Review: You were never really here....


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Is there any actor that can play a tortured soul as natural and seemingly effortless as Joaquin Phoenix?
Indeed, who would have thought anyone could play "The Joker" and be comparable to the unforgettable performance by Heath Ledger?

Joaquin does another great performance in a film that lumbers through, almost as if filmed in slow motion - yet never lets up. A film where you think you know what is going to happen - yet those things never do. And the things that do happen, you didn't think of.
Unpredictable, violent, ruthless, and void of anything benevolent is the life of Joaquin's Character "Joe". Who finds himself looking for lost girls in the sex trade. His methods are extreme.

4 out 5 stars.

Is there any actor that can play a tortured soul as natural and seemingly effortless as Joaquin Phoenix?
Indeed, who would have thought anyone could play "The Joker" and be comparable to the unforgettable performance by Heath Ledger?

Joaquin does another great performance in a film that lumbers through, almost as if filmed in slow motion - yet never lets up. A film where you think you know what is going to happen - yet those things never do. And the things that do happen, you didn't think of.
Unpredictable, violent, ruthless, and void of anything benevolent is the life of Joaquin's Character "Joe". Who finds himself looking for lost girls in the sex trade. His methods are extreme.

4 out 5 stars.

I also really enjoyed this film. The technique of of focusing of Joe's responses to events...rather than the events themselves--is particularly effective.
A very human movie.

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