Revisionist history focusing on 1/6 is getting louder.

What’s happening is that there is new evidence and testimony that splinters the CNN/MSNBC/Democrat narrative, but they won’t let go of it and will call those who simply observe the new evidence and Draw updated conclusions as trying to change something.

It’s on leftists to address the new evidence. They probably haven’t even watched the new videos, they don’t want to. They like the old narrative, they’ll take it to their graves.

  • This wasn’t a legitimate threat to the nation, there was no way they could succeed. The democrats are continuing to lie about that.
  • No congressman’s life was in danger (AOC lied)
  • The rioters in the Capitol were rather calm
  • police let many into the building, and now those who were waved in are getting decades in prison (that’s messed up)

It’s very different because of what we know now.
No Congressman’s lives were in danger?

Were they looking for “Nancy” to shake her hand?

Go ask Stefanik why she was scared shirtless z

Ask Hawley why he was running for his life.

Ask the Secret Service why they hustled Pence out and tried to get him to leave the building

You lying pieces of shit
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We are fortunate enough to live in a free country, with a free speech guarantee. It doesn't have to be true as long as the speaker believes it.
If Trump was TOO STUPID and incompetent to understand his experts telling him he legitimately lost the election then the real question becomes do we really want someone that stupid and incompetent sitting in The Oval Office?
Pick up your reading on page 204.


President Trump’s campaign team quickly realized that none of the significant fraud claims were real. Bill Stepien testified that, as of November 5th,the Trump Campaign had not found any proof of fraudulent activity. There were “allegations and reports,” but “nothing hard [and] fast” that drew the results of the election into question.57The Trump Campaign continued to investigate claims of fraud into the second week after the election. According to Stepien, as people shared “wild allegations” with the President, the campaign team was forced to review the facts and then serve as a “truth telling squad” to the President regarding why the claims “didn’t prove to be true.”58 For example, Stepien recalled someone alleging that thousands of illegal votes had been cast in Arizona. That wasn’t true. The votes had been submitted by overseas voters(such as military deployed or stationed abroad) who were obviously eligible to participate in the election.59Alex Cannon was a lawyer for the Trump Campaign and previously worked for the Trump Organization. After the election, Cannon was tasked with looking into allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 election—including the claim that thousands of ineligible votes had been cast in Arizona.60Cannon recalled that Vice President Pence asked him what he was finding.“ And I said that I didn't believe we were finding it, or I was not personally finding anything sufficient to alter the results of the election,” Cannon responded. Vice President Pence thanked him.61Cannon reported his assessment to Mark Meadows, the White House Chief of Staff, as well. In mid to late-November 2020, Meadows asked Cannon what his investigation had turned up. “And I remember sharing with him that we weren't finding anything that would be sufficient to change the results in any of the key states,” Cannon told Meadows. “So there is no there, there?” Meadows replied.62

What does that matter?

I’ve told you that you’re a pantload. And yet you refuse to accept the truth of it.
Just because somebody tells you something doesn’t mean you’re obliged to believe it.
What does that matter?

I’ve told you that you’re a pantload. And yet you refuse to accept the truth of it.
Just because somebody tells you something doesn’t mean you’re obliged to believe it.
So it is his low intelligence, poor listening skills, and general incompetence that we are really talking about right?
WHY couldn't inmate number.” P01135809 understand what everybody was trying to tell him?
What does that matter?

I’ve told you that you’re a pantload. And yet you refuse to accept the truth of it.
Just because somebody tells you something doesn’t mean you’re obliged to believe it.
You're asking why it matters Trump was told and acknowledged knowing he lost the election?

Jason Miller, a senior advisor to the Trump Campaign, pushed claims of election fraud in public. In private, however, Miller says that he told President Trump a different story, informing him numerous times that there was not enough election fraud to have changed the election: Miller: My understanding is that I think there are still very valid questions and concerns with the rules that were changed under the guise of COVID, but, specific to election day fraud and irregularities, there were not enough to overturn the election.
Committee Staff: And did you give your opinion on that to the President?
Miller: Yes. Committee Staff: What was his reaction when you told him that? Miller: “You haven't seen or heard”—I’m paraphrasing, but—“you haven't seen or heard all the different concerns and questions that have been raised.”
Committee Staff: How many times did you have this conversation with the President?
Miller: Several. I couldn't put a specific number on it, though.
Committee Staff: But more than one?
Miller: Correct.63

It seems to me there are two possibilities here. Either Trump refused to believe multiple staff members who told him he lost the election based on all the evidence.......making him delusional.........or he understood he lost and went ahead with the failed coup plot anyway. Both make him unfit to be POTUS under any reasonable standard.
So it is his low intelligence, poor listening skills, and general incompetence that we are really talking about right?
WHY couldn't inmate number.” P01135809 understand what everybody was trying to tell him?
You’re now farting and mistaking the noise for words.

Not believing what one is “told” doesn’t make one intellectually inferior or imply poor listening skills or address anything about competence.

Lots of inventions have been made despite assurances from others that “it will never work.”

Although I personally still express some doubt that the election chicanery we see from 2020 was sufficient to alter the election outcome, others firmly believe that the evidence is so clear and compelling that you’d have to be crazy to deny that the DNC stole the election from Trump.

