Revisionists for POTUS!


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2008
Rep. Michele Bachmann, who officially announced yesterday in Iowa that she is running for president, appeared on “Good Morning America” Monday, where George Stephanopoulos attempted to clarify some of her previous statements.

Among them: Bachmann’s claim that “the Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence worked tirelessly to end slavery.”

“Now with respect, Congresswoman, that’s just not true,” Stephanopoulos said. “Many of them including Jefferson and Washington were actually slave holders and slavery didn’t end until the Civil War.”

Bachmann dodged the question, answering, “Well, you know what’s marvelous is that in this country and under our Constitution, we have the ability when we recognize that something is wrong to change it. And that’s what we did in our country. We changed it. We no longer have slavery. That’s a good thing. And what our Constitution has done for our nation, is to give us the basis of freedom unparalleled in the rest of the world.”

She goes on to claim that John Quincy Adams, who was a small boy during the Revolutionary War and did indeed eventually work to abolish slavery, should be counted as a “Founding Father.”

Watch the visibly distraught Stephanopoulos’ interview with the tea party candidate, in which she discusses the minimum wage, Sarah Palin and her foster children

Oh and, Christpoher Columbus won the moon race

and, and, Martin Luther King started a bus company with Rosa Parks

Einstien found new elements in his shorts

and .... and ....and.....

FDR wore Hoover's dress in the first NYC gay parade....
This issue has been explored already.

The woman's an idiot if everything I read about what she said is true.

She's a shu-in for the GOP's know-nothing wing.
This issue has been explored already.

The woman's an idiot if everything I read about what she said is true.

She's a shu-in for the GOP's know-nothing wing.

Actually..she's not an idiot..and those who don't take her seriously are doomed to be crushed by her.

She's code talking for the base. And she could very well win the nomination.
actually shes right. read anything regarding slavery by adams, washington, jefferson, etc. especially jefferson who owned slaves but understood the institution to be barbaric and inhumane in his own writings. the constitution was designed for a united states that would end slavery eventually and it happened. even lincoln AND douglas credited the founders for writing the constitution as a path to end slavery in their own writing. its not revisionist its just bringing truth back from the revisionist FDR generation. read the first hand sources, guys, instead of the secondary nonsense with political bias.

if i am wrong quote me a primary source written by any founding father saying slavery should exist forever and ill look into it.
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actually shes right. read anything regarding slavery by adams, washington, jefferson, etc. especially jefferson who owned slaves but understood the institution to be barbaric and inhumane in his own writings. the constitution was designed for a united states that would end slavery eventually and it happened. even lincoln AND douglas credited the founders for writing the constitution as a path to end slavery in their own writing. its not revisionist its just bringing truth back from the revisionist FDR generation. read the first hand sources, guys, instead of the secondary nonsense with political bias.

if i am wrong quote me a primary source written by any founding father saying slavery should exist forever and ill look into it.

Liberal Dictionary:
Revisionism - telling facts liberals don't like.
What do you expect American Marxists to do, run on their stellar record the last 2 years?
This issue has been explored already.

The woman's an idiot if everything I read about what she said is true.

She's a shu-in for the GOP's know-nothing wing.

Actually..she's not an idiot..and those who don't take her seriously are doomed to be crushed by her.

She's code talking for the base. And she could very well win the nomination.

actually shes right. read anything regarding slavery by adams, washington, jefferson, etc. especially jefferson who owned slaves but understood the institution to be barbaric and inhumane in his own writings. the constitution was designed for a united states that would end slavery eventually and it happened. even lincoln AND douglas credited the founders for writing the constitution as a path to end slavery in their own writing. its not revisionist its just bringing truth back from the revisionist FDR generation. read the first hand sources, guys, instead of the secondary nonsense with political bias.

if i am wrong quote me a primary source written by any founding father saying slavery should exist forever and ill look into it.

People don't seem to know that in many places, the law prohibited a person from simply freeing all their slaves en masse, whatever that person thought of the institution.

George Washington's will provided for all of his slaves to be freed when his wife, Martha, died. It also provided for the continued care and education of many of those former slaves, particularly the elderly ones, and for education and training for the children. For a man living in that time and that world, that's saying a great deal.

