Return of relative Decency in US politics

Decency even remotely possible for future campaigns ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • No

    Votes: 31 64.6%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 10 20.8%
  • Other... explain

    Votes: 2 4.2%

  • Total voters
I would rather die than live under the thumb of European socialism… Fuck that world of piss and shit
Ok I'll give you an example and counter it.
A low wage worker in Europe (janitor, clerk) have access to free health, free education, 4 weeks minimum vacation time, decent apartment to live because they still can afford it and also they are subsidized, they can also afford traveling abroad and eat healthy. Can you say the same about their American counterpart?
What's a "decent" apartment in Europe, 200 sq ft?
Better than homlesseness that's rampant in here even amongst veterans.
The nanny state does not work, because it runs out of other peoples money… LOL
I will never see any sort of Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid, Those programs are bankrupt and fraudulent at best. Socialism does not work well for the average American.
By the way, you do realize I’m a minority... :abgg2q.jpg:

Socialism has never worked long term… Ever. Because anything that forces people into it is not worth a shit at all
So you like seeing millions of American uninsured ? Millions paying the health Bill's? Life expectancy lowering? Diseases are thriving ?
You love it when capitalist sell a drug for $1500 while it's free in Europe?
Only a fool believes insurance is healthcare, You do realize someone has to pay for that… You’re so naïve and immature on the subject, so shut the fuck up
Ofcourse someone has to pay for it, all of us. I rather cut spending on defense, the orange trips, etc....and pour it towards health for the citizens.
I have no interest in paying for healthcare for illegal aliens and deadbeats.
44 million Americans are uninsured not illegals...but I guess you rather give your taxes to lockheed martin.
Insurance is not healthcare you silly little fucker
Those who supported Hitler and Mussolini said the same, they overlooked the evilness of their leaders and were culprits.
When most Americans. Allies, most of the world tells you that Trump is a **** you better beleive them.
Hitler was a socialist and had socialist progressive values
Dude you wish had a little bit of socialism, when I see most people dont have health inssurance, most families cant afford sending their kids to college, etc....ever been to Europe? They live longer, they are more educated, and are much healthier looking. Unless if you are rich you should pray for socialism to hit the US. You guys have no clue.
American lifespans are lower than in Europe because we import all these ignorant peasants like you from third world countries. You're arguing against your presence in this country. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Wrong..obesity is rampant amongst whites their cousins in Europe are much healthier.
Pointing shortfalls of the savage capitalism is not anti American, dumbo.
You’re thinking of progressive controlled urban America that’s where all of our problems Reside....
Obesity, no access to affordable health care, high cost for education it doesnt discriminate between rural or urban...heck rural and farmers get lot of subsidies and handouts too.
The US practice a lighter version of socialism.
Hitler was a socialist and had socialist progressive values
Dude you wish had a little bit of socialism, when I see most people dont have health inssurance, most families cant afford sending their kids to college, etc....ever been to Europe? They live longer, they are more educated, and are much healthier looking. Unless if you are rich you should pray for socialism to hit the US. You guys have no clue.
American lifespans are lower than in Europe because we import all these ignorant peasants like you from third world countries. You're arguing against your presence in this country. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Wrong..obesity is rampant amongst whites their cousins in Europe are much healthier.
Pointing shortfalls of the savage capitalism is not anti American, dumbo.
You’re thinking of progressive controlled urban America that’s where all of our problems Reside....
Obesity, no access to affordable health care, high cost for education it doesnt discriminate between rural or urban...heck rural and farmers get lot of subsidies and handouts too.
The US practice a lighter version of socialism.
Of course we have far too much socialism in America today, that’s the reason for the debt
Dude you wish had a little bit of socialism, when I see most people dont have health inssurance, most families cant afford sending their kids to college, etc....ever been to Europe? They live longer, they are more educated, and are much healthier looking. Unless if you are rich you should pray for socialism to hit the US. You guys have no clue.
American lifespans are lower than in Europe because we import all these ignorant peasants like you from third world countries. You're arguing against your presence in this country. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Wrong..obesity is rampant amongst whites their cousins in Europe are much healthier.
Pointing shortfalls of the savage capitalism is not anti American, dumbo.
You’re thinking of progressive controlled urban America that’s where all of our problems Reside....
Obesity, no access to affordable health care, high cost for education it doesnt discriminate between rural or urban...heck rural and farmers get lot of subsidies and handouts too.
The US practice a lighter version of socialism.
Of course we have far too much socialism in America today, that’s the reason for the debt
So make up your mind....why you shitting on Europe for being socialist if america uses the same practices?
I'm telling you I visit Europe often and I live in the US, apart from the wealthy in the US, living conditions are very harsh compared to Europe.
Low wages, Less vacation times, can't afford traveling abroad, expensive health care, expensive education. I say it's time to follow the footsteps fo developed happy countries like Denmark, Australia, Norway and others....their citizens are very productive happy and are taken care of.....that's what government by the people from the people to the people.
Here in the US we have the 1% dictates the lives of the majority, they enslave them, elect a government for them, and basically tell them how to live.....and yes the orange is from the 1% he is part of the swamp as well.
Dude he ain't done anything I might not have done had I his power and wealth.
With one without money morals and class is something that the orange dont know.
If one thinks it's ok to have a leader who is racist, bigot, narcissist, bully is ok....that means one has no morals.