So? If a person comes to the conclusion that it was indeed stolen, but is told by folks like you that it wasn’t stolen, the fact that the other guy doesn’t accept your spin doesn’t mean he’s wrong.
Congress is not in the chain of command between POTUS and DCNG.
In the states it is the governors who have the authority.
In The District of Columbia it is The POTUS.
And in Congress, it is the House and Senate that authorizes and control their security, not POTUS.

NANCY PELOSI SAID NO, to the National Guard protecting the Capitol building and grounds.
If Trump was TOO STUPID and incompetent to understand his experts telling him he legitimately lost the election then the real question becomes do we really want someone that stupid and incompetent sitting in The Oval Office?
I can only speak for myself and the mouse in my pocket, but the correct answer is no.
Although I personally still express some doubt that the election chicanery we see from 2020 was sufficient to alter the election outcome, others firmly believe that the evidence is so clear and compelling that you’d have to be crazy to deny that the DNC stole the election from Trump.
But those people, including Trump, are delusional. 2020's was the most scrutinized presidential election in history yet no evidence of fraud that comes close to being significant enough to change the outcome has been found.
The entire post-election, Trump driven, fiasco has come about because Trump's ego prevents him from admitting he lost.
And in Congress, it is the House and Senate that authorizes and control their security, not POTUS.

NANCY PELOSI SAID NO, to the National Guard protecting the Capitol building and grounds.
That is fake news
The left's view is that is was a protest gone south & a minor event; you're talking about liberals, not the left.
Actually, we're talking about the marxist useful idiots who believe the official narrative.
You're asking why it matters Trump was told and acknowledged knowing he lost the election?
No. I was asking why it matters what he was “told.” I have no reason to believe he ever “acknowledged” that he “had” supposedly “lost.”

Jason Miller, a senior advisor to the Trump Campaign, pushed claims of election fraud in public. In private, however, Miller says that he told President Trump a different story, informing him numerous times that there was not enough election fraud to have changed the election: Miller: My understanding is that I think there are still very valid questions and concerns with the rules that were changed under the guise of COVID, but, specific to election day fraud and irregularities, there were not enough to overturn the election.
Committee Staff: And did you give your opinion on that to the President?
Miller: Yes. Committee Staff: What was his reaction when you told him that? Miller: “You haven't seen or heard”—I’m paraphrasing, but—“you haven't seen or heard all the different concerns and questions that have been raised.”
Committee Staff: How many times did you have this conversation with the President?
Miller: Several. I couldn't put a specific number on it, though.
Committee Staff: But more than one?
Miller: Correct.63
Cool. Still not seeing any support for the claim that Trump believed it.
It seems to me there are two possibilities here. Either Trump refused to believe multiple staff members who told him he lost the election based on all the evidence.......making him delusional.........
Nope. He could have been correct. Of course you wouldn’t see that possibility.
or he understood he lost and went ahead with the failed coup plot anyway. Both make him unfit to be POTUS under any reasonable standard.
This is why you’re such a bug.

He didn’t understand it and he didn’t believe it. And it’s possible he was right to reject the claim of his staff.
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But those people, including Trump, are delusional. 2020's was the most scrutinized presidential election in history yet no evidence of fraud that comes close to being significant enough to change the outcome has been found.
The entire post-election, Trump driven, fiasco has come about because Trump's ego prevents him from admitting he lost.

No. It might be that he was mistaken. But that’s far different than being delusional.

Indeed, there is a massive amount of evidence to this day that supports the claim that the election was far less than secure. It supports a belief in perfectly sane and logical people that it was indeed stolen.

While you’re not required to reach their conclusion, that doesn’t mean that you’re the ones who are right.
Look at you retreating further and further away with every post. You’ve resorted to “Trump bad”, all-or-nothing.

Address the points/replies to your vague undetailed statements Or just leave.

It's all they have. That's where their indoctrination stops.

So it is his low intelligence, poor listening skills, and general incompetence that we are really talking about right?
WHY couldn't inmate number.” P01135809 understand what everybody was trying to tell him?
As far as the Trump Campaign’s professional leadership was concerned, there was no evidence that the election had been “stolen” from President Trump. To the contrary, they had seen ample evidence that President Trump simply lost—and told the President so. On November 6th, Jared Kushner arranged for the senior campaign staff to brief President Trump in the Oval Office on the state of the race.65 Since election day, Matt Oczkowski, the Campaign’s leading data expert, had tracked voting returns in the swing States to analyze the campaign’s odds of success.66 Miller texted such updates on data from key States to Meadows.67 The Trump Campaign’s data did not add up to victory. Oczkowski“ delivered to the President in pretty blunt terms that he was going to lose” the election.68 There were not enough outstanding votes in the battleground States for President Trump to overcome Biden’s lead. President Trump disagreed and insisted that he would still prevail through legal challenges.69
Disparaging the source, as a last resort, is the default position of Trumpleton's. Get back to me when you can refute the facts they used to come to their conclusions.
Yes, I would agree, disparaging the source is a last resort. But, my post does not disparage the source. I simply asked, "who is fact check". There is obviously somebody that made the site, finances it, controls it. Who is it?

If you dont know, I dont care. I thought you might. I can tell you who controls the sites I use. I figured you may know where you get your information.

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