Revisionist history focusing on 1/6 is getting louder.

Only The POTUS has the authority to activate D.C. National Guard troops.
I see why you are so confused, you do not have the intellect to comprehend what you read. Here is the comment you are responding to.

I never said nor inferred anyone but the president, or who the president delegates has authority to activate the national guard.

The Secretary of the Army was given the authority to activate the National Guard, but because of the separation of powers, executive vs legislative branch, the legislative branch is tasked with their own security, which includes the Capitol building grounds.

POTUS did offer the National Guard troops. Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnel refused the troops. Remember, Capitol Police Chief Sund did ask for National Guard Troops on Jan 4th and was told he would not be given Authority To Ask For The National Guard.

That is the end of any argument, when Nancy Pelosi says, no. No means no.

The Chief of the Capitol Police has a chain of command, he must ask permission of them to request/accept National Guard troops.

The Chain of Command has the authority to request or deny National Guard troops.
And the responsibility to activate The National Guard in Washington D.C. falls on The POTUS.
In this case that was Donald Trump.
Nobody else can do it.
Not Pelosi.
Likewise if The POTUS does call up DCNG troops, NOBODY can "override" that order.
Security of the Capitol building falls under the Legislative branch of government. It is their jurisdiction, period. Nancy Pelosi said no to the National Guard, so now you claim the legislative branch of government is no longer equal, that the executive branch supersedes the legislative branch.
Real history?

The insurrection was the goddamn Negroes and their Communists buddies rioting, looting, murdering and destroying in 2020.

Don't let these moron leftards focus the country on 1/6.

Let's focus on the CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY they call DNC.
Was there also an attack on our nation's Capitol in 2020?
Yes, the goddamn Negroes and their Communists buddies spent almost two weeks in DC rioting, attacking police, defacing Federal buliding. Some looting also.
Security of the Capitol building falls under the Legislative branch of government. It is their jurisdiction, period. Nancy Pelosi said no to the National Guard, so now you claim the legislative branch of government is no longer equal, that the executive branch supersedes the legislative branch.
Once again

The DCNG is the only National Guard organization in the United States that is always under the president’s command. In every other state and U.S. territory, National Guard forces are under local control unless called into federal service. The unique command structure of the DCNG is often mistakenly attributed to the fact that D.C. is not a state. But statehood is not a prerequisite, as evidenced by the fact that Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands all exercise command and control over their Guard forces. The real explanation is that Congress established DCNG’s command structure in 1889, when D.C. had no local government—a state of affairs that changed fifty years ago.

Yes, the goddamn Negroes and their Communists buddies spent almost two weeks in DC rioting, attacking police, defacing Federal buliding. Some looting also.
Was anybody arrested and prosecuted?
Yes, the goddamn Negroes and their Communists buddies spent almost two weeks in DC rioting, attacking police, defacing Federal buliding. Some looting also.
Let's not forget tagging and vandalizing every public road in a 50 mile radius.

Instead of washing off the filth like the law prescribes, the fucktard leftists elevated it to monument status.
Once again

The DCNG is the only National Guard organization in the United States that is always under the president’s command.
The Capitol building and grounds is always under the authority and security of the Legislative branch of government, that is CONGRESS.

Separation of powers, the President can not order the National Guard into the jurisdiction of legislative branch. That would be an insurrection.

Congress provides for the security of the Capitol building and the grounds surrounding. Not the Executive branch.

MagicMike, believes Trump should of sent the military into the capitol against congresses will and authority, now that is an insurrection!
Let's not forget tagging and vandalizing every public road in a 50 mile radius.

Instead of washing off the filth like the law prescribes, the fucktard leftists elevated it to monument status.
In Providence Rhode Island, BLM asked for donations from local businesses before the riot. If the business donated, they got a sticker for their window stating they support BLM. Windows without stickers got smashed with bricks.

I don't understand that allegation. The poster, 'scruffy' is asserting that the Democratic National Committee funded the protests against police brutality in the summer of 2020?

Personally, and with no intention to be dismissive towards poster 'Scruffy'.....well, I don't think that is an accurate statement whatsoever. Again, and with desire to be disrespectful, it sounds more like a blind partisan screed than it does of adding to thoughtful adult discourse.

So, we gotta ask poster 'scruffy'........ does he have proof of his rather sketchy accusation?
If he has it, right now would be an opportune time for him to show the forum.

We hope it is not some sort of mindmeld of Alex Jones and Squeaky Fromme. We hope that Scruffy has a there ....there.

So, poster Scruffy, show us.
Show us that you know what you are talking about.
Proof! They don't need no stinkin' proof!
Yes, the goddamn Negroes and their Communists buddies spent almost two weeks in DC rioting, attacking police, defacing Federal buliding. Some looting also.
Was anybody arrested and prosecuted?
The Capitol building and grounds is always under the authority and security of the Legislative branch of government, that is CONGRESS.

Separation of powers, the President can not order the National Guard into the jurisdiction of legislative branch. That would be an insurrection.

Congress provides for the security of the Capitol building and the grounds surrounding. Not the Executive branch.

MagicMike, believes Trump should of sent the military into the capitol against congresses will and authority, now that is an insurrection!
Maybe you have an actual, credible uh...LINK to the statute that says Congress has authority over The D.C. National Guard.
Otherwise maybe you just want to STFU and quit trying to spread this falsehood?
And maybe finally admit that your MAGAt roach god has once again made a fool out of you by telling you yet ANOTHER outright lie that you failed to fact check before repeating?
That would be a good start.
In Providence Rhode Island, BLM asked for donations from local businesses before the riot. If the business donated, they got a sticker for their window stating they support BLM. Windows without stickers got smashed with bricks.
Could you provide a link, please?

I don't understand that allegation. The poster, 'scruffy' is asserting that the Democratic National Committee funded the protests against police brutality in the summer of 2020?

Personally, and with no intention to be dismissive towards poster 'Scruffy'.....well, I don't think that is an accurate statement whatsoever. Again, and with desire to be disrespectful, it sounds more like a blind partisan screed than it does of adding to thoughtful adult discourse.

So, we gotta ask poster 'scruffy'........ does he have proof of his rather sketchy accusation?
If he has it, right now would be an opportune time for him to show the forum.

We hope it is not some sort of mindmeld of Alex Jones and Squeaky Fromme. We hope that Scruffy has a there ....there.

So, poster Scruffy, show us.
Show us that you know what you are talking about.
Who do you think donates to BLM? Democrats, Independents, RINOs or MAGA
Democrats control DC. The assholes were inciting the Insurrection.

Democrats in all the big city shitholes told the police to stand down during the goddamn Negro and Communist Insurrection of 2020.
Was anybody arrested and prosecuted?
Can you be clear about what you are disputing from the factual record?
Your post consisted of just a few amorphous unspecified claims.

So, let’s have you go first.

Be specific. Cite your sources. And aside from your incredible preconceived bias, try to justify your belief in whatever factoids you claim support your position.

Get hopping.

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