Return of relative Decency in US politics

Decency even remotely possible for future campaigns ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • No

    Votes: 31 64.6%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 10 20.8%
  • Other... explain

    Votes: 2 4.2%

  • Total voters
I'd like to think that we'd be in a different place if rules of conduct were in place.... some kind of Godwin's Law for politics. Cross the line and you're out kind of thing ?
Does the following have a chance in hell in 2018 lol:

The Ten Commandments of decent Campaigning and running the office...

1. Thou shall focus on your plan/agenda... which should be detailed.
2. Thou shall never demean your adversary for effect (small hands, dishonest Ted,...)
3. Thou shall respect campaign financing rules
4. Thou shall never tell a blatant lie (good luck with that... lol)
5. Thou shall demonstrate a minimum of empathy.
6. Thou shall never waste donors' money.
7. Thou shall not commit adultery (oh boy....)
8. Thou shall provide your tax returns when asked lol
9. Thou shall act presidential... or get coaching if you have no clue about acting that way lol.
10. Thou shall respect the institutions that support your country.

Nope. The progressives have pushed us too far down the road to ruin. The cart won't be righted until after some paroxysm of violence that brings people back to their senses. I feel very badly for the innocents who are going to be harmed because the progressives don't give a shit about anything other than power.
If it wasnt for Europe america will still be speaking native indian languages, and if it wasnt for the french we would still have a queen dumb ass.
I appreciate Europeans coming over here trying to get away from oppressive government... My ancestors would still be playing around with sticks and dirt, and worshiping the dirt if it was not for the Europeans Fleeing socialism
For the poor and middle class Europe is much better, why ?
Health care, education, safety net, one job no need for 2 jobs. Enough vacation days.
I was shocked when I moved here , and saw people working 2 to 3 jobs and no va action time because they cant afford it.
I’m self-employed have been for 20+ years, I don’t want other people paying for my shit
You mean selfish. When u grow older and your kids throw you in a retirement home while Medicaid is paying for it refuse it and pay out of your pocket, also dont let brown people change your diapers and help feed you.
I will never see any sort of Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid, Those programs are bankrupt and fraudulent at best. Socialism does not work well for the average American.
By the way, you do realize I’m a minority... :abgg2q.jpg:

Socialism has never worked long term… Ever. Because anything that forces people into it is not worth a shit at all
So you like seeing millions of American uninsured ? Millions paying the health Bill's? Life expectancy lowering? Diseases are thriving ?
You love it when capitalist sell a drug for $1500 while it's free in Europe?
Private sector ? Yes certain areas but not health....I know the US and Europe like my hands and trust me the US is fucked in healthy and will to give trillions to the army but not a good affordable health system.
Every single time I land in Europe or the US I can see the difference in the well being of people, Europeans in general look healthier , and all the stats back that claim (life expectancy, obesity, diabetes, cancers. Etc...)
You do realize that urban America and rural America are like night and day, and they do not have the same needs or wants...
Millions of Americans could not survive European socialism… Fact
We talking most Americans cant afford healrhy meals, health care, higher education....women work till their due dates while their European counter parts get plenty of time with their babies.
Here its savage capitalism good for those who have the bucks, the rest are working like donkeys, and just getting by.
This summer in Europe most Europeans travel abroad....most Americans dont have even enough vacation time let alone the funds to go on vacation.
Trust me I know both worlds, you cant fool me foxnews style.
I don’t watch any type of news from the networks because they are all the same.
It’s a privilege to work not a right, European socialism cannot withstand it’s own weight… Sooner or later they will run out of other peoples money
Actually the US is in more debt than the Europe?
So what happened ?
It really doesn’t matter, it’s unpayable debt on all accounts, Far too large to be ever paid off.
If Europe had to pay for their security they would’ve been gone a long time ago
You got excuses and spins for everything dont u ?
I just proved to you:
Europeans are healthier.
Europeans also are happier.
Europeans have better quality of life.
Europeans are generally more educated.
Europeans have less debt than americans.
But you just live in your alternative world dont you ?
I appreciate Europeans coming over here trying to get away from oppressive government... My ancestors would still be playing around with sticks and dirt, and worshiping the dirt if it was not for the Europeans Fleeing socialism
For the poor and middle class Europe is much better, why ?
Health care, education, safety net, one job no need for 2 jobs. Enough vacation days.
I was shocked when I moved here , and saw people working 2 to 3 jobs and no va action time because they cant afford it.
I’m self-employed have been for 20+ years, I don’t want other people paying for my shit
You mean selfish. When u grow older and your kids throw you in a retirement home while Medicaid is paying for it refuse it and pay out of your pocket, also dont let brown people change your diapers and help feed you.
I will never see any sort of Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid, Those programs are bankrupt and fraudulent at best. Socialism does not work well for the average American.
By the way, you do realize I’m a minority... :abgg2q.jpg:

Socialism has never worked long term… Ever. Because anything that forces people into it is not worth a shit at all
So you like seeing millions of American uninsured ? Millions paying the health Bill's? Life expectancy lowering? Diseases are thriving ?
You love it when capitalist sell a drug for $1500 while it's free in Europe?
Only a fool believes insurance is healthcare, You do realize someone has to pay for that… You’re so naïve and immature on the subject, so shut the fuck up
I would rather die than live under the thumb of European socialism… Fuck that world of piss and shit
Ok I'll give you an example and counter it.
A low wage worker in Europe (janitor, clerk) have access to free health, free education, 4 weeks minimum vacation time, decent apartment to live because they still can afford it and also they are subsidized, they can also afford traveling abroad and eat healthy. Can you say the same about their American counterpart?
You do realize that urban America and rural America are like night and day, and they do not have the same needs or wants...
Millions of Americans could not survive European socialism… Fact
We talking most Americans cant afford healrhy meals, health care, higher education....women work till their due dates while their European counter parts get plenty of time with their babies.
Here its savage capitalism good for those who have the bucks, the rest are working like donkeys, and just getting by.
This summer in Europe most Europeans travel abroad....most Americans dont have even enough vacation time let alone the funds to go on vacation.
Trust me I know both worlds, you cant fool me foxnews style.
I don’t watch any type of news from the networks because they are all the same.
It’s a privilege to work not a right, European socialism cannot withstand it’s own weight… Sooner or later they will run out of other peoples money
Actually the US is in more debt than the Europe?
So what happened ?
It really doesn’t matter, it’s unpayable debt on all accounts, Far too large to be ever paid off.
If Europe had to pay for their security they would’ve been gone a long time ago
You got excuses and spins for everything dont u ?
I just proved to you:
Europeans are healthier.
Europeans also are happier.
Europeans have better quality of life.
Europeans are generally more educated.
Europeans have less debt than americans.
But you just live in your alternative world dont you ?
In your opinion
I would rather die than live under the thumb of European socialism… Fuck that world of piss and shit
Ok I'll give you an example and counter it.
A low wage worker in Europe (janitor, clerk) have access to free health, free education, 4 weeks minimum vacation time, decent apartment to live because they still can afford it and also they are subsidized, they can also afford traveling abroad and eat healthy. Can you say the same about their American counterpart?
A janitor/clerk is not a career that’s a starter job, Someone has to pay for all that European socialism… Obviously you are not. LOL
For the poor and middle class Europe is much better, why ?
Health care, education, safety net, one job no need for 2 jobs. Enough vacation days.
I was shocked when I moved here , and saw people working 2 to 3 jobs and no va action time because they cant afford it.
I’m self-employed have been for 20+ years, I don’t want other people paying for my shit
You mean selfish. When u grow older and your kids throw you in a retirement home while Medicaid is paying for it refuse it and pay out of your pocket, also dont let brown people change your diapers and help feed you.
I will never see any sort of Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid, Those programs are bankrupt and fraudulent at best. Socialism does not work well for the average American.
By the way, you do realize I’m a minority... :abgg2q.jpg:

Socialism has never worked long term… Ever. Because anything that forces people into it is not worth a shit at all
So you like seeing millions of American uninsured ? Millions paying the health Bill's? Life expectancy lowering? Diseases are thriving ?
You love it when capitalist sell a drug for $1500 while it's free in Europe?
Only a fool believes insurance is healthcare, You do realize someone has to pay for that… You’re so naïve and immature on the subject, so shut the fuck up
Ofcourse someone has to pay for it, all of us. I rather cut spending on defense, the orange trips, etc....and pour it towards health for the citizens.
We talking most Americans cant afford healrhy meals, health care, higher education....women work till their due dates while their European counter parts get plenty of time with their babies.
Here its savage capitalism good for those who have the bucks, the rest are working like donkeys, and just getting by.
This summer in Europe most Europeans travel abroad....most Americans dont have even enough vacation time let alone the funds to go on vacation.
Trust me I know both worlds, you cant fool me foxnews style.
I don’t watch any type of news from the networks because they are all the same.
It’s a privilege to work not a right, European socialism cannot withstand it’s own weight… Sooner or later they will run out of other peoples money
Actually the US is in more debt than the Europe?
So what happened ?
It really doesn’t matter, it’s unpayable debt on all accounts, Far too large to be ever paid off.
If Europe had to pay for their security they would’ve been gone a long time ago
You got excuses and spins for everything dont u ?
I just proved to you:
Europeans are healthier.
Europeans also are happier.
Europeans have better quality of life.
Europeans are generally more educated.
Europeans have less debt than americans.
But you just live in your alternative world dont you ?
In your opinion
Those are acts.
If the press was fair and acknowledge his accomplishments as loudly as they harp on his perceived negatives then he wouldn't have to laud his own positives. But since the press isn't doing it he has to. I've lost plenty of jobs simply by being humble during the interview when I should've been more vocal about my positives. If everyone is praising you it's easy to be humble, but if they are ignoring your positives you have to put it out there yourself like Trump is doing.
I'm sorry apples and oranges....trump was the biggest ****, show off guy....who says I'm so rich, I'm so intelligent, I'm the least racist, im this im that?and constantly....who wants to sit with a guy like that let alone have him in charge...let's not blame on the press...he was a **** and still is.
What happened here, the 26% that backed him up shares same values as him ( racism, bigotry, narcissism, no compassion, opportunistics, dumb, inconsiderate, bully, and so forth).
No we just believe in fairness and common sense.
Those who supported Hitler and Mussolini said the same, they overlooked the evilness of their leaders and were culprits.
When most Americans. Allies, most of the world tells you that Trump is a **** you better beleive them.
Hitler was a socialist and had socialist progressive values
Dude you wish had a little bit of socialism, when I see most people dont have health inssurance, most families cant afford sending their kids to college, etc....ever been to Europe? They live longer, they are more educated, and are much healthier looking. Unless if you are rich you should pray for socialism to hit the US. You guys have no clue.
American lifespans are lower than in Europe because we import all these ignorant peasants like you from third world countries. You're arguing against your presence in this country. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I’m self-employed have been for 20+ years, I don’t want other people paying for my shit
You mean selfish. When u grow older and your kids throw you in a retirement home while Medicaid is paying for it refuse it and pay out of your pocket, also dont let brown people change your diapers and help feed you.
I will never see any sort of Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid, Those programs are bankrupt and fraudulent at best. Socialism does not work well for the average American.
By the way, you do realize I’m a minority... :abgg2q.jpg:

Socialism has never worked long term… Ever. Because anything that forces people into it is not worth a shit at all
So you like seeing millions of American uninsured ? Millions paying the health Bill's? Life expectancy lowering? Diseases are thriving ?
You love it when capitalist sell a drug for $1500 while it's free in Europe?
Only a fool believes insurance is healthcare, You do realize someone has to pay for that… You’re so naïve and immature on the subject, so shut the fuck up
Ofcourse someone has to pay for it, all of us. I rather cut spending on defense, the orange trips, etc....and pour it towards health for the citizens.
I have no interest in paying for healthcare for illegal aliens and deadbeats.
I would rather die than live under the thumb of European socialism… Fuck that world of piss and shit
Ok I'll give you an example and counter it.
A low wage worker in Europe (janitor, clerk) have access to free health, free education, 4 weeks minimum vacation time, decent apartment to live because they still can afford it and also they are subsidized, they can also afford traveling abroad and eat healthy. Can you say the same about their American counterpart?
What's a "decent" apartment in Europe, 200 sq ft?
You do realize that urban America and rural America are like night and day, and they do not have the same needs or wants...
Millions of Americans could not survive European socialism… Fact
We talking most Americans cant afford healrhy meals, health care, higher education....women work till their due dates while their European counter parts get plenty of time with their babies.
Here its savage capitalism good for those who have the bucks, the rest are working like donkeys, and just getting by.
This summer in Europe most Europeans travel abroad....most Americans dont have even enough vacation time let alone the funds to go on vacation.
Trust me I know both worlds, you cant fool me foxnews style.
I don’t watch any type of news from the networks because they are all the same.
It’s a privilege to work not a right, European socialism cannot withstand it’s own weight… Sooner or later they will run out of other peoples money
Actually the US is in more debt than the Europe?
So what happened ?
It really doesn’t matter, it’s unpayable debt on all accounts, Far too large to be ever paid off.
If Europe had to pay for their security they would’ve been gone a long time ago
You got excuses and spins for everything dont u ?
I just proved to you:
Europeans are healthier.
Europeans also are happier.
Europeans have better quality of life.
Europeans are generally more educated.
Europeans have less debt than americans.
But you just live in your alternative world dont you ?
You're forgetting that the reason America is behind in any of those categories because we import millions of ignorant peasants from third world countries like your homeland.
I'm sorry apples and oranges....trump was the biggest ****, show off guy....who says I'm so rich, I'm so intelligent, I'm the least racist, im this im that?and constantly....who wants to sit with a guy like that let alone have him in charge...let's not blame on the press...he was a **** and still is.
What happened here, the 26% that backed him up shares same values as him ( racism, bigotry, narcissism, no compassion, opportunistics, dumb, inconsiderate, bully, and so forth).
No we just believe in fairness and common sense.
Those who supported Hitler and Mussolini said the same, they overlooked the evilness of their leaders and were culprits.
When most Americans. Allies, most of the world tells you that Trump is a **** you better beleive them.
Hitler was a socialist and had socialist progressive values
Dude you wish had a little bit of socialism, when I see most people dont have health inssurance, most families cant afford sending their kids to college, etc....ever been to Europe? They live longer, they are more educated, and are much healthier looking. Unless if you are rich you should pray for socialism to hit the US. You guys have no clue.
American lifespans are lower than in Europe because we import all these ignorant peasants like you from third world countries. You're arguing against your presence in this country. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Wrong..obesity is rampant amongst whites their cousins in Europe are much healthier.
Pointing shortfalls of the savage capitalism is not anti American, dumbo.
I would rather die than live under the thumb of European socialism… Fuck that world of piss and shit
Ok I'll give you an example and counter it.
A low wage worker in Europe (janitor, clerk) have access to free health, free education, 4 weeks minimum vacation time, decent apartment to live because they still can afford it and also they are subsidized, they can also afford traveling abroad and eat healthy. Can you say the same about their American counterpart?
What's a "decent" apartment in Europe, 200 sq ft?
Better than homlesseness that's rampant in here even amongst veterans.
You mean selfish. When u grow older and your kids throw you in a retirement home while Medicaid is paying for it refuse it and pay out of your pocket, also dont let brown people change your diapers and help feed you.
I will never see any sort of Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid, Those programs are bankrupt and fraudulent at best. Socialism does not work well for the average American.
By the way, you do realize I’m a minority... :abgg2q.jpg:

Socialism has never worked long term… Ever. Because anything that forces people into it is not worth a shit at all
So you like seeing millions of American uninsured ? Millions paying the health Bill's? Life expectancy lowering? Diseases are thriving ?
You love it when capitalist sell a drug for $1500 while it's free in Europe?
Only a fool believes insurance is healthcare, You do realize someone has to pay for that… You’re so naïve and immature on the subject, so shut the fuck up
Ofcourse someone has to pay for it, all of us. I rather cut spending on defense, the orange trips, etc....and pour it towards health for the citizens.
I have no interest in paying for healthcare for illegal aliens and deadbeats.
44 million Americans are uninsured not illegals...but I guess you rather give your taxes to lockheed martin.
I’m self-employed have been for 20+ years, I don’t want other people paying for my shit
You mean selfish. When u grow older and your kids throw you in a retirement home while Medicaid is paying for it refuse it and pay out of your pocket, also dont let brown people change your diapers and help feed you.
I will never see any sort of Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid, Those programs are bankrupt and fraudulent at best. Socialism does not work well for the average American.
By the way, you do realize I’m a minority... :abgg2q.jpg:

Socialism has never worked long term… Ever. Because anything that forces people into it is not worth a shit at all
So you like seeing millions of American uninsured ? Millions paying the health Bill's? Life expectancy lowering? Diseases are thriving ?
You love it when capitalist sell a drug for $1500 while it's free in Europe?
Only a fool believes insurance is healthcare, You do realize someone has to pay for that… You’re so naïve and immature on the subject, so shut the fuck up
Ofcourse someone has to pay for it, all of us. I rather cut spending on defense, the orange trips, etc....and pour it towards health for the citizens.
Paying into a pool for the collective is no way to live...
I will never see any sort of Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid, Those programs are bankrupt and fraudulent at best. Socialism does not work well for the average American.
By the way, you do realize I’m a minority... :abgg2q.jpg:

Socialism has never worked long term… Ever. Because anything that forces people into it is not worth a shit at all
So you like seeing millions of American uninsured ? Millions paying the health Bill's? Life expectancy lowering? Diseases are thriving ?
You love it when capitalist sell a drug for $1500 while it's free in Europe?
Only a fool believes insurance is healthcare, You do realize someone has to pay for that… You’re so naïve and immature on the subject, so shut the fuck up
Ofcourse someone has to pay for it, all of us. I rather cut spending on defense, the orange trips, etc....and pour it towards health for the citizens.
I have no interest in paying for healthcare for illegal aliens and deadbeats.
44 million Americans are uninsured not illegals...but I guess you rather give your taxes to lockheed martin.
I would rather give towards things I want to give it to, instead of to waste it causes made up by the collective/deep state.
Fuck the village
I would rather die than live under the thumb of European socialism… Fuck that world of piss and shit
Ok I'll give you an example and counter it.
A low wage worker in Europe (janitor, clerk) have access to free health, free education, 4 weeks minimum vacation time, decent apartment to live because they still can afford it and also they are subsidized, they can also afford traveling abroad and eat healthy. Can you say the same about their American counterpart?
What's a "decent" apartment in Europe, 200 sq ft?
Funny, None of that what he speaks of appeals to me whatsoever...
That would be lowering my standard of living
No we just believe in fairness and common sense.
Those who supported Hitler and Mussolini said the same, they overlooked the evilness of their leaders and were culprits.
When most Americans. Allies, most of the world tells you that Trump is a **** you better beleive them.
Hitler was a socialist and had socialist progressive values
Dude you wish had a little bit of socialism, when I see most people dont have health inssurance, most families cant afford sending their kids to college, etc....ever been to Europe? They live longer, they are more educated, and are much healthier looking. Unless if you are rich you should pray for socialism to hit the US. You guys have no clue.
American lifespans are lower than in Europe because we import all these ignorant peasants like you from third world countries. You're arguing against your presence in this country. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Wrong..obesity is rampant amongst whites their cousins in Europe are much healthier.
Pointing shortfalls of the savage capitalism is not anti American, dumbo.
You’re thinking of progressive controlled urban America that’s where all of our problems Reside....

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