I wonder how many of us would be able to rise so far above our own society and conditioning?
Views of slaves and blacksJefferson inherited slaves as a child, and owned upwards of 700 different people at one time or another.[111] The historian Herbert E. Sloan says that Jefferson's debt prevented his freeing his slaves, but [112] Finkelman says that freeing slaves was "not even a mildly important goal" of Jefferson, who preferred to spend lavishly on luxury goods like wine and French chairs.[95]

Isaac Jefferson, ca. 1847, a blacksmith who worked as a slave on Jefferson's plantation. His interview was later published in 1842 as Memoirs of a Monticello Slave. His account provided details to historians about life at Monticello.[113]

According to historian Stephen Ambrose: "Jefferson, like all slaveholders and many others, regarded Negroes as inferior, childlike, untrustworthy and, of course, as property."[114] He believed they were inferior to whites in reasoning, mathematical comprehension, and imagination. Jefferson thought these "differences" were "fixed in nature" and was not dependent on their freedom or education.[100] He thought such differences created "innate inferiority of Blacks compared to Whites".

Jefferson did not believe that African Americans could live in American society as free people together with whites.[115] For a long-term solution, he thought that slaves should be freed after reaching maturity and having repaid their owner's investment; afterward, he thought they should be sent to African colonies in what he considered "repatriation", despite their being American-born. Otherwise, he thought the presence of free blacks would encourage a violent uprising by slaves' looking for freedom.[116] Jefferson expressed his fear of slave rebellion: "We have the wolf by the ears; and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other."[117]

In 1809, he wrote to Abbé Grégoire, whose book argued against Jefferson's claims of black inferiority in Notes on the State of Virginia. Jefferson said blacks had "respectable intelligence", but did not alter his views.[118][119] In August 1814 the planter Edward Coles and Jefferson corresponded about Coles' ideas on emancipation. Jefferson urged Coles not to free his slaves, but the younger man took all his slaves to the free state of Illinois and freed them.[95][120]

Thomas Jefferson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Washington was the only prominent, slaveholding Founding Father to emancipate his slaves. He did not free his slaves in his lifetime, however, but instead included a provision in his will to free his slaves upon the death of his wife. William Lee, Washington's longtime personal servant, was the only slave freed outright in the will. The will called for the ex-slaves to be provided for by Washington's heirs, the elderly ones to be clothed and fed, the younger ones to be educated and trained at an occupation. Washington did not own and could not emancipate the "dower slaves" at Mount Vernon.

Prior to 1782, Virginia law prohibited slave owners from emancipating slaves, the only exception being for "meritorious service" and only at the approval of the Governor and his council.[16][17] This law was repealed by the 1782 law allowing slave emancipation by will or deed.[18][19] Washington never manumitted any slaves by deed after the liberal 1782 law was passed, with the exception of his will.

Washington's failure to act publicly upon his growing private misgivings about slavery during his lifetime is seen by some historians as a tragically missed opportunity. The major reason Washington did not emancipate his slaves after the 1782 law and prior to his death was because of the financial costs involved. To circumvent this problem, in 1794 he quietly sought to sell off his western lands and lease his outlying farms in order to finance the emancipation of his slaves, but this plan fell through because enough buyers and renters could not be found. Also, Washington did not want to risk splitting the new nation apart over the slavery issue. "He did not speak out publicly against slavery", argues historian Dorothy Twohig, "because he did not wish to risk splitting apart the young republic over what was already a sensitive and divisive issue."[20]

George Washington and slavery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rob Weston has described modern scholarly views on Hamilton's attitude to slavery as viewing Hamilton as anything from a "steadfast abolitionist" to a "hypocrite"; Weston's view is that he was deeply ambivalent.

Alexander Hamilton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One of the richest men in the United States, Pierce Butler (Mease) squandered a fortune estimated at $700,000, but was saved from bankruptcy by the March 2–3, 1859 sale of his 436 slaves at Ten Broeck Racetrack, outside Savannah, Georgia — the largest single slave auction in American history.

Monroe owned dozens of slaves, and according to William Seale, took some of his slaves to serve him when he resided at the White House from 1817 to 1825; this was not unique, as other slave owning presidents also had the custom of bringing their slaves to work for them since there was no domestic staff provided for the presidents at that time.[48]
James Monroe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

so, what we have via a quick search is some advocacy for colonization, but no outright abolishonists (at least that i can find) pursuant to Michelle Quackman's quote>>>>>

the Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence worked tirelessly to end slavery.”
If in fact this were the case, it would seem to me that they would have led by example and NOT OWNED THEM AT ALL (not against the laws at the time either) ~S~
This issue has been explored already.

The woman's an idiot if everything I read about what she said is true.

She's a shu-in for the GOP's know-nothing wing.

Actually..she's not an idiot..and those who don't take her seriously are doomed to be crushed by her.

She's code talking for the base. And she could very well win the nomination.

Fair point, Sallow.

