Revisionist history focusing on 1/6 is getting louder.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
When I took a first look at the "Politics" board this morning I found these three subject lines near the top of the page.

Trump says Pelosi is responsible for January 6 debacle, J6 committee wouldn't question her​

Tucker Carlson’s Latest Bombshell About January 6 Might Make You Rethink Everything

With more information about January 6, why it happened is now obvious​

Obviously, it's not a coincidence that RWM is seeking to further their goal of muddying the waters when it comes to the events of Jan. 6. And with remarkable efficacy given the testimonial, documentary, and visual evidence in the public sphere. At least among the rubes, not that they needed more convincing. They were on board with the various Orwellian conspiracy theories quickly introduced to absolve the mob Trump assembled from culpability from the get go. Turning reality on its head as only propagandists like Tucker Carlson can.

Why now more than ever? My guess, first and foremost, is because of the rulings in CO and ME. You can't regard Trump as being an insurrectionist if Antifa, the FBI, the fictitious deep state, Ray Epps, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, and the heartbreak of psoriasis (have I missed any?) are really the ones responsible for blocking Biden's certification.

Secondarily, to lay the groundwork for rejecting a guilty verdict on the charges being prosecuted by Jack Smith. This Jack Smith.

One would think, with all we know about 1/6, these comical attempts to deflect blame would receive the derision they so richly deserve. The same could be said for the endless stream of unproven allegations directed at Old Joe for all manner of wrongdoing. But, in very discouraging ways, they work. The lies work. If only to cast some degree of doubt by virtue of the sheer number and repetition of them. Which is why we can expect the pumping up of the volume will continue.
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When I took a first look at the "Politics" board this morning I found these three subject lines near the top of the page.

Trump says Pelosi is responsible for January 6 debacle, J6 committee wouldn't question her​

Tucker Carlson’s Latest Bombshell About January 6 Might Make You Rethink Everything

With more information about January 6, why it happened is now obvious​

Obviously, it's not a coincidence that RWM is seeking to further their goal of muddying the waters when it comes to the events of Jan. 6. And with remarkable efficacy given the testimonial, documentary, and visual evidence in the public sphere. At least among the rubes, not that they rubes needed more convincing. They were on board with the various Orwellian conspiracy theories quickly introduced to absolve the mob Trump assembled from culpability from the get go. Turning reality on its head as only propagandists like Tucker Carlson can.

Why now more than ever? My guess, first and foremost, is because of the rulings in CO and ME. You can't regard Trump as being an insurrectionist if Antifa, the FBI, the fictitious deep state, Ray Epps, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, and the heartbreak of psoriasis (have I missed any?) are really the ones responsible for blocking Biden's certification.

Secondarily, to lay the groundwork for rejecting a guilty verdict on the charges being prosecuted by Jack Smith. This Jack Smith.

One would think, with all we know about 1/6, these comical attempts to deflect blame would receive the derision they so richly deserve. The same could be said for the endless stream of unproven allegations directed at Old Joe for all manner of wrongdoing. But, in very discouraging ways, they work. The lies work. If only to cast some degree of doubt by virtue of the sheer number and repetition of them. Which is why we can expect the pumping up of the volume will continue.
In a few weeks, the same guys bringing it up today to try to shift blame onto anyone other than Trump supporters will decry that “all we talk about is January 6.
-The Capitol Police ESCORTED the buffalo guy INTO and OUT OF the SENATE CHAMBER
-The Capitol Police FIRED ON the crowd OUTSIDE
-HUNDREDS of FBI cosplayers dressed as MAGA incited violence INSIDE the BUILDING
-Nacy Pelosi DENIED Trump's request for the NG

It is crystal CLEAR that the riot was actually the FEDSURRECTION REICHSTAG FIRE that they planned for and WANTED!!!!!
What’s happening is that there is new evidence and testimony that splinters the CNN/MSNBC/Democrat narrative, but they won’t let go of it and will call those who simply observe the new evidence and Draw updated conclusions as trying to change something.

It’s on leftists to address the new evidence. They probably haven’t even watched the new videos, they don’t want to. They like the old narrative, they’ll take it to their graves.

  • This wasn’t a legitimate threat to the nation, there was no way they could succeed. The democrats are continuing to lie about that.
  • No congressman’s life was in danger (AOC lied)
  • The rioters in the Capitol were rather calm
  • police let many into the building, and now those who were waved in are getting decades in prison (that’s messed up)

It’s very different because of what we know now.
When I took a first look at the "Politics" board this morning I found these three subject lines near the top of the page.

