Retired Major General Sends trump Message

I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

The story in the Atlantic is fake news.

What about Fox News?

UPDATE: Fox News Confirms Private Trump Smears Against Members Of The Military

as reported by huffie post
I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

Jeff Goldberg at the Atlantic said Trump said that. Proof? Evidence? My family has proud service record too. Currently, we have a certain party seemily hell bent on destroying this country, unnecessary impeachment, a "lockdown" over the flu, and then the "civil unrest". I'm over 60 and I have never seen this much shit happen in less that 9 months. Please, spare the lectures about how bad Trump is, or the inuedoes or gossip or hearsay. Democrats are nine times worse than Trump on a bad day. Lets actualy concern ourselves with real issues?

The real issues? Let's put some perspective on real issues, and which party seeks solutions:
  1. The Economy
  2. A divided country
  3. Health Care
  4. The Division of Wealth
  5. Our infrastructure
  6. Our national dept
  7. Racism
  8. Climate Change
  9. Clean Water
These seem to me to be very divisive issues, but very important ones.

Each one deserves a thread in the Clean Debate Zone. Pick one, and start the thread.

Fighting racism is up there with fighting cooties. The rest of your list is rather on the subjective side.

My ideas on each one of them will be subjective, as will yours; the issues are not.

I'll start with the Economy.

HMM, like the Democrat leaders are siding with and condoning civil unrest and race riots? That isn't subjective, either.

Are you sure?

Dated 9/2. It was hurting him in the Polls. Where was he 2 months ago?

keep it moving..


LOL, where was he 2 months ago on this?
BTW, Buck Privates in the US Army are paid a lot more than those in the Iranian Army, Turkish Army or North Korean Army, as well as many of our other competitors.

Is that something to be proud of?

It shows that America pays a competitive wage to their soldiers and sailors. And did under Obama and Bush as well.

Competitive wage my ass. When I retired back in 2002, I was being paid as an E-6 over 20 years, and was only pulling down 36,000 per year. If I had been working in a civilian company, doing what I did my last tour? I would have been a manager of a satellite office that employed 6 people, and was responsible for overseeing the screening of 71 to 100 people per month. The civilian equivalent of my job at MEPS would have been pulling down 120,000 to 150,000/yr. No, people don't join the military for the paycheck, they do it for other reasons. And, for those who were looking to make money, most of them leave after their first or second enlistment, as they aren't happy with the wages the military pays.

No, the military doesn't pay a competitive wage. Matter of fact, when I retired in 2002, those at the paygrade of E-5 and below were eligible for WIC assistance. Whenever a member of my command had a new kid, I would refer them to WIC so they could make ends meet, as babies are expensive.

How much would you have earned as an E-6 in the Iranian , Bangladeshi and Kenyan Army? Would you be earning a lot more? Further, military men traditionally stay in the barracks, eat in the mess hall. Civilians have to pay for their own rent and food.

What those armies pay isn't of any relevance here. You said that the military pays a competitive wage, and I told you why you were wrong, and provided my own experience. As far as military men staying in the barracks? Again, you have no idea about what happens in the military. Most of the people living in the barracks do so because they don't have enough money to live out in town, meaning most of the barracks people are single military who are at the rank of E4 and below.

However, whenever someone gets to the rank that they can live out in town? They run a request chit and get approved to live out in town.

Incidentally, its only single people that live in the barracks. Married people with and without kids have to live out in town, or hope like hell they can get base housing. Most places I was stationed at had a 6 month or more waiting list. And yeah, there are lots of E-3 and below who have families and wives.
married members of the military living off base are given an allowance for living expenses
At least the Air Force did. I got 600.00 extra a month If my memory serves me correctly

Actually, both married and single members living off base get BAQ (Basic Allowance for Quarters), which when I was in was around 200.00/mo for single members. BAQ is based on what your paygrade is. And yes, you get VHA (Variable Housing Allowance), which bases the rate they pay by averaging all the rental places for what they cost to rent, and then pay VHA to help the BAQ offset the cost of rent. Unfortunately, the BAQ/VHA isn't enough to fully cover rent and utilities, it's usually about 80 percent of what it costs to live out in town. I know these things because I was a Personnelman, and pay and personnel was my job.

