?
I have suffered from RLS most of my life. It drives me crazy.

I have found limiting caffeine later in the day helps. A doctor once gave me ambien and wellbutrin for it. Said take both at night. I am a cheap buzz on meds. Knocked my ass out.

Neurotin helped some. The best thing, in my experience? Weed. It calmed the jumping and nervy crap and I slept great. No medicine hangover the next day. But losing my job due to a drug test doesn't appeal to me.
I only drink decaf...and its one cup of coffee in the morning. At night, I drink decaf green tea or chamomille. However, I do like it SWEET. Could be the sugar? I will cut back on that and see if it helps. And I still have the unsmoked weed my neighbor gave me. Might try a toke or two of that the next time it hits me.
Anyone else have this pain the ass problem? Or should I say irritation leg jumping around when yer tryin' to sleep?

I sit in my rocking chair until I fall asleep from exhaustion. Figure if it wants to move, then it can rock me. So..I rock. And rock. And rock.

Any suggestions of over the counter stuff that might make it stop flapping? It only happens when I got to bed. Not all the time..but sometimes. That's when I wind up rocking myself to sleep.
Yes....when trying to sleep at night sometimes. Very annoying. I walk it off.
Anyone else have this pain the ass problem? Or should I say irritation leg jumping around when yer tryin' to sleep?

I sit in my rocking chair until I fall asleep from exhaustion. Figure if it wants to move, then it can rock me. So..I rock. And rock. And rock.

Any suggestions of over the counter stuff that might make it stop flapping? It only happens when I got to bed. Not all the time..but sometimes. That's when I wind up rocking myself to sleep.
Some nights it was like frog legs in the frying pan...
Anyone else have this pain the ass problem? Or should I say irritation leg jumping around when yer tryin' to sleep?

I sit in my rocking chair until I fall asleep from exhaustion. Figure if it wants to move, then it can rock me. So..I rock. And rock. And rock.

Any suggestions of over the counter stuff that might make it stop flapping? It only happens when I got to bed. Not all the time..but sometimes. That's when I wind up rocking myself to sleep.
So that is where you get your knee-jerk reactions from? :biggrin:

I'm kidding of course.

I sometimes have this, but not too often. Hope you can find some relief.
I'm not sure what it is... but, I get "twitchy" legs sometimes, like they jerk for no apparent reason. Not a cramp or a pain though. It doesn't happen often.... so I figure it has something to do with my diet or stress levels...
It is your body finally relaxing. Watch a dog as they fall asleep. They do the same thing.
Anyone else have this pain the ass problem? Or should I say irritation leg jumping around when yer tryin' to sleep?

I sit in my rocking chair until I fall asleep from exhaustion. Figure if it wants to move, then it can rock me. So..I rock. And rock. And rock.

Any suggestions of over the counter stuff that might make it stop flapping? It only happens when I got to bed. Not all the time..but sometimes. That's when I wind up rocking myself to sleep.

Gracie, do you have any neck/spinal issues?
My back is screwed up. What the hell is the name of that thing? damn. Something to do with the spinal cord being pinched. I have a brain fart now.

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