Review: Once upon a time in Hollywood, latest Trarantino release


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
Not a typical Taratino film, and not the usual group of actors he likes to work with.
Not as much gratuitous violence, although it did contain a few minutes of it, not the usual amount let's say.
The soundtrack lacked, just didn't have as good of choice of music as his others.
And finally, and most of all what was missing is the very thing Tarantino films are known for - The Coolness Factor. It wasn't there. Characters in his films just have this coolness to them, in dress, in mannerisms, great lines... larger than life people. Just not there.

Other than that, I did like it. It was a good film. But...not great. So for that I was disappointed, but my expectations were admittedly higher that a film made by someone else.
In the end - watch it. It's good. It is long, but doesn't feel long. It's funny, it's interesting... you will probably like it. Just perhaps not love it.

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