How much you get, depends on where you are stationed. BAQ/VHA rates for places like San Diego (where the rent is expensive) is much more than what it would be for a place like Amarillo TX (and the BAQ/VHA rate here SUCKED). I actually lost money moving from Norfolk VA to Amarillo TX as my VHA went down quite a bit. And, unfortunately, the rentals here were almost as much as what they were in Norfolk.
Actually in the air force if you were single you stayed in the barracks and got a meal card and higher ranking NCO's and Officers lived on base in base housing
I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

Jeff Goldberg at the Atlantic said Trump said that. Proof? Evidence? My family has proud service record too. Currently, we have a certain party seemily hell bent on destroying this country, unnecessary impeachment, a "lockdown" over the flu, and then the "civil unrest". I'm over 60 and I have never seen this much shit happen in less that 9 months. Please, spare the lectures about how bad Trump is, or the inuedoes or gossip or hearsay. Democrats are nine times worse than Trump on a bad day. Lets actualy concern ourselves with real issues?

The real issues? Let's put some perspective on real issues, and which party seeks solutions:
  1. The Economy
  2. A divided country
  3. Health Care
  4. The Division of Wealth
  5. Our infrastructure
  6. Our national dept
  7. Racism
  8. Climate Change
  9. Clean Water
These seem to me to be very divisive issues, but very important ones.

Each one deserves a thread in the Clean Debate Zone. Pick one, and start the thread.

Fighting racism is up there with fighting cooties. The rest of your list is rather on the subjective side.

My ideas on each one of them will be subjective, as will yours; the issues are not.

I'll start with the Economy.

HMM, like the Democrat leaders are siding with and condoning civil unrest and race riots? That isn't subjective, either.

Are you sure?

Dated 9/2. It was hurting him in the Polls. Where was he 2 months ago?

keep it moving..


LOL, where was he 2 months ago on this?

in his basement
I just listen to Biden "townhall"
I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

We seriously need the fake news forum.
I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

Jeff Goldberg at the Atlantic said Trump said that. Proof? Evidence? My family has proud service record too. Currently, we have a certain party seemily hell bent on destroying this country, unnecessary impeachment, a "lockdown" over the flu, and then the "civil unrest". I'm over 60 and I have never seen this much shit happen in less that 9 months. Please, spare the lectures about how bad Trump is, or the inuedoes or gossip or hearsay. Democrats are nine times worse than Trump on a bad day. Lets actualy concern ourselves with real issues?

The real issues? Let's put some perspective on real issues, and which party seeks solutions:
  1. The Economy
  2. A divided country
  3. Health Care
  4. The Division of Wealth
  5. Our infrastructure
  6. Our national dept
  7. Racism
  8. Climate Change
  9. Clean Water
These seem to me to be very divisive issues, but very important ones.

Each one deserves a thread in the Clean Debate Zone. Pick one, and start the thread.

all are failed topics for leftists
the economy? lol green energy will kill it
Divided country. Yes why are leftists trying to divide the country
health Care if I'm paying for it I get to dictate your life choices
division of wealth? What's mine is mine not yours
I could go further but you really don't want to start a thread on any of those subjects

I already have, The Economy in the Clean Debate Zone. One reply, and it was thoughtless.
I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

Jeff Goldberg at the Atlantic said Trump said that. Proof? Evidence? My family has proud service record too. Currently, we have a certain party seemily hell bent on destroying this country, unnecessary impeachment, a "lockdown" over the flu, and then the "civil unrest". I'm over 60 and I have never seen this much shit happen in less that 9 months. Please, spare the lectures about how bad Trump is, or the inuedoes or gossip or hearsay. Democrats are nine times worse than Trump on a bad day. Lets actualy concern ourselves with real issues?