Trump says Pelosi is responsible for January 6 debacle, J6 committee wouldn't question her​

Tucker Carlson’s Latest Bombshell About January 6 Might Make You Rethink Everything

With more information about January 6, why it happened is now obvious​

Obviously, it's not a coincidence that RWM is seeking to further their goal of muddying the waters when it comes to the events of Jan. 6. And with remarkable efficacy given the testimonial, documentary, and visual evidence in the public sphere. At least among the rubes, not that they rubes needed more convincing. They were on board with the various Orwellian conspiracy theories quickly introduced to absolve the mob Trump assembled from culpability from the get go. Turning reality on its head as only propagandists like Tucker Carlson can.

Why now more than ever? My guess, first and foremost, is because of the rulings in CO and ME. You can't regard Trump as being an insurrectionist if Antifa, the FBI, the fictitious deep state, Ray Epps, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, and the heartbreak of psoriasis (have I missed any?) are really the ones responsible for blocking Biden's certification.

Secondarily, to lay the groundwork for rejecting a guilty verdict on the charges being prosecuted by Jack Smith. This Jack Smith.

One would think, with all we know about 1/6, these comical attempts to deflect blame would receive the derision they so richly deserve. The same could be said for the endless stream of unproven allegations directed at Old Joe for all manner of wrongdoing. But, in very discouraging ways, they work. The lies work. If only to cast some degree of doubt by virtue of the sheer number and repetition of them. Which is why we can expect the pumping up of the volume will continue.
J6: The last of the CovidLockdown protests, and one that ended in trespass and the murder of an unarmed protestor.

Other than the coldblooded murder of an unarmed woman, a 2 on a scale of 1 to 10.
What’s happening is that there is new evidence and testimony that splinters the CNN/MSNBC/Democrat narrative, but they won’t let go of it and will call those who simply observe the new evidence and Draw updated conclusions as trying to change something.

It’s on leftists to address the new evidence. They probably haven’t even watched the new videos, they don’t want to. They like the old narrative, they’ll take it to their graves.
The left's view is that is was a protest gone south & a minor event; you're talking about liberals, not the left.
When I took a first look at the "Politics" board this morning I found these three subject lines near the top of the page.

Trump says Pelosi is responsible for January 6 debacle, J6 committee wouldn't question her​

Tucker Carlson’s Latest Bombshell About January 6 Might Make You Rethink Everything

With more information about January 6, why it happened is now obvious​

Obviously, it's not a coincidence that RWM is seeking to further their goal of muddying the waters when it comes to the events of Jan. 6. And with remarkable efficacy given the testimonial, documentary, and visual evidence in the public sphere. At least among the rubes, not that they rubes needed more convincing. They were on board with the various Orwellian conspiracy theories quickly introduced to absolve the mob Trump assembled from culpability from the get go. Turning reality on its head as only propagandists like Tucker Carlson can.

Why now more than ever? My guess, first and foremost, is because of the rulings in CO and ME. You can't regard Trump as being an insurrectionist if Antifa, the FBI, the fictitious deep state, Ray Epps, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, and the heartbreak of psoriasis (have I missed any?) are really the ones responsible for blocking Biden's certification.

Secondarily, to lay the groundwork for rejecting a guilty verdict on the charges being prosecuted by Jack Smith. This Jack Smith.

One would think, with all we know about 1/6, these comical attempts to deflect blame would receive the derision they so richly deserve. The same could be said for the endless stream of unproven allegations directed at Old Joe for all manner of wrongdoing. But, in very discouraging ways, they work. The lies work. If only to cast some degree of doubt by virtue of the sheer number and repetition of them. Which is why we can expect the pumping up of the volume will continue.
J6 Reichstag Fire
-The Capitol Police ESCORTED the buffalo guy INTO and OUT OF the SENATE CHAMBER
-The Capitol Police FIRED ON the crowd OUTSIDE
-HUNDREDS of FBI cosplayers dressed as MAGA incited violence INSIDE the BUILDING
-Nacy Pelosi DENIED Trump's request for the NG

It is crystal CLEAR that the riot was actually the FEDSURRECTION REICHSTAG FIRE that they planned for and WANTED!!!!!
Yea. Shout louder. That'll help your side seem less unhinged. :lmao:
When I took a first look at the "Politics" board this morning I found these three subject lines near the top of the page.

Trump says Pelosi is responsible for January 6 debacle, J6 committee wouldn't question her​

Tucker Carlson’s Latest Bombshell About January 6 Might Make You Rethink Everything

With more information about January 6, why it happened is now obvious​

Obviously, it's not a coincidence that RWM is seeking to further their goal of muddying the waters when it comes to the events of Jan. 6. And with remarkable efficacy given the testimonial, documentary, and visual evidence in the public sphere. At least among the rubes, not that they needed more convincing. They were on board with the various Orwellian conspiracy theories quickly introduced to absolve the mob Trump assembled from culpability from the get go. Turning reality on its head as only propagandists like Tucker Carlson can.

