Retired Major General Sends trump Message

Debunked by those who don’t want to believe it

It's believed by those of you who want to believe it. It's denied by those who don't want to believe it.

Who the fuck knows what he said or didn't say. It's all hearsay.
John Bolton just slammed the story as fake, bad news for the trolls.... who continue to get ass kicked by the pixies...

Wad Bolton with Trump 24/7?

If not, best he can say is he didn’t hear it.
I plan on personally singling you out when you arrive at fema camp.... :th_BlackHelicopter:
Trump has always supported the military. Trying to divide this nation via lies will ultimately fail.


When did he support the military when he learned that putin was putting bounties on the heads of our military?

He has done nothing about it and has said he didn't think it was important.

If he supported our military he would have at least condemned what putin is doing but he has not even done that. In fact, he defends putin.

Those of us who have actually served in the US military aren't blind.

Trump lies when he claims to support our military and their families. 20.000 enlisted personnel families require SNAP Benefits:


The low wages of Buck Privates and other enlisted personnel were in effect long before President Trump took office in 2017.

Trump didn't cut military wages.

BTW, Buck Privates in the US Army are paid a lot more than those in the Iranian Army, Turkish Army or North Korean Army, as well as many of our other competitors.

Trump brags that he has been the best President for the military in our history, in three years he has done nothing to improve the VA or the pay and benefits to active military families. Gee, wave the flag, he didn't cut military wages. Hurrah!

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I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

The story in the Atlantic is fake news.

Tell that to the Major General and the people who were there and heard him say it.

The Major General didn't hear President Trump say anything, he read the Atlantic article

I didn't say he did.

I told you to tell that to the Major General and those who did hear him say it.

You don't have the guts to do that.

The Major General has obviously checked out if that article is true or not. He wouldn't have made that video if he didn't know it was true.

Try another deflection and lie.

A Major Gen. Is like a
Debunked by those who don’t want to believe it

It's believed by those of you who want to believe it. It's denied by those who don't want to believe it.

Who the fuck knows what he said or didn't say. It's all hearsay.
John Bolton just slammed the story as fake, bad news for the trolls.... who continue to get ass kicked by the pixies...

Wad Bolton with Trump 24/7?

If not, best he can say is he didn’t hear it.
I plan on personally singling you out when you arrive at fema camp.... :th_BlackHelicopter:

He'll stick out like a sore thumb because he has diarrhea of the pie-hole.
I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

Jeff Goldberg at the Atlantic said Trump said that. Proof? Evidence? My family has proud service record too. Currently, we have a certain party seemily hell bent on destroying this country, unnecessary impeachment, a "lockdown" over the flu, and then the "civil unrest". I'm over 60 and I have never seen this much shit happen in less that 9 months. Please, spare the lectures about how bad Trump is, or the inuedoes or gossip or hearsay. Democrats are nine times worse than Trump on a bad day. Lets actualy concern ourselves with real issues?
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I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

What if I said "you are a loser and a sucker if you believe everything media tells you"?

Would he be offended? If I had twitter I might send it to him and get his response.

Take it a step further, and if you shill for a political party via the use of inaccurate, unsubstantiated claims, and you KNOW you are, you are far worse than just a sucker and a loser.

One final note, what is General Eatons opinion of athletes kneeling for the anthem/flag or, BLM rioters tearing down old military statues or leader? Should he speak out on that issue also? They are more than mean words that probably weren't said, maybe he can find a soapbox to air his anger at that too.

Some are going to try everything to get back to China First and they will use anyone and everyone they can for this objective.
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“How could anyone support Trump?”

Anyone who is a blind partisan rightwing hack.

Anyone who shares Trump’s contempt for our democratic institutions, the rule of law, the Constitution, and military veterans.

Anyone who is a racist, bigot, or misogynist.

Sadly, there are far too many on the reprehensible right who support Trump.
Tell that to the Major General and the people who were there and heard him say it.

I would be more than happy to tell the Major General and the anonymous tools that are lying through their teeth, but they are afraid of getting scary tweets. Anonymity is for folks that do kind things, not for vultures who are looking to kill something... They don't have a hair on their ass if they don't go public with these accusations...
I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

The story in the Atlantic is fake news.

Tell that to the Major General and the people who were there and heard him say it.

