Retirees must love Biden

No he hasn't....and the oil companies are shutting down wells on their own.....I haven't received loyalty checks (which happen when the oil company is pumping) since the beginning of the year.

So who was President at the beginning of the year?

Thems damn oil companies!!!!
Gas is 120% more and what about those on a fixed income who rent? rightwinger could not care less about them.

As our prices increase for goods and services we landlords have no choice but to increase rents to make up the loss. Then there is a fact that many who can't own a home look for shelter in rental property creating your typical supply and demand situation.

I've been a landlord for close to 30 years. I come from a family of landlords. In all that time I've never seen the rental market this high in demand.
Unless you incorporated into a self directed IRA, then your 401k is in the stock market, and could easily drop to zero value if the US dollar defaults due to over spending, enormous national debt, and China dumping our bonds.
Social security could easily drop to zero if there is a trade war, and our currency no longer has any value.
A recession is easy to ride out, but this is NOT a recession.
It is inflation.
In a recession you have deflation.
My god the sky is falling all at full employment....
  • Biden’s overall approval has dropped to 35% with 57% disapproval.
  • Among young voters aged 18-to-34 the disapproval is 61% (approval 27%).
  • Among Hispanics Biden disapproval is 60% (approval 26%).
  • Among Independent voters disapproval is 62% (approval 30%)
The latest polling from Quinnipiac [Link] about American opinion of Joe Biden is quite remarkable.


With numbers like these, the Democrat communists are positioned for substantial losses in the mid-term election.
  • Biden’s overall approval has dropped to 35% with 57% disapproval.
  • Among young voters aged 18-to-34 the disapproval is 61% (approval 27%).
  • Among Hispanics Biden disapproval is 60% (approval 26%).
  • Among Independent voters disapproval is 62% (approval 30%)
The latest polling from Quinnipiac [Link] about American opinion of Joe Biden is quite remarkable.

View attachment 647496

With numbers like these, the Democrat communists are positioned for substantial losses in the mid-term election.
Then came the supreme court new legislative ruling...
That is America’s retirement system
I didn’t invent it, neither did Biden

Social Security is much safer than the stock market of a 401k, but both are toast if anything big happens, because they hold no assets or anything of intrinsic value.
Both depend entirely on continual payins.
And if the economy goes south due to a world wide lack of trust in the US dollar, then payins stop completely.
Retirees have either paid off their mortgage or have stable housing costs. They also have the option of moving to a smaller home or less expensive location

They can also cut down on unnecessary driving

COLA can keep up with the rest with 8 percent inflation

COLA can't keep up with anything.
The ratio of those paying in to Social Security vs those who are getting paid out, makes Social Security on the verge of default.
The government can bail our social security for awhile if tax income remains stable, but not if we keep borrowing for weapons to the Ukraine, that can start WWIII.
Real Estate prices are dropping big guy and those on a fixed income how do they afford higher fuel and food costs?
A lot of them will be halting the automatic deductions to Trump's "stop the steal" scam.

In every cloud there's a silver lining.
Then came the specter of the former 1-term fuckup assault on Democracy.

Just double down. I love to see leftists doubling down.
Well unless he freezes it everyone on Social Security or disability will get a whopper of a cost of living increase in November.

The question, how many of them will understand that even those bigger checks are going to buy less each month.

It is impossible for anyone on Social Security to get a cost of living increase.
The money has to come from somewhere, and people are paying into social security less than ever before.
There is no money for COLAs.
The thread's just "look at me, my team's better than yours"

Biden and the dems didn't actually cause the inflation we're having. Team Biden didn't see it coming but neither did the Fed. But the progressives are just economic illiterates who want the econ to fit their policy desires.

President's don't really get to choose their economies. Their policies usually affect things 4 years out, and the next administration though. I wish Biden was being more aggressive on issuing oil leases with penalties for not drilling in a few years of their being issued, though.

What a lie. It doesn't take 4 years before policies go into effect. This is so simple a 10 year old can understand: We removed a pro-energy President and replaced him with an anti-energy President. It's that simple.

Fuel prices change the minute a policy or situation goes into effect. Prices are set in the commodities market. When Dementia got in he stopped the Keystone as his first priority, and prices increased. Then he stopped all new oil exploration and drilling leases on public land, prices went up again. When the Russians hacked our largest gasoline pipeline, Dementia stated it was not a government issue, but a private market issue, prices went up again. By the time inflation started to become a real problem, Russia invaded Ukraine with all that new oil money we turned our back on, and now we are heading for record prices.
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We got a nice increase last January. That increase is gone in two grocery shopping trips. Then we have to deal with gasoline prices, natural gas prices, cost of services and other products.
Even a monthly COLA adjustment would not keep up with the CPI or Inflation, you'd always be a month behind so every check would still buy less.

Most people just don't get it.

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