Why now more than ever? My guess, first and foremost, is because of the rulings in CO and ME. You can't regard Trump as being an insurrectionist if Antifa, the FBI, the fictitious deep state, Ray Epps, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, and the heartbreak of psoriasis (have I missed any?) are really the ones responsible for blocking Biden's certification.

Secondarily, to lay the groundwork for rejecting a guilty verdict on the charges being prosecuted by Jack Smith. This Jack Smith.

One would think, with all we know about 1/6, these comical attempts to deflect blame would receive the derision they so richly deserve. The same could be said for the endless stream of unproven allegations directed at Old Joe for all manner of wrongdoing. But, in very discouraging ways, they work. The lies work. If only to cast some degree of doubt by virtue of the sheer number and repetition of them. Which is why we can expect the pumping up of the volume will continue.

You're scared.

It's easy to tell by the number of wailing posts you posts every day.

Bring it on. It'll be fun.

What’s happening is that there is new evidence and testimony that splinters the CNN/MSNBC/Democrat narrative,
No, there isn't. But I realize you whole heartedly believe otherwise. Just as I realize you are committed to all manner of nonsense. Like Stop the Steal. Fictions you are deeply invested in. Why?

Because once you begin to unravel one lie, just one, once you let reality to get its foot in the door, the fabric of the panoply of all the other lies starts to fray. You might even begin to see Trump for what he is. Which makes you realize you've been duped. You can't allow that to happen. So you go deeper down the rabbit hole.
No, there isn't. But I realize you whole heartedly believe otherwise. Just as I realize you are committed to all manner of nonsense. Like Stop the Steal. Fictions you are deeply invested in. Why?

Because once you begin to unravel one lie, just one, once you let reality to get its foot in the door, the fabric of the panoply of all the other lies starts to fray. You might even begin to see Trump for what he is. Which makes you realize you've been duped. You can't allow that to happen. So you go deeper down the rabbit hole.
I disagee with Trump putting pressure on Pence the way he did, actually. (I know you seem incapable of nuanced discussion and need to stay on the bumper stickers). but while I disagree with Trumps pressure, he was free to call for peaceful protests for his cause, as Democrats do for their causes all the time (BLM/George Floyd)

And then we now know that what actually happened on January 6th isn’t what was initially reported, and was kept from the public on purpose by leftists. You can’t explain the new evidence and testimony, which is why you won’t address it and just call anyone who does as some conspiracy theorist.

You’re clinging to an outdated narrative.
-The Capitol Police ESCORTED the buffalo guy INTO and OUT OF the SENATE CHAMBER
-The Capitol Police FIRED ON the crowd OUTSIDE
-HUNDREDS of FBI cosplayers dressed as MAGA incited violence INSIDE the BUILDING
-Nacy Pelosi DENIED Trump's request for the NG

"Let protestors into the building"................OK, how many? Of the estimated 2,500 to 3,000 people who illegally entered the Capitol on J6, just how many were invited in? many entered through battered down doors, or doors/windows illegally opened by the attackers? And was your 'let-in' phenomena merely undermanned, underarmed security guards retreating from an overwhelming mob, some amed with hammers, crowbars, lumber, MACE?

'Capitol Police escorted'....the goathead guy. One unarmed officer trailed Chansley, who was armed with a wooden staff. The officer told him to leave as the area was sort of 'sacred ground'. Would things have been different if the guard was armed? Been different if there was more than one officer to confront an obviously disturbed, emotional, and agitated nutter painted as a native Indian, and half-dressed in early January?

'Capitol Police Fired upon the crowd' ....... video shows crowd-control smoke or gas munitions be fired into a crowd. to disperse them. An illegally assembled crowd that had tore down police barricades, a crowd that, like the other segments of that huge throng threatened to overrun police lines, and savagely beat the was clearly being done nearby.....and that site commanders were aware of. Yeah, 'crowd control' on that crowd. Duh!

'Hundreds of FBI....dressed as MAGA incited violence inside the Capitol'.....Prove it. Show the forum credible sourced evidence that such is the case. Lest, the forum think the poster Sea7, is just another all talk, no walk, poppinjay who shoots his mouth off whenever he feels he needs attention. So, prove it, Sea7. Show. Or go.

'Pelosi refused the NG'....prove it, Sea7. For the same reasons as above. Show the forum that you have credibility, gravitas, and a sense of responsibility.

Look, here's the real deal, poster Sea7...anybody who is posting anonymously under a fake name on an American social media site, can make any cockamamie allegation they wish. They got no skin in the game.
If you think you have solid, creditable, sourced facts.......well, right now Sea7, would be a great time to offer it to the forum. Prove you have a sense of responsibility. A degree of gravitas. That you ain't just an empty suit with another shallow sketchy conspiracy. Don't be Alex Jones.

Batter up, mi amigo.
The intellectually dishonest premise all Trump cultists center their belief system on is...............

I was not wrong for supporting Trump.

When you start from that fiction, it necessitates the belief in more fiction, and more fiction, and.........

Because if he is a self-serving, dishonest, conman, a fraud, a master manipulator of people, surrounded by felons, who constantly violated his oath of office in grotesque, unpatriotic ways, if he is all those things, and more, and he is, it makes you cultists colossal fools.

No one wants to admit that to themselves, let alone others. So the suspension of reality deepens. It's a defense mechanism.
The intellectually dishonest premise all Trump cultists center their belief system on is...............

I was not wrong for supporting Trump.

When you start from that fiction, it necessitates the belief in more fiction, and more fiction, and.........

Because if he is a self-serving, dishonest, conman, a fraud, a master manipulator of people, surrounded by felons, who constantly violated his oath of office in grotesque, unpatriotic ways, if he is all those things, and more, and he is, it makes you cultists colossal fools.

No one wants to admit that to themselves, let alone others. So the suspension of reality deepens. It's a defense mechanism.
Look at you retreating further and further away with every post. You’ve resorted to “Trump bad”, all-or-nothing.

Address the points/replies to your vague undetailed statements Or just leave.

"Let protestors into the building"................OK, how many? Of the estimated 2,500 to 3,000 people who illegally entered the Capitol on J6, just how many were invited in? many entered through battered down doors, or doors/windows illegally opened by the attackers? And was your 'let-in' phenomena merely undermanned, underarmed security guards retreating from an overwhelming mob, some amed with hammers, crowbars, lumber, MACE?

'Capitol Police escorted'....the goathead guy. One unarmed officer trailed Chansley, who was armed with a wooden staff. The officer told him to leave as the area was sort of 'sacred ground'. Would things have been different if the guard was armed? Been different if there was more than one officer to confront an obviously disturbed, emotional, and agitated nutter painted as a native Indian, and half-dressed in early January?

'Capitol Police Fired upon the crowd' ....... video shows crowd-control smoke or gas munitions be fired into a crowd. to disperse them. An illegally assembled crowd that had tore down police barricades, a crowd that, like the other segments of that huge throng threatened to overrun police lines, and savagely beat the was clearly being done nearby.....and that site commanders were aware of. Yeah, 'crowd control' on that crowd. Duh!

'Hundreds of FBI....dressed as MAGA incited violence inside the Capitol'.....Prove it. Show the forum credible sourced evidence that such is the case. Lest, the forum think the poster Sea7, is just another all talk, no walk, poppinjay who shoots his mouth off whenever he feels he needs attention. So, prove it, Sea7. Show. Or go.

'Pelosi refused the NG'....prove it, Sea7. For the same reasons as above. Show the forum that you have credibility, gravitas, and a sense of responsibility.

Look, here's the real deal, poster Sea7...anybody who is posting anonymously under a fake name on an American social media site, can make any cockamamie allegation they wish. They got no skin in the game.
If you think you have solid, creditable, sourced facts.......well, right now Sea7, would be a great time to offer it to the forum. Prove you have a sense of responsibility. A degree of gravitas. That you ain't just an empty suit with another shallow sketchy conspiracy. Don't be Alex Jones.

Batter up, mi amigo.
I want to know WHO GAVE THE ORDERS??????????????????????
-The Capitol Police ESCORTED the buffalo guy INTO and OUT OF the SENATE CHAMBER
-The Capitol Police FIRED ON the crowd OUTSIDE
-HUNDREDS of FBI cosplayers dressed as MAGA incited violence INSIDE the BUILDING
-Nacy Pelosi DENIED Trump's request for the NG

It is crystal CLEAR that the riot was actually the FEDSURRECTION REICHSTAG FIRE that they planned for and WANTED!!!!!
YOur "facts" are light on actually facts.
-The Capitol Police ESCORTED the buffalo guy INTO and OUT OF the SENATE CHAMBER
-The Capitol Police FIRED ON the crowd OUTSIDE
-HUNDREDS of FBI cosplayers dressed as MAGA incited violence INSIDE the BUILDING

-Nancy Pelosi DENIED Trump's request for the NG

It is crystal CLEAR that the riot was actually the FEDSURRECTION REICHSTAG FIRE that they planned for and WANTED!!!!!
All true, as the facts come out.

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