Revisionist history focusing on 1/6 is getting louder.

When I took a first look at the "Politics" board this morning I found these three subject lines near the top of the page.

Trump says Pelosi is responsible for January 6 debacle, J6 committee wouldn't question her​

Tucker Carlson’s Latest Bombshell About January 6 Might Make You Rethink Everything

With more information about January 6, why it happened is now obvious​

Obviously, it's not a coincidence that RWM is seeking to further their goal of muddying the waters when it comes to the events of Jan. 6. And with remarkable efficacy given the testimonial, documentary, and visual evidence in the public sphere. At least among the rubes, not that they needed more convincing. They were on board with the various Orwellian conspiracy theories quickly introduced to absolve the mob Trump assembled from culpability from the get go. Turning reality on its head as only propagandists like Tucker Carlson can.

Why now more than ever? My guess, first and foremost, is because of the rulings in CO and ME. You can't regard Trump as being an insurrectionist if Antifa, the FBI, the fictitious deep state, Ray Epps, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, and the heartbreak of psoriasis (have I missed any?) are really the ones responsible for blocking Biden's certification.

Secondarily, to lay the groundwork for rejecting a guilty verdict on the charges being prosecuted by Jack Smith. This Jack Smith.

One would think, with all we know about 1/6, these comical attempts to deflect blame would receive the derision they so richly deserve. The same could be said for the endless stream of unproven allegations directed at Old Joe for all manner of wrongdoing. But, in very discouraging ways, they work. The lies work. If only to cast some degree of doubt by virtue of the sheer number and repetition of them. Which is why we can expect the pumping up of the volume will continue.
Blame the DNC for 20 murders and 2 billion dollars in property damage.


Trump funded nothing.
Your LAWFARE against Trump and over half of the electorate is nothing short of EVIL, and will ultimately FAIL.
First of all "over half the electorate" is innacurate.
MAGAts are the minority of the demonstrated by Joe Biden's thorough TROUNCING of the orange cat turd king in the 2020 election.
And then again with Trump backed candidates losing bigly in the 22 midterms.
MAGAT is dying out in influence. The vermin infestation is slowly being exterminated.
Once the roach god (trump) is finally kicked off the ballots....or defeated next November, the "movement" will be done.
MAGA is weak, innefective, inconsequential.
MAGAts matter a lot less than they realize.
Second, holding someone accountable for their crimes is called JUSTICE, not "lawfare."

Quit yer whinin' SNOWFLAKE!
That is left wing conspiracy theory crap

Thus proving both sides are spreading disinfo

It was a riot. With no plot or plan.

It was not a terrorist attack. Anymore than the endless BLM riots were terrorist attacks.

both were represensible but nothing more than mindless riots

The BLM riots were planned, staged, funded, and logistically supported by the DNC.

The BLM riots were a criminal conspiracy.
Blame the DNC for 20 murders and 2 billion dollars in property damage. THEY FUNDED IT.

I don't understand that allegation. The poster, 'scruffy' is asserting that the Democratic National Committee funded the protests against police brutality in the summer of 2020?

Personally, and with no intention to be dismissive towards poster 'Scruffy'.....well, I don't think that is an accurate statement whatsoever. Again, and with desire to be disrespectful, it sounds more like a blind partisan screed than it does of adding to thoughtful adult discourse.

So, we gotta ask poster 'scruffy'........ does he have proof of his rather sketchy accusation?
If he has it, right now would be an opportune time for him to show the forum.

We hope it is not some sort of mindmeld of Alex Jones and Squeaky Fromme. We hope that Scruffy has a there ....there.

So, poster Scruffy, show us.
Show us that you know what you are talking about.
The testimonial, documentary, and visual evidence in the public sphere.
I can easily prove you wrong by providing a link to the 1/6 committee's report. It contains the facts to which I refer.

Oh. You mean like Adam Schiff's deliberate lies. And the overt manipulation of audio and video evidence.

Sorry but the J6 Clown Show has ZERO credibility.

Big fat zero.

However, I know that is a waste of time since you have been convinced to ignore the facts because they are so incredibly damaging to Trump. The more damaging they are the more RWM is incentivized to create a counter narrative. Which is why they created the fantastical BS about Antifa, the FBI, etc.
  1. President Trump engaged in a massive effort to spread false and fraudulent information to the American public claiming the 2020 election was stolen from him.
  2. President Trump corruptly planned to replace the Acting Attorney General, so that the Department of Justice would support his fake election claims.
  3. President Trump corruptly pressured Vice President Pence to refuse to count certified electoral votes in violation of the US Constitution and the law.
  4. President Trump corruptly pressured state election officials, and state legislators, to change election results.
  5. President Trump’s legal team and other Trump associates instructed Republicans in multiple states to create false electoral slates and transmit those slates to Congress and the National Archives.
  6. President Trump summoned and assembled a violent mob in Washington and directed them to march on the US Capitol.
  7. As the violence was underway, President Trump ignored multiple pleas for assistance and failed to take immediate action to stop the violence and instruct his supporters to leave the Capitol.

If you are still confused, read the 1/6 committee's report.
They make claims with no proof. They use severely hyperbolic language that reveals plenty as far as intentions. I remember when this committee joined, it made claims based on their perceptions, but no objective proof.