One who cynically panders to the ignorance of their base supporters is NOT an idiot.
Bachmann is just repeating a history that never was but is wished for by people who can only look back to some imaginary time and see the present as uncomfortable change. The Soviets and Communists were and are expert at this, ""We cannot predict the future, but the past is changing before our very eyes." Soviet radio reporting on the Politburo’s deliberations."" It is like the dysfunctional family that looks back and hides from itself the actual life they led. America has always had this dreamtime theory of the past, immigration in the late 19th century brought the same wish for a better past, even industrialism and the rise of the city created a yearning for simpler times that never were. If you google the topics you'll find revisionist history of all sorts, much tied to religious organizations. Bachmann is appealing to people who dislike the diversity of America, but can't say it out loud today so they change the topic.
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This issue has been explored already.

The woman's an idiot if everything I read about what she said is true.

She's a shu-in for the GOP's know-nothing wing.

Judging by what you post in this forum, you're an idiot.
I've got news for you, dipstick: Abraham Lincoln believed the same thing. He was even willing to enshrine the institution of slavery into the Constitution if it prevented the Southern States from seceding and forced them to pay his hated tariffs. Lincoln continually schemed to ship slaves off to any country that would take them.

Most people in the North felt the same way about black people. They did not fight the Civil War to free the slaves.

Views of slaves and blacksJefferson inherited slaves as a child, and owned upwards of 700 different people at one time or another.[111] The historian Herbert E. Sloan says that Jefferson's debt prevented his freeing his slaves, but [112] Finkelman says that freeing slaves was "not even a mildly important goal" of Jefferson, who preferred to spend lavishly on luxury goods like wine and French chairs.[95]

Isaac Jefferson, ca. 1847, a blacksmith who worked as a slave on Jefferson's plantation. His interview was later published in 1842 as Memoirs of a Monticello Slave. His account provided details to historians about life at Monticello.[113]

According to historian Stephen Ambrose: "Jefferson, like all slaveholders and many others, regarded Negroes as inferior, childlike, untrustworthy and, of course, as property."[114] He believed they were inferior to whites in reasoning, mathematical comprehension, and imagination. Jefferson thought these "differences" were "fixed in nature" and was not dependent on their freedom or education.[100] He thought such differences created "innate inferiority of Blacks compared to Whites".

Jefferson did not believe that African Americans could live in American society as free people together with whites.[115] For a long-term solution, he thought that slaves should be freed after reaching maturity and having repaid their owner's investment; afterward, he thought they should be sent to African colonies in what he considered "repatriation", despite their being American-born. Otherwise, he thought the presence of free blacks would encourage a violent uprising by slaves' looking for freedom.[116] Jefferson expressed his fear of slave rebellion: "We have the wolf by the ears; and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other."[117]

In 1809, he wrote to Abbé Grégoire, whose book argued against Jefferson's claims of black inferiority in Notes on the State of Virginia. Jefferson said blacks had "respectable intelligence", but did not alter his views.[118][119] In August 1814 the planter Edward Coles and Jefferson corresponded about Coles' ideas on emancipation. Jefferson urged Coles not to free his slaves, but the younger man took all his slaves to the free state of Illinois and freed them.[95][120]

Thomas Jefferson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I read the diaries, letters, and autobiographies of most of the founders, and I know what I the time it was impossible but they desired a country without slavery and that is what matters. Fact of the matter is if during the revolutionary era they tried to ban it, the south would not sign the pact to join as one was worth kicking the can down the road to secure one nation. any clear thinking person can see this. they were ahead of their time. These are Frederick Douglass's words paraphrased, not mine.

since the dude with the weird robot avatar loves wikipedia, I will return the favor...

Douglass refines his ideology
In 1851, Douglass merged the North Star with Gerrit Smith's Liberty Party Paper to form Frederick Douglass' Paper, which was published until 1860. Douglass came to agree with Smith and Lysander Spooner that the United States Constitution was an anti-slavery document.

This reversed his earlier agreement with William Lloyd Garrison that it was pro-slavery. Garrison had publicly expressed his opinion by burning copies of the document. Further contributing to their growing separation, Garrison was worried that the North Star competed with his own National Anti-Slavery Standard and Marius Robinson's Anti-Slavery Bugle. Douglass' change of position on the Constitution was one of the most notable incidents of the division in the abolitionist movement after the publication of Spooner's book The Unconstitutionality of Slavery in 1846. This shift in opinion, and other political differences, created a rift between Douglass and Garrison. Douglass further angered Garrison by saying that the Constitution could and should be used as an instrument in the fight against slavery.
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This issue has been explored already.

The woman's an idiot if everything I read about what she said is true.

She's a shu-in for the GOP's know-nothing wing.

Actually..she's not an idiot..and those who don't take her seriously are doomed to be crushed by her.

She's code talking for the base. And she could very well win the nomination.

Only idiots understand her.

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