Retired military brass demand apology from MSNBC for Chris Kyle comments


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Good old MSNBC, you can always count on these guys to put their foot where their mouth is.
Great place to hang out for the America haters.

Brass demand NBC apology over claim sniper Kyle was 'racist' on 'killing sprees

Already under fire from Iraq War veterans for making up events, NBC is taking new flak today from former military brass over a correspondent’s claim that sniper hero Chris Kyle was a “racist” on “killing sprees” while protecting troops in Iraq.

Some 22 retired generals and admirals, including a former deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence, joined with dozens of other officers and the press watchdog Media Research Center in a letter to demand an apology from NBC parent Comcast after the network refused to acknowledge the comments.


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Brass demand NBC apology over claim sniper Kyle was 'racist' on 'killing sprees'

BY: Paul Bedard February 10, 2015 | 5:17 pm




Already under fire from Iraq War veterans for making up events, NBC is taking new flak today from former military brass over a correspondent’s claim that sniper hero Chris Kyle was a “racist” on “killing sprees” while protecting troops in Iraq.

Some 22 retired generals and admirals, including a former deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence, joined with dozens of other officers and the press watchdog Media Research Center in a letter to demand an apology from NBC parent Comcast after the network refused to acknowledge the comments.

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Kyle, the subject of the hit movie “American Sniper,” said a letter to Comcast provided to Secrets, “is a hero, not a talking point for a smug journalist.”

The comment came from Middle East reporter Ayman Mohyeldin January 29 on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program. Ayman, formerly with Al Jazeera, said of Kyle:

“Some of what people have described as his racist tendencies towards Iraqis and Muslims when he was going on some of these, you know, killing sprees in Iraq on assignment.”

His smackdown of Kyle, considered the nation’s most effective sniper ever, caught host Joe Scarborough by surprise. He immediately challenged Mohyeldin’s claim Kyle went on killing sprees, and ended the segment saying, “All right, when we come back, Ayman is going to kick around Santa Claus.”

In their letter, the brass and veterans demanded an on-air apology. “Mohyeldin’s statements were an inexcusable slap in the face to the widow of Chris Kyle and to all those in the armed forces who continue to serve our country in harm’s way. Such rants do not add anything to a thoughtful discussion of public policy regarding Iraq,” they wrote in the letter being delivered today.

It is the latest public relations problem for NBC News, already grappling with how to deal with anchor Brian Williams’ war exaggerations.

Frustrated with a lack of apology despite an outcry, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell and the brass turned to Comcast and stockholders of the company in pushing for an apology.

“We understand that as members of the board of Comcast, the parent company of NBC, you may not be privy to how NBC News responds to such situations. However, your stockholders, advertisers, NBC News viewers, and the public have a right to know: Is it the policy of NBC News to allow its own reporters to make inaccurate and insulting editorial comments on its airwaves, aimed at our soldiers who gave their lives for their country? Is it the policy of NBC News to ignore the scandal and hope it goes away?” asked the letter.

“NBC News’ continued refusal to acknowledge and apologize for Mohyeldin’s malicious remarks about Chris Kyle is as disappointing as it is shocking. Chris Kyle’s family, veterans everywhere, and the public at large deserve from NBC News a strong, unequivocal public statement condemning Mohyeldin’s vile hate speech,” added the letter.
Brass demand NBC apology over claim sniper Kyle was racist on killing sprees
Don't count on one,that would be like expecting an apology from your dog for crapping on the rug,its just way beyond what they are capable of doing.
Racists in the US military? Nah...

Don't count on one,that would be like expecting an apology from your dog for crapping on the rug,its just way beyond what they are capable of doing.

Typical of MSNBC. While the mainstream of America makes the movie the highest grossing war movie of all time, what do they do ? They find someone to crap on the main character.
Chris Kyle's Medal Count 'adjusted' for accuracy...

Navy Revises 'American Sniper' Chris Kyle's Medal Count
Jul 10, 2016 - The Navy revised the medal count of "American Sniper" Chris Kyle, removing two valor awards from the murdered ex-SEAL's total, including one of his two Silver Stars.
Kyle, who became well-known after his memoir "American Sniper" was turned into a critically acclaimed film, originally wrote that he earned two Silver Stars, a statement consistent with a Navy separation form -- also called a DD214 -- from 2009, The Washington Post reported.

But last month, the Navy updated the form with the new medal count, removing one Silver Star and two Bronze Stars, an alteration first noted by USA Today on Friday. "After thoroughly reviewing all available records, the Navy determined an error was made in the issuance of Chief Petty Officer Chris Kyle's form DD214," Navy spokesman Ensign Marc Rockwellpate said in a statement. "Specifically, the DD214 did not accurately reflect the decorations and awards to which Kyle was officially entitled. After notifying his family of the error, the Navy issued a corrected copy of the DD214, which accurately reflects Kyle's years of honorable and extraordinary Navy service." Kyle was also not given credit for a Navy expert rifle medal on the original form, USA Today reported.


Former SEAL Chris Kyle​

It's not uncommon for a DD214 to be revised. A Navy spokesman told The Navy Times more than 3,800 forms were corrected in 2015 alone. The prolific sniper, regarded as the deadliest in U.S. military history, served 10 years in the Navy before leaving the service in 2009. He was murdered, along with a friend, in 2013 by former Marine that Kyle was trying to help cope with post-traumatic stress disorder. That man was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Kyle's widow, Taya Kyle, didn't immediately return a phone call Sunday.

Navy Revises 'American Sniper' Chris Kyle's Medal Count |

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