The real issues? Let's put some perspective on real issues, and which party seeks solutions:
  1. The Economy
  2. A divided country
  3. Health Care
  4. The Division of Wealth
  5. Our infrastructure
  6. Our national dept
  7. Racism
  8. Climate Change
  9. Clean Water
These seem to me to be very divisive issues, but very important ones.

Each one deserves a thread in the Clean Debate Zone. Pick one, and start the thread.

all are failed topics for leftists
the economy? lol green energy will kill it
Divided country. Yes why are leftists trying to divide the country
health Care if I'm paying for it I get to dictate your life choices
division of wealth? What's mine is mine not yours
I could go further but you really don't want to start a thread on any of those subjects

I already have, The Economy in the Clean Debate Zone. One reply, and it was thoughtless.

green energy is not good for the economy it's to costly for the poor
Is it possible for lefties to have an original opinion that they don't steal from someone else? How did they get through freaking high school?
When the left makes stuff up, they should tone it down a bit. This one is so outrageous, it is ridiculous.

What does Biden think of John Kerry's thoughts on Vietnam War vets, that they had "personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in the fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam"

By association, I am sure Biden feels the same.
Any of that not true?
All of it. Now the VC and NVA were routinely guilty of all those things as a matter of policy.
Trump has always supported the military. Trying to divide this nation via lies will ultimately fail.


When did he support the military when he learned that putin was putting bounties on the heads of our military?

He has done nothing about it and has said he didn't think it was important.

If he supported our military he would have at least condemned what putin is doing but he has not even done that. In fact, he defends putin.

Those of us who have actually served in the US military aren't blind.

Trump lies when he claims to support our military and their families. 20.000 enlisted personnel families require SNAP Benefits:

Yep because they are too low ranking to qualify for quarters or housing allowances. Why is it Trump’s fault That lower grade enlisted men decide to have families?
... I served a career in the military and I stand with Trump, who stands with the military. Period.

Wishful thinking. If you had voted for a traitor then you had to have the feeling to be a traitor on your own. But you know you are not a traitor. This gives you the delusion Trump is not a traitor of the common values of the western world - but I fear he is.
BTW, Buck Privates in the US Army are paid a lot more than those in the Iranian Army, Turkish Army or North Korean Army, as well as many of our other competitors.

Is that something to be proud of?

It shows that America pays a competitive wage to their soldiers and sailors. And did under Obama and Bush as well.

Competitive wage my ass. When I retired back in 2002, I was being paid as an E-6 over 20 years, and was only pulling down 36,000 per year. If I had been working in a civilian company, doing what I did my last tour? I would have been a manager of a satellite office that employed 6 people, and was responsible for overseeing the screening of 71 to 100 people per month. The civilian equivalent of my job at MEPS would have been pulling down 120,000 to 150,000/yr. No, people don't join the military for the paycheck, they do it for other reasons. And, for those who were looking to make money, most of them leave after their first or second enlistment, as they aren't happy with the wages the military pays.

No, the military doesn't pay a competitive wage. Matter of fact, when I retired in 2002, those at the paygrade of E-5 and below were eligible for WIC assistance. Whenever a member of my command had a new kid, I would refer them to WIC so they could make ends meet, as babies are expensive.
Thirty six grand plus BAS (basic allowance subsistence), BAQ (basic allowance quarters), subsidized prices at the commissary and PX, free uniform cleaning, low cost dry cleaning and haircuts, freedom from local taxes, no sales or excise tax for items bought on base. Shall I go on? And what the hell were you doing as an E-6 at twenty years? I wasn’t any super soldier and I made E-5 in four years in the Army in the early seventies. A E-6 with eight years in grade makes nearly thirty seven hundred bucks a month plus allowances right now.
Finally, military pay and benefits are set by Congress, NOT the president, so take your bull rap grievance up with a Nancy Pelosi.
Trump has always supported the military. ...