Let's have the names.
I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

Jeff Goldberg at the Atlantic said Trump said that. Proof? Evidence? My family has proud service record too. Currently, we have a certain party seemily hell bent on destroying this country, unnecessary impeachment, a "lockdown" over the flu, and then the "civil unrest". I'm over 60 and I have never seen this much shit happen in less that 9 months. Please, spare the lectures about how bad Trump is.

They ain't over Hillary losing, so what do they do in their unbearable lightness of being? They nominate even a bigger loser.
Something is amiss here, tho'. Can they be this stupid or have they rigged the election under the guidance of globalists?
I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

The story in the Atlantic is fake news.

If you say so Ivan
I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

The story in the Atlantic is fake news.

Tell that to the Major General and the people who were there and heard him say it.

Let's have the names.

Goldberg himself is the source for his story.

If it was anyone else, they would be on MSNBC and CNN every evening for a month, just like Stormy and Mike Avenatti were during a previous phony scandal.
I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

What if I said "you are a loser and a sucker if you believe everything media tells them"?

Would he be offended? If I had twitter I might send it to him and get his response.

Take it a step further, and if you shill for a political party via the use of inaccurate, unsubstantiated claims, and you KNOW you are, you are far worse than just a sucker and a loser.

One final note, what is General Eatons opinion of athletes kneeling for the anthem/flag or, BLM rioters tearing down old military statues or leader? Should he speak out on that issue also? They are more than mean words that probably weren't said, maybe he can find a soapbox to air his anger at that too.

Some are going to try everything to get back to China First and they will use anyone and everyone they can for this objective.

10-4 this!
Something + is said from watching from afar!!
BTW, Buck Privates in the US Army are paid a lot more than those in the Iranian Army, Turkish Army or North Korean Army, as well as many of our other competitors.

Is that something to be proud of?

It shows that America pays a competitive wage to their soldiers and sailors. And did under Obama and Bush as well.

Competitive wage my ass. When I retired back in 2002, I was being paid as an E-6 over 20 years, and was only pulling down 36,000 per year. If I had been working in a civilian company, doing what I did my last tour? I would have been a manager of a satellite office that employed 6 people, and was responsible for overseeing the screening of 71 to 100 people per month. The civilian equivalent of my job at MEPS would have been pulling down 120,000 to 150,000/yr. No, people don't join the military for the paycheck, they do it for other reasons. And, for those who were looking to make money, most of them leave after their first or second enlistment, as they aren't happy with the wages the military pays.

No, the military doesn't pay a competitive wage. Matter of fact, when I retired in 2002, those at the paygrade of E-5 and below were eligible for WIC assistance. Whenever a member of my command had a new kid, I would refer them to WIC so they could make ends meet, as babies are expensive.
BTW, Buck Privates in the US Army are paid a lot more than those in the Iranian Army, Turkish Army or North Korean Army, as well as many of our other competitors.

Is that something to be proud of?

It shows that America pays a competitive wage to their soldiers and sailors. And did under Obama and Bush as well.

Competitive wage my ass. When I retired back in 2002, I was being paid as an E-6 over 20 years, and was only pulling down 36,000 per year. If I had been working in a civilian company, doing what I did my last tour? I would have been a manager of a satellite office that employed 6 people, and was responsible for overseeing the screening of 71 to 100 people per month. The civilian equivalent of my job at MEPS would have been pulling down 120,000 to 150,000/yr. No, people don't join the military for the paycheck, they do it for other reasons. And, for those who were looking to make money, most of them leave after their first or second enlistment, as they aren't happy with the wages the military pays.

No, the military doesn't pay a competitive wage. Matter of fact, when I retired in 2002, those at the paygrade of E-5 and below were eligible for WIC assistance. Whenever a member of my command had a new kid, I would refer them to WIC so they could make ends meet, as babies are expensive.

How much would you have earned as an E-6 in the Iranian , Bangladeshi and Kenyan Army? Would you be earning a lot more? Further, military men traditionally stay in the barracks, eat in the mess hall. Civilians have to pay for their own rent and food.
No, the military doesn't pay a competitive wage. Matter of fact, when I retired in 2002, those at the paygrade of E-5 and below were eligible for WIC assistance. Whenever a member of my command had a new kid, I would refer them to WIC so they could make ends meet, as babies are expensive.