Much like the JFK Warren Commission.. a fraud made by people with a purpose, not to apply blind justice.
Not likely in your lifetime.

More likely, MAGA is going to kick your sorry leftard asses back into the Stone Age where you cretins belong.

More likely that by November 2024 you'll be crawling back under the rock from whence you came!
It appears The Capitol Police Chief needs to better educate himself on the chain of command for the DCNG also.

As a result of this outdated arrangement, if the mayor of D.C. wants to engage the DCNG in any of the ways that other local governments routinely use their Guard forces—such as supporting civilian authorities’ responses to natural disasters, public health crises, or riots—she must obtain permission from the Department of Defense. Under the most straightforward of circumstances, this hurdle would lead to some bureaucratic delay.
No, it appears you must educate yourself on who has jurisdiction and who is the authority one reports to.

The Mayor of Washington D.C. has nothing to do with the security of the Capitol building. The Capitol building falls under the authority of the Congress. That would be Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnel.

The Mayor is not part of the security of the Capitol. But nice of you to sidetrack us with your ignorance.

The time to activate the National Guard is the day before the anticipated trouble, not after it begins.
Do you suppose he was "denied by his chain of command" because none of these people had authority to activate National Guard troops?


The Chief of the Capitol Police has a chain of command, he must ask permission of them to request/accept National Guard troops.

The Chain of Command has the authority to request or deny National Guard troops.
Not likely in your lifetime.

More likely, MAGA is going to kick your sorry leftard asses back into the Stone Age where you cretins belong.
I must disagree profusely, if leftard asses were able to be kicked back to the stone age, chances are mankind would never advance past the stone age.
No, it appears you must educate yourself on who has jurisdiction and who is the authority one reports to.

The Mayor of Washington D.C. has nothing to do with the security of the Capitol building. The Capitol building falls under the authority of the Congress. That would be Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnel.

The Mayor is not part of the security of the Capitol. But nice of you to sidetrack us with your ignorance.

The time to activate the National Guard is the day before the anticipated trouble, not after it begins.
And the responsibility to activate The National Guard in Washington D.C. falls on The POTUS.
In this case that was Donald Trump.
Nobody else can do it.
Not Pelosi.
Likewise if The POTUS does call up DCNG troops, NOBODY can "override" that order.
All I ask is for you to present a VIDEO of a Capitol Police Officer opening a door leading directly to the OUTSIDE, and then the VIDEO shows that Capitol Police Officer, just waving in people.

This video doesn't exist, yet you claim it happened.
Just POST the Video.
-The Capitol Police ESCORTED the buffalo guy INTO and OUT OF the SENATE CHAMBER
-The Capitol Police FIRED ON the crowd OUTSIDE
-HUNDREDS of FBI cosplayers dressed as MAGA incited violence INSIDE the BUILDING
-Nacy Pelosi DENIED Trump's request for the NG

It is crystal CLEAR that the riot was actually the FEDSURRECTION REICHSTAG FIRE that they planned for and WANTED!!!!!
What you call fact, we call fantasy.
It's the people who attended Jan 6th that have been running scared. Three of the hiding cowards got caught the other day in time for the anniversary.
So, just attending it is cause for prosecution? Except Ray Epps, he seems to be exempt for some reason. Looks pretty clear to me, don't know why there is disagreement. The government has never lied to us before, have they?

The Chief of the Capitol Police has a chain of command, he must ask permission of them to request/accept National Guard troops.

The Chain of Command has the authority to request or deny National Guard troops.
Only The POTUS has the authority to activate D.C. National Guard troops.
When I took a first look at the "Politics" board this morning I found these three subject lines near the top of the page.

Trump says Pelosi is responsible for January 6 debacle, J6 committee wouldn't question her​

Tucker Carlson’s Latest Bombshell About January 6 Might Make You Rethink Everything

With more information about January 6, why it happened is now obvious​

Obviously, it's not a coincidence that RWM is seeking to further their goal of muddying the waters when it comes to the events of Jan. 6. And with remarkable efficacy given the testimonial, documentary, and visual evidence in the public sphere. At least among the rubes, not that they needed more convincing. They were on board with the various Orwellian conspiracy theories quickly introduced to absolve the mob Trump assembled from culpability from the get go. Turning reality on its head as only propagandists like Tucker Carlson can.

Why now more than ever? My guess, first and foremost, is because of the rulings in CO and ME. You can't regard Trump as being an insurrectionist if Antifa, the FBI, the fictitious deep state, Ray Epps, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, and the heartbreak of psoriasis (have I missed any?) are really the ones responsible for blocking Biden's certification.

Secondarily, to lay the groundwork for rejecting a guilty verdict on the charges being prosecuted by Jack Smith. This Jack Smith.

One would think, with all we know about 1/6, these comical attempts to deflect blame would receive the derision they so richly deserve. The same could be said for the endless stream of unproven allegations directed at Old Joe for all manner of wrongdoing. But, in very discouraging ways, they work. The lies work. If only to cast some degree of doubt by virtue of the sheer number and repetition of them. Which is why we can expect the pumping up of the volume will continue.
Real history?

The insurrection was the goddamn Negroes and their Communists buddies rioting, looting, murdering and destroying in 2020.
Real history?

The insurrection was the goddamn Negroes and their Communists buddies rioting, looting, murdering and destroying in 2020.
Was there also an attack on our nation's Capitol in 2020?

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