Listen to guy praising himself , if it doesnt make nauseated I dont think you are normal, I am sorry.
If the press was fair and acknowledge his accomplishments as loudly as they harp on his perceived negatives then he wouldn't have to laud his own positives. But since the press isn't doing it he has to. I've lost plenty of jobs simply by being humble during the interview when I should've been more vocal about my positives. If everyone is praising you it's easy to be humble, but if they are ignoring your positives you have to put it out there yourself like Trump is doing.
I'm sorry apples and oranges....trump was the biggest ****, show off guy....who says I'm so rich, I'm so intelligent, I'm the least racist, im this im that?and constantly....who wants to sit with a guy like that let alone have him in charge...let's not blame on the press...he was a **** and still is.
What happened here, the 26% that backed him up shares same values as him ( racism, bigotry, narcissism, no compassion, opportunistics, dumb, inconsiderate, bully, and so forth).

Youre such a great example of why we need higher immigration standards
Sweet heart you probably live off my hefty tax contributions.... you and the other bigots here in this forum as well as lot of other bigots in different shitholes.

And the racist Issa drops his pants, gets out his ruler, beats his chest and starts measuring his dick! Um ... no, you're using a ruler from your home country that embarrasses you too much to name. You're not three inches, you're three centimeters.

Issa: Just to inform you in a discussion that has nothing to do with money, I'm rich as shit.

Another internet millionaire! Just so you know, seriously, every leftist on the site is a millionaire. None of you know anything about business or economics, but you're all filthy fucking rich. I thought you were the ones who don't care about money? Yet here you are, all needing the dick inflation of being rich. Oh well.

The funniest part of your stupid lame shit is how that's supposed to explain why you're for high taxes and redistribution of wealth, and I'm poor, which is why I want low taxes and I don't want government money.

Then again if you idiots thought through your shit before you said it, you wouldn't be racists or leftists.

Go pump your orange God again. Voting for Trump, sheesh. You're such a dumb ass, racist Issa. You're a German, aren't you? One who's still pining for the days of your Fuhrer, Adolph
Hitler was a socialist and had socialist progressive values
Dude you wish had a little bit of socialism, when I see most people dont have health inssurance, most families cant afford sending their kids to college, etc....ever been to Europe? They live longer, they are more educated, and are much healthier looking. Unless if you are rich you should pray for socialism to hit the US. You guys have no clue.
Move to Europe then.
Problem solved.
I visit often...I feel sorry for most Americans who cant afford health care, eat poorly, cant afford higher education and they were fed the bullshit about socialism.

And america pities you, arrogant condescending ass
Dont worry about America I'm on the side of the majority who voted against you and your racist president.

You're in the right party for you, most racists are Democrats. You think blacks are playthings and political tokens to be manipulated and exploited instead of real people. There's nothing racist about Trump and he's never said anything racist. That's why you have to continually misquote him. Racists just like to accuse others of being what you actually are. A racist piece of shit
Dude he ain't done anything I might not have done had I his power and wealth.
With one without money morals and class is something that the orange dont know.
If one thinks it's ok to have a leader who is racist, bigot, narcissist, bully is ok....that means one has no morals.

Listen to guy praising himself , if it doesnt make nauseated I dont think you are normal, I am sorry.

I guess your bad attitude toward your home country is the same creton you are that makes you such a shitty american. Go home. The people who created you deserve you
Nah love both countries I just hate racists and bigots.

You obviously dont, you are one
Keep telling yourself....tell me who you voted for and I'll tell how racist you are.

Sure. Gary Johnson. And?
Dude you wish had a little bit of socialism, when I see most people dont have health inssurance, most families cant afford sending their kids to college, etc....ever been to Europe? They live longer, they are more educated, and are much healthier looking. Unless if you are rich you should pray for socialism to hit the US. You guys have no clue.
Move to Europe then.
Problem solved.
I visit often...I feel sorry for most Americans who cant afford health care, eat poorly, cant afford higher education and they were fed the bullshit about socialism.

And america pities you, arrogant condescending ass
Dont worry about America I'm on the side of the majority who voted against you and your racist president.