BTW, Buck Privates in the US Army are paid a lot more than those in the Iranian Army, Turkish Army or North Korean Army, as well as many of our other competitors.

Is that something to be proud of?

It shows that America pays a competitive wage to their soldiers and sailors. And did under Obama and Bush as well.

Competitive wage my ass. When I retired back in 2002, I was being paid as an E-6 over 20 years, and was only pulling down 36,000 per year. If I had been working in a civilian company, doing what I did my last tour? I would have been a manager of a satellite office that employed 6 people, and was responsible for overseeing the screening of 71 to 100 people per month. The civilian equivalent of my job at MEPS would have been pulling down 120,000 to 150,000/yr. No, people don't join the military for the paycheck, they do it for other reasons. And, for those who were looking to make money, most of them leave after their first or second enlistment, as they aren't happy with the wages the military pays.

No, the military doesn't pay a competitive wage. Matter of fact, when I retired in 2002, those at the paygrade of E-5 and below were eligible for WIC assistance. Whenever a member of my command had a new kid, I would refer them to WIC so they could make ends meet, as babies are expensive.
In private industry someone supervising six people would be a lead man or at best a first level manager bringing in less after taxes than you were
I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

If he's stupid enough to believe commie propaganda, I can see why he never made LT General.

BTW, Buck Privates in the US Army are paid a lot more than those in the Iranian Army, Turkish Army or North Korean Army, as well as many of our other competitors.

Is that something to be proud of?

It shows that America pays a competitive wage to their soldiers and sailors. And did under Obama and Bush as well.

Competitive wage my ass. When I retired back in 2002, I was being paid as an E-6 over 20 years, and was only pulling down 36,000 per year. If I had been working in a civilian company, doing what I did my last tour? I would have been a manager of a satellite office that employed 6 people, and was responsible for overseeing the screening of 71 to 100 people per month. The civilian equivalent of my job at MEPS would have been pulling down 120,000 to 150,000/yr. No, people don't join the military for the paycheck, they do it for other reasons. And, for those who were looking to make money, most of them leave after their first or second enlistment, as they aren't happy with the wages the military pays.

No, the military doesn't pay a competitive wage. Matter of fact, when I retired in 2002, those at the paygrade of E-5 and below were eligible for WIC assistance. Whenever a member of my command had a new kid, I would refer them to WIC so they could make ends meet, as babies are expensive.

How much would you have earned as an E-6 in the Iranian , Bangladeshi and Kenyan Army? Would you be earning a lot more? Further, military men traditionally stay in the barracks, eat in the mess hall. Civilians have to pay for their own rent and food.

What those armies pay isn't of any relevance here. You said that the military pays a competitive wage, and I told you why you were wrong, and provided my own experience. As far as military men staying in the barracks? Again, you have no idea about what happens in the military. Most of the people living in the barracks do so because they don't have enough money to live out in town, meaning most of the barracks people are single military who are at the rank of E4 and below.

However, whenever someone gets to the rank that they can live out in town? They run a request chit and get approved to live out in town.

Incidentally, its only single people that live in the barracks. Married people with and without kids have to live out in town, or hope like hell they can get base housing. Most places I was stationed at had a 6 month or more waiting list. And yeah, there are lots of E-3 and below who have families and wives.
married members of the military living off base are given an allowance for living expenses
At least the Air Force did. I got 600.00 extra a month If my memory serves me correctly
It’s a lot more now. My SIL just retired from the Navy and quarters allowances are set by housing costs in the local economy. He bought a nice thirty five hundred square foot house in a nice neighborhood with his BAQ. Didn’t need to spend a dime out of pocket.
I can't agree more with him. Thank you General Eaton.

I'm a vet. My dad, my sister, a couple cousins are vets. I had an uncle who died in the Bataan March. I never got to meet him because the Japanese murdered him in WW II.

He gave his life for this nation. According to trump my uncle was a loser and sucker.

It’s a massive smear , you moron !!
Can’t you cut “ through the fog “
Are you that vacuous

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