Resurrecting Repeal


Sep 23, 2010
A look at the Republican presidential wannabes the media is starting to push leaves me cold. The US Senate has done so much harm to this country I hate to plug a senator at any time; nevertheless, Senator Ted Cruz might turn into a nice thing if he is interested. I’m basing my opinion on some things he said in the past, the way he handled himself at the Benghazi hearing, and this most of all:

. . . Sen. Ted Cruz (R.-Texas) will offer an amendment that will prohibit funding for the implementation of Obamacare during that period.


Cruz, who favors total repeal of Obamacare and has introduced legislation to do that, said in a conference call on Monday that at a minimum Obamacare should not be implemented until Gross Domestic Product has started growing at its average post-World War II level or better.

Cruz Will Use 'Any Procedural Means Necessary’ to Force Vote on Defunding Obamacare
March 11, 2013
By Terence P. Jeffrey

Cruz Will Use 'Any Procedural Means Necessary? to Force Vote on Defunding Obamacare | CNS News

Too many influential forces have a vested interest in implementing socialized medicine; so I had all but given up on repealing or defunding Hillarycare II. A few months ago the media buried the issue with economy scare tactics, amnesty for illegals, and gun control.

In addition to everything else, Republicans should have taken the Senate on repeal alone. Instead of concentrating on winning the Senate, Karl Rove’s establishment Republicans did the opposite because they feared being backed into repealing Hillarycare II. There is just too much money heading towards Wall Street to get behind repeal. Bottom line: Cruz better watch his back on this one.
Cruz gonna call Obama's bluff...
Cruz: Let's See if Obama's Willing to Shutdown Gov't to Fund Obamacare
March 13, 2013 – Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) introduced an amendment on Wednesday that would cut off all funds for Obamacare, a step he said Republicans should support and, if it were to pass in the House as well, could be sent to President Barack Obama to see if he’s “willing to try to shut the government down” over funding of the Affordable Care Act.
“I think it’s the right position for Republicans to be taking,” Cruz told “And I think it would be exactly the right decision to then send it back to Harry Reid and President Obama and ask if Harry Reid and President Obama are willing to try to shut the government down in order to insist that Obamacare be fully funded now, even though it could well push us into a recession.” “I think that is an important stand for principle that makes a difference in the lives of those who are struggling the most,” said the senator. On Wednesday, Cruz introduced his de-fund Obamacare amendment to the continuing resolution (CR), which is a massive "must-pass" bill to keep the government funded for the rest of this fiscal year, from late March through the end of September.


Last week, the Republican-controlled House passed a $982-billion CR, but the GOP leadership set the rule and did not allow the must-pass CR to include language prohibiting funding for Obamacare or for de-funding the controversial Obamacare mandate that requires nearly all health plans to offer contraceptives, sterilization, and abortion-inducing drugs without co-payments. Though he said he does not expect his amendment to pass in the Senate, which is majority-Democrat, Cruz said it is “entirely beneficial” to have a conversation about the impact of Obamacare on economic growth. He also encouraged House Republicans to “stand for principle” and force the president and the Senate to shut down the government over funding the health care law.

During a press conference on Capitol Hill, asked Cruz why the Republicans in the House did not attempt to defund the law. “You just said this amendment isn’t likely to pass because the Republicans don’t control the Senate,” asked. “But the Republicans control the House. And they decided to not try to defund Obamacare in the CR. Why do you think they didn’t put that in and do you think they should have?” “Well, legislation can be an iterative process,” Cruz said. “And one of the benefits, I believe, of debating and voting on this amendment today is that if Republicans stand together—I hope we will—there is a very good chance the continuing resolution will be amended in the Senate in some way and sent back to the House.”

“So, the House is going to have another shot at this,” he said. “And I would certainly be very encouraged if the House, when they get the continuing resolution back, made the decision to include precisely this amendment to defund Obamacare,” Cruz continued. “I think it’s the right position for Republicans to be taking.” “And I think it would be exactly the right decision to then send it back to Harry Reid and President Obama and ask if Harry Reid and President Obama are willing to try to shut the government down in order to insist that Obamacare be fully funded now even though it could well push us into a recession,” he said. “I think that is an important stand for principle that makes a difference in the lives of those who are struggling the most,” said Cruz.

March 13, 2013 – Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) introduced an amendment on Wednesday that would cut off all funds for Obamacare, a step he said Republicans should support and, if it were to pass in the House as well, could be sent to President Barack Obama to see if he’s “willing to try to shut the government down” over funding of the Affordable Care Act.

It had a happy ending.
The Senate defeated an amendment Wednesday to defund implementation of the Affordable Care Act — the 34th time Republicans have forced a vote to defund or repeal all or part of the law. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) had said he would hold up the Senate's government funding bill without a vote on his amendment.

"We knew from the beginning this amendment was unlikely to pass ... I nonetheless think it was important to vote on this amendment" and refocus attention on the healthcare reform law, Cruz said after the party-line vote.
What a sad thread :(

The last couple of years have been tear-jerkers. Seeing a once great nation swirling down the corporatist drain. Not that I really feel sorry for most of the people who will suffer from it - they seem be welcoming it.

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."
-- H. L. Mencken
What a sad thread :(

To TheOldSchool: If you want to see tears flowing like Niagra Falls go to the do-gooder freaks like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the rest of the Democrats who cry barrels of tears under the pretext of caring about human suffering, but stop short of spending their own money, or taking care of just one person in pain. Their tears are nothing more than a license to tell everyone else what to do. The only thing the scum in government care about is how to get rich on the compassion of others.

Bottom line: Do not save the world on somebody else’s dime; save just one person with your own time and money if you want to feel good about yourself.
Senator Cruz is looking better every day. Repealing/defunding Hillarycare II is good stuff. Cruz offered a little dessert when he rattled Di Fi’s chain in the video at this link:

Note that Di Fi is pissed off because the new guy acted like her equal. She sounded like a long-time employee in a private sector company rubbing her seniority in the new guy’s face. In spite of her claims about knowing the Constitution she apparently does not know that all senators are equal from day one. That’s the way it’s supposed to be.

I think Cruz should have asked Di Fi if nut jobs might be doing so much killing because of socialism; i.e., big government taxation and policies enslaving everyone. He could also ask Di Fi if she is afraid someone will shoot her with an assault rifle because they feel she stole directly from them. Remember she had to resign from the Senate Military Construction Appropriations Subcommittee committee because of questionable ethics:

Feinstein, chairman and ranking member of the subcommittee, regularly reviewed and accepted contracts from her husband’s companies for not only construction work for military bases, but also addressing “quality of life” issues for the veterans of the United States military services.


another reason could be that since that subcommittee is responsible for veterans’ “quality of life” issues, perhaps she was trying to distance herself from the military’s failure to provide decent medical care for wounded servicemembers


In 2005, Roll Call calculated Feinstein’s wealth at $40 million, up $10 million from just a year earlier. Reports show her family earned between $500,000 and $5 million from capital gains on URS and Perini stock. From CB Richard Ellis, her husband earned from $1.3 million to $4 million.


In late 2005, Blum sold 5.5 million URS shares, worth $220 million, the report said.
Feinstein quits committee under war-profiteer cloud

Report documents military contracts for firms owned by senator's husband
Published: 03/28/2007 at 10:05 PM

Feinstein quits committee under war-profiteer cloud

Some guys will shoot you if you steal a penny from them. Just think what Di Fi’s larceny might trigger (no pun intended). Hell, revolutions have started for a lot less than all of the money Democrats/Socialists steal every year. As I’ve said before, most of them arrive in Washington wearing dirty underwear and leave as multimillionaires.

In any event the ban on assault rifles is a red herring. This is what Democrats are after:

The Senate now faces a floor fight in coming weeks over Democrats’ push to dramatically alter U.S. gun laws for the first time in two decades. While the Feinstein assault weapons ban is unlikely to overcome GOP opposition and get a vote — as well as concerns from red state Democrats up for reelection in 2014 — Democrats and the White House will continue their drive to enact universal background checks on all gun sales.

Dianne Feinstein, Ted Cruz trade barbs over gun ban
By JOHN BRESNAHAN | 3/14/13 10:52 AM EDT

The ban is a compromise scam. Make a lot of noise about banning assault rifles then settle for background checks. Naturally, the media will make the compromise look reasonable. Needless to say once Democrats find out where the guns are located they can confiscate them at will.

Finally, Democrats don’t care about the guns they known about, it’s the location of all of those guns they don’t know about that scares the hell out of them.
Here’s a bit more.

Senator Cruz stepped on Senator Leahy’s old school tie, too:

Eventually, Chairman Leahy attempted to cut Cruz off. With the sarcasm and self-congratulation that, for the crusty old windbag, long ago replaced intelligent argumentation, Leahy thanked Cruz for reminding him of his constiutional duty. He added that he has been meeting that duty for decades, whereas Cruz has been in the Senate somewhat less long.

Dianne Feinstein — more than a sixth grader, less than a Senator doing her duty
Posted on March 14, 2013 by Paul Mirengoff

Dianne Feinstein ? more than a sixth grader, less than a Senator doing her duty | Power Line

Just think of the balls it took for that filthy sneak to imply he has been defending the Constitution throughout the decades his party has systematically been tearing it down. His president goes so far as to treat the Rights in the original Bill of Rights as “Negative Rights.” Lying Leahy must agree with his messiah because he supports so-called “Positive Rights.” That is Rights that must be funded with tax dollars, not to mention the “Positive Rights” the government exercises every time it screws the taxpayers.

In short: In the hands of Democrats throughout all of those years Lying Leahy was doing his “duty” the Bill of Rights morphed into the government’s bill of Rights. Were that not true the Second Amendment would not be under constant attack.

The biggest joke of all is that pieces of garbage like Leahy and Di Fi truly believe they are smarter than America’s Founders.

Finally, it’s no wonder Leahy jumped to Di Fi’s defense with the same seniority argument. They have a lot in common. Both were forced to resign from committees. Di Fi was ethically challenged when she sat on Senate Military Construction Appropriations Subcommittee, while questions about Leahy’s loyalty to this country forced his resignation:

When Senator Leahy was vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, he leaked classified information, including the Reagan administration's plans to topple the Kaddafi regime in Libya, plus information on the Iran-Contra case.

The senator's plea at the time? Ooops! Sorry!

That would be reminiscent of the old song, "I didn't know the gun was loaded. And I'm so sorry, my friend. I didn't know the gun was loaded — and I'll never ever do it again."

His apology and resignation from the committee hardly qualified as accountability. He was merely sorry for being caught. Censure? That would seem to be a minimum. Expulsion from the Senate? That should not be off the table, but it was never really explored. Should we not expect real accountability here?

You want a truth commission, Senator Leahy? I'll show you a truth commission
February 16, 2009
Wes Vernon, RenewAmerica analyst

Wes Vernon column
Senator Cruz keeps on ticking. He introduced Sarah Palin at CPAC and added that he would not be a senator today without Sarah.

When Ted Cruz previously named some others who went on to win after getting Sarah’s endorsement and support, I suddenly realized that Sarah’s endorsement carries more weight than does the nod from any politician from either party on the scene today. If you doubt me, try to imagine Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Di Fi, or any big name male Democrat you’d care to name being responsible for so many Democrats winning elections. For the most part, big name Democrat endorsers get behind sure winners, then take credit for getting them elected.

I had not seen Sarah Palin in a few months. After watching the video of her speech at CPAC I remembered how much I love her. She is still the greatest.

Sarah nuked Democrats so thoroughly, especially Hussein, I went to my window to see if a mushroom cloud was visible. Listen to the speech and you’ll hear what I’m talking about.

Incidentally, if you watch the video compare Hillary Clinton’s frumpy look in her pants suits to Sarah in her jeans.

[ame=]CPAC 2013 - Former Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK) - YouTube[/ame]​
What a sad thread :(

The last couple of years have been tear-jerkers. Seeing a once great nation swirling down the corporatist drain. Not that I really feel sorry for most of the people who will suffer from it - they seem be welcoming it.

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."
-- H. L. Mencken

That is a Communist drain. Put your glasses on.


You are not going to repeal Obamacare

Time to work to make it better

You are not going to repeal Obamacare

Time to work to make it better

Not if they are opposed to the fundamental goals and approach of the law. In that case they should be working to undermine it as much as possible.
Senator Cruz keeps on ticking. He introduced Sarah Palin at CPAC and added that he would not be a senator today without Sarah.

When Ted Cruz previously named some others who went on to win after getting Sarah’s endorsement and support, I suddenly realized that Sarah’s endorsement carries more weight than does the nod from any politician from either party on the scene today. If you doubt me, try to imagine Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Di Fi, or any big name male Democrat you’d care to name being responsible for so many Democrats winning elections. For the most part, big name Democrat endorsers get behind sure winners, then take credit for getting them elected.

I had not seen Sarah Palin in a few months. After watching the video of her speech at CPAC I remembered how much I love her. She is still the greatest.

Sarah nuked Democrats so thoroughly, especially Hussein, I went to my window to see if a mushroom cloud was visible. Listen to the speech and you’ll hear what I’m talking about.

Incidentally, if you watch the video compare Hillary Clinton’s frumpy look in her pants suits to Sarah in her jeans.

I miss Palin

I wish Republicans would run her for president
Obamacare is unconstitutional. Look up on Google - Complete Lives Systems - and find out the truth about Obamacare. Your welcome. - Jeremiah

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