Retaliatory murders: Another underlying cause of the escalating inner city murder rate.

I agree with you. What's your solution?

Add shame to the mix, like back in the old days. Now you can impregnate multiple women with no consequence, now you can pump out multiple kids and the government just gives you more money.

If you can't take care of your kids, wards of the State. Even putting the kids in old fashioned "Home for boys/girls has to be better than the situation we have now.

There has to be consequences for irresponsible behavior.
Add shame to the mix, like back in the old days. Now you can impregnate multiple women with no consequence, now you can pump out multiple kids and the government just gives you more money.

If you can't take care of your kids, wards of the State. Even putting the kids in old fashioned "Home for boys/girls has to be better than the situation we have now.

There has to be consequences for irresponsible behavior.
Putting the kids in public "Homes for Kids" won't change a thing. It would likely make matters worse.

It would force decent, working Americans to take over the entire job of raising and supporting every fucking kid these brainless animals drop. And the worthless fuckheads who run around knocking up one pig after another would have even LESS incentive to change their ape-like behavior. Why should they? After all, dumbass whitey will feed, clothe, and house all the little bastards these animals leave behind.

The one thing that might help a bit, is to sterilize any woman seeking welfare and food stamps before they receive a single fucking dime. Some of these pigs have so many kids that they have turned milking the welfare system into their career of choice.

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