The media is suffering from huge case of the Jessie Smolets/Nick Sandmann syndrome. Push popular lies over uncomfortable truth. Good example: BLM is fighting racial oppression and bad cops. No, no they aren't. Really they are pushing civil unrest to disrupt this country for the Chinese communist meddlers. Who else? None
of this shit was spontaneously created by Americans in and of their own accord.
I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

I'm embarrassed for General Eaton falling for fake news like that.
BTW, Buck Privates in the US Army are paid a lot more than those in the Iranian Army, Turkish Army or North Korean Army, as well as many of our other competitors.

Is that something to be proud of?

It shows that America pays a competitive wage to their soldiers and sailors. And did under Obama and Bush as well.

Competitive wage my ass. When I retired back in 2002, I was being paid as an E-6 over 20 years, and was only pulling down 36,000 per year. If I had been working in a civilian company, doing what I did my last tour? I would have been a manager of a satellite office that employed 6 people, and was responsible for overseeing the screening of 71 to 100 people per month. The civilian equivalent of my job at MEPS would have been pulling down 120,000 to 150,000/yr. No, people don't join the military for the paycheck, they do it for other reasons. And, for those who were looking to make money, most of them leave after their first or second enlistment, as they aren't happy with the wages the military pays.

No, the military doesn't pay a competitive wage. Matter of fact, when I retired in 2002, those at the paygrade of E-5 and below were eligible for WIC assistance. Whenever a member of my command had a new kid, I would refer them to WIC so they could make ends meet, as babies are expensive.

How much would you have earned as an E-6 in the Iranian , Bangladeshi and Kenyan Army? Would you be earning a lot more? Further, military men traditionally stay in the barracks, eat in the mess hall. Civilians have to pay for their own rent and food.

What those armies pay isn't of any relevance here. You said that the military pays a competitive wage, and I told you why you were wrong, and provided my own experience. As far as military men staying in the barracks? Again, you have no idea about what happens in the military. Most of the people living in the barracks do so because they don't have enough money to live out in town, meaning most of the barracks people are single military who are at the rank of E4 and below.

However, whenever someone gets to the rank that they can live out in town? They run a request chit and get approved to live out in town.

Incidentally, its only single people that live in the barracks. Married people with and without kids have to live out in town, or hope like hell they can get base housing. Most places I was stationed at had a 6 month or more waiting list. And yeah, there are lots of E-3 and below who have families and wives.
I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

The story in the Atlantic is fake news.

Tell that to the Major General and the people who were there and heard him say it.
Eaton has been retired since 2006 how in the fuck was he there to hear any fucking thing?
BTW, Buck Privates in the US Army are paid a lot more than those in the Iranian Army, Turkish Army or North Korean Army, as well as many of our other competitors.

Is that something to be proud of?

It shows that America pays a competitive wage to their soldiers and sailors. And did under Obama and Bush as well.

Competitive wage my ass. When I retired back in 2002, I was being paid as an E-6 over 20 years, and was only pulling down 36,000 per year. If I had been working in a civilian company, doing what I did my last tour? I would have been a manager of a satellite office that employed 6 people, and was responsible for overseeing the screening of 71 to 100 people per month. The civilian equivalent of my job at MEPS would have been pulling down 120,000 to 150,000/yr. No, people don't join the military for the paycheck, they do it for other reasons. And, for those who were looking to make money, most of them leave after their first or second enlistment, as they aren't happy with the wages the military pays.

No, the military doesn't pay a competitive wage. Matter of fact, when I retired in 2002, those at the paygrade of E-5 and below were eligible for WIC assistance. Whenever a member of my command had a new kid, I would refer them to WIC so they could make ends meet, as babies are expensive.

How much would you have earned as an E-6 in the Iranian , Bangladeshi and Kenyan Army? Would you be earning a lot more? Further, military men traditionally stay in the barracks, eat in the mess hall. Civilians have to pay for their own rent and food.

What those armies pay isn't of any relevance here. You said that the military pays a competitive wage, and I told you why you were wrong, and provided my own experience. As far as military men staying in the barracks? Again, you have no idea about what happens in the military. Most of the people living in the barracks do so because they don't have enough money to live out in town, meaning most of the barracks people are single military who are at the rank of E4 and below.

However, whenever someone gets to the rank that they can live out in town? They run a request chit and get approved to live out in town.

Incidentally, its only single people that live in the barracks. Married people with and without kids have to live out in town, or hope like hell they can get base housing. Most places I was stationed at had a 6 month or more waiting list. And yeah, there are lots of E-3 and below who have families and wives.
married members of the military living off base are given an allowance for living expenses
At least the Air Force did. I got 600.00 extra a month If my memory serves me correctly

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