You're in the right party for you, most racists are Democrats. You think blacks are playthings and political tokens to be manipulated and exploited instead of real people. There's nothing racist about Trump and he's never said anything racist. That's why you have to continually misquote him. Racists just like to accuse others of being what you actually are. A racist piece of shit
Does it make you feel better lying to yourself ?
Every minority voted overwhelmingly against the orange for a reason. Dont go far his supporters here are a good example. They are racists and bigots and proud of it....I dont even know why we debating something that's it too obvious.
With one without money morals and class is something that the orange dont know.
If one thinks it's ok to have a leader who is racist, bigot, narcissist, bully is ok....that means one has no morals.

Listen to guy praising himself , if it doesnt make nauseated I dont think you are normal, I am sorry.

I guess your bad attitude toward your home country is the same creton you are that makes you such a shitty american. Go home. The people who created you deserve you
Nah love both countries I just hate racists and bigots.

You obviously dont, you are one
Keep telling yourself....tell me who you voted for and I'll tell how racist you are.

Sure. Gary Johnson. And?
Lunatic that explains a lot lol.
Move to Europe then.
Problem solved.
I visit often...I feel sorry for most Americans who cant afford health care, eat poorly, cant afford higher education and they were fed the bullshit about socialism.

And america pities you, arrogant condescending ass
Dont worry about America I'm on the side of the majority who voted against you and your racist president.

You're in the right party for you, most racists are Democrats. You think blacks are playthings and political tokens to be manipulated and exploited instead of real people. There's nothing racist about Trump and he's never said anything racist. That's why you have to continually misquote him. Racists just like to accuse others of being what you actually are. A racist piece of shit
Does it make you feel better lying to yourself ?
Every minority voted overwhelmingly against the orange for a reason. Dont go far his supporters here are a good example. They are racists and bigots and proud of it....I dont even know why we debating something that's it too obvious.

Just more of your stupid racist babble. If Trump was a racist, you wouldn't need to always intentionally misquote him. You're just proving my point again. You're boiling everything down to race. You're a goose stepping Nazi. Time to grow a pair and man up to what you've become. Funny how Germans are as happy you left as you are and they're as embarrassed as you are about them about you
I guess your bad attitude toward your home country is the same creton you are that makes you such a shitty american. Go home. The people who created you deserve you
Nah love both countries I just hate racists and bigots.

You obviously dont, you are one
Keep telling yourself....tell me who you voted for and I'll tell how racist you are.

Sure. Gary Johnson. And?
Lunatic that explains a lot lol.

It shows what a useless racist idiot that I said you are. You just kept parroting your anti-Trump lines to everyone without the brains to actually analyze and respond to different views. You just dreaming of living in the 30s where you could beat someone to death for fun just because they're black or gay. Or better yet, a Jew, Adolph
I visit often...I feel sorry for most Americans who cant afford health care, eat poorly, cant afford higher education and they were fed the bullshit about socialism.

And america pities you, arrogant condescending ass
Dont worry about America I'm on the side of the majority who voted against you and your racist president.

You're in the right party for you, most racists are Democrats. You think blacks are playthings and political tokens to be manipulated and exploited instead of real people. There's nothing racist about Trump and he's never said anything racist. That's why you have to continually misquote him. Racists just like to accuse others of being what you actually are. A racist piece of shit
Does it make you feel better lying to yourself ?
Every minority voted overwhelmingly against the orange for a reason. Dont go far his supporters here are a good example. They are racists and bigots and proud of it....I dont even know why we debating something that's it too obvious.

Just more of your stupid racist babble. If Trump was a racist, you wouldn't need to always intentionally misquote him. You're just proving my point again. You're boiling everything down to race. You're a goose stepping Nazi. Time to grow a pair and man up to what you've become. Funny how Germans are as happy you left as you are and they're as embarrassed as you are about them about you
Germans ? What u talking about?
And yes Trump is racist and the resistance is built around that.
And america pities you, arrogant condescending ass
Dont worry about America I'm on the side of the majority who voted against you and your racist president.

You're in the right party for you, most racists are Democrats. You think blacks are playthings and political tokens to be manipulated and exploited instead of real people. There's nothing racist about Trump and he's never said anything racist. That's why you have to continually misquote him. Racists just like to accuse others of being what you actually are. A racist piece of shit
Does it make you feel better lying to yourself ?
Every minority voted overwhelmingly against the orange for a reason. Dont go far his supporters here are a good example. They are racists and bigots and proud of it....I dont even know why we debating something that's it too obvious.

Just more of your stupid racist babble. If Trump was a racist, you wouldn't need to always intentionally misquote him. You're just proving my point again. You're boiling everything down to race. You're a goose stepping Nazi. Time to grow a pair and man up to what you've become. Funny how Germans are as happy you left as you are and they're as embarrassed as you are about them about you
Germans ? What u talking about?
And yes Trump is racist and the resistance is built around that.

You know that Trump isn't a racist and you prove that by misquoting him every time. That you change the words proves both that you know that what he said isn't racist and it proves that you know you're lying. There is nothing racist about Trump.

Now you, you grew up in the old country of Germany wishing it were the 30s so you could join the Hitler youth